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LandNeal, Come Out to Play


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2004
The Republic of Texas
I posted the following in a thread I had to close. I still would like the questions answered, and a determination to who and what you are as opposed to who and what you claim to be:

"You are, IMO, expressing two different philosophies here. Let's narrow this down a mite and see where it goes.

You say you are a Nazi. Why? I haven't seen you express any Nazi views. Only seperatist ones. The Nazi's were NOT peaceful seperatists. They were seperators by extermination. The Nazi's also believed in a superior race of people as a ruling class.

So you call yourself a Nazi; yet, claim to hate no one, claim you believe in equality of races, and that all people should be proud of their respective races.

Please reconcile the preceeding paragraph with the one preceeding it.

Seems to me there's a bunch of hypocrites in this crowd who have no problem with Black Pride, Brown Pride, Jewish Pride, Gay Pride, etc. Anything but white or Christian pride. If they can be proud of their respective races/lifestyles, then there certainly is no logical reason to villify whites who are proud of theirs and call them racists.

Technically however, every single group that espouses pride in their race is racist, by definition. It's rather obvious to some, including me, how unequally the label is used.

Oh, and to whoever said they are a member of the "human race" .... bullshit. Homo sapiens are a species, not a race.

So, why is it you think races should be seperated? If everyone is equal, as you state, and you hate no one, why is it that you wish to seperate based on skin color?"

Now, I am attempting to discuss an issue. Any of you mindless bots that just want to call names and attack, find your own playground. THIS one is mine.
I posted the following in a thread I had to close. I still would like the questions answered, and a determination to who and what you are as opposed to who and what you claim to be:

"You are, IMO, expressing two different philosophies here. Let's narrow this down a mite and see where it goes.

You say you are a Nazi. Why? I haven't seen you express any Nazi views. Only seperatist ones. The Nazi's were NOT peaceful seperatists. They were seperators by extermination. The Nazi's also believed in a superior race of people as a ruling class.

So you call yourself a Nazi; yet, claim to hate no one, claim you believe in equality of races, and that all people should be proud of their respective races.

Please reconcile the preceeding paragraph with the one preceeding it.

Seems to me there's a bunch of hypocrites in this crowd who have no problem with Black Pride, Brown Pride, Jewish Pride, Gay Pride, etc. Anything but white or Christian pride. If they can be proud of their respective races/lifestyles, then there certainly is no logical reason to villify whites who are proud of theirs and call them racists.

Technically however, every single group that espouses pride in their race is racist, by definition. It's rather obvious to some, including me, how unequally the label is used.

Oh, and to whoever said they are a member of the "human race" .... bullshit. Homo sapiens are a species, not a race.

So, why is it you think races should be seperated? If everyone is equal, as you state, and you hate no one, why is it that you wish to seperate based on skin color?"

Now, I am attempting to discuss an issue. Any of you mindless bots that just want to call names and attack, find your own playground. THIS one is mine.

There is nothing wrong with having pride in your ethnicity. The Columbus Day Parade is basically a parade for the Italian ethnicity. There is no such thing as a "white" ethnicity, though. There is no such thing as standing up for the rights of European Americans, as Russians and Australians are both "white." The Easter Parade is a celebration of Christianity. The Israeli Parade is a celebration of Israel and Judaism. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your culture and being competitive about your culture especially in sports - that's what the olympics are for! But you cross the line when you kill people because you feel their race is inferior.
There is no such thing as a "white" ethnicity, though.

It isn't as strong as other groups or sub-groups, true... but it's BIOLOGICALLY real, and I can tell you this much:

Affirmative action doesn't keep out "Irish" or "Italian". It keeps out WHITES.

So it's fair to fight as you are attacked.

White identity needs to be cultured and encouraged. Whites won't survive otherwise.
The Nazi's also believed in a superior race of people as a ruling class.[/B]

Jews believe the exact same thing, and act on it with full force in Israel, where they exterminate Palestinians. There is no group that can really claim it's never tried to defend itself or pursue its group interests, even through the use of violence. Evolutionarily, no group like that could even exist today.
For the life of me, William, I cannot understand why any White Nationalist is foolish enough to describe himself as a NAZI or to in any way lionize Hitler or German National Socialism.

Do they not realize how many White people Hitler also killed or was planning on killing the moment he thought he could afford to do so?

Or when they say "White" are they parcing that group out to mean only WASPS or maybe the people they misidentify as Arryans?

Seems to me that you White Nationalists are in many ways your own worst enemies.
For the life of me, William, I cannot understand why any White Nationalist is foolish enough to describe himself as a NAZI or to in any way lionize Hitler or German National Socialism.

Do they not realize how many White people Hitler also killed or was planning on killing the moment he thought he could afford to do so?

Or when they say "White" are they parcing that group out to mean only WASPS or maybe the people they misidentify as Arryans?

Seems to me that you White Nationalists are in many ways your own worst enemies.

A lot of WN's would agree!

I don't enounter any SERIOUS white advocates who call themselves a "Nazi"... and even STORMFRONT has banned swastika avatars. The whole Nazi-Hitler-etc. connection is just totally counterproductive...

It's harder to imagine a steeper hill to climb than white advocacy: one the one side, you've got a whole raft of enemies, most of 'decent' society, from white liberals to neocons to even white 'conservatives' like Sean Hannity whose first words are always, "but I'm not a racist"! Then on the other you've got morons who dress up in Nazi costumes and parade in the street.

Meanwhile, though, the issues facing whites are very real. We are becoming minorities. There is demonization of us in the media. Affirmative action does hurt us. Someone needs to be addressing that stuff.
There is nothing wrong with having pride in your ethnicity. The Columbus Day Parade is basically a parade for the Italian ethnicity. There is no such thing as a "white" ethnicity, though. There is no such thing as standing up for the rights of European Americans, as Russians and Australians are both "white." The Easter Parade is a celebration of Christianity. The Israeli Parade is a celebration of Israel and Judaism. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your culture and being competitive about your culture especially in sports - that's what the olympics are for! But you cross the line when you kill people because you feel their race is inferior.

I disagree. There is as much a thing as a white ethnicity as any other ethnicity. Your analysis confused ethnicity with nationality. If one's ethnicity was based on nationality, there would be no whites, blacks, yellows, et al. It would all be decided based on geographical point of origin.

I have not seen LandNeal yet promote genocide. That is the purpose of this thread. To find out if the ideals he is stating go with the label he has placed upon himself. So far, I don't see it.

Then we need to take the label itself. A Nazi as defined by current society is synonymous with Hitler and the Third Reich. By strict definition it is a politcal party that predates Hitler and the Third Reich. Hitler merely used it as a catalyst and front in his grab for power.

While I am unapologetic in regard to my ethnicity, I really don't see that it is any reason for "pride." I take pride in being who and what I am. Ethnicity may be a part of THAT, but it is not the defining factor.
It isn't as strong as other groups or sub-groups, true... but it's BIOLOGICALLY real, and I can tell you this much:

Affirmative action doesn't keep out "Irish" or "Italian". It keeps out WHITES.

So it's fair to fight as you are attacked.

White identity needs to be cultured and encouraged. Whites won't survive otherwise.

As I said, he is confusing nationality with ethnicity. Caucasoid is in fact a race. The ethnicities within that race are, as David says, quite diverse, but it is STILL our ethnicity. That diversity and a strong sense of national identity are the reasons for the lack of a strong subculture.

Unlike you, I don't see that it really matters. I don't care much what someone's skin color is. Only how stupid they are and what possible ways they are going to try and fuck me over.
Jews believe the exact same thing, and act on it with full force in Israel, where they exterminate Palestinians. There is no group that can really claim it's never tried to defend itself or pursue its group interests, even through the use of violence. Evolutionarily, no group like that could even exist today.

GMAB dude. You know full well I don't buy off on that "Israeli's exterminating Palestinians" garbage. "Palestinians" are Arabs claiming the state within Transjordan their ancestors were from as an ethnicity. Fatah's original leader, that grandaddy of modern day terrorism and Nobel Peace Prize winning Yassir Arafat was an Egyptian.

Behind EVERY group pursuing exclusionary self-interest you will find a lie.
For the life of me, William, I cannot understand why any White Nationalist is foolish enough to describe himself as a NAZI or to in any way lionize Hitler or German National Socialism.

Do they not realize how many White people Hitler also killed or was planning on killing the moment he thought he could afford to do so?

Or when they say "White" are they parcing that group out to mean only WASPS or maybe the people they misidentify as Arryans?

Seems to me that you White Nationalists are in many ways your own worst enemies.

IMO, it depends, but was I doing so, I would make sure that my ideals were based on National Socialism and NOT what Hitler turned that party and the word "Nazi" into. However, if LandNeal does so, I will expect a full dissertation on National Socialist ideology and how it differs from Hitler and Third Reich.

As the label has been come to be known today, I'm with you ... I would NEVER define myself as a Nazi. "Jarhead" will suffice.:lol:
A lot of WN's would agree!

Doesn't surprise me. It's fairly obvious after all.

I don't enounter any SERIOUS white advocates who call themselves a "Nazi"... and even STORMFRONT has banned swastika avatars. The whole Nazi-Hitler-etc. connection is just totally counterproductive...

Of course it is. If you want a mass movement, you pretty much have to appeal to more than a few very select minorities of the White race.

It's harder to imagine a steeper hill to climb than white advocacy:

Try raising class consciousness sometime.

We can't appeal to people's pride in family and cultural heritage, and actually have to teach people the concept of CLASS economics.

one the one side, you've got a whole raft of enemies, most of 'decent' society, from white liberals to neocons to even white 'conservatives' like Sean Hannity whose first words are always, "but I'm not a racist"! Then on the other you've got morons who dress up in Nazi costumes and parade in the street.

Yup. Assuming that your team is really simply another minority group that's trying to make the case that you too deserve some consideration, you're facing years and years and years of people like me seeing those menacing skinheaded morons and those stutting poppenjays in brownshirts who I know perfectly well would be thrilled to put my (in their perception "liberal") ass in an oven.

Meanwhile, though, the issues facing whites are very real. We are becoming minorities. There is demonization of us in the media. Affirmative action does hurt us. Someone needs to be addressing that stuff.

You could start by understanding that the JEWS don't control your universe for one thing. You could understand that the JEWS can bearly hang onto Isreal for crimminy's sakes.

As long as you believe that kind of racist tripe, nobody (except iconoclasts like me) are going to take your movement very seriously.

You guys are NOT going to win many friends by scapegoating other races.

Much like Sarah Palin will always appeal to her splintergroup of social conservatives, the demonization of OTHER races is not going to win you many White supporters. Most of us don't hate other races, even if we do like our race are proud of its accomplishments, and think our culture vastly superior to others.

What you gotta do, if you want to make the White movement mainstream is stop trying to appeal to a blinding racism few of us share.

And I suspect, William, if you tried to do that, what would happen is you'd lose most of your current base, would you not?

Because their hatred of other races (more than their race) is the tie that really binds them.

Instead of having your people study and get lectures on the superiority of the White race and the secret organziation of Zionists which are controlling the world, you guys ought to be studying history and economics so you'd have some idea of what you're REALLY facing.

What's keeping most White people down (and black and yellow and whatever) is really a classist society that truly doesn't give a rats ass what color it's victims are.

Believe me, if you're White machinist working for your daily bread, you've got more in commen with a Black machinist than you do George Bush or any other White scion you can name.

You're going to be facing the same problems as those Blacks, and the root source of both your problems is going to be not a RACE-BASED, but a system based on money and influence to keep you AND THEY in your places.
Believe me, if you're White machinist working for your daily bread, you've got more in commen with a Black machinist than you do George Bush or any other White scion you can name.

You're going to be facing the same problems as those Blacks, and the root source of both your problems is going to be not a RACE-BASED, but a system based on money and influence to keep you AND THEY in your places.


Hell, you ought make that your signature. It's too bad all the people hung up on skin color and political labels don't get that.

Hell, you ought make that your signature. It's too bad all the people hung up on skin color and political labels don't get that.

Not exactly pithy enough for a signature line, but thanks.

I'd consider:

"Workers Unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains"

but those idiot Commies screwed that one up for everybody.​

Say what you want about the Commies, they knew a good slogan when they found one.​
It isn't as strong as other groups or sub-groups, true... but it's BIOLOGICALLY real, and I can tell you this much:

Affirmative action doesn't keep out "Irish" or "Italian". It keeps out WHITES.

I disagree. "White" people is an invention. There is nothing biologically "white" about us... we trace back, ethnically to some group of people tens of thousands of years ago. That's it.

[/QUOTE] White identity needs to be cultured and encouraged. Whites won't survive otherwise.[/quote]

Who cares if whites survive? Darwin said survival of the fittest.
Jews believe the exact same thing, and act on it with full force in Israel, where they exterminate Palestinians. There is no group that can really claim it's never tried to defend itself or pursue its group interests, even through the use of violence. Evolutionarily, no group like that could even exist today.

uh, no. You have your facts wrong. We believe Israel belongs to us. And it does. There is no such thing as an Arab-Palestinian. They are either Arabs, people who originate from Arabia, or Egyptians, people who originate from Egypt. That's it. There over 22 Arab-Islamic countries. I've lost count as to how many European-Christian countries there are. There is only one country that the Jews want - and that is Israel. Arabs didn't immigrate into the land until the 1920s or so when the land was under British occupation. The "Palestinians" are not being exterminated. They do a good enough job fighting amongst themselves and killing themselves. They don't need our help. In September, 1970 the Kingdom of Jordan killed 20,000 of them. Saddam Hussein killed tens of thousands as well. Israel has only killed these Arabs when they try to setup bombs or attack other Israelis.
A lot of WN's would agree!

I don't enounter any SERIOUS white advocates who call themselves a "Nazi"... and even STORMFRONT has banned swastika avatars. The whole Nazi-Hitler-etc. connection is just totally counterproductive...

It's harder to imagine a steeper hill to climb than white advocacy: one the one side, you've got a whole raft of enemies, most of 'decent' society, from white liberals to neocons to even white 'conservatives' like Sean Hannity whose first words are always, "but I'm not a racist"! Then on the other you've got morons who dress up in Nazi costumes and parade in the street.

Meanwhile, though, the issues facing whites are very real. We are becoming minorities. There is demonization of us in the media. Affirmative action does hurt us. Someone needs to be addressing that stuff.

America was not setup to be a white nation. America is a multi-cultural nation where people from all countries can come and setup new lives here. If you want to live in a country with mostly white people, go to ireland or germany. America is not just a European country.
As I said, he is confusing nationality with ethnicity. Caucasoid is in fact a race. The ethnicities within that race are, as David says, quite diverse, but it is STILL our ethnicity. That diversity and a strong sense of national identity are the reasons for the lack of a strong subculture.

Unlike you, I don't see that it really matters. I don't care much what someone's skin color is. Only how stupid they are and what possible ways they are going to try and fuck me over.

I have told many many people Caucasoid is a head shape. There are Caucasians who are very dark, like the basic stock of India. Many of them are darker than the Ibo tribesmen of Africa who are considered to be the darkest Africans.
Jews believe the exact same thing, and act on it with full force in Israel, where they exterminate Palestinians. There is no group that can really claim it's never tried to defend itself or pursue its group interests, even through the use of violence. Evolutionarily, no group like that could even exist today.
Though there has been no recorded instance of a Jewish program to exterminate the Palestinians in recent world history, it is a known fact that the Bible records that when Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land that he was going in under the instruction from YHWH that they were supposed to slay all of the inhabitants thereof, Man, Woman and Children. God considered the Cananites to be trespassers and worshippers of false gods, thus they had to be "removed."

Thankfully, most religion has evolved beyond that stage, the only exception being Radical Islam.
Though there has been no recorded instance of a Jewish program to exterminate the Palestinians in recent world history, it is a known fact that the Bible records that when Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land that he was going in under the instruction from YHWH that they were supposed to slay all of the inhabitants thereof, Man, Woman and Children. God considered the Cananites to be trespassers and worshippers of false gods, thus they had to be "removed."

Thankfully, most religion has evolved beyond that stage, the only exception being Radical Islam.

Uh, do you mean Moses or Abraham? Joshua was Jesus and Israel was well established by this time.
Uh, do you mean Moses or Abraham? Joshua was Jesus and Israel was well established by this time.

Joshua won the Battle of Jerico and the walls came tumbling down.

Nope, dude, I meant Joshua who along with Caleb went into the Promised land forty years earlier and came back and reported that there were Giants in the land. He and Caleb wanted to go in right away and attack those giants, but the rest of the Israelites were afraid so they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years more.

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