Lanny Davis: White House Threatened Me Too


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Liberal Lanny Davis also on the hit list of Obama's cronys...Who next?

Lanny Davis: White House Threatened Me Too

Washington Times columnist and Democratic insider Lanny Davis tells WMAL-AM that his editor, John Solomon, "received a phone call from a senior Obama White House official who didn't like some of my columns, even though I'm a supporter of Obama. I couldn't imagine why this call was made." Davis says the Obama aide told Solomon, "that if he continued to run my columns, he would lose, or his reporters would lose their White House credentials."

"He didn't take it seriously, because he didn't think that could ever happen. He thought it was bluster," Davis told WMAL. "I called three senior people at the White House, and I said, 'I want this person to be told this can never happen again, and it's inappropriate.' I got a call back from someone who was in the White House saying it will never happen again

[ame=]Lanny Davis on WMAL 2-28-13 - YouTube[/ame]

Lanny Davis: White House Threatened Me Too | RealClearPolitics
Liberal Lanny Davis also on the hit list of Obama's cronys...Who next?

Lanny Davis: White House Threatened Me Too

Washington Times columnist and Democratic insider Lanny Davis tells WMAL-AM that his editor, John Solomon, "received a phone call from a senior Obama White House official who didn't like some of my columns, even though I'm a supporter of Obama. I couldn't imagine why this call was made." Davis says the Obama aide told Solomon, "that if he continued to run my columns, he would lose, or his reporters would lose their White House credentials."

"He didn't take it seriously, because he didn't think that could ever happen. He thought it was bluster," Davis told WMAL. "I called three senior people at the White House, and I said, 'I want this person to be told this can never happen again, and it's inappropriate.' I got a call back from someone who was in the White House saying it will never happen again

[ame=]Lanny Davis on WMAL 2-28-13 - YouTube[/ame]

Lanny Davis: White House Threatened Me Too | RealClearPolitics
We have a pattern here that started back in 2008
Obama kicks dissenting reporters off plane « Hot Air
Who will be the next target on the obama hit list?
The media better stand up and start defending their own, against this little dictator.
Even liberals aren't safe from Obama...I can imagine what was said to this guy behind the scenes

[ame=]Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT): Sequestration Was Obama's Idea - YouTube[/ame]
Sarah G's comments are indicative of the Obama defenders. They can see he's a tyrant but will just keep marching in lockstep with him, either out of blind allegiance or fear that they might end up on his hit list. Does this remind anyone of a particularly unpleasant period in world history? Like say, around 1939? There's a storm coming.
This White House is inhabited by thugs.

Sad but true.


Woodward is one of your own, how many more will be thrown under the bus to protect obama?

Once again, Repubs attempt to smear the WH.. Fail.

Bob Woodward Emails Show White House 'Threat' Was Not So Threatening

On Thursday morning, Politico released the text of the email exchange between Woodward and Sperling. The emails look to be a far cry from the kind of thuggery that Woodward implied.

Here's an excerpt from Sperling:

I apologize for raising my voice in our conversation today. I do understand your problems with a couple of our statements in the fall -- but feel on the other hand that you focus on a few specific trees that gives a very wrong perception of the forest. But perhaps we will just not see eye to eye here. But I do truly believe you should rethink your comment about saying saying that Potus asking for revenues is moving the goal post. I know you may not believe this, but as a friend, I think you will regret staking out that claim ... My apologies again for raising my voice on the call with you. Feel bad about that and truly apologize.

Woodward, who would later profess to be unnerved by Sperling's email, replied very calmly:

Gene: You do not ever have to apologize to me. You get wound up because you are making your points and you believe them. This is all part of a serious discussion. I for one welcome a little heat; there should more given the importance. I also welcome your personal advice.

Bob Woodward Emails Show White House 'Threat' Was Not So Threatening
I think you will regret staking out that claim...

If I should send the most glowing ass-licking correspondence to teh President, this imbedded, the Federal B.I. would be on my ass like white on rice.

You no speaky Engrish?

Woodward is one of your own, how many more will be thrown under the bus to protect obama?

Once again, Repubs attempt to smear the WH.. Fail.

Bob Woodward Emails Show White House 'Threat' Was Not So Threatening

On Thursday morning, Politico released the text of the email exchange between Woodward and Sperling. The emails look to be a far cry from the kind of thuggery that Woodward implied.

Here's an excerpt from Sperling:

I apologize for raising my voice in our conversation today. I do understand your problems with a couple of our statements in the fall -- but feel on the other hand that you focus on a few specific trees that gives a very wrong perception of the forest. But perhaps we will just not see eye to eye here. But I do truly believe you should rethink your comment about saying saying that Potus asking for revenues is moving the goal post. I know you may not believe this, but as a friend, I think you will regret staking out that claim ... My apologies again for raising my voice on the call with you. Feel bad about that and truly apologize.

Woodward, who would later profess to be unnerved by Sperling's email, replied very calmly:

Gene: You do not ever have to apologize to me. You get wound up because you are making your points and you believe them. This is all part of a serious discussion. I for one welcome a little heat; there should more given the importance. I also welcome your personal advice.

Bob Woodward Emails Show White House 'Threat' Was Not So Threatening

This talking point must have went out to all the Obamaites....Good little soldier we wouldn't want anyone you know to be next on Obama's hit list now would we:eusa_shhh:
Woodward is one of your own, how many more will be thrown under the bus to protect obama?

Once again, Repubs attempt to smear the WH.. Fail.

Bob Woodward Emails Show White House 'Threat' Was Not So Threatening

On Thursday morning, Politico released the text of the email exchange between Woodward and Sperling. The emails look to be a far cry from the kind of thuggery that Woodward implied.

Here's an excerpt from Sperling:

I apologize for raising my voice in our conversation today. I do understand your problems with a couple of our statements in the fall -- but feel on the other hand that you focus on a few specific trees that gives a very wrong perception of the forest. But perhaps we will just not see eye to eye here. But I do truly believe you should rethink your comment about saying saying that Potus asking for revenues is moving the goal post. I know you may not believe this, but as a friend, I think you will regret staking out that claim ... My apologies again for raising my voice on the call with you. Feel bad about that and truly apologize.

Woodward, who would later profess to be unnerved by Sperling's email, replied very calmly:

Gene: You do not ever have to apologize to me. You get wound up because you are making your points and you believe them. This is all part of a serious discussion. I for one welcome a little heat; there should more given the importance. I also welcome your personal advice.

Bob Woodward Emails Show White House 'Threat' Was Not So Threatening

This talking point must have went out to all the Obamaites....Good little soldier we wouldn't want anyone you know to be next on Obama's hit list now would we:eusa_shhh:

It's just a correct response to yet another Republican lie.
Once again, Repubs attempt to smear the WH.. Fail.

This talking point must have went out to all the Obamaites....Good little soldier we wouldn't want anyone you know to be next on Obama's hit list now would we:eusa_shhh:

It's just a correct response to yet another Republican lie.

You're fucking going to regret ever stupid troll post that you have made on this forum, bitch
This White House is inhabited by thugs.

Sad but true.


Woodward is one of your own, how many more will be thrown under the bus to protect obama?

I don't have "my own".

Frankly, I didn't think much of Woodward when he was kissing Bush's ass, and I thought less of him when he took the same anecdotes a few years later and turned them into a "damning" (not really) indictment of the Iraq War.

Bob Woodward is to Journalism what Madonna is to music!
yeap and after seeing the exact emails bobby was all pissed about it really makes him look like a fool.

Oh and BTY Lanny Davis is a joe liberman dem.

Thats pretty much as conservative as you can get and still call yourself a dem huh

Woodward is one of your own, how many more will be thrown under the bus to protect obama?

How many more will dare come forward, to report even more threats to their own livelihoods, by this band of thugs in the WH?
I find this protection of obama by the media disturbing when they throw one of the most respected investigative reporters under the bus. Who will be the next target if the media doesn't do exactly what obama says do?

Woodward is one of your own, how many more will be thrown under the bus to protect obama?

I don't have "my own".

Frankly, I didn't think much of Woodward when he was kissing Bush's ass, and I thought less of him when he took the same anecdotes a few years later and turned them into a "damning" (not really) indictment of the Iraq War.

Bob Woodward is to Journalism what Madonna is to music!

He really is a butt kisser. He's always hanging out in the oval office acting like he's all important. I bet his peers think he's a jerk.

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