Kyle Rittenhouse was attacked "after" he had already shot someone in the head

First shooting
While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.

Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head.

Second shooting
Mr. Rittenhouse seems to make a phone call and then flees the scene. Several people chase him, some shouting, “That’s the shooter!”

As Mr. Rittenhouse is running, he trips and falls to the ground. He fires four shots as three people rush toward him. One person appears to be hit in the chest and falls to the ground. Another, who is carrying a handgun, is hit in the arm and runs away.

Mr. Rittenhouse’s gunfire is mixed in with the sound of at least 16 other gunshots that ring out during this time.

I've heard various comments from people, including Trump, that Kyle Rittenhouse was only "defending" himself from attacks. However, in reality, it appears that Rittenhouse was only attacked "after" he had already shot someone in the head.

View attachment 383306

You didn't know this?

I've known this the whole time.

That's the only reason why he was being chased, he shot and killed someone.


Then why was Aaron Danielson shot by your Fascists?
No one, outside of LEOs, had any business flashing a gun in that environment. Unless they were looking for trouble.

C'mon - get real. That kid was playing cop and was in WAY over his head. The militia and local police, and frankly that pissfuck Trump, should be held accountable for setting up such a dangerous situation.

He was fine. He proved he was not in over his head, when shit got real and he successfully defended himself.

Properly trained LEOs are able resolve situations without getting people killed. He had no such training, no such authority, and no business toting an assault rifle in the middle of a riot.

But now, you dems have a second chance.

You know I'm not a dem. Fuck you for suggesting otherwise.

Most are nowhere near that well trained.

And a 17 year old child is?

You have got to be kidding.

That child never went through the police training. He was just a child.

That child had no business illegally open carrying a weapon that night. He had no business crossing state lines with that weapon and had no business murdering 2 people.

You keep posting the most ridiculous things.
Why should a 17 year old have to walk around with an AR15 in the first place? Reading the evidence available, my conclusion is he was defending himself and his town.

That wasn't his town.

He was from Illinois not Wisconsin.

He wasn't defending himself. He was being chased because he murdered someone.

Then when someone caught up to him to stop him, he shot and murdered that person and shot and injured another.

He illegally had a weapon in public. It's illegal for a child to have a weapon in public or open carry in Wisconsin. Only an adult can do that.

Nothing about what he did that night was legal. He will be spending the rest of his life in prison because of it.

He works in Kenosha as a lifeguard you twit. Your infantile fantasies about him going to prison for defending himself from violent felons is just that, infantile based on nothing but your hatred for a good kid who killed some scumbags.
No one, outside of LEOs, had any business flashing a gun in that environment. Unless they were looking for trouble.

C'mon - get real. That kid was playing cop and was in WAY over his head. The militia and local police, and frankly that pissfuck Trump, should be held accountable for setting up such a dangerous situation.

He was fine. He proved he was not in over his head, when shit got real and he successfully defended himself.

Properly trained LEOs are able resolve situations without getting people killed. He had no such training, no such authority, and no business toting an assault rifle in the middle of a riot.

But now, you dems have a second chance.

You know I'm not a dem. Fuck you for suggesting otherwise.

Most are nowhere near that well trained.

And a 17 year old child is?

You have got to be kidding.

That child never went through the police training. He was just a child.

That child had no business illegally open carrying a weapon that night. He had no business crossing state lines with that weapon and had no business murdering 2 people.

You keep posting the most ridiculous things.

He was trying to put out a fire set by your arsonist friends. They decided to attack him for that and he killed two violent convicted rapists.

Isn't it amusing that YOU support violent rapists. You're a vile piece of shit.
He shot the first guy in the head when that guy crept up behind him and tried to take his rifle. He then called 911. THEN you thug Biden voters started chasing him down the street.

We've been over this many times. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Even if true - he should have been disarmed. Civilians should not be packing guns, let alone assault rifles, at protests for racial justice.

Wisconsin is an open carry state:

Wisconsin is an open carry state. This means that gun owners can carry a loaded gun in public. Gun owners do not need a permit or license to carry a gun in public. A person is considered to be “openly carrying” a gun when a casual observer can see the weapon.

So, this essentially says civilians can pack guns whereever they'd like.

Would you care to amend your claim ?

ADULTS can open carry anywhere they want. Anyone 18 and older can.

Not a child. That child was 17 years old.

Try another lie that one won't fly with those of us who are informed and don't lie.

View attachment 383574

The statement was about civilians, not minors.

That was the distinction.

I am sorry you can't see that.

As I pointed out in later posts, it was a Class A misdemeanor for K.R. to have a weapon.

BTW: Post 294 it was repeated again for your sake...seems you didn't read it. Can't help you there.

Have a nice day.
Why should a 17 year old have to walk around with an AR15 in the first place? Reading the evidence available, my conclusion is he was defending himself and his town.

That wasn't his town.

He was from Illinois not Wisconsin.

He wasn't defending himself. He was being chased because he murdered someone.

Then when someone caught up to him to stop him, he shot and murdered that person and shot and injured another.

He illegally had a weapon in public. It's illegal for a child to have a weapon in public or open carry in Wisconsin. Only an adult can do that.

Nothing about what he did that night was legal. He will be spending the rest of his life in prison because of it.
He was attacked first. Stop with the lefty lies.
No one, outside of LEOs, had any business flashing a gun in that environment. Unless they were looking for trouble.

C'mon - get real. That kid was playing cop and was in WAY over his head. The militia and local police, and frankly that pissfuck Trump, should be held accountable for setting up such a dangerous situation.

He was fine. He proved he was not in over his head, when shit got real and he successfully defended himself.

Properly trained LEOs are able resolve situations without getting people killed. He had no such training, no such authority, and no business toting an assault rifle in the middle of a riot.

But now, you dems have a second chance.

You know I'm not a dem. Fuck you for suggesting otherwise.

Most are nowhere near that well trained.

And a 17 year old child is?

You have got to be kidding.

That child never went through the police training. He was just a child.

That child had no business illegally open carrying a weapon that night. He had no business crossing state lines with that weapon and had no business murdering 2 people.

You keep posting the most ridiculous things.
And you keep lying.
Why should a 17 year old have to walk around with an AR15 in the first place? Reading the evidence available, my conclusion is he was defending himself and his town.

That wasn't his town.

He was from Illinois not Wisconsin.

He wasn't defending himself. He was being chased because he murdered someone.

Then when someone caught up to him to stop him, he shot and murdered that person and shot and injured another.

He illegally had a weapon in public. It's illegal for a child to have a weapon in public or open carry in Wisconsin. Only an adult can do that.

Nothing about what he did that night was legal. He will be spending the rest of his life in prison because of it.

He works in Kenosha as a lifeguard you twit. Your infantile fantasies about him going to prison for defending himself from violent felons is just that, infantile based on nothing but your hatred for a good kid who killed some scumbags.

First it was he worked a gas station that he was so called protecting.

Now you claim he worked as a lifeguard. So where is the pool? What pool was he protecting?

Working somewhere doesn't make it his community. He doesn't even live in the state much less the city of Kenosha or that community. He lives in Illinois. If you didn't know, Illinois is a totally different state from Wisconsin.

I couldn't get past the ridiculous lie in the first sentence. Once I read a lie I stop reading. I don't believe anything after the lie so there's no reason to keep reading what I don't believe.

I read that he worked at a pool in Illinois last year and doesn't work there now.

Provide proof he worked at a pool in Kenosha, where that pool was and why he was protecting it.
Why should a 17 year old have to walk around with an AR15 in the first place? Reading the evidence available, my conclusion is he was defending himself and his town.

That wasn't his town.

He was from Illinois not Wisconsin.

He wasn't defending himself. He was being chased because he murdered someone.

Then when someone caught up to him to stop him, he shot and murdered that person and shot and injured another.

He illegally had a weapon in public. It's illegal for a child to have a weapon in public or open carry in Wisconsin. Only an adult can do that.

Nothing about what he did that night was legal. He will be spending the rest of his life in prison because of it.

He works in Kenosha as a lifeguard you twit. Your infantile fantasies about him going to prison for defending himself from violent felons is just that, infantile based on nothing but your hatred for a good kid who killed some scumbags.

First it was he worked a gas station that he was so called protecting.

Now you claim he worked as a lifeguard. So where is the pool? What pool was he protecting?

Working somewhere doesn't make it his community. He doesn't even live in the state much less the city of Kenosha or that community. He lives in Illinois. If you didn't know, Illinois is a totally different state from Wisconsin.

I couldn't get past the ridiculous lie in the first sentence. Once I read a lie I stop reading. I don't believe anything after the lie so there's no reason to keep reading what I don't believe.

I read that he worked at a pool in Illinois last year and doesn't work there now.

Provide proof he worked at a pool in Kenosha, where that pool was and why he was protecting it.

Wow, how can you be so ignorant. Look dearie. There are plenty of threads about the case. Go read up on them so you are current. Your ignorance is appalling.
Why should a 17 year old have to walk around with an AR15 in the first place? Reading the evidence available, my conclusion is he was defending himself and his town.

That wasn't his town.

He was from Illinois not Wisconsin.

He wasn't defending himself. He was being chased because he murdered someone.

Then when someone caught up to him to stop him, he shot and murdered that person and shot and injured another.

He illegally had a weapon in public. It's illegal for a child to have a weapon in public or open carry in Wisconsin. Only an adult can do that.

Nothing about what he did that night was legal. He will be spending the rest of his life in prison because of it.

He works in Kenosha as a lifeguard you twit. Your infantile fantasies about him going to prison for defending himself from violent felons is just that, infantile based on nothing but your hatred for a good kid who killed some scumbags.

First it was he worked a gas station that he was so called protecting.

Now you claim he worked as a lifeguard. So where is the pool? What pool was he protecting?

Working somewhere doesn't make it his community. He doesn't even live in the state much less the city of Kenosha or that community. He lives in Illinois. If you didn't know, Illinois is a totally different state from Wisconsin.

I couldn't get past the ridiculous lie in the first sentence. Once I read a lie I stop reading. I don't believe anything after the lie so there's no reason to keep reading what I don't believe.

I read that he worked at a pool in Illinois last year and doesn't work there now.

Provide proof he worked at a pool in Kenosha, where that pool was and why he was protecting it.
Provide proof you are human.
First it was he worked a gas station that he was so called protecting.
You just said a couple posts ago that it wasn't his city. As if the riots had no effect on him, and then say that he was outside is place of work a couple posts later?

You're a political hack aren't you? I actually prefer to think of you just as an immorally motivated person than being this kind of stupid.
He did not live in that town.
No, he lived a short distance away. but he was a lifeguard in Kenosha, was helping the local school remove graffiti and volunteered to protect a business. As opposed to the felons and thugs who attacked him and were shot for it.

He was not attacked, he was out after curfew and it was illegal for him to have that weapon. You talk your shit, but your boy killed 2 other whites and shot a third in the arm causing him to lose his arm. Those were the felons and thugs you are talking about. This is an example of white on white killing.
He shot people who were chasing him down, and beating on him, so don't lie when we can see what was going on. Geez, it's not rocket science. If you assualt someone and try and forcibly take away their loaded rifle, you will be shot, don't be stupid.
That they were felons and thugs, possibly not even citizens who lived in the area, who came to Kenosha to fuck people up, burn and loot.
And you have proof of any of these victims doing any of this?
These victims were felons and criminals, who did not live in Kenosha, they chased a man down and tried to beat him and grab his weapon away from him. What else do you need to know?
That they were felons and thugs, possibly not even citizens who lived in the area, who came to Kenosha to fuck people up, burn and loot.
And you have proof of any of these victims doing any of this?
These victims were felons and criminals, who did not live in Kenosha, they chased a man down and tried to beat him and grab his weapon away from him. What else do you need to know?
Why in the holy fuck did the police think it would be smart to turn an untrained teenager loose in a riot with an assault rifle? That's what I'd like to know. Someone fucked up. Bigly.
First shooting
While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.

Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head.

Second shooting
Mr. Rittenhouse seems to make a phone call and then flees the scene. Several people chase him, some shouting, “That’s the shooter!”

As Mr. Rittenhouse is running, he trips and falls to the ground. He fires four shots as three people rush toward him. One person appears to be hit in the chest and falls to the ground. Another, who is carrying a handgun, is hit in the arm and runs away.

Mr. Rittenhouse’s gunfire is mixed in with the sound of at least 16 other gunshots that ring out during this time.

I've heard various comments from people, including Trump, that Kyle Rittenhouse was only "defending" himself from attacks. However, in reality, it appears that Rittenhouse was only attacked "after" he had already shot someone in the head.

View attachment 383306

Bullshit. The video evidence is extremely clear. He killed the child rapist when he tried to take his rifle away from him. One shot, point blank, dead pedo. Good riddance.

How many times have we seen the left attack Kyle saying he was 17 so he couldn't have that rifle, but not once did any of them mention that this sex offender couldn't legally possess the rifle he was trying to take.
Or the fact that the one that got shot in the arm had a an illegal firearm and was going to shoot the kid that was simply defending himself? So only protesters can violate curfew? Only protestors can be armed and chase those that they don't like in order to assault them?
Citizens were trying to PREVENT the terrorist Rittenhouse from escaping after just blowing off an innocent American's head clean off his shoulders in public. Then he shot a few and killed one more American patriot trying to do their civic duty and keep other Americans safe.

Rittenhouse is TOAST, that little bastard will FRY for this.

Trump will pardon him and you’re going to lose your racist mind.

^^^ ShortBus thinks Impeached Trump can pardon folks convicted by states. :lmao:

At least you agree the teen murderer is guilty.
Did my post not say it was illegal ?
I didn't say it was, I'm simply posing the question.

Was it legal for the Rittenhouse terrorist, to carry arms in public?

Then why repeat the question ?

It was NOT legal for him to have the gun as stated in the artcile.....although some in that article argue it might have been.

The article says it is a class A misdemeansor.
That makes it a crime.

939.48  Self-defense and defense of others
(b) The presumption described in par. (ar) does not apply if any of the following applies:
1. The actor was engaged in a criminal activity...​
Rittenhouse was a self-styled vigilante who murdered two unarmed protesters. That's what matters legally. Rittenhouse crossed state lines with an illegal weapon.

You do realize that, r
Rittenhouse was a self-styled vigilante who murdered two unarmed protesters. That's what matters legally. Rittenhouse crossed state lines with an illegal weapon.

You are retarded. IT was clearly self defense.

When you tell black men that rittenhouse was in the wrong, you are encouraging them to get themselves killed.

You do realize that, right?

Rittenhouse was a self-styled vigilante who murdered two unarmed protesters. That's what matters legally. Rittenhouse crossed state lines with an illegal weapon.

You are retarded. IT was clearly self defense.

When you tell black men that rittenhouse was in the wrong, you are encouraging them to get themselves killed.

You do realize that, right?

Just out of curiosity, How would you know what black men are "encouraged by"?

Because I am a man, and i can see that someone telling me that I have the right to attack people and it is wrong of them to defend themselves against me, is an encouragement of me to commit such violence, and thus place myself in danger.

Why would you think that I could NOT know that? Because black men are such a different species that they are incomprehensible to a white guy?

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