Kyle Rittenhouse, White or Hispanic?

He’s a damn mutt like most born in the States…

Kyle is just like George Zimmerman and the left only saw the name and never realized what idiots they are when they scream “ Honky is White Nazi Supremacist “…
A Irish American online aquaintance of mine told me Rittenhouse is Hispanic?
"White Nazism" for America is sheer idiocy. "White Americans" are not nordids, they are almost all of the tanning type, most of them are brunettes, this is most likely the type that used to be called Turanian. Asian type. And the genetics are Asian too. And there is nothing wrong with that.

White rhetoric in America is not really in the interests of the Americans, but in the interests of the Eurocentrists of the East Coast and the left who want to finally kill the American nation.
Incidentally, it is the Irish who are least of all similar to the Americans. I would rather call a Latino American than Irish


This is in no way perceived associatively by those real Americans that I see
Moreover, Hispanics are also not Spanish, this is also a lie. And many Hispanics are "white" in the American sense of the word.
I think he is from Whogivesashitland
The democrat party is who cares, calling him a white supremacist

But he shot some white guys, which makes their claims nonsensical.

We have become used to the nonsensical race garbage from these loons though. Everyone they disagree with or don't like becomes this white supremacist monster that lives under everyone's bed at night.
Carmen Diaz and Andy Garcia are white Hispanics.
What is "white" in this sense? Is Banderas white or not? If a person is white in winter and bronze in summer, is he white or black? In anthropology, the concept of white is applied only to the North German and similar type, a more general concept of this Caucasian, this does not apply to the American people.
I consider Americans to be identical to the Asians of the North Indian type, they have a common root with the Aryan peoples of Asia, and anthropology and genetics confirm this. The white race is identified by haplogroup I, it shares a common root with the Semites in macrogroup IJ, and these are completely different and very distant branches. Contrary to common stereotype this branch not come from protoaryans or protoindoeuropeans, this is oldeuropean group.
But even the Indo-European R branch, which is widespread in Europe, is represented in the United States only in the northeastern
The Americans settled on the continent from Siberia, after dividing the macrogroup P into branches, one of which is considered Indo-European R, and the other which is considered native-American Q. It is a sister group to Indo-Europeans. It is also possible that this branch, on the contrary, came from America to Asia
And besides, archeology confirms this. America and Siberia have traces of shamanism. This is the religion from which the Celtic Samhain originated, the horned god of witches, a good god who drove out the wicked old woman winter, from the European Celts. It comes from the Aryan cult of the Great Bull.
Therefore, I believe that cowboy culture does not originate from Europe, where it has no analogues anywhere except the Danube, which is also part of the Great Steppe. It is native American culture.

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