L.A. Politicians approve $3 million legal defense fund for illegals


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
City leaders continue their quest to achieve 100% SHITHOLE status for North Mexico (Southern California)
Congratulations taxpayers!
You're so lucky....you already have the pleasure of paying for their anchor babies health care, schooling, pit bulls...etc while mom and dad degrade every thing they come in contact with....and now you get to pay for their legal expenses to fight for their right to continue breaking our laws and stealing from REAL American taxpayers....makes perfect sense in that bizarre world....LIBTARDO LAND.
LA County leaders approve millions for legal fund for immigrants facing deportation
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They're on their way to Illinois Bankruptciville...Shhh... Don't get in their way.
They're on their way to Illinois Bankruptciville...Shhh... Don't get in their way.

I'm looking forward to watching legitimate, positive contributors flee North Mexico (Southern California) as it becomes a dirtier more lawless shithole by the day. As "high iQ" employee talent disappears and relocates so will big businesses....I wonder how long it will be before North Mexico is made up of nothing more than low iQ illegal human cockroaches, men in dresses, pole puffers, criminals and bottom feeders?
What else could they spend the money on besides making more lawyers richer?

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