Kyle Rittenhouse, White or Hispanic?

And oddly enough, Hungarian shepherds are most similar in appearance to American cowboys.
They have hats, vests and boots. It is 100% connected. The Hungarians themselves come from the Jungars of Siberia and Central Asia, there was their country, Jungaria, apparently the Uighurs now directly inherit from them. The Uyghurs are similar to the Hungarians in apearence, but their culture has been destroyed in China. This is probably due to the Cumans and Oirats in Altay
The art of the rider, common to the horse-breeding cultural steppes, is also absent in Northern Europe, but it exists in America.

Such a huge number of coincidences cannot be mere coincidence. Moreover, they believe that the cowboy culture arose only a couple of hundred years ago from the colonists, it could not develop so much that it became completely identical to the Asian culture, from scratch.
The democrat party is who cares, calling him a white supremacist

But he shot some white guys, which makes their claims nonsensical.

We have become used to the nonsensical race garbage from these loons though. Everyone they disagree with or don't like becomes this white supremacist monster that lives under everyone's bed at night.
Your partisan attacks are boring… another product produced in whogivesashitland.

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