Kyle Rittenhouse trial...already disproving SO MANY LIES from the left

If I had been carrying concealed, (as I have a permit for), and had seen anyone carrying a rifle into a demonstration, I would have immediately shot and killed them.
You just do NOT do that.
No one has ever before carried a rifle into a demonstration, unless they intended to commit murder and deserved to be shot.
That is why beyond what anyone consider reasonable.
The only time one has a right to open carry in demonstration, is if you are clearly defending defined property, like the Korean grocers on their roof tops, during the LA riots.

And you would go to prison for the rest of your can't just shoot people...

How about the Dallas march where people carried slung rifles and know, the one where the blm supporter shot and murdered 6 police was a demonstration, and lots of people in the crowd had rifles...and pistols on open display...

Or the guys in Michigan who went into the Capitol building with their rifles......they didn't shoot anyone either.........

Those three criminals started all of the violence.....they deserved what they got...
No he does not.
If he "carried one all the time", that would mean he carried a rifle with him into restaurants, WalMart, the library, court rooms, airports, in bed at nights, etc.
Army medics in war are different.
They are soldiers first, and medics second.
Oh, for the fucking love of God.

When I referred to him as a "combat medic" I guess I assumed that people here were smart enough to understand that when he was on patrol with his unit.

You've proven me wrong, as it's clear you're nowhere near that intelligent...
No. It is documented. He had just been released from the hospital and they dropped him off there.

And so what??? You think because he was mentally ill he had a right to kill Rittenhouse, and the kid was a criminal for defending himself??? Stick to deleting posts in threads your troll buddies post that makes them cry.
If I had been carrying concealed, (as I have a permit for), and had seen anyone carrying a rifle into a demonstration, I would have immediately shot and killed them.
You just do NOT do that.
No one has ever before carried a rifle into a demonstration, unless they intended to commit murder and deserved to be shot.
That is why beyond what anyone consider reasonable.
The only time one has a right to open carry in demonstration, is if you are clearly defending defined property, like the Korean grocers on their roof tops, during the LA riots.

No one has ever before carried a rifle into a demonstration, unless they intended to commit murder and deserved to be shot

The marchers in this demonstration carried slung rifles and don't know what you are talking about...
And so what??? You think because he was mentally ill he had a right to kill Rittenhouse, and the kid was a criminal for defending himself??? Stick to deleting posts in threads your troll buddies post that makes them cry.
Apparently it mattered enough for you to whine about it.

Awarded to those who chased a man with a gun saying they are going to kill him. Mental or not he got the Darwin Award.


Maybe you leftist Fkrs shouldn't have been gas lighting the country inciting riots. Protests my ass.
I don't think so.. He should get 20 years at least.

Maybe less on the idea he might grow out of it?
He was only 17 at the time.
Some people are still reading comic books and have unreal views of the world at that age.
Maybe less on the idea he might grow out of it?
He was only 17 at the time.
Some people are still reading comic books and have unreal views of the world at that age.

With good behavior he wouldn't serve 20. isn't......chasing down and attacking the guy with the rifle, after saying you would kill him and then lunging for his rifle is extremely violent.

Not really.
It is normal to find a person openly carrying a rifle at a demonstration, to be extremely offensive, provocative, dangerous, and intimidating.
An unarmed person is not a deadly threat, in comparison.
They were at very close range.
A normal person would have not killed, but fired warning shots, shots to extremities, etc. , if they actually felt threatened.
Killing 2 and wounding a third is not self defense.
Is it disgusting when the left lies to push their agenda.

Think about it. These disgusting pieces of shit would love to watch Kyle FRY to push their communist agenda.

You see how quick the Libs lied about that kid? They LIE about everything but you hear complete silence about Joe pooping his pants, Joe giving $450,000 to illegals for bringing their rug rat kids along for the journey, Joe's son with the crack pipe in his mouth and (where did all that money go Hunter) up your nose?
You see how quick the Libs lied about that kid? They LIE about everything but you hear complete silence about Joe pooping his pants, Joe giving $450,000 to illegals for bringing their rug rat kids along for the journey, Joe's son with the crack pipe in his mouth and (where did all that money go Hunter) up your nose?

The $450K is a Fox News lie.
If I had been carrying concealed, (as I have a permit for), and had seen anyone carrying a rifle into a demonstration, I would have immediately shot and killed them.
You just do NOT do that.
No one has ever before carried a rifle into a demonstration, unless they intended to commit murder and deserved to be shot.
That is why beyond what anyone consider reasonable.
The only time one has a right to open carry in demonstration, is if you are clearly defending defined property, like the Korean grocers on their roof tops, during the LA riots.
Kyle was defending a car lot.

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