L.A. Pride Event and Parade

A Montana zoo faces backlash after scheduling a “Drag Queen Story Hour” for Pride month.

ZooMontana in Billings, Montana, has planned the June 22 event, upsetting some in the local community

“Why are we putting such a contentious issue right in the heart of that area?” the founder of the Montana Family Rights Alliance, Jenna McKinney, said Thursday in a video call.

“This is not appropriate. We really don’t appreciate this in our community and especially at this venue,” she added.

Despite concerns from McKinney and others, ZooMontana’s Director Jeff Ewelt has no plans to cancel the event. He sez: We have heard from many of you in regard to the 406 Pride Drag Queen Story Hour being held at the Zoo later this month. Let me be clear – ZooMontana prides itself in being inclusive of all living beings. 406 Pride is a respected and valued community asset, one we are proud to support and host at ZooMontana,” the director wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday.

He wants to be inclusive of all living beings. Shall we be seeing a Child sexual abuser story hour? Or perhaps just a plain old Murderer Story hour? How about a BESTIALITY Practitioner STORY HOUR. The possibilities are endless. you see......one has to have........discernment. Something that is very much lacking in many librarians and zoo managers.
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Drag queen offering lube to children and parents attending. ....let that sink in.....children...and parents....attending.

Please. Someone. give us the justification for this insanity.

There is nothing "family friendly" about the crap that these vile leftards put on display. It's nothing more than an attempt to desensitize children by what THEY deem "normal", and there is something seriously wrong with parents who want to expose their children to that kind of lifestyle and behaviors as well. :cuckoo:

You know what? This is too much. Okay . Have your fun but kids should not be involved. If the rest of the country wants to look like Californias homo/transpride parades/months...go for it. This is what we are talking about though. This is vile, it is filthy, it is demeaning. Y'all talk about not exploiting women? what do you think this is? and children. How is this right in any manner shape or form? I don't really expect an answer to that question.
Everybody is vying for the most vile and perverted. I'm issuing a warning on this one. NSFW. NS For anyone.

More DC. They deserve themselves. THEY are the ONES they've been waiting for. so good luck wit dat.

Last nite i attended a school board meeting about the right of parents to know if their kid is going to school as a boy and then changing into a dress at school. There was a lot of talk about these 'trans' kids feeling UNSAFE at home. Come to find out that feeling UNSAFE means that mommie and daddy do not consider it a good idea to pretend you are something you are not...and certainly no surgery for it. Now if you want to wear your dress at school and face mockery by the student body...(and remember...the student body has been subject to liberal indoctrination since kindegarten) try to figure out how that happening?????

I actually saw...young men so confused that they dressed and acted like young girls. NOT normal.
While we're at it....let's hear a little truth gleaned from experience by a mtf trans who submitted to bottom surgery. See just How HORRIFIC it is. No wonder Jazz is depressed and gaining tons.

THIS ain't the half of it. Small exerpt.

I tore a sutra(i think he means suture)4 days post recovery, they promised to address it, i begged them in emails to fix it, they scorned me instead.

Years later, I have what looks like a chunk of missing flesh next to my neo-vagina, it literally looks like someone hacked at me.

They still wont fix it
No one told me that the base area of your penis is left, it can't be removed - meaning you're left with a literal stump inside that twitches.

When you take Testosterone and your libido returns, you wake up with morning wood, without the tree.

I wish this was a joke
And if you do take testosterone after being post op, you run the risk of internal hair in the neo-vagina. Imagine dealing with internal hair growth after everything?

What a choice... be healthy on Testosterone and a freak, or remain a sexless eunuch.
And thats something that will never come back and one of the reason why i got surgery.

My sex drive died about 6 months on HRT and at the time I was glad to be rid of it, but now 10 years later, Im realising what im missing out on and what I won't get back.
Because even if i had a sex drive, my neo vagina is so narrow and small, i wouldn't even be able to have sex if i wanted too.

And when I do use a small dilator, I have random pockets of sensation that only seem to pick up pain, rather than pleasure.
Any pleasure I do get comes from the Prostate that was moved forward and wrapped in glands from the penis, meaning anal sex isnt possible and can risk further damage.
Then theres the dreams. I dream often, that I have both sets of genitals, in the dream I'm distressed I have both, why both I think? I tell myself to wake up because I know its just a dream.

And I awaken into a living nightmare.
In those moments of amnesia as I would wake, I would reach down to my crotch area expecting something that was there for 3 decades, and it's not.


THis is what parents, teachers, activists, doctors are doing to kids. YOUNG kids. and one day you might have to face a highly upset vengeful former patient former trans that you perpetrated this abomination onto. Note that the medicals did not treat him with dignity but with humor and ridicule and DID NOT FIX their mistakes.
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One would be too many. How many homofascist rallies have you been to?
I've been to gay pride parades in San Diego, in Long Beach, in San Francisco, in NYC, in Rochester NY and in Corpus Christi TX.....did you know that most of those in the parade are corporations, politicians, first responder groups, churches (yes churches), social groups, military veterans and a few bars?
How many gay pride parades have YOU been to? It's a simple question.

One thing i find funny is how prudes a person can be.

Like if a video game has violence, or there is a tv show with shooting or such, yet they don't bat a eye.

But as soon as a nipple or a boob is shown on tv, in public or the like. Then it's "think of the children"
Glad you wrote in 'gods'. There are plenty of them...they all have their temple prostitutes male and female, indulge in sex abuse of adults and children, sacrifice children on the altar of their gods,, cut themselves, abuse their own bodies...the cult of death.

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