L.A. Pride Event and Parade

It's not one in 4 kids in the US. It is taking the number of kids abused in the us and then breaking it down. a certain percentage are abused by stranger..the largest and then the percent of that group of kids abused by a family member. What's CPS do to solve this problem other than leaving the kids in the custody of the abuser? hmm?
1 in 4 GIRLS....90% by hetero male family members and friends. Clean your own house first.
1 in 4 GIRLS....90% by hetero male family members and friends. Clean your own house first.

One thing that gets me is Conservatives who call LGBT people "child molesters"

That makes them sound fucking crazy, especially when what they claim are debunked by cold hard facts that it is mostly straights who do the molesting.
There are old aunties who want nothing more than to live quietly and genteel-ly. But these ass waggers and the rest....they say they want to be accepted as normal..but they sexualize everything they do. THEY ruin it for the rest.
If you think that's the depths of what parents do, you've led a remarkably sheltered/ignorant life.
Dissembling is lefty's modus operandi.

Ever notice, folks, how lefty is always trying to deflect attention away from his general depravity while suggesting that those who oppose his filth are stupid? Stupid and deceitful degenerates like Zincwarrior routinely and quite unwittingly expose themselves for the fools that they are. It just flies right over their heads. Note how Zincwarrior's abject stupidity and deceitful ways are exposed with just a few well placed questions.

So you're saying that parents have done much worse than subject their children's minds to pornographic displays?​
Say it isn't so, Dorothy!​
Are you saying that the psychological molestation of children by parents is okay as long as they don't physically molest their children, sell them into sexual slavery, or beat their brains out?​
Were you raised by Kinseyans?​

I've been to gay pride parades in San Diego, in Long Beach, in San Francisco, in NYC, in Rochester NY and in Corpus Christi TX.....did you know that most of those in the parade are corporations, politicians, first responder groups, churches (yes churches), social groups, military veterans and a few bars?
So what's your point?
I mean, they single out LGBT and claim they corrupt children.

But they don't seem to talk about how straight people can corrupt kids.
Nonsense. More dissembling. Generally, all leftists have been brainwashed by the Kinseyans. You nincompoops are the sexual deviants corrupting innocence every day.
CPS in Arizona is corrupt. Whistleblowers tell of child sex abuse, torture and corruption of the system. I

The corruption in CPS is understandable though. You have leftists infiltrating everything turning it to sh*t for a certain agenda.
Sweden Calls Itself "The Humanitarian Superpower"

That's what happened to The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Even worse, because of the fatal consequences for all of us, she was persecuted for having a High-IQ. Don't expect the cure for cancer, etc., any time in our lifetime as long as geniuses are treated like freaks.

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