LANDSLIDE: Trump 306 Electoral Votes vs 232 Clinton Electoral Votes (Embrace the BlowOut)

Turns out, Trump did win in a Landslide in the Electoral College. He would have even beaten Obama in 2012. So let this be a valuable lesson

2016 presidential election results

306? (maybe) to 232.

Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

332 to 206.

Election Center 2008 - Election Results & Politics News from

365 to 173.

Even in victory your gut is still lying to you. Looks like President Obama got an amazing amount of votes over what Mr. Trump got in both 2008 and 2012.

Hey if that makes you feel better, so be it. I don't wish unhappiness on anyone. But...

I wonder if he'll be going to Disney World.
Turns out, Trump did win in a Landslide in the Electoral College. He would have even beaten Obama in 2012. So let this be a valuable lesson

2016 presidential election results

306? (maybe) to 232.

Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

332 to 206.

Election Center 2008 - Election Results & Politics News from

365 to 173.

Even in victory your gut is still lying to you. Looks like President Obama got an amazing amount of votes over what Mr. Trump got in both 2008 and 2012.

Hey if that makes you feel better, so be it. I don't wish unhappiness on anyone. But...


Enjoy it while you can. But don;t lie to yourself too much. Time will tell if he is up to the task.
Turns out, Trump did win in a Landslide in the Electoral College. He would have even beaten Obama in 2012. So let this be a valuable lesson

2016 presidential election results

306? (maybe) to 232.

Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

332 to 206.

Election Center 2008 - Election Results & Politics News from

365 to 173.

Even in victory your gut is still lying to you. Looks like President Obama got an amazing amount of votes over what Mr. Trump got in both 2008 and 2012.

Hey if that makes you feel better, so be it. I don't wish unhappiness on anyone. But...


Enjoy it while you can. But don;t lie to yourself too much. Time will tell if he is up to the task.

I'm a realist. Nuff said.
Turns out, Trump did win in a Landslide in the Electoral College. He would have even beaten Obama in 2012. So let this be a valuable lesson

2016 presidential election results

306? (maybe) to 232.

Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

332 to 206.

Election Center 2008 - Election Results & Politics News from

365 to 173.

Even in victory your gut is still lying to you. Looks like President Obama got an amazing amount of votes over what Mr. Trump got in both 2008 and 2012.
so the difference is this, Trump wasn't supposed to win, right? I mean the stations were giving him maybe 170 Electoral votes ahead of voting day. Agree? He smashed the supposed favorite and handedly. I call that bigger.
Turns out, Trump did win in a Landslide in the Electoral College. He would have even beaten Obama in 2012. So let this be a valuable lesson

2016 presidential election results

306? (maybe) to 232.

Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

332 to 206.

Election Center 2008 - Election Results & Politics News from

365 to 173.

Even in victory your gut is still lying to you. Looks like President Obama got an amazing amount of votes over what Mr. Trump got in both 2008 and 2012.

Hey if that makes you feel better, so be it. I don't wish unhappiness on anyone. But...


Enjoy it while you can. But don;t lie to yourself too much. Time will tell if he is up to the task.
agree, and it will be our expectation he does, or he loses his credibility and a next election. That's how a conservative will hold the person they put in office accountable. Not give another four years on failed policies.
View attachment 97801

This is a peaceful revolution
Blue Berries in the sea of red...

Looks like a cranberry harvest.
Turns out, Trump did win in a Landslide in the Electoral College. He would have even beaten Obama in 2012. So let this be a valuable lesson

2016 presidential election results

306? (maybe) to 232.

Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

332 to 206.

Election Center 2008 - Election Results & Politics News from

365 to 173.

Even in victory your gut is still lying to you. Looks like President Obama got an amazing amount of votes over what Mr. Trump got in both 2008 and 2012.
so the difference is this, Trump wasn't supposed to win, right? I mean the stations were giving him maybe 170 Electoral votes ahead of voting day. Agree? He smashed the supposed favorite and handedly. I call that bigger.

The pols underestimated the Male White Pride vote. It was always Hillary's to lose. She should have chosen Bernie as her running mate. Nothing against Kaine, but Bernie had the excitement Hillary simply lacked.
Turns out, Trump did win in a Landslide in the Electoral College. He would have even beaten Obama in 2012. So let this be a valuable lesson

2016 presidential election results

306? (maybe) to 232.

Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

332 to 206.

Election Center 2008 - Election Results & Politics News from

365 to 173.

Even in victory your gut is still lying to you. Looks like President Obama got an amazing amount of votes over what Mr. Trump got in both 2008 and 2012.
so the difference is this, Trump wasn't supposed to win, right? I mean the stations were giving him maybe 170 Electoral votes ahead of voting day. Agree? He smashed the supposed favorite and handedly. I call that bigger.

The pols underestimated the Male White Pride vote. It was always Hillary's to lose. She should have chosen Bernie as her running mate. Nothing against Kaine, but Bernie had the excitement Hillary simply lacked.
I agree she screwed up. she should never have had a private email server. let four die in Benghazi. In other words, Having bernie wouldn't have helped her. White women voted for Trump more than her. she stood no chance and the media hid the real numbers and you were fooled. Not me, I always said Trump would win. I never varied from that statement. ever.
Turns out, Trump did win in a Landslide in the Electoral College. He would have even beaten Obama in 2012. So let this be a valuable lesson

2016 presidential election results

306? (maybe) to 232.

Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

332 to 206.

Election Center 2008 - Election Results & Politics News from

365 to 173.

Even in victory your gut is still lying to you. Looks like President Obama got an amazing amount of votes over what Mr. Trump got in both 2008 and 2012.
so the difference is this, Trump wasn't supposed to win, right? I mean the stations were giving him maybe 170 Electoral votes ahead of voting day. Agree? He smashed the supposed favorite and handedly. I call that bigger.

The pols underestimated the Male White Pride vote. It was always Hillary's to lose. She should have chosen Bernie as her running mate. Nothing against Kaine, but Bernie had the excitement Hillary simply lacked.

They underestimated everything. They believed their own Bullshite.
Turns out, Trump did win in a Landslide in the Electoral College. He would have even beaten Obama in 2012. So let this be a valuable lesson

2016 presidential election results

306? (maybe) to 232.

Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

332 to 206.

Election Center 2008 - Election Results & Politics News from

365 to 173.

Even in victory your gut is still lying to you. Looks like President Obama got an amazing amount of votes over what Mr. Trump got in both 2008 and 2012.

Hey if that makes you feel better, so be it. I don't wish unhappiness on anyone. But...


Enjoy it while you can. But don;t lie to yourself too much. Time will tell if he is up to the task.

Well neither of the prior two were so we can only go up.
Turns out, Trump did win in a Landslide in the Electoral College. He would have even beaten Obama in 2012. So let this be a valuable lesson

2016 presidential election results

306? (maybe) to 232.

Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

332 to 206.

Election Center 2008 - Election Results & Politics News from

365 to 173.

Even in victory your gut is still lying to you. Looks like President Obama got an amazing amount of votes over what Mr. Trump got in both 2008 and 2012.

Hey if that makes you feel better, so be it. I don't wish unhappiness on anyone. But...


Enjoy it while you can. But don;t lie to yourself too much. Time will tell if he is up to the task.

Well neither of the prior two were so we can only go up.
business man vs politician to run the country's business. wow, what a great idea. ding, ding, ding.
I told you the left didn't change their stripes overnight, here they are trying to convince themselves voters didn't reject Hillary's policies, it was some other far fetch reason she lost. They will never change. :laugh:
Turns out, Trump did win in a Landslide in the Electoral College. He would have even beaten Obama in 2012. So let this be a valuable lesson

2016 presidential election results

306? (maybe) to 232.

Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

332 to 206.

Election Center 2008 - Election Results & Politics News from

365 to 173.

Even in victory your gut is still lying to you. Looks like President Obama got an amazing amount of votes over what Mr. Trump got in both 2008 and 2012.

Hey if that makes you feel better, so be it. I don't wish unhappiness on anyone. But...


Enjoy it while you can. But don;t lie to yourself too much. Time will tell if he is up to the task.

Well neither of the prior two were so we can only go up.
business man vs politician to run the country's business. wow, what a great idea. ding, ding, ding.

Reality TV star. We'll see how well that translate.
2016 presidential election results

306? (maybe) to 232.

Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

332 to 206.

Election Center 2008 - Election Results & Politics News from

365 to 173.

Even in victory your gut is still lying to you. Looks like President Obama got an amazing amount of votes over what Mr. Trump got in both 2008 and 2012.

Hey if that makes you feel better, so be it. I don't wish unhappiness on anyone. But...


Enjoy it while you can. But don;t lie to yourself too much. Time will tell if he is up to the task.

Well neither of the prior two were so we can only go up.
business man vs politician to run the country's business. wow, what a great idea. ding, ding, ding.

Reality TV star. We'll see how well that translate.

Oh come on? Your boy Hussein has been all over late night TV for 8yrs. Didn't seem to bother you much. So don't be a hypocrite.
2016 presidential election results

306? (maybe) to 232.

Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

332 to 206.

Election Center 2008 - Election Results & Politics News from

365 to 173.

Even in victory your gut is still lying to you. Looks like President Obama got an amazing amount of votes over what Mr. Trump got in both 2008 and 2012.

Hey if that makes you feel better, so be it. I don't wish unhappiness on anyone. But...


Enjoy it while you can. But don;t lie to yourself too much. Time will tell if he is up to the task.

Well neither of the prior two were so we can only go up.
business man vs politician to run the country's business. wow, what a great idea. ding, ding, ding.

Reality TV star. We'll see how well that translate.
you'll have four years to say I told you so. why don't you just go with that.

It's all I've had for eight years. and more of my money in an insurance agency that I was promised wouldn't happen.
Last edited:
Hey if that makes you feel better, so be it. I don't wish unhappiness on anyone. But...


Enjoy it while you can. But don;t lie to yourself too much. Time will tell if he is up to the task.

Well neither of the prior two were so we can only go up.
business man vs politician to run the country's business. wow, what a great idea. ding, ding, ding.

Reality TV star. We'll see how well that translate.
you'll have four years to say I told you so. why don't you just go with that.

Ah, hypocrites. Hussein's had his mug all over late night TV for 8yrs. I never saw any Hussein wingnuts complaining about it.

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