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LandNeal, Come Out to Play

I don't care much what someone's skin color is.

White people repeat this, over and over, like zombies.

But first, "skin color" is a very weak correlate with race. That's like trying to compare cars by color instead of engines.

Second, it's not true. You, and every other white person alive, do very MUCH care about race. You show it with where you live, your spouse, your church, where you go to school, where you send your kids to school. Everything about racial demographics in America screams that we do care "what a person's skin color is."

Third, you will NEVER hear any race but whites say this.
White people repeat this, over and over, like zombies.

But first, "skin color" is a very weak correlate with race. That's like trying to compare cars by color instead of engines.

Second, it's not true. You, and every other white person alive, do very MUCH care about race. You show it with where you live, your spouse, your church, where you go to school, where you send your kids to school. Everything about racial demographics in America screams that we do care "what a person's skin color is."

Third, you will NEVER hear any race but whites say this.

I could care less about skin color, Willie. I do care about people's minds. Of the top 100 smartest or most talented people I have known in my life 70 or more were people of color. Most were Jews. After that there were subcontinent Indians, then Mexicans, then the lighter skinned caucasians entered into the picture. White Caucasians fare about average from what I have seen.

As previously stated, I find Hispanic females from good families to be most attractive.
Though there has been no recorded instance of a Jewish program to exterminate the Palestinians in recent world history, it is a known fact that the Bible records that when Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land that he was going in under the instruction from YHWH that they were supposed to slay all of the inhabitants thereof, Man, Woman and Children. God considered the Cananites to be trespassers and worshippers of false gods, thus they had to be "removed."

Thankfully, most religion has evolved beyond that stage, the only exception being Radical Islam.

Perhaps. Scientifically however, it is a racial classification for us Casper the Ghost types.
I disagree. "White" people is an invention. There is nothing biologically "white" about us... we trace back, ethnically to some group of people tens of thousands of years ago. That's it.
White identity needs to be cultured and encouraged. Whites won't survive otherwise.[/quote]

Who cares if whites survive? Darwin said survival of the fittest.[/QUOTE]

Interesting. One, white people are a race, and scietnifically classified as such. Hardly an "invention."

You DO bring up something interesting though. I thought you were a Jew and that Jews considered THAT their race? Yet you say "we" when talking about whites.

Then you bring up Darwin. That hardly applies to any modern or semi-modern society. The fittest built this nation and survived, while the weak built laws to potect themselves and legislate survival of the fittest out.
White identity needs to be cultured and encouraged. Whites won't survive otherwise.
Who cares if whites survive? Darwin said survival of the fittest. Interesting. One, white people are a race, and scietnifically classified as such. Hardly an "invention." [/QUOTE]

No, human beings are one race. We come from different ethnic backgrounds which trace back to certain areas geographically - and that alters our skin color. But that's about it. There is ONE race of human beings - not like back in the old days when different races of pre-historic human beings walked the Earth.

You DO bring up something interesting though. I thought you were a Jew and that Jews considered THAT their race? Yet you say "we" when talking about whites.

Judaism is a religion that traces its roots back to Israel. The Sephardic Jews trace their ethnicity back to Israel. I am half Sephardic, so while I do trace back half of my ethnicity there, I also trace it back to Italy, Greece and Russia. I'm a mutt. My father was Israeli and Russian, my mother is Italian and Greek.

Christianity traces back its roots to Israel as well. I welcome Christians to Israel and hope that they could build homes and become productive members of Israeli society. I welcome Israeli Muslims as well who trace back their ethnicity to Israel. I do not welcome Arabs, though. They trace back their ethnicity to Arabia and should stay there.

Then you bring up Darwin. That hardly applies to any modern or semi-modern society. The fittest built this nation and survived, while the weak built laws to protect themselves and legislate survival of the fittest out.

Err... I disagree completely. Laws are man-made. People can abide by them or not. Those that do, fall into other sub-categories where at their career only the strong survive, or in other areas in life only the strong survive. Our entire entertainment culture these days is reality based where only the most genetically gifted survive and the less genetically gifted go home. It's Darwinism at its best!

Hell, you ought make that your signature. It's too bad all the people hung up on skin color and political labels don't get that.

Exactly. Editec and you have stated what the division in the present American society really is. Those that labor, and those that take far more than their share for managing the wealth that comes from that labor.
I am very sure that William finds this very distressing, but I have a family with strong roots, and we have regular reunions. Many of my friends are also from the same types of families. I have attended not only my family reunions, but shared theirs as often as possible. Over the years, I have noted how in each of the seperate family groups, there has been more and more diversity, both by marriage and adoption, in the families. And how attitudes concerning skin color and ethnicity has changed, even in the generation one step up from me. Not only that, the ease of the pursuit of geneology has yeilded many surprises for many families. Particulary those that pioneered the West.

If the presence of an ancestor of color were the criteria to state that one was not truly white, then the "Whites" are already a minority. Personally, if asked concerning my ancestory, I am an American first of all. Then I can list percentages of this or that ethnicity. But first, an American.

Who cares if Jews survive?

A religion vs. a fake race? Are you even serious?

Reading from your past posts here, you're not. But let's see what the "white" race has done in the past...

The slaughtering of millions of Native American Indians, the slaughtering of hundreds of millions of Africans in used in slavery, the slaughtering of 7 million Jews in World War 2, the slaughtering of millions of Russians by Joseph Stalin (a white man)... I mean it goes on and on and on, from the Crusades, to the Roman Empire, to the Hundred Years War... under control of the "white race" hundreds of millions of innocent people have been needlessly slaughtered.

And now let's look at how many holocausts and how many world wars the Jewish people started.


So when you ask me why should the Jewish people survive vs. what you call white people, I think it's very clear that the white people have a history of starting massive holocausts and brutal slaughtering of hundreds of millions of innocent people, while the Jewish people have done nothing to start wars.
A religion vs. a fake race? Are you even serious?

Reading from your past posts here, you're not. But let's see what the "white" race has done in the past...

The slaughtering of millions of Native American Indians, the slaughtering of hundreds of millions of Africans in used in slavery, the slaughtering of 7 million Jews in World War 2, the slaughtering of millions of Russians by Joseph Stalin (a white man)... I mean it goes on and on and on, from the Crusades, to the Roman Empire, to the Hundred Years War... under control of the "white race" hundreds of millions of innocent people have been needlessly slaughtered.

And now let's look at how many holocausts and how many world wars the Jewish people started.


So when you ask me why should the Jewish people survive vs. what you call white people, I think it's very clear that the white people have a history of starting massive holocausts and brutal slaughtering of hundreds of millions of innocent people, while the Jewish people have done nothing to start wars.

Which makes whites no different than any other dominant, conquering race that's inhabitted the Earth. The Mongol hoardes are hardly remembered for their humanity. They enslaved nations. Africans enlsaved each other and sold them; yet, their savagery seems to be purposefully overlooked because it works out better to villify whites for their part in the game.

People willing to stop at nothing to attain wealth and power will always find a way to justify it.

The Jewish people dispossessed Arabs of Palestine by force. That is as much historical fact as the Holocaust. Far more Christians were murdered by the Romans than Jews at the hands of Hitler. Let's try to keep some honesty and perspective here.

And before you go high and to the right as you did last time I said something critical of Jews/Israel, I think it should be obvious to you by now that I support Israel and am not out to villify Jews. But let's call a spade a spade. Their hands are no more bloodless than whites.
The Jewish people dispossessed Arabs of Palestine by force.

You have your facts incorrect. Palestine was not an Arab state. It never had any official borders, never had its own flag, its own government, its own language, people or anything that would give identity to a country. Any Arab losses in Jewish Palestine after the League of Nations created Palestine after the partition of the Ottoman (Turks) Empire was in self defense... especially after the Nabi Musa riots which sparked the beginning of Arab aggression towards Jews. Before World War 1, the land was barren with sporadic arabs and jews living near Jerusalem. After these riots, the Arabs made a new law that they would try to populate the land by reproducing as many children as possible so their numbers would overwhelm the Jews' numbers. To a certain extent, 28 years later, it worked. But they were living in a land that wasn't theirs. There is no such thing a Palestinian - there never was and there never will be. Arabs are arabs - an ethnic people who are genetically from the land of Arabia. They belong there - in Arabia - not in the 20something countries they already have and the hundreds more they are trying to take over by the same way they tried to take over Israel - by reproducing as much as possible so their numbers overwhelm everyone else's numbers.
And now let's look at how many holocausts and how many world wars the Jewish people started.


I know that Zionists think of the Palestinians as less than human and don't count.

But to the rest of the world, a genocidal Holocaust is being waged on the Palestinians by Israel
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I know that Zionists think of the Palestinians as less than human and don't count.

But to the rest of the world, a genocidal Holocaust is being waged on the Palestinians by Israel

There is no such thing as a Palestinian. There are Arabs and Egyptians living in the West Bank and Gaza, but they are not Palestinians.

As far as a genocidal holocaust, you don't even know the meaning of the word. Arabs who live in the West Bank, which isn't under terrorist control, are actually doing quite well. Unemployment is down, the economy is up, new schools and universities are being built and crime is down. They decided to trade terrorism for peace and in exchange for that, they receive international support and money. There is even talk of peace talks between Israel and the West Bank through the two-state solution - or to absorb the west bank into Jordan.

As far as Gaza is concerned, Israel refuses to spend its own money giving Gaza its own supplies that Israeli men and women have spent time and money on when Gaza is ruled by terrorists that fire rockets and mortars into Israel that hit Israeli homes and injure or kill Israeli men, women and children. Hamas could have gone the route that Fatah went, but it decided to declare war against other Arabs and have Gaza strip for itself. When that happened, Hamas felt it could take care of its own people. It can't. So the people of Gaza have a choice - to keep accepting its leaders or to overthrow its leaders and have Abbas rule over Gaza.

As far as a holocaust, the only reason why the Arabs in Gaza are suffering are because of its own people. Israeli soldiers go into Gaza and target terrorists who fire rockets and mortars into Israel. These terrorists sometimes use innocent civilians as human shields. It's a sad state of affairs. Israel is not responsible for the people of Gaza. Gazans are responsible for the people of Gaza.

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