Labor Fighting Back

Yes it takes time to fix. Still not where we want to be. But what we don't want is to put Trump back in office

Dude the inflation rate is already expected to grow next month just in time for back to school shopping....
The hell it doesn't... the tighter the hospitals get the worse the conditions and compensation slow...
Then people feel the need to push things with a strike... I don't remember this many strikes under Trump...

COVID decimated the nursing ranks, so many nurses got burnt out and left the bedside that there is now a perpetual nursing shortage.
Yes and the CEO's and VP's of my company sit on your BOD and you sit on mine. Good old boys network.

Interesting. It's taking a long time to diversify companies but it's a lot easier to find some blacks, Hispanics and women to sit on BOD's.

Here's something you'll understand. Didn't Hunter Biden sit on the BOD of Burisma? Nothing shady going on there right?

And no, the BOD does not determine it. My brother is VP of HR. He decides his bosses raise and his boss decides his raise. They totally hook each other up. But they are really cheap with labor. The lower you go on the totem poll, the cheaper they get. Like the rich are getting rich off the backs of the poor.

Democrats share a little more with labor. That's the only difference between the two parties when it comes to economics. Trickle down vs Giving Labor a seat at the table. Creating a strong middle class.

Republicans look at labor and see cost not an asset.
Politicians From the Working Class Become Wannabe Preppies

If we had self-determination instead of the unrealistic fraud of "representative" government, it wouldn't matter what the two entitled elitist cliques thought of us.
Politicians From the Working Class Become Wannabe Preppies

If we had self-determination instead of the unrealistic fraud of "representative" government, it wouldn't matter what the two entitled elitist cliques thought of us.
My one buddy, former cop, in a union, gets a pension, ran for county clerk as a Republican. Just a local gig but pays close to $100K and he gets a pension if he makes it to 8 years.

And yet he's a total Republican. See's everything their way. Such a hypocrite.

Do you know how many UAW dumb mother fuckers voted for Trump in 2016? A lot.
According to Dems? No.

Have you ever looked into what it takes to be on the BOD of a company?

The Board of Directors shall be composed of individuals who have demonstrated significant achievements in business, education, the professions and/or public service. They must have the requisite intelligence, education and experience to make a significant contribution to the deliberations of the Board of Directors.......

I'm sure Hunter qualifies.

Let me ask you this. Are Eric, Don Jr or Jared qualified to sit on a companies BOD?
The inflation rate was 1.9 in 2018 under Trump... when we get back to that number you can celebrate... until then everything is costing people more....
Yea well before Reagan the gap between rich and poor wasn't so wide. We were doing better before. Today the rich are doing better. It's called trickle down and it hasn't worked. Doesn't work.

CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,460% since 1978 CEOs were paid 399 times as much as a typical worker in 2021​

Please. He admitted that he had NO experience in the energy sector.
That doesn't matter on the board of directors. Wages, what's best for shareholders, etc...

Oh, no question he should never have been on a board of directors. But now you Republicans can't complain about the good old white boy network that we told you exists just because rich liberals take advantage of it too.
Please. He admitted that he had NO experience in the energy sector.

Ms. Vojvodich Radakovich is an advisor to start-up and growth-stage technology companies.

She sits on Ford's BOD.

And then there's

Beth is a director of AT&T and Ford Motor Company, and she was previously a director of KeyCorp from 2010 until her retirement. She is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Brookings Institution and a member of the Business Council.

What does she know about cars?
That's hilarious. As if Trump's going to come back and do something for them.

My brother said the best thing about unions is the fear of unionization. Just the fear that employees will unionize is why companies don't treat us even worse than they do now. The goal is to pay us as little as possible but not so low we organize.

Well, they've pushed too far and you see these workers are organizing. They know you are full of shit because they know the details on why these corporations aren't willing to pay more. These workers aren't running back to Trump. Why? Because your suggestion that they'd be doing better under his leadership is laughable. They know it and so do I.

Ms. Vojvodich Radakovich is an advisor to start-up and growth-stage technology companies.

She sits on Ford's BOD.

And then there's

Beth is a director of AT&T and Ford Motor Company, and she was previously a director of KeyCorp from 2010 until her retirement. She is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Brookings Institution and a member of the Business Council.

What does she know about cars?
Did they have an addiction to coke and hire hookers too?
Experience in the sector is not required, or even the norm.

On the BOD for Exxon only two members have experience in the energy sector
Is it the norm to hire an American with no experience and who had been kicked out of the Naval Reserve for cocaine use for a Ukrainian BOD?
Is it the norm to hire an American with no experience and who had been kicked out of the Naval Reserve for cocaine use for a Ukrainian BOD?

They were trying to get access to the American market. They hired a former president of Poland trying to expand into that country as well.
They were trying to get access to the American market. They hired a former president of Poland trying to expand into that country as well.
Yes, that was my point. He was chosen for reasons unrelated to his talents, intelligence, or experience (or lack thereof).
Do you not think that, at times, you are just a little too cynical?
Or do you prefer to see yourself simply as a realist?

I like to think of it more of a pragmatist.

Hunter got his job because of his last name and who his is daddy is.

Ivanka got her trademarks because of her last name and who her daddy is.

My daughter got her first job because the guy that hired her was a good friend of mine from church.

My son got his current job working as a contractor for the USDA due to my contacts with them via my job.

It is the way the world works.

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