Labor Fighting Back

I like to think of it more of a pragmatist.

Hunter got his job because of his last name and who his is daddy is.

Ivanka got her trademarks because of her last name and who her daddy is.

My daughter got her first job because the guy that hired her was a good friend of mine from church.

My son got his current job working as a contractor for the USDA due to my contacts with them via my job.

It is the way the world works.
Yes, indeed it is.
(I once got a job because I had lived in Fort Collins, Co. and so had the guy who hired me)
But I'm sure many others you know got their positions on merit.
That's hilarious. As if Trump's going to come back and do something for them.

My brother said the best thing about unions is the fear of unionization. Just the fear that employees will unionize is why companies don't treat us even worse than they do now. The goal is to pay us as little as possible but not so low we organize.

Well, they've pushed too far and you see these workers are organizing. They know you are full of shit because they know the details on why these corporations aren't willing to pay more. These workers aren't running back to Trump. Why? Because your suggestion that they'd be doing better under his leadership is laughable. They know it and so do I.
no question unions have been great for China....hard to find anything not made in china anymore...yeah unions, the chinese are thanking you
Did they have an addiction to coke and hire hookers too?
If you look into every BOD you'll find lots of white guys who do coke and hire hookers. Only if they hooker tries to speak out or show us her black book she ends up dead.
no question unions have been great for China....hard to find anything not made in china anymore...yeah unions, the chinese are thanking you

Notice these companies didn't go from union north to the dirty south where labor is cheaper? because even you red necks ask too much.

Plus, if you want to sell to Chinese people you have to manufacture in China. That's a smart policy huh?
no question unions have been great for China....hard to find anything not made in china anymore...yeah unions, the chinese are thanking you
No question that unions were great for blue collar Americans. The world had never seen such a well paid blue collar labor force. Now those stupid bastards are making $15 hr and vote for Trump. They deserve lower pay. You guys were right about them.
No question that unions were great for blue collar Americans. The world had never seen such a well paid blue collar labor force. Now those stupid bastards are making $15 hr and vote for Trump. They deserve lower pay. You guys were right about them.
just have one of your queer beers and relax....I will try to send you a trumpy bear so you will have something in your empty bed
Yes, indeed it is.
(I once got a job because I had lived in Fort Collins, Co. and so had the guy who hired me)
But I'm sure many others you know got their positions on merit.

Most people do not have the names that really get them past their first job or two, thus we all have to do it on merit. I got my daughter her first job, she got herself the job bringing in 200 grand a year at the age of 28
Yea well before Reagan the gap between rich and poor wasn't so wide. We were doing better before. Today the rich are doing better. It's called trickle down and it hasn't worked. Doesn't work.

CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,460% since 1978 CEOs were paid 399 times as much as a typical worker in 2021​

Where do you get this nonsense?... Reagan created enterprise zones in inner cities... remember those?... and they were working so well that Clinton kept them in place... do you know who ended them?... the first black president.... the magic Kenyan....

UAW, Nurses, UPS, teachers, Starbucks, Amazon.

Good for labor!!!!
The whole world is moving to the left economically, including the US. Here in the US, the youth are making a difference because they're the ones who are entering the workforce and they have zero tolerance for right-wing anti-labor policies, in both the workplace and the government. The young people who are entering their work life and those who are already part of the American workforce, providing goods and services to all of these elderly right-wingers who collect their government incomes (and are shitting on workers with their right-wing Republican claptrap), are unionizing and no one is going to stop them.
Every BOD?

You watch a lot of NCIS type shows, don't you?

Auction houses, collectors and true-crime experts see a limited market for Jeffrey Epstein’s “creepy” phone booklisting names and numbers of the rich and famous. The scandalous book was used as evidence to help convict the late pedophile’s madam Ghislaine Maxwell this week for trafficking underaged girls for sex.

“It is unfathomable that Heritage Auctions or any other reputable auction house would ever offer such a despicable relic,” said Robert Wilonsky, spokesman for Dallas-based Heritage, which also has a location in Midtown.

“I wouldn’t buy it. Way too creepy for me,” celebrity Las Vegas pawnbroker Rick Harrison of History Channel’s “Pawn Stars” told The Post.

“But I’m sure Bill Clinton would pay millions for it,” he laughed. The former president was a known guest at Epstein’s Florida mansion.

So was Trump Rick!

One version of the book, a 92-page collection of typed contacts compiled by Maxwell and Epstein, was leaked by Gawker in 2015, and includes names and phone numbers of more than 1,000 celebrities, politicians and titans of business, including Prince Andrew, Alec Baldwin, Tony Blair, and Michael Bloomberg.
Yea well before Reagan the gap between rich and poor wasn't so wide. We were doing better before. Today the rich are doing better. It's called trickle down and it hasn't worked. Doesn't work.

CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,460% since 1978 CEOs were paid 399 times as much as a typical worker in 2021​

Bait-and-Switch Gets Stitches

Then the Left should get rid of its disgusting social issues if it wants to get working-class Whites to believe they are sincerely pro-Labor. In a man's country, the people tell the politicians how to behave. Throw your fairies, ferals, and foreigners under the bus.
I like to think of it more of a pragmatist.

Hunter got his job because of his last name and who his is daddy is.

Ivanka got her trademarks because of her last name and who her daddy is.

My daughter got her first job because the guy that hired her was a good friend of mine from church.

My son got his current job working as a contractor for the USDA due to my contacts with them via my job.

It is the way the world works.
No, It's the Way a Tiny Elite Makes the World Work for Them Only
Bait-and-Switch Gets Stitches

Then the Left should get rid of its disgusting social issues if it wants to get working-class Whites to believe they are sincerely pro-Labor. In a man's country, the people tell the politicians how to behave. Throw your fairies, ferals, and foreigners under the bus.
I just explained this in another thread. Corporations now pay top execs a lot and labor as little as possible. You argue for it. So middle class Americans are having fewer kids or no kids at all. Can you blame us?

And social security is running out of money and we have 10 million un filled jobs? Walmart and McDonal jobs? And we have immigrants at the border who want in? What’s wrong with immigration if we need the bodies? And we do.
Did you know that in the Bush years the CEO's who made the most were the ones who outsourced the most jobs? They were rewarded for ruining America.

Which CEO's?

CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,460% since 1978 CEOs were paid 399 times as much as a typical worker in 2021​

And do you know why they were rewarded for doing that?
And do you know why they were rewarded for doing that?

Go ahead, explain what justifies a CEO making 25 million dollars for essentially sitting on his ass in a penthouse office in Manhattan, while the average worker in that company is underpaid and without the option of being in a union? In the golden age of our economy, from the 1950s to the early 80s, the highest-paid CEOs made no more than thirty times the lowest-paid workers in their companies. Today the average Fortune 500 CEO makes 350+ (as high as 1000 times) more than the lowest-paid worker in their companies.

"Take for example Walmart Inc. CEO C. McMillon, who earned $25.7 million in 2022, or 1,013 times the $25,335 median income of a Walmart employee. The world's largest retailer, which was founded in 1945 and employs 2.1 million workers, has the lowest CEO-to-worker pay ratio of these 22 companies."

While she's on food stamps...


That's obscene and you don't care. These young folks are like many of you silent-gens and babyboomers were when you were young. In the 1960s, you rebelled. Our youth today wasn't raised in the golden age of our economy as you were.



When you were a kid, 1/3rd of the American workforce was unionized and the highest tax rate was between 90% and 70%.




Reagan gutted our manufacturing base and destroyed our unions by lifting government worker protections, stripping them of their ability to successfully unionize and effectively negotiate with their powerful, wealthy employers. He lowered taxes to 28% for the wealthiest people in our society from 70% and passed laws that led to the largest transfer of wealth in human history, from the working class to the wealthy. You can deny it as you probably will, but you nonetheless created a monster. These young folks have no mercy, they like you, don't give a shit either. They're the most leftist, socialist generation that this country has ever seen. They will...


..and turn this:


..into this:


You right-wing Republican conservatives / Evangelicals did this to yourselves. You're the best missionaries for socialism. If you want to propagate socialism in society, let the right-wing conservatives loose. They will decimate the economy, transferring all of the wealth of the country to the wealthy elites at the top. They will close factories, deunionize the workforce, and import everything from China to make huge short-term profits. They will eat the poor and the working class of that country and will turn it socialist, when the working class wakes up and says "WTF?". Socialism was born during the gilded age of the 19th century when capitalists were exploiting factory workers under horrible conditions. Workers said "Enough, time to push back".

You're pushing America straight into the arms of socialism. As a communist, I thank you. Continue imposing austerities on the working class, and replacing them with advanced automation and artificial intelligence. Continue with your SOP, because it's great for socialism.
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The pillar road of 21st century capitalism is to get rid of all "unnecessary costs" and minimize any obligations to society. Therefore, with capitalism will inevitably come:
-creation of rigid caste societies on a new techno level
-depopulation (euthanasia, dominance of "rainbow" perverts).
The pillar road of 21st century capitalism is to get rid of all "unnecessary costs" and minimize any obligations to society. Therefore, with capitalism will inevitably come:
-creation of rigid caste societies on a new techno level
-depopulation (euthanasia, dominance of "rainbow" perverts).

We should have a socialist corner in the forum, where we can address all of the right-wing arguments from a socialist perspective. Have the right-wingers present their anti-socialist claptrap and we'll just debunk it, point by point in the "Socialist Corner".
The pillar road of 21st century capitalism is to get rid of all "unnecessary costs" and minimize any obligations to society. Therefore, with capitalism will inevitably come:
-creation of rigid caste societies on a new techno level
-depopulation (euthanasia, dominance of "rainbow" perverts).
Wasn't Stalin pro-life, with respect to abortion? I believe the "Soviet Family" idea was promoted during his time in power. These right-wingers are the least friendly to "family values". The austerities that they impose on American working-class families, increase the divorce rate and decrease the chances of mom staying home with the kids. She's forced to get a job, with dad. Even grandma has to work outside the home with grandpa. I was a latchkey kid, raised in the 1970s and 80s. Dad, mom, grandma..everyone was at work outside the home. Thanks to Republican politics/economic policies, their so called "family values" (mammon worshipers). Serving the rich to the detriment of working-class families. That's "family values".
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