Labor shortage

Unions only ever looked out for their boss' interests and keeping unqualified dirtbags from being fired. Their petty demands helped pave the way for businesses to move offshore. They have been a blight in this country for decades.
They got their members good pay and benefits and protected them from petty personnel actions

That disappeared after the unions did
Yes we did, but a shortage of workers in the best economy in 50 years makes sense. What doesn't make sense is how we have a labor shortage with a 5.5% unemployment rate.
imo we'll have to see what happens when extended UI ends .... tomorrow ... and whether schools can remain open.

comparing apples and oranges .... and Trump was a spendthrift just as is Biden
I NEVER saw a mechanic stop what he was doing to pump gas.
They are paid too much
The guys pumping gas made minimum wage

It happened here all the time. There was not enough gas pumping to hire somebody full-time to do it, and what little business they got from gasoline was handled by the mechanics. Why pay somebody to stand around doing nothing waiting for cars to pull up to the pump?
Unions looked out for themselves mostly. Who do you think has been chasing our jobs overseas these past 30 years?

That doesn't fly. It doesn't explain our trade deficit with Germany for one.

Trumpism makes the argument that it is not WAGES that caused the trade deficits, but unfair trade practices and barriers from our trading "partners".

REGARDLESS, if trade is not mutually beneficial, why engage in it?

And furthermore, we see NOW, that labor shortages lead to higher wages. That is reason enough to do them.
imo we'll have to see what happens when extended UI ends .... tomorrow ... and whether schools can remain open.

comparing apples and oranges .... and Trump was a spendthrift just as is Biden

Well slacking off is contagious. Some people were earning more with the fed supplement, but can still live okay on their state unemployment alone. But correct, we won't really see the results with ending the fed supplement until October.
That doesn't fly. It doesn't explain our trade deficit with Germany for one.

Trumpism makes the argument that it is not WAGES that caused the trade deficits, but unfair trade practices and barriers from our trading "partners".

REGARDLESS, if trade is not mutually beneficial, why engage in it?

And furthermore, we see NOW, that labor shortages lead to higher wages. That is reason enough to do them.

Sure it does, but it's also a major contributor to our inflation rate. You pay people more, you have to charge more for your products or services. When everything increases in cost you have inflation.
Well slacking off is contagious. Some people were earning more with the fed supplement, but can still live okay on their state unemployment alone. But correct, we won't really see the results with ending the fed supplement until October.
The pandemic makes comparisons .... not a good analysis.

State employment is tied to time out of work. People qualifying now are newly unemployed. But yeah, people will choose getting fired over vaccinations.
For the first time in decades, employees are at an advantage.
You can still treat your employees like shit and refuse to pay more……but your workers have other options
IOW, the markets at work. Didn't most of the usual suspects have a freak out when they were told that employees who didn't like where they worked should find a better place to work? This is how that's fixed. Employees should take advantage of this market and land the best job they can find before the next inevitable down turn and jobs dry up again.
State employment is tied to time out of work. People qualifying now are newly unemployed. But yeah, people will choose getting fired over vaccinations.

As they should if they are totally against the vaccines. Furthermore consumers should quit doing business with any employer making such requirements.
Sure it does, but it's also a major contributor to our inflation rate. You pay people more, you have to charge more for your products or services. When everything increases in cost you have inflation.

Better than what we had before.
IOW, the markets at work. Didn't most of the usual suspects have a freak out when they were told that employees who didn't like where they worked should find a better place to work? This is how that's fixed. Employees should take advantage of this market and land the best job they can find before the next inevitable down turn and jobs dry up again.

Agreed. BUT, my point is, that we can craft national immigration policy to keep the general trend, "labor shortage, wages rising".
It happened here all the time. There was not enough gas pumping to hire somebody full-time to do it, and what little business they got from gasoline was handled by the mechanics. Why pay somebody to stand around doing nothing waiting for cars to pull up to the pump?
Got it Goober
IOW, the markets at work. Didn't most of the usual suspects have a freak out when they were told that employees who didn't like where they worked should find a better place to work? This is how that's fixed. Employees should take advantage of this market and land the best job they can find before the next inevitable down turn and jobs dry up again.
Employers will go back to their old methods as soon as possible
Employers will go back to their old methods as soon as possible

Agreed. So, the obvious question is, what steps can we take to prevent that.

IMO, the best one would be, a ban on Immigration, legal and illegal, for an extended period.
As they should if they are totally against the vaccines. Furthermore consumers should quit doing business with any employer making such requirements.
That isn’t the way this is going to go. The tiny anti vax minority will not be dictating any terms. More likely is that the unvaccinated will find they have no place they can go and nobody will want to do business with them.
As they should if they are totally against the vaccines. Furthermore consumers should quit doing business with any employer making such requirements.
Well it's the employees' decisions. And we'll pay them UI. To sit. And if I was a nurse today, I'd be grateful for a 120 week or so break. Covid is still messing up the economy, despite Trump and Biden doing not such a bad job.

I'm not sure that Biden's doubling the child tax credit is such a good idea. If the dems want to just tax capital to give workers more, maybe just paying HC deductables on kids, or somethign, would be less of a work disincentive. Maybe more fed aid for school lunches
Which is exactly why the Democrats created this labor shortage. They want industry and consumers begging to get more products out that they'll make claim the only way to do this is to legalize all the intruders that broke into our country.

Republican Calvin Coolidge was the one who signed immigration quotas into existence in 1924 and we have had them ever since.

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