Kyle Rittenhouse trial...already disproving SO MANY LIES from the left

You have obviously not watched the trial. Or if you have there is some underlying reason you feel the way you do.

we won't agree. lets just wait and see what the jury says.

That's all we can do, but correct, I didn't watch any of the trial. I read a few articles on it and watched the video.
He killed 3 violent rioters who were setting fires...and who followed him and then violently attacked him.....had they left him alone, they would be alive since he didn't initiate any violence

Where's your proof they were violent protestors? The kid was played by violent rhetoric and traveled from another state to a protest with a rifle.
My assumption is that most everyone setting fires and looting like these 3 who got shot were criminals/druggies before that night. It is no accident that all three had criminal records, I would expect them too given their actions that day. I am pretty sure most of anti-fa are like hitlers thugs, a collection of druggies and criminals like socialists always collect and use to terrorize cities.

I don't understand how they would not be assumed criminals given their actions that day. If I see an adult man openingly committing crimes, I going to assume that he has committed plenty of crimes before that point.

There was zero evidence the 3 shot had set any fires or had done any looting.
In fact, they could not have.
To set fires would require carrying incendiaries and looting would require containers of loot.
That's all we can do, but correct, I didn't watch any of the trial. I read a few articles on it and watched the video.
I honestly think if you watched the 4 days of the trial so far you would feel differently. I dont know that for sure but the states witnesses have been a DISASTER.......for.......THE STATE.

anyway.....lets see how this plays out. There always a chance there are jurors that feel the way you feel.
I don't know how.

Open carry​

Open carry is legal anywhere concealed carry is legal. It is legal for all adults unless they are prohibited from possession of firearms. Wisconsin state law 948.60(2)(a) states: "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor."

Except rifles........again, the expert on Self Defense law at Legal Insurrection states that charge should have been dropped and it is still possible it might be dropped...

There also remained some additional jury instruction questions not yet resolved as of t is morning. This first is with respect to Count 6 in the criminal charge, which is weapons possession charge, a misdemeanor offense.

My own reading of the convoluted statutory structure for this offense is that it is inapplicable to the facts of this case—that Kyle’s circumstances exempt him from application of the weapons statute in question. That’s also the defense position in this case. The state, naturally disagrees.

The problem is that Judge Schroeder has yet to decide how to settle this dispute—and until it is settled one cannot know how to instruct the jury on the gun charge, assuming the charge ought not be dismissed outright (as I, and the defense, believe).

There was zero evidence the 3 shot had set any fires or had done any looting.
In fact, they could not have.
To set fires would require carrying incendiaries and looting would require containers of loot.

Two of them were felons.....and the other guy was at the riot....

And.....they violently attacked he was running away.....

They not only initiated the violence, they pursued him after he tried to retreat...that alone takes away any defense they have in the case...

In a self defense situation, if the other guy breaks contact..if you become the are then at fault when any new violence happens....
I agree based on the actions of that day and them attacking him, he had every right to shoot them regardless of their criminal history. (But I still think killing off pedophiles is an excellent bonus. :) )

No one else was being attacked or shooting.
Why is it Rittenhouse was the only shooter?
Could it be that he was the only one openly carrying a rifle?
And there is no evidence anyone had to be killed.
Typically you fire a warning shot into the ground first.
But clearly Rittenhouse hit with each shot, and killed with 2 out of the 3 shots.
That does not at all sound like "self defense", and one can not claim self defense if one deliberately does things that make themselves targeted.
The only victim in this is Rittenhouse. They attacked him with the intent to KILL HIM.

Im not sure why some people cant understand that. Some underlying mental issue is all I can figure.

Look, I don't care who attacked who or who said what. My only point is he deliberately put himself in a confrontational situation, and even traveled from another state to do it. He knew it was going to be a problem evidenced by him stopping over a friends house to get an AK. Nobody would do that unless they highly suspected they would be using it.

My point is when you are carrying a firearm, you do anything possible to avoid using it, and this kid did just the opposite.
I don't know how.

Open carry​

Open carry is legal anywhere concealed carry is legal. It is legal for all adults unless they are prohibited from possession of firearms. Wisconsin state law 948.60(2)(a) states: "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor."

You know self defense law...........

When the other guy breaks contact......if you then pursue that guy and initiate more violence you are no longer innocent and defending yourself, you have become the bad guy...

Rittenhouse never initiated any violence.......all three of the other guys initiated violence against Rittenhouse who in all 3 attacks was moving away from them....they are the bad guys no matter if Rittenhouse made a bad decision in being there...
The left does nothing but lie as they know damn well that the truth is against them. They know damn well that antifa and the blm committed massive violence and destruction in our cities for months on end and that kyle rittenhouse was within his rights to use deadly force to defend himself.

There was no evidence he was threatened because no one else was pointing a gun or trying to stab him with knife or anything.
And you can't claim "self defense" when you cause the situation to happen in the first place.
What medic have you ever seen carrying a rifle?
Where's your proof they were violent protestors? The kid was played by violent rhetoric and traveled from another state to a protest with a rifle.

The fact that they violently attacked Rittenhouse who didn't initiate any violence on his own.....let's fucking start with that....

Then, you have the two violent felons...and the 3rd guy who was at the riot.........a riot..he wasn't collecting daisies..
He was defending property that would have been looted and destroyed. This is what happens when you crap on the police. The police fail to defend property and lives.

There were people who owned property who were defending it, but Rittenhouse was not on any property, was not defending any property, and was not wanted by anyone who did own any property.
There was no evidence he was threatened because no one else was pointing a gun or trying to stab him with knife or anything.
And you can't claim "self defense" when you cause the situation to happen in the first place. the actual witness who saw the first attack stated......the pedophile felon followed Rittenhouse, and then lunged and tried to grab his rifle....that is what the actual witness stated....after that guy said if caught any of those guys alone he was going to kill them......

If you followed the trial you would know this....
Two of them were felons.....and the other guy was at the riot....

And.....they violently attacked he was running away.....

They not only initiated the violence, they pursued him after he tried to retreat...that alone takes away any defense they have in the case...

In a self defense situation, if the other guy breaks contact..if you become the are then at fault when any new violence happens....

That is the case when the "other guy" is not a clear and present danger to everyone, by bringing a rifle to a demonstration.
What do you think would have happened to any of the DC Capital protestors if they had been carrying a rifle?
They would have instantly been shot by the police.

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