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LandNeal, Come Out to Play

You have your facts incorrect. Palestine was not an Arab state. It never had any official borders, never had its own flag, its own government, its own language, people or anything that would give identity to a country. Any Arab losses in Jewish Palestine after the League of Nations created Palestine after the partition of the Ottoman (Turks) Empire was in self defense... especially after the Nabi Musa riots which sparked the beginning of Arab aggression towards Jews. Before World War 1, the land was barren with sporadic arabs and jews living near Jerusalem. After these riots, the Arabs made a new law that they would try to populate the land by reproducing as many children as possible so their numbers would overwhelm the Jews' numbers. To a certain extent, 28 years later, it worked. But they were living in a land that wasn't theirs. There is no such thing a Palestinian - there never was and there never will be. Arabs are arabs - an ethnic people who are genetically from the land of Arabia. They belong there - in Arabia - not in the 20something countries they already have and the hundreds more they are trying to take over by the same way they tried to take over Israel - by reproducing as much as possible so their numbers overwhelm everyone else's numbers.

Palestine was most certainly a state within Transjordan and Palestinians most certainly existed, and they were not Arabs. Today's so-called Palestinians are Arabs. Palestine in Arabic is filisten, or Philistine, and the Bible itself, both yours and mine, clearly gives them nationality. It was located south and west of Israel and west of Judah along the sea.

When the League of Nations recreated Palestine, Israel ALSO did not exist and had not existed since the Roman times. So claiming one is an arbitrary state and not the other is rather one-sided.

The fact remains that in 1949, Jews had to occupy Israel by force and they did. I am merely stating a fact, not passing judgement. I've always held the opinion that at least to some extent, Britain partitioned Palestine to create a Jewish state in the middle of nowhere to get the Jews as far away from Europe as they could. Well-wishing may have been some of the motivation, but I figure anti-Jewish sentiment was as much a factor.
Here's another terrorist the IDF took care of DavidS

Israel claims it will compensate the family of British reporter killed in 2003
Tuesday April 22, 2008 21:07 by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies

Five years after the Israeli army shot and killed James Miller, a British Cameraman, Israel decided to compensate his family under a deal in which the family would drop its demand that the soldiers involved in the attack should be prosecuted in the UK.

Israel claims it will compensate the family of British reporter killed in 2003 - International Middle East Media Center - IMEMC
Palestine was most certainly a state within Transjordan

Again, your facts are incorrect. Palestine was created and occupied the land of Israel AND the area then known as Transjordan. The Arabs were unhappy about the creation of a Jewish state this large so they divided Palestine in two and created the land known as Transjordan, now known as Jordan. Palestine was not a state within Transjordan.

and Palestinians most certainly existed, and they were not Arabs.
Today's so-called Palestinians are Arabs. Palestine in Arabic is filisten, or Philistine, and the Bible itself, both yours and mine, clearly gives them nationality. It was located south and west of Israel and west of Judah along the sea.

No. There was a place of land known as Philistine. They were ancient enemies of Israel. Israel pre-dates Philistine by 2000 years or so. They were Mediterranean, i.e. Greek, Italian, etc. About 400 years after they settled the land Philistine, they lost their independence to the Asyrians and were wiped out. About 1000 years later, the Roman Empire crushed the third Jewish revolt and re-named Israel to Palestine. You can re-name France into Bob-land, but that doesn't mean the French are now Bob-landers.
Here's another terrorist the IDF took care of DavidS

Israel claims it will compensate the family of British reporter killed in 2003
Tuesday April 22, 2008 21:07 by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies

Five years after the Israeli army shot and killed James Miller, a British Cameraman, Israel decided to compensate his family under a deal in which the family would drop its demand that the soldiers involved in the attack should be prosecuted in the UK.

Israel claims it will compensate the family of British reporter killed in 2003 - International Middle East Media Center - IMEMC

One person was killed that shouldn't have been killed. How many people have been killed by your people again that shouldn't have been killed? Where are your articles condemning the terrorist attacks where Arabs blew themselves up on Israeli buses and cafes and bus stops?
Five years after the Israeli army shot and killed James Miller, a British Cameraman,

American leftists, British cameramen... even an entire U.S. Navy ship of American seamen is worth it for "Eretz Israel".


At 0800 hrs, 8 June, 1967, eight Israeli recon flights flew over 'Liberty,' which was flying a large American flag. At 1400 hrs, waves of low-flying Israeli Mystere and Mirage-III fighter-bombers repeatedly attacked the American vessel with rockets, napalm, and cannon. The air attacks lasted 20 minutes, concentrating on the ship's electronic antennas and dishes. The 'Liberty' was left afire, listing sharply. Eight of her crew lay dead, a hundred seriously wounded, including the captain, Commander William McGonagle.

At 1424 hrs, three Israeli torpedo boats attacked, raking the burning 'Liberty' with 20mm and 40mm shells. At 1431hrs an Israeli torpedo hit the 'Liberty' midship, precisely where the signals intelligence systems were located. Twenty-five more Americans died.

Israeli gunboats circled the wounded 'Liberty,' firing at crewmen trying to fight the fires. At 1515, the crew were ordered to abandon ship. The Israeli warships closed and poured machine gun fire into the crowded life rafts, sinking two. As American sailors were being massacred in cold blood, a rescue mission by US Sixth Fleet carrier aircraft was mysteriously aborted on orders from the White House.

An hour after the attack, Israeli warships and planes returned. Commander McGonagle gave the order. 'prepare to repel borders.' But the Israelis, probably fearful of intervention by the US Sixth Fleet, departed. 'Liberty' was left shattered but still defiant, her flag flying.

The Israeli attacks killed 34 US seamen and wounded 171 out of a crew of 297, the worst loss of American naval personnel from hostile action since World War II.

There's a memorial to the Liberty down near Norfolk, VA, and I'm surprised the ADL hasn't protested it...
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White people repeat this, over and over, like zombies.

But first, "skin color" is a very weak correlate with race. That's like trying to compare cars by color instead of engines.

Second, it's not true. You, and every other white person alive, do very MUCH care about race. You show it with where you live, your spouse, your church, where you go to school, where you send your kids to school. Everything about racial demographics in America screams that we do care "what a person's skin color is."

Third, you will NEVER hear any race but whites say this.

I agree to some extent, but as an absolute. Yes I am white and I know it and yes my wife is white.

However, where I live and go to school is dictated by socioeconomics, not race. I live in the school district that offered the best academics in this city for my children. I didn't ask for a breakdown of race nor did I consider it when choosing where I live nor the school.
Again, your facts are incorrect. Palestine was created and occupied the land of Israel AND the area then known as Transjordan. The Arabs were unhappy about the creation of a Jewish state this large so they divided Palestine in two and created the land known as Transjordan, now known as Jordan. Palestine was not a state within Transjordan.

No. There was a place of land known as Philistine. They were ancient enemies of Israel. Israel pre-dates Philistine by 2000 years or so. They were Mediterranean, i.e. Greek, Italian, etc. About 400 years after they settled the land Philistine, they lost their independence to the Asyrians and were wiped out. About 1000 years later, the Roman Empire crushed the third Jewish revolt and re-named Israel to Palestine. You can re-name France into Bob-land, but that doesn't mean the French are now Bob-landers.

My facts are not incorrect. The original state of Palestine predates the states of Israel/Judea.

Filisten or Philistine means Palestine.
My facts are not incorrect. The original state of Palestine predates the states of Israel/Judea.

Filisten or Philistine means Palestine.
do you realize that it was about the size of gaza and nothing more?
A religion vs. a fake race? Are you even serious?

Reading from your past posts here, you're not. But let's see what the "white" race has done in the past...
The slaughtering of millions of Native American Indians, the slaughtering of hundreds of millions of Africans in used in slavery, the slaughtering of 7 million Jews in World War 2, the slaughtering of millions of Russians by Joseph Stalin (a white man)... I mean it goes on and on and on, from the Crusades, to the Roman Empire, to the Hundred Years War... under control of the "white race" hundreds of millions of innocent people have been needlessly slaughtered.

And now let's look at how many holocausts and how many world wars the Jewish people started.


So when you ask me why should the Jewish people survive vs. what you call white people, I think it's very clear that the white people have a history of starting massive holocausts and brutal slaughtering of hundreds of millions of innocent people, while the Jewish people have done nothing to start wars.

Listen DUmmie you seem to be contradicting yourself, If the white race is an imaginary or fake race then the white race committed no atrocities. it was some other race as there is no white race according to you the DUmmie! :cuckoo:
My facts are not incorrect. The original state of Palestine predates the states of Israel/Judea.

Filisten or Philistine means Palestine.

That's right.

Palestine was a Phoenician colony long before the existence of Abraham.

The Canaanites were inhabiting the area now know as Palestine as early as 3000 BC.

Isreal was founded by Babylonian refugees (The Sons of Abraham) circa 1800 BC.

None of this much matters today, though...except to people who are attempting to say they own the land becuase their people were there first.

By now all of us should understand that being there first doesn't count for much.

What matters is who is there NOW and can they HOLD onto the land, NOW?

There is no historical justification (or condemnation) for ancient Israel or Palestine, either.

History's job isn't to make judgements it is merely to document what was.

They are historical footnotes, not moral justifications for killing people.
There is nothing wrong with having pride in your ethnicity. The Columbus Day Parade is basically a parade for the Italian ethnicity. There is no such thing as a "white" ethnicity, though. There is no such thing as standing up for the rights of European Americans, as Russians and Australians are both "white." The Easter Parade is a celebration of Christianity. The Israeli Parade is a celebration of Israel and Judaism. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your culture and being competitive about your culture especially in sports - that's what the olympics are for! But you cross the line when you kill people because you feel their race is inferior.

If there is no white ethnicity or race, then by definition there is no black ethnicity or race. Or yellow or any other that is not from and confined to a single country as you define it. Can not be by region since the white "race" originated and comes from a region as does the black "race" and the yellow "race".
That's right.

Palestine was a Phoenician colony long before the existence of Abraham.

The Canaanites were inhabiting the area now know as Palestine as early as 3000 BC.

Isreal was founded by Babylonian refugees (The Sons of Abraham) circa 1800 BC.

None of this much matters today, though...except to people who are attempting to say they own the land becuase their people were there first.

By now all of us should understand that being there first doesn't count for much.

What matters is who is there NOW and can they HOLD onto the land, NOW?

There is no historical justification (or condemnation) for ancient Israel or Palestine, either.

History's job isn't to make judgements it is merely to document what was.

They are historical footnotes, not moral justifications for killing people.

And the Jews are HOLDING onto the land, there for it is theirs. Both by decree of the UN and by brute force.

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