LA Mayor Orders Face Masks. "My Body, My Choice"?

Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

First, we are told that the home made , less than N95 masks will do next to noting to block the virus.

So, what sense does it make to mandate them, anyway?

My understanding is that most masks would not prevent a person from getting the virus in many situations, because of the way it travels. The concern involved droplets, touching one's face, things like that. The masks can prevent those droplets from spreading if one is sick, however. So a mask won't help if you touch something with the virus and then touch your face, but they will help keep the virus from traveling from your mouth/nose to another surface that someone else might then touch.

I understand the thought / idea.

"Something is oft times better than nothing"

However, it defies logic.

A home-made mask is not going to block the virus traveling in either direction. Especially considering the forces behind a cough or sneeze and the velocity of the particles being expelled.

The physics do not support the claim that a low grade mask will have any significant deterrent affect on a sick person's ability to infect others.

You know, when it started to get a bit worse here in Amarillo, my roomie (who used to work at a hospital in the surgery suites), said that I needed to start wearing a mask when I went for groceries. She suggested a cloth one, and I told her no, because cloth won't filter very well. So, she looked around the house, and came up with a paper towel folded like a surgical mask, with another layer of kleenex behind the paper towel, taped the sides and used twine for the earholders. When I saw that one, I agreed to wear it.

Then, I came home, happy about my mask because it even blocked the pollen (I have really bad hayfever), and posted on here how to make one. Then, a member on here who likes to troll me got on the thread and started to make fun of them, saying they would never work, so I did some Google-fu and researched it.

The filtration ability of the most densely woven cloth goes down to only 1 micron, with many cloths being 10 microns or larger. No, cloth doesn't filter very well.

The filtration ability of paper towels is actually 0.3 microns, meaning it's gonna catch a whole bunch of stuff.

Kleenex (which was made for sneezes and viruses) is made like felt cloth, and the filtration ability for it is down to 0.1 microns. Incidentally, it also carries a static charge that causes viruses to stick to it and not go further.

The size of the virus is 0.1 microns. It can be filtered out by Kleenex.
Or, she could just keep her legs closed. Gee, what a concept.

So how long have you been with the InCel movement?

A mother IS an incubating machine, dipshit. Nature made that call, not me. Go outside and scream at the sky if you don't like it.

But not every woman wants to be a mother, that's the point. If you want to really go there, nature intended for women to have lots of babies because 2/3rds of them would die before reaching adulthood. We don't live in that world anymore.

How long have I been with the InCel movement? I dunno... ask my wife? Moron.

If the woman doesn't want to be a mother, don't engage in sex. It's no state secret that sex makes babies. No child deserves to die because you can't accept responsibility for your actions.
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

First, we are told that the home made , less than N95 masks will do next to noting to block the virus.

So, what sense does it make to mandate them, anyway?

My understanding is that most masks would not prevent a person from getting the virus in many situations, because of the way it travels. The concern involved droplets, touching one's face, things like that. The masks can prevent those droplets from spreading if one is sick, however. So a mask won't help if you touch something with the virus and then touch your face, but they will help keep the virus from traveling from your mouth/nose to another surface that someone else might then touch.

I understand the thought / idea.

"Something is oft times better than nothing"

However, it defies logic.

A home-made mask is not going to block the virus traveling in either direction. Especially considering the forces behind a cough or sneeze and the velocity of the particles being expelled.

The physics do not support the claim that a low grade mask will have any significant deterrent affect on a sick person's ability to infect others.

You know, when it started to get a bit worse here in Amarillo, my roomie (who used to work at a hospital in the surgery suites), said that I needed to start wearing a mask when I went for groceries. She suggested a cloth one, and I told her no, because cloth won't filter very well. So, she looked around the house, and came up with a paper towel folded like a surgical mask, with another layer of kleenex behind the paper towel, taped the sides and used twine for the earholders. When I saw that one, I agreed to wear it.

Then, I came home, happy about my mask because it even blocked the pollen (I have really bad hayfever), and posted on here how to make one. Then, a member on here who likes to troll me got on the thread and started to make fun of them, saying they would never work, so I did some Google-fu and researched it.

The filtration ability of the most densely woven cloth goes down to only 1 micron, with many cloths being 10 microns or larger. No, cloth doesn't filter very well.

The filtration ability of paper towels is actually 0.3 microns, meaning it's gonna catch a whole bunch of stuff.

Kleenex (which was made for sneezes and viruses) is made like felt cloth, and the filtration ability for it is down to 0.1 microns. Incidentally, it also carries a static charge that causes viruses to stick to it and not go further.

The size of the virus is 0.1 microns. It can be filtered out by Kleenex.

All well and good.

Now, how much do you trust that the 8 - 10 people you see in the isles of the local market actually made theirs as well as you described above?
Joe....Prog women have brought their instincts for running a house into the working and government world. There is only so much money that can be gotten from people to pay other people. If there was no violence I would understand. But the violence is worse then it was many decades ago.

If the woman doesn't want to be a mother, don't engage in sex. It's no state secret that sex makes babies. No child deserves to die because you can't accept responsibility for your actions.

Fetuses aren't babies.
Women have aborted unwanted Pregnancies since the time of Jesus.
Deal with it, you InCel fuck.
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

First, we are told that the home made , less than N95 masks will do next to noting to block the virus.

So, what sense does it make to mandate them, anyway?

My understanding is that most masks would not prevent a person from getting the virus in many situations, because of the way it travels. The concern involved droplets, touching one's face, things like that. The masks can prevent those droplets from spreading if one is sick, however. So a mask won't help if you touch something with the virus and then touch your face, but they will help keep the virus from traveling from your mouth/nose to another surface that someone else might then touch.

I understand the thought / idea.

"Something is oft times better than nothing"

However, it defies logic.

A home-made mask is not going to block the virus traveling in either direction. Especially considering the forces behind a cough or sneeze and the velocity of the particles being expelled.

The physics do not support the claim that a low grade mask will have any significant deterrent affect on a sick person's ability to infect others.

You know, when it started to get a bit worse here in Amarillo, my roomie (who used to work at a hospital in the surgery suites), said that I needed to start wearing a mask when I went for groceries. She suggested a cloth one, and I told her no, because cloth won't filter very well. So, she looked around the house, and came up with a paper towel folded like a surgical mask, with another layer of kleenex behind the paper towel, taped the sides and used twine for the earholders. When I saw that one, I agreed to wear it.

Then, I came home, happy about my mask because it even blocked the pollen (I have really bad hayfever), and posted on here how to make one. Then, a member on here who likes to troll me got on the thread and started to make fun of them, saying they would never work, so I did some Google-fu and researched it.

The filtration ability of the most densely woven cloth goes down to only 1 micron, with many cloths being 10 microns or larger. No, cloth doesn't filter very well.

The filtration ability of paper towels is actually 0.3 microns, meaning it's gonna catch a whole bunch of stuff.

Kleenex (which was made for sneezes and viruses) is made like felt cloth, and the filtration ability for it is down to 0.1 microns. Incidentally, it also carries a static charge that causes viruses to stick to it and not go further.

The size of the virus is 0.1 microns. It can be filtered out by Kleenex.

All well and good.

Now, how much do you trust that the 8 - 10 people you see in the isles of the local market actually made theirs as well as you described above?

That is why it is built like it is. The Kleenex will catch the virus and trap it under the paper towel. My mask wasn't made to keep others safe, it was made to keep ME safe. And, to tell you the truth, I think it works pretty well. If others want to wear cloth masks which don't filter to keep them safe, their choice. But, also, when I see someone in the store and we start talking, I tell them about my mask, how I made it, and why I did. I also tell them how to look up micron ratings for various materials on Google.

And, if you are going to make a mask, I recommend finding out how far down the filtration goes in microns. Anything over 1 micron is totally useless. 0.3 is what most masks filter down to, and 0.1 is the size of the virus.
If the woman doesn't want to be a mother, don't engage in sex. It's no state secret that sex makes babies. No child deserves to die because you can't accept responsibility for your actions.

Fetuses aren't babies.
Women have aborted unwanted Pregnancies since the time of Jesus.
Deal with it, you InCel fuck.

Fetuses are babies. Stomp your feet and say otherwise until you're blue in the face, DNA says you're wrong. And it will always say you're wrong.

And don't worry - I already deal with it. Every pro-life politician I can vote for, I do. Every pro-life organization I can donate to, I do. And there isn't fuck all you can do about it, baby killer.
If the woman doesn't want to be a mother, don't engage in sex. It's no state secret that sex makes babies. No child deserves to die because you can't accept responsibility for your actions.

Fetuses aren't babies.
Women have aborted unwanted Pregnancies since the time of Jesus.
Deal with it, you InCel fuck.

Fetuses are babies. Stomp your feet and say otherwise until you're blue in the face, DNA says you're wrong. And it will always say you're wrong.

And don't worry - I already deal with it. Every pro-life politician I can vote for, I do. Every pro-life organization I can donate to, I do. And there isn't fuck all you can do about it, baby killer.

It depends on the definition you use. Sometimes a fetus can be called a baby, sometimes not. I don't know what DNA has to do with it, though. DNA might say a fetus or baby is human, it might say it is male or female, it might say who the parents are, it might say all sorts of things, but not which term is the proper one to use. :dunno:
Fetuses are babies. Stomp your feet and say otherwise until you're blue in the face, DNA says you're wrong. And it will always say you're wrong.

Fetuses aren't viable outside the womb. Therefore, they aren't babies.

And don't worry - I already deal with it. Every pro-life politician I can vote for, I do. Every pro-life organization I can donate to, I do. And there isn't fuck all you can do about it, baby killer.

Abortion will still be legal in 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, no matter how often you put religious assholes in office.


How is it no matter how many Republicans you elect, Abortion always stays legal, but the RICH always get their tax cuts.

You being played, son!
Fetuses are babies. Stomp your feet and say otherwise until you're blue in the face, DNA says you're wrong. And it will always say you're wrong.

Fetuses aren't viable outside the womb. Therefore, they aren't babies.

And don't worry - I already deal with it. Every pro-life politician I can vote for, I do. Every pro-life organization I can donate to, I do. And there isn't fuck all you can do about it, baby killer.

Abortion will still be legal in 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, no matter how often you put religious assholes in office.


How is it no matter how many Republicans you elect, Abortion always stays legal, but the RICH always get their tax cuts.

You being played, son!

Infants aren't viable outside the womb either, shit for brains. Should we be able to kill them too?
If the woman doesn't want to be a mother, don't engage in sex. It's no state secret that sex makes babies. No child deserves to die because you can't accept responsibility for your actions.

Fetuses aren't babies.
Women have aborted unwanted Pregnancies since the time of Jesus.
Deal with it, you InCel fuck.

Fetuses are babies. Stomp your feet and say otherwise until you're blue in the face, DNA says you're wrong. And it will always say you're wrong.

And don't worry - I already deal with it. Every pro-life politician I can vote for, I do. Every pro-life organization I can donate to, I do. And there isn't fuck all you can do about it, baby killer.

It depends on the definition you use. Sometimes a fetus can be called a baby, sometimes not. I don't know what DNA has to do with it, though. DNA might say a fetus or baby is human, it might say it is male or female, it might say who the parents are, it might say all sorts of things, but not which term is the proper one to use. :dunno:

DNA says the fetus is human. It doesn't come back and say "mass of tissue" or "blob of cells" or "parasitic tapeworm" or any of the other psycho-babble the left likes to use to dehumanize the unborn. It says HUMAN. Period.
If the woman doesn't want to be a mother, don't engage in sex. It's no state secret that sex makes babies. No child deserves to die because you can't accept responsibility for your actions.

Fetuses aren't babies.
Women have aborted unwanted Pregnancies since the time of Jesus.
Deal with it, you InCel fuck.

Fetuses are babies. Stomp your feet and say otherwise until you're blue in the face, DNA says you're wrong. And it will always say you're wrong.

And don't worry - I already deal with it. Every pro-life politician I can vote for, I do. Every pro-life organization I can donate to, I do. And there isn't fuck all you can do about it, baby killer.

It depends on the definition you use. Sometimes a fetus can be called a baby, sometimes not. I don't know what DNA has to do with it, though. DNA might say a fetus or baby is human, it might say it is male or female, it might say who the parents are, it might say all sorts of things, but not which term is the proper one to use. :dunno:

DNA says the fetus is human. It doesn't come back and say "mass of tissue" or "blob of cells" or "parasitic tapeworm" or any of the other psycho-babble the left likes to use to dehumanize the unborn. It says HUMAN. Period.

Yes, but you didn't claim DNA says a fetus is human, you claimed DNA says fetuses are babies. I'm pointing out that under the definition of baby that is basically the same as infant, no, a fetus is not a baby. They are both terms that can be used for humans at different stages of development, just as one can use adolescent, embryo, adult, etc.
Infants aren't viable outside the womb either, shit for brains. Should we be able to kill them too?

Will they die within seconds of being put down? Um. No. Fetuses die within seconds of being removed from the womb.

DNA says the fetus is human. It doesn't come back and say "mass of tissue" or "blob of cells" or "parasitic tapeworm" or any of the other psycho-babble the left likes to use to dehumanize the unborn. It says HUMAN. Period.

If you do a DNA test on tonsils or an appendix when it's been removed, those come back as human, too. No one says to give them civil rights.
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?
how is it dangerous?
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.
so do you hate the people who hate Christians? Just so we have the record.
I remember and miss the good old days when if a guy used foul language in front of your wife, girlfriend, or God forbid, kids, xhey would get punched in the face. Imagine what would happen if some asshole endangered you and your loved ones. Pepper spray would become scarce.

So again, you are no longer in favor of the pithy saying "My body my choice".

Or maybe we should amend that "My body unless the govt wants to boss you around OR you want to kill your baby".
You can not use your own subjective opinion and interpretation of "freedom" to jeopardize the safety of others.

In modern America, we do this every day, cowboy. Every blessed day.
I stand corrected. There is never a shortage of ignorant jerks is this country
the irony
Infants aren't viable outside the womb either, shit for brains. Should we be able to kill them too?

Will they die within seconds of being put down? Um. No. Fetuses die within seconds of being removed from the womb.

DNA says the fetus is human. It doesn't come back and say "mass of tissue" or "blob of cells" or "parasitic tapeworm" or any of the other psycho-babble the left likes to use to dehumanize the unborn. It says HUMAN. Period.

If you do a DNA test on tonsils or an appendix when it's been removed, those come back as human, too. No one says to give them civil rights.

That's right, move those goalposts because you keep getting your ass handed to you. Baby killer.
Infants aren't viable outside the womb either, shit for brains. Should we be able to kill them too?

Will they die within seconds of being put down? Um. No. Fetuses die within seconds of being removed from the womb.

DNA says the fetus is human. It doesn't come back and say "mass of tissue" or "blob of cells" or "parasitic tapeworm" or any of the other psycho-babble the left likes to use to dehumanize the unborn. It says HUMAN. Period.

If you do a DNA test on tonsils or an appendix when it's been removed, those come back as human, too. No one says to give them civil rights.

That's right, move those goalposts because you keep getting your ass handed to you. Baby killer.
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

Look who’s talking. You’re the morally bankrupt scumbag who wants everyone who disagrees with your political views to fall ill and die. You’ve got no standing to say a fucking word.

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