Labor shortage

Republican Calvin Coolidge was the one who signed immigration quotas into existence in 1924 and we have had them ever since.
imo Trump had some role in the decrease in labor force participation with his immigration policiies, not to diss. But I don't see that limited chain immigration and more skilled worker visas - if the visas required for workers to earn the same rate as Americans and a demonstration of employer need would hurt the economy or labor.

Indian food is good
True. That would be the down side. But we have been playing THAT macro economic game for quite sometime.

IMO, it is the workers turn to have policy the benefits them.

Or is this system only to benefit employers and the workers be damned?
That system is what gave jobs to the workers in the first place. If you change the system 180 degrees, the opposite happens, less jobs.
Republican Calvin Coolidge was the one who signed immigration quotas into existence in 1924 and we have had them ever since.

That was nearly 100 years ago and remember, things have changed since then. We don't need anymore people here. We have 330 million already. If anything, we could use to cut it down to 250 million or so.
Well it's the employees' decisions. And we'll pay them UI. To sit. And if I was a nurse today, I'd be grateful for a 120 week or so break. Covid is still messing up the economy, despite Trump and Biden doing not such a bad job.

I'm not sure that Biden's doubling the child tax credit is such a good idea. If the dems want to just tax capital to give workers more, maybe just paying HC deductables on kids, or somethign, would be less of a work disincentive. Maybe more fed aid for school lunches

Yeah, school lunches. We had those when I was a kid, they were called parents.

All Democrats do is put us into a hole even more for vote buying.
That isn’t the way this is going to go. The tiny anti vax minority will not be dictating any terms. More likely is that the unvaccinated will find they have no place they can go and nobody will want to do business with them.

Well if I read that some company I deal with (or was going to deal with) had vaccine mandates for their employees, they lost my business forever. Forcing people to take medication against their will is as anti-American as it gets, and we have way too many anti-Americans in our country as it is.
That system is what gave jobs to the workers in the first place. If you change the system 180 degrees, the opposite happens, less jobs.

That was the argument made back in the 70s in favor of Free Trade. The idea was that lower wages and competition would lead to increased competitiveness on the part of our industry and then lead to MORE AND BETTER jobs, in time.

Well, we have given that policy time. It did not deliver the promised results. For various reasons.

Which don't matter. We see that labor shortages are leading to better wages. Let's build on that happy accident and learn from it.

Craft national policy designed to serve the interests of the American worker.
Okay, and when it costs industry and businesses too much money to survive here, what happens? They invest in automation, use more outsourcing, or move out of the country altogether.

So the cost of what I propose is what we have had for the last 50 years and is already happening anyways?

Ok. I will take that "trade off".
That was nearly 100 years ago and remember, things have changed since then. We don't need anymore people here. We have 330 million already. If anything, we could use to cut it down to 250 million or so.
Do I get to choose who gets kicked out?

I can think of 74 million people we could do without
Do I get to choose who gets kicked out?

I can think of 74 million people we could do without

The thread topic is the idea of just STOPPING the inflow.

you want to address what you think of that?
I welcome immigrants, I always have
They make better citizens than most of our Conservatives

So, you are against empowering American workers and rising wages.

Why is that? Do foreign born immigrants count for more in your world, than American citizens?
Why is that? Do foreign born immigrants count for more in your world, than American citizens?

It’s just that some of our citizens are……how should I phrase it?
Fucking Assholes

We are better off without them
It’s just that some of our citizens are……how should I phrase it?
Fucking Assholes

We are better off without them

Wow. Kind of Final Solution of you. Me? I just want to limit immigration.

You don't seriously want to violate the Human Rights of tens of millions of Americans, just because you disagree with them politically do you?

Cause, that would kind of make you the see where I am going with this?
That was the argument made back in the 70s in favor of Free Trade. The idea was that lower wages and competition would lead to increased competitiveness on the part of our industry and then lead to MORE AND BETTER jobs, in time.

Well, we have given that policy time. It did not deliver the promised results. For various reasons.

Which don't matter. We see that labor shortages are leading to better wages. Let's build on that happy accident and learn from it.

Craft national policy designed to serve the interests of the American worker.
No. Increased labor causes me to pay more for things. The stupid and worthless are lucky to earn $7.25 per hour.
IMO, that is a good thing. The people around me, the workers, like having options and the ability to demand more pay.

My point is, this time was a lucky accident. But we could choose policy to make it a new normal.

Imagine that, a permanent shift of power from the employer to the employee, with better conditions and more pay being the new long range trends.

Does that appeal to you, or is it something you would oppose?

Employees should not be in power.

Oh yeah awesome they can always demand better pay and such. Enough of them do it then the companies with the finances will switch to more automation. Other companies will raise prices in order to pay more for workers. Or they will simply shut down.

Anyone who knows anything about running a business there is one singular truth in every business, employees are your single largest expense.

Companies pay more than just wages. What a company pays for employees doesn't just stop at their hourly wage, there is a lot more to it than just that.

And of course the more money people make the more products cost. Would be awesome if a McDonald's employee made 22 bucks an hour but a loaf of bread would be 11 dollars. More more more goes both ways. Everytime minimum wage goes up so does everything else.

Conditions are fine. We have state, local, federal laws to protect employees. A lot of jobs just suck because it's the nature of the job like working on a oil rig or a bricklayer. And not every job is a perfect happy wonderful job.

If employees had more power then they will ruin everything in a few years because as we all know people will push things as far as they can and demand more.

If people hate their job or the types of jobs they can get or the money they can make they need to find a new job, go to school, or try to apply themselves for promotions.

There is nothing wrong with our system right now except people getting money for doing nothing, and lazy people not wanting to have to do actual real work.

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