Landlord sued for obeying the law and evicting illegal aliens

Since they had been living there for awhile and paying rent and other bills would they be entitled to the security deposit?

No. The security deposit goes to the approved tenant renting the property, as that is the person who paid the security deposit. Someone who moves in later, without landlord approval, has zero claim to a security deposit he had no part in paying.
Godboy just posted the IRS definition and shot you down. What you feel like doing is irrelevant.
Godboy? IRS? :laugh:

Are you retarded or something?
Oh look, heres the definition given to us from the IRS....

Illegal Alien
Also known as an "Undocumented Alien," is an alien who has entered the United States illegally and is deportable if apprehended, or an alien who entered the United States legally but who has fallen "out of status" and is deportable.

Immigration Terms and Definitions Involving Aliens

Quit inventing your own definitions for words. It just makes everyone aware how fucking stupid you are.
Yes Godboy. and No I'm not retarded. I have a 140 IQ.
Godboy is a retarded cave chimp. No one believes you have a 140 IQ. If that were true you would understand what Goofyboy posted.
Are you saying you don't understand what Godboy posted? That makes you the retarded one.
I don't care why they are undocumented. The fact that they are undocumented makes them illegals. ie. it is illegal to be undocumented.
You are the typical ignorant, hateful conservative – indeed, willfully ignorant even when presented with the facts.

Again, there are many immigrants in the United States who are undocumented, that does not mean they’re ‘illegal,’ not until they’ve been found guilty in a court of law:

‘Whatever his status under the immigration laws, an alien is a "person" in any ordinary sense of that term[,] protected by the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments[.]
Until an undocumented alien is ordered deported by the Federal Government, no State can be assured that the alien will not be found to have a federal permission to reside in the country, perhaps even as a citizen. Indeed, even the Immigration and Naturalization Service cannot predict with certainty whether any individual alien has a right to reside in the country until deportation proceedings have run their course.’ Plyler v. Doe (1982)
This is true only in a Liberal court system. They are undocumented they are therefore illegal. No need to take them to court, deport them.
You sure? because most leases only run for a year, after that it's month to month.

HAHAHA. Where did you get that idea, you nitwit? Most landlords will let you take out year leases over and over.
False ! But you had to say something.
It depends on the landlord's policy.

I only have a few units, but I always require a renewing tenant to sign another years lease. I believe the big corporate apartment owners offer more flexibility.
After the first year I go month to month unless the tenant specifies they want another year.

Same, with 30 days notice required.
I found a more credible article. Turns out the people were undocumented immigrants as opposed to illegal aliens as claimed in the OP.


An "undocumented immigrant" is an illegal alien, you bucket-headed jackass.
A little early to be this stupid.
There is no difference between illegal immigrant and undocumented immigrant, except in the minds of activists who want amnesty. It is merely more political correctness from the Left.

Correct. Husband's green card says "Resident Alien" not "documented immigrant." The counterpart is "Illegal Alien," despite the lack of warm fuzzies
Section 1324 of title 8 of the US code says it's a federal felony to knowingly encourage illegals to live here and this landlord would obviously be doing that if he let them stay. He has no legal choice and yet he's being sued!!!

Illegal Immigrants Sue After Landlord Demands Documentation For Housing [VIDEO]

may 24 2016 Four Latino families filed papers to sue their Virginia landlord Monday after he threatened eviction due to illegal family members living on the premises.

The civil rights lawsuit filed by families living in Waples Mobile Home Park in Fairfax County, Va., claims it is discriminatory to require a social security number for residency. The landlords at the mobile home park are requiring residents to provide either a social security card, passport or valid visa with documentation to renew their leases, reports The Washington Post.

The lawyers representing the families, from the Legal Aid Justice Center (LAJC) and Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan law firm, say the actions are targeted discrimination that disproportionately affects Latinos in the community. All the families involved in the lawsuit have lived in the park for at least two
How did they rent in the first place?

I've had it happen to me. You rent to a couple who you have screened. A month later, their cousin comes to visit and never leaves. I require ALL tenants to pass a background check and be on the lease, jointly and severally liable. No legal status means I will not be able to sue or collect for damages.
All tenants? Or just the brown ones like this guy?
Section 1324 of title 8 of the US code says it's a federal felony to knowingly encourage illegals to live here and this landlord would obviously be doing that if he let them stay. He has no legal choice and yet he's being sued!!!

Illegal Immigrants Sue After Landlord Demands Documentation For Housing [VIDEO]

may 24 2016 Four Latino families filed papers to sue their Virginia landlord Monday after he threatened eviction due to illegal family members living on the premises.

The civil rights lawsuit filed by families living in Waples Mobile Home Park in Fairfax County, Va., claims it is discriminatory to require a social security number for residency. The landlords at the mobile home park are requiring residents to provide either a social security card, passport or valid visa with documentation to renew their leases, reports The Washington Post.

The lawyers representing the families, from the Legal Aid Justice Center (LAJC) and Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan law firm, say the actions are targeted discrimination that disproportionately affects Latinos in the community. All the families involved in the lawsuit have lived in the park for at least two
How did they rent in the first place?

I've had it happen to me. You rent to a couple who you have screened. A month later, their cousin comes to visit and never leaves. I require ALL tenants to pass a background check and be on the lease, jointly and severally liable. No legal status means I will not be able to sue or collect for damages.
All tenants? Or just the brown ones like this guy?

ALL tenants, which is why I emphasized ALL. I rent to brown people just fine. Only one brown one has skipped out on me vs two white couples. One of the white couples took cable wires, ethernet hookups and light fixtures. The brown one just left junk behind. Even proper screening isn't foolproof. It is foolish not to screen, however.
Section 1324 of title 8 of the US code says it's a federal felony to knowingly encourage illegals to live here and this landlord would obviously be doing that if he let them stay. He has no legal choice and yet he's being sued!!!

Illegal Immigrants Sue After Landlord Demands Documentation For Housing [VIDEO]

may 24 2016 Four Latino families filed papers to sue their Virginia landlord Monday after he threatened eviction due to illegal family members living on the premises.

The civil rights lawsuit filed by families living in Waples Mobile Home Park in Fairfax County, Va., claims it is discriminatory to require a social security number for residency. The landlords at the mobile home park are requiring residents to provide either a social security card, passport or valid visa with documentation to renew their leases, reports The Washington Post.

The lawyers representing the families, from the Legal Aid Justice Center (LAJC) and Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan law firm, say the actions are targeted discrimination that disproportionately affects Latinos in the community. All the families involved in the lawsuit have lived in the park for at least two
How did they rent in the first place?

I've had it happen to me. You rent to a couple who you have screened. A month later, their cousin comes to visit and never leaves. I require ALL tenants to pass a background check and be on the lease, jointly and severally liable. No legal status means I will not be able to sue or collect for damages.
Sounds like you didnt include it in the contract. I have everyone that is going to be living in the home listed on the rental agreement. If they arent listed thats automatic grounds for eviction. My attorney covered pretty much all bases on my rental agreements.
“Landlord sued for obeying the law and evicting illegal aliens”

Wrong, this is a lie.

The plaintiffs facing eviction are neither ‘undocumented’ nor ‘illegal,’ they have temporary protected status, are known to immigration officials, and are authorized to work in the United States.

You mean they are some of obozo's amnesty dreamers that obozo refuses to deport even though the law says they have to go??? Sorry - those are still illegal aliens. Just because obozo won't enforce the law, that doesn't make them legal.
An illegal alien is someone found guilty in a court of law of having entering the country absent authorization, or remaining in the country absent authorization, where the defendant has been afforded his full and comprehensive due process of the law.

An undocumented immigrant is someone who has not been found guilty in a court of law of having entered the country absent authorization, someone who is consequently presumed innocent until proven guilty, and is entitled to due process of the law.

That's BS. They're the same thing, you ignorant jackass.
Bill of Rights are for American citizens only. Nothing in the Bill of rights gives rights to non-citizens.

That can be said of the whole constitution. It applies only to citizens. the first seven words make that obvious. Illegals have no rights at all.
Godboy just posted the IRS definition and shot you down. What you feel like doing is irrelevant.
Godboy? IRS? :laugh:

Are you retarded or something?
Oh look, heres the definition given to us from the IRS....

Illegal Alien
Also known as an "Undocumented Alien," is an alien who has entered the United States illegally and is deportable if apprehended, or an alien who entered the United States legally but who has fallen "out of status" and is deportable.

Immigration Terms and Definitions Involving Aliens

Quit inventing your own definitions for words. It just makes everyone aware how fucking stupid you are.
Yes Godboy. and No I'm not retarded. I have a 140 IQ.
Godboy is a retarded cave chimp. No one believes you have a 140 IQ. If that were true you would understand what Goofyboy posted.
Are you saying you don't understand what Godboy posted? That makes you the retarded one.
I don't care why they are undocumented. The fact that they are undocumented makes them illegals. ie. it is illegal to be undocumented.
You are the typical ignorant, hateful conservative – indeed, willfully ignorant even when presented with the facts.

Again, there are many immigrants in the United States who are undocumented, that does not mean they’re ‘illegal,’ not until they’ve been found guilty in a court of law:

‘Whatever his status under the immigration laws, an alien is a "person" in any ordinary sense of that term[,] protected by the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments[.]
Until an undocumented alien is ordered deported by the Federal Government, no State can be assured that the alien will not be found to have a federal permission to reside in the country, perhaps even as a citizen. Indeed, even the Immigration and Naturalization Service cannot predict with certainty whether any individual alien has a right to reside in the country until deportation proceedings have run their course.’ Plyler v. Doe (1982)

Oh, the it's not illegal unless you get caught argument? Typical stupid Liberal defending crime.
I think you're mad because your people are nothing more than the equivalent of the monkeys at the zoo. Must be sad going through like like you do being nothing more than a n*gger.
I told you not to try and think without a human there to supervise you. You pink cave chimps are all alike. You deflect from the issue. The point is there is a difference in an illegal immigrant vs an undocumented immigrant. You being thin lipped, furry cave chimp doesnt change that fact.
Forget the insults. If there is a difference then explain them or admit you are full of shit.
There are many ways an illegal can be an illegal. Undocumented is on of them. Undocumented immigrants are here illegally, regardless of how they got here.
I have no inclination to explain the difference to you. It was already posted for one and for two you can research on your own. Like i said before I dont care if you are convinced. The information is there for you to make an intelligent decision to research so you can convince yourself.
Godboy just posted the IRS definition and shot you down. What you feel like doing is irrelevant.
Godboy? IRS? :laugh:

Are you retarded or something? Godboy and you both dont even understand what you posted.

Apparently you can't read, boy. It says undocumented and illegal are the same thing. Not my fault you're too stupid to understand that.
If the landlord did what was supposed to be done, what does the person(s) who is suing them think that they can get out of them? If the landlord is within the law, then that puts the evicted out of luck.

God bless you and the landlord always!!!

If the landlord did what was supposed to be done, what does the person(s) who is suing them think that they can get out of them? If the landlord is within the law, then that puts the evicted out of luck.

God bless you and the landlord always!!!


Liberals are okay with people illegally entering this country and squatting, so it really isn't much of a leap to believe that they would also believe the government could force you to rent to them.

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