LAPD chief says department is leading nationwide movement to arm DACA police officers

Do WE THE PEOPLE vote on Congressional pay raises? Our representatives do what they want, depending on the under the table cash!

and WE THE PEOPLE allow them to get away with it by reelecting them at greater than 90% clip.
This, to me. . . is the oddest clown werld shit yet.

Police officers that are illegal aliens? :wtf:


Not satire: LAPD swears in police officers who are DACA recipients and entered US illegally​

California is run by psychopaths and idiots.
Yep. Except I've been in a blood red district for 20+ years. There is no helping idiots that believe everything a republican says!
You should be bragging about your red district….have you been to ANY solid blue district lately…they are all dangerous, disgusting, dependent, diverse, divided super shitholes…All of them.
I said illegals, learn to read.
Yes, illegals have rights, it states as such in the 14th:

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
You should be bragging about your red district….have you been to ANY solid blue district lately…they are all dangerous, disgusting, dependent, diverse, divided super shitholes…All of them.
Even the GOP shitholes have the same, learn to deal with it.
Yes, illegals have rights, it states as such in the 14th:

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Negative…illegals have no rights. Our founding documents are titled “We The People” referring to We The Citizens Of America. Our founding documents are not international documents that reach to Mexico’s people. The entire Constitution was framed for one reason…to protect Americans. Our founders would not have authored one single sentence that would allow Mexico’s people to fuck over Americans. Our founders would have hanged every illegal here in a public square.
Negative…illegals have no rights. Our founding documents are titled “We The People” referring to We The Citizens Of America. Our founding documents are not international documents that reach to Mexico’s people. The entire Constitution was framed for one reason…to protect Americans. Our founders would not have authored one single sentence that would allow Mexico’s people to fuck over Americans. Our founders would have hanged every illegal here in a public square.
14th Amendment protects the illegals, yes, from the BrokeLosers.
Negative…illegals have no rights. Our founding documents are titled “We The People” referring to We The Citizens Of America. Our founding documents are not international documents that reach to Mexico’s people. The entire Constitution was framed for one reason…to protect Americans. Our founders would not have authored one single sentence that would allow Mexico’s people to fuck over Americans. Our founders would have hanged every illegal here in a public square.
Sorry old man but Illegals have rights and it is an issue that has been settled by the Supreme Court.

Three key Supreme Court decisions in 1886, 1896 and 1903 laid the 14th Amendment basis for the consistent ruling of the court that aliens, legal and illegal, have constitutional protection in criminal and certain civil affairs in the justice system.Sep 29, 2015

Yes, illegal aliens have constitutional rights | The Hill​


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