Landslide 2020

Yes, many more young people than in the past. I am thinking older persons stayed home to watch him on TV rather than expose themselves to any possible C-19 contagion. They ARE, after all, the group this virus loves and especially if they have underlying conditions. That is the only group in my county this Chinese Virus has taken down and out, may they rest in peace.

Spot on.

I personally think Biden has a quiet momentum forming right now. I think it's not only due to all of the turmoil in the country right now which is hurting Trump, but because Biden isn't engaging in a lot of negative back and forth with Trump right now which is smart since I think the majority of Americans are craving a sense of peace and calm right now and his lack of engagement with the president is actually a good thing. Between the coronavirus and the new civil rights movement having the country on constant edge right now it makes the intense rhetoric and bullish personality of Trump, in my personal opinion at least, feel like it's not really right for this time in our history.

I personally think Biden has a quiet momentum forming right now.

It's so quiet, Joe fell asleep.....again.

I think it's not only due to all of the turmoil in the country right now which is hurting Trump,

Democrats looting and burning Dem areas hurts Trump?

I think the majority of Americans are craving a sense of peace and calm right now

Let's defund the police.....things will get calmer, eh?
I personally think Biden has a quiet momentum forming right now. I think it's not only due to all of the turmoil in the country right now which is hurting Trump, but because Biden isn't engaging in a lot of negative back and forth with Trump right now which is smart since I think the majority of Americans are craving a sense of peace and calm right now and his lack of engagement with the president is actually a good thing. Between the coronavirus and the new civil rights movement having the country on constant edge right now it makes the intense rhetoric and bullish personality of Trump, in my personal opinion at least, feel like it's not really right for this time in our history.
I think youre as mentally unstable and biden is,,,,
You're seriously surprised ?
For the last couple of weeks we've had the entire MSM as well as any doctor any reporter could get their hands on that would publicly state that Trump's rally could be a health disaster.
They've been running stories non-stop about the horror that this one rally was going to cause. You also had local Tulsa officials condemning the rally, and desperately trying to get the courts to stop it.

So for the left now to be out laughing about the crowd size is so ridiculously disingenuous, it's laughable !

Don't waste your breath it's a complete lie. if there was a problem with the crowd numbers it certainly wasn't reflected by the tens of thousands of the overflow crowd. Absolutely nothing the media printed about the event has any ring of truth to it. Earlier on I was listening to a radio report about Trump's decision to cancel the outdoor events because of the reports of potential violence not because of a lack of crowd size. Lies continue to pour out in bushels as the desperation of the left becomes more apparent with the approach of what is probably going to be a historic blowout in Trump's favor.

Don't waste your breath it's a complete lie. if there was a problem with the crowd numbers it certainly wasn't reflected by the tens of thousands of the overflow crowd. Absolutely nothing the media printed about the event has any ring of truth to it. Earlier on I was listening to a radio report about Trump's decision to cancel the outdoor events because of the reports of potential violence not because of a lack of crowd size. Lies continue to pour out in bushels as the desperation of the left becomes more apparent with the approach of what is probably going to be a historic blowout in Trump's favor.

You want us to believe all local TV News was blacked out, all local radio stations, ham radio operators silenced, no trump supporters there took or posted cellphone video? Don't be just awful. Your troll farm posts won't work in the sunlight. How is your weather in Moscow?
A lot of young people? I guess they all got lost on the way, and never found their way to the rally. The entire balcony is empty. I guess that's where they were going to sit.

Nope.....they didn't appear to be lost at all....unlike the BLM marches there were actually attractive young ladies in the crowd....20's and 30's..... Maga hats and shirts
You want us to believe all local TV News was blacked out, all local radio stations, ham radio operators silenced, no trump supporters there took or posted cellphone video? Don't be just awful. Your troll farm posts won't work in the sunlight. How is your weather in Moscow?

I don't care what you believe....I saw what I saw....huge overflow crowds outside the building.
That is all the info anyone needs.

Well see all those people who went at the Trump rally show up for Senile Joe, I guess.

Good luck getting 1% of Trumps numbers
Well see all those people who went at the Trump rally show up for Senile Joe, I guess.

Good luck getting 1% of Trumps numbers

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