LAPD Shoots Woman Hostage

Funny how in a CCW course you are taught in no uncertain terms, that you are 100% accountable for every round you discharge. Yet police are given special Lee way in consideration of so called “exceptional circumstances”. What a crock. As if a civilian using his gun in this same scenario would be given the same Lee way...

Yep. When I was stationed at Newport RI, I also became a member of the base Security Force. We were taught by the Gunny to have ammo control. That meant you didn't fire off your entire clip and then reload, it meant you took one to three shots, assessed the situation, and if more shots were required, another one to three shots, then reassess the situation. In range training, we were taught to fire from several different positions, and had a certain amount of shots you were to fire at each target. If you fired too many rounds at one target, you ran out of ammo before you finished the course.

Firing 18 shots at just one dude who has a hostage? That is a disaster just begging to happen. When they fired at him with the bean bag gun and he didn't go down, THAT is when they should have fired one or two shots to keep him from going after the woman in the walker. And, since the dude had a knife, did all three cops really need to fire at once? Shouldn't one have been designated as prime shooter, while the rest stood by as backup? Would have made more sense than firing 18 shots at the dude. With that many rounds being fired, she was sure to catch a bullet or two.

No, the cops need better training. I know that I got good training in the Navy, why is it so hard for the police to get good training?
Well sadly, police officials do not have the budget that the US navy has!

They have a bigger budget than what the Security Force had. I know this because there were a couple of times that we did training with the Newport police force.

No, the problem is with the quality of the training they receive. There are some police forces who hire hacks as "trainers".
So you think you should get the same consideration as a cop? Well, put your ass on the line everyday then we’ll talk.
I’ll talk now thank you.
Yet here you post...
Soon as you put your sorry armchair quarterback ass on the line! Dew it!
I did my time. And even if I hadn’t. Every free voting citizen has a say in these matters. Welcome to America.
You just have a lot more credibility when you aren’t an armchair quarterback! Don’t you think those cops are just feeling horrible that they hit the victim? You want them punished for trying to save her asswipe?

Like I said earlier, since the dude only had a knife, they should have designated one officer as primary shooter, with the other two standing by as back up. There was no reason to fire 18 shots at the dude. Matter of fact, if one officer had been shooting and hit the guy in the head (and yeah, from that close a range, it's not a hard shot for someone with training). Maybe that woman would still be alive then.
LAPD releases video of fatal police shooting of female hostage held at knifepoint

Authorities in Los Angeles released dramatic body cam video on Tuesday of a shooting in June that killed a knife-wielding man and a woman he was holding hostage – the first of two incidents this summer where a bystander was killed as police tried to stop an attacker.

The shooting on June 16 took place outside a homeless outreach center in Van Nuys, when the attacker, later identified as Guillermo Perez, tried to saw off a hostage's head, police said. Officers fired nearly 20 times, striking both of them.

"It's been 13 years since an officer's gunfire has killed an innocent bystander or hostage in this department," Police Chief Michel Moore said at a news conference. "In the last six weeks, it's happened twice."

This is freaking horrible. Mr. Perez ICame Here For A Better Life was trying to saw the woman’s head off! While shooting the I Came Here For A Better Life guy they hit the hostage too. I guess it’s better being shot than having your head sawn off!

Truly a tragic end for that poor woman. Sadly, cops just aren't trained that well. Thus you are going to see far more of this sort of tragic end before the idiots in charge figure out they need to up the training for their people.
What should they have done? Stand and watch the dude saw her head off?

No, they should have shot more accurately. Had it been me, or my friends that I shoot with, she would not have been hit.
I’ll talk now thank you.
Yet here you post...
Soon as you put your sorry armchair quarterback ass on the line! Dew it!
I did my time. And even if I hadn’t. Every free voting citizen has a say in these matters. Welcome to America.
You just have a lot more credibility when you aren’t an armchair quarterback! Don’t you think those cops are just feeling horrible that they hit the victim? You want them punished for trying to save her asswipe?

Like I said earlier, since the dude only had a knife, they should have designated one officer as primary shooter, with the other two standing by as back up. There was no reason to fire 18 shots at the dude. Matter of fact, if one officer had been shooting and hit the guy in the head (and yeah, from that close a range, it's not a hard shot for someone with training). Maybe that woman would still be alive then.
Only had a knife? With which he was separating her from her head! That’s not bad is it! Only a little gun free beheading. Not to panic!! We’ll call the Navy!
So you think you should get the same consideration as a cop? Well, put your ass on the line everyday then we’ll talk.
I’ll talk now thank you.
Yet here you post...
Soon as you put your sorry armchair quarterback ass on the line! Dew it!
I did my time. And even if I hadn’t. Every free voting citizen has a say in these matters. Welcome to America.
You just have a lot more credibility when you aren’t an armchair quarterback! Don’t you think those cops are just feeling horrible that they hit the victim? You want them punished for trying to save her asswipe?
You don’t think a civilian in the same circumstance would feel the same way? Sorry; but having a sad ain’t gonna cut it. And the civilian is likely facing multiple serious charges, and lawsuits. And he has to finance his own defense personally. Nor is he likely to get paid time off work to cry it out.
Funny how in a CCW course you are taught in no uncertain terms, that you are 100% accountable for every round you discharge. Yet police are given special Lee way in consideration of so called “exceptional circumstances”. What a crock. As if a civilian using his gun in this same scenario would be given the same Lee way...

Yep. When I was stationed at Newport RI, I also became a member of the base Security Force. We were taught by the Gunny to have ammo control. That meant you didn't fire off your entire clip and then reload, it meant you took one to three shots, assessed the situation, and if more shots were required, another one to three shots, then reassess the situation. In range training, we were taught to fire from several different positions, and had a certain amount of shots you were to fire at each target. If you fired too many rounds at one target, you ran out of ammo before you finished the course.

Firing 18 shots at just one dude who has a hostage? That is a disaster just begging to happen. When they fired at him with the bean bag gun and he didn't go down, THAT is when they should have fired one or two shots to keep him from going after the woman in the walker. And, since the dude had a knife, did all three cops really need to fire at once? Shouldn't one have been designated as prime shooter, while the rest stood by as backup? Would have made more sense than firing 18 shots at the dude. With that many rounds being fired, she was sure to catch a bullet or two.

No, the cops need better training. I know that I got good training in the Navy, why is it so hard for the police to get good training?

Because there has been a complete shift in philosophy. If a cop is known to the brass as a "gun guy" he is shunted off to crap details. There is active suppression of firearms skills in 90% of the law enforcement agency's throughout the country.
LAPD releases video of fatal police shooting of female hostage held at knifepoint

Authorities in Los Angeles released dramatic body cam video on Tuesday of a shooting in June that killed a knife-wielding man and a woman he was holding hostage – the first of two incidents this summer where a bystander was killed as police tried to stop an attacker.

The shooting on June 16 took place outside a homeless outreach center in Van Nuys, when the attacker, later identified as Guillermo Perez, tried to saw off a hostage's head, police said. Officers fired nearly 20 times, striking both of them.

"It's been 13 years since an officer's gunfire has killed an innocent bystander or hostage in this department," Police Chief Michel Moore said at a news conference. "In the last six weeks, it's happened twice."

This is freaking horrible. Mr. Perez ICame Here For A Better Life was trying to saw the woman’s head off! While shooting the I Came Here For A Better Life guy they hit the hostage too. I guess it’s better being shot than having your head sawn off!

Truly a tragic end for that poor woman. Sadly, cops just aren't trained that well. Thus you are going to see far more of this sort of tragic end before the idiots in charge figure out they need to up the training for their people.
What should they have done? Stand and watch the dude saw her head off?

No, they should have shot more accurately. Had it been me, or my friends that I shoot with, she would not have been hit.

Quick question, do you think that all three officers needed to fire their weapons, and do you think that 18 shots were required to stop the dude? If it had been me with the people I trained with on Security Force, we would have designated one of us as primary shooter, with the other two as back up. I mean, if he had a gun it might have been different, but he only had a knife.
Funny how in a CCW course you are taught in no uncertain terms, that you are 100% accountable for every round you discharge. Yet police are given special Lee way in consideration of so called “exceptional circumstances”. What a crock. As if a civilian using his gun in this same scenario would be given the same Lee way...

Yep. When I was stationed at Newport RI, I also became a member of the base Security Force. We were taught by the Gunny to have ammo control. That meant you didn't fire off your entire clip and then reload, it meant you took one to three shots, assessed the situation, and if more shots were required, another one to three shots, then reassess the situation. In range training, we were taught to fire from several different positions, and had a certain amount of shots you were to fire at each target. If you fired too many rounds at one target, you ran out of ammo before you finished the course.

Firing 18 shots at just one dude who has a hostage? That is a disaster just begging to happen. When they fired at him with the bean bag gun and he didn't go down, THAT is when they should have fired one or two shots to keep him from going after the woman in the walker. And, since the dude had a knife, did all three cops really need to fire at once? Shouldn't one have been designated as prime shooter, while the rest stood by as backup? Would have made more sense than firing 18 shots at the dude. With that many rounds being fired, she was sure to catch a bullet or two.

No, the cops need better training. I know that I got good training in the Navy, why is it so hard for the police to get good training?

Because there has been a complete shift in philosophy. If a cop is known to the brass as a "gun guy" he is shunted off to crap details. There is active suppression of firearms skills in 90% of the law enforcement agency's throughout the country.

Suppression from whom? This is the LAPD.
Yet here you post...
Soon as you put your sorry armchair quarterback ass on the line! Dew it!
I did my time. And even if I hadn’t. Every free voting citizen has a say in these matters. Welcome to America.
You just have a lot more credibility when you aren’t an armchair quarterback! Don’t you think those cops are just feeling horrible that they hit the victim? You want them punished for trying to save her asswipe?

Like I said earlier, since the dude only had a knife, they should have designated one officer as primary shooter, with the other two standing by as back up. There was no reason to fire 18 shots at the dude. Matter of fact, if one officer had been shooting and hit the guy in the head (and yeah, from that close a range, it's not a hard shot for someone with training). Maybe that woman would still be alive then.
Only had a knife? With which he was separating her from her head! That’s not bad is it! Only a little gun free beheading. Not to panic!! We’ll call the Navy!

Don't be stupid. The cops shot and killed an innocent woman who shouldn't have been shot. They did it because they are not trained. We are not saying they are bad people. We are saying, provably so, that they were incompetent with their weapons. Yes they are sad. Who cares. The woman is dead, and if these cops had better training, she wouldn't be.
Yet here you post...
Soon as you put your sorry armchair quarterback ass on the line! Dew it!
I did my time. And even if I hadn’t. Every free voting citizen has a say in these matters. Welcome to America.
You just have a lot more credibility when you aren’t an armchair quarterback! Don’t you think those cops are just feeling horrible that they hit the victim? You want them punished for trying to save her asswipe?

Like I said earlier, since the dude only had a knife, they should have designated one officer as primary shooter, with the other two standing by as back up. There was no reason to fire 18 shots at the dude. Matter of fact, if one officer had been shooting and hit the guy in the head (and yeah, from that close a range, it's not a hard shot for someone with training). Maybe that woman would still be alive then.
Only had a knife? With which he was separating her from her head! That’s not bad is it! Only a little gun free beheading. Not to panic!! We’ll call the Navy!

As soon as one cop saw the knife being pressed into her skin, if he would have fired one or two shots at his head (and one of them had a clear shot for that), maybe he would have jerked as the bullet hit him, but there would have been a better chance of saving her life. All three shooting 18 rounds is a bit excessive.
LAPD releases video of fatal police shooting of female hostage held at knifepoint

Authorities in Los Angeles released dramatic body cam video on Tuesday of a shooting in June that killed a knife-wielding man and a woman he was holding hostage – the first of two incidents this summer where a bystander was killed as police tried to stop an attacker.

The shooting on June 16 took place outside a homeless outreach center in Van Nuys, when the attacker, later identified as Guillermo Perez, tried to saw off a hostage's head, police said. Officers fired nearly 20 times, striking both of them.

"It's been 13 years since an officer's gunfire has killed an innocent bystander or hostage in this department," Police Chief Michel Moore said at a news conference. "In the last six weeks, it's happened twice."

This is freaking horrible. Mr. Perez ICame Here For A Better Life was trying to saw the woman’s head off! While shooting the I Came Here For A Better Life guy they hit the hostage too. I guess it’s better being shot than having your head sawn off!

Truly a tragic end for that poor woman. Sadly, cops just aren't trained that well. Thus you are going to see far more of this sort of tragic end before the idiots in charge figure out they need to up the training for their people.
What should they have done? Stand and watch the dude saw her head off?

No, they should have shot more accurately. Had it been me, or my friends that I shoot with, she would not have been hit.

Quick question, do you think that all three officers needed to fire their weapons, and do you think that 18 shots were required to stop the dude? If it had been me with the people I trained with on Security Force, we would have designated one of us as primary shooter, with the other two as back up. I mean, if he had a gun it might have been different, but he only had a knife.

Nope. You place the officers, and whoever has the best angle takes the shot. As you say, the other two are merely back up if the first shooter fails.
LAPD releases video of fatal police shooting of female hostage held at knifepoint

Authorities in Los Angeles released dramatic body cam video on Tuesday of a shooting in June that killed a knife-wielding man and a woman he was holding hostage – the first of two incidents this summer where a bystander was killed as police tried to stop an attacker.

The shooting on June 16 took place outside a homeless outreach center in Van Nuys, when the attacker, later identified as Guillermo Perez, tried to saw off a hostage's head, police said. Officers fired nearly 20 times, striking both of them.

"It's been 13 years since an officer's gunfire has killed an innocent bystander or hostage in this department," Police Chief Michel Moore said at a news conference. "In the last six weeks, it's happened twice."

This is freaking horrible. Mr. Perez ICame Here For A Better Life was trying to saw the woman’s head off! While shooting the I Came Here For A Better Life guy they hit the hostage too. I guess it’s better being shot than having your head sawn off!

Truly a tragic end for that poor woman. Sadly, cops just aren't trained that well. Thus you are going to see far more of this sort of tragic end before the idiots in charge figure out they need to up the training for their people.
What should they have done? Stand and watch the dude saw her head off?

No, they should have shot more accurately. Had it been me, or my friends that I shoot with, she would not have been hit.

Quick question, do you think that all three officers needed to fire their weapons, and do you think that 18 shots were required to stop the dude? If it had been me with the people I trained with on Security Force, we would have designated one of us as primary shooter, with the other two as back up. I mean, if he had a gun it might have been different, but he only had a knife.
I am not going to second guess them, I was not there. A woman was getting her head sawn off by a tiny little gun free knife! I guess we should call the navy. Hold everything til they get here!
Funny how in a CCW course you are taught in no uncertain terms, that you are 100% accountable for every round you discharge. Yet police are given special Lee way in consideration of so called “exceptional circumstances”. What a crock. As if a civilian using his gun in this same scenario would be given the same Lee way...

Yep. When I was stationed at Newport RI, I also became a member of the base Security Force. We were taught by the Gunny to have ammo control. That meant you didn't fire off your entire clip and then reload, it meant you took one to three shots, assessed the situation, and if more shots were required, another one to three shots, then reassess the situation. In range training, we were taught to fire from several different positions, and had a certain amount of shots you were to fire at each target. If you fired too many rounds at one target, you ran out of ammo before you finished the course.

Firing 18 shots at just one dude who has a hostage? That is a disaster just begging to happen. When they fired at him with the bean bag gun and he didn't go down, THAT is when they should have fired one or two shots to keep him from going after the woman in the walker. And, since the dude had a knife, did all three cops really need to fire at once? Shouldn't one have been designated as prime shooter, while the rest stood by as backup? Would have made more sense than firing 18 shots at the dude. With that many rounds being fired, she was sure to catch a bullet or two.

No, the cops need better training. I know that I got good training in the Navy, why is it so hard for the police to get good training?

Because there has been a complete shift in philosophy. If a cop is known to the brass as a "gun guy" he is shunted off to crap details. There is active suppression of firearms skills in 90% of the law enforcement agency's throughout the country.

Suppression from whom? This is the LAPD.

Yes, the upper level brass (the leadership of the LAPD) is actively anti gun. They feel that any cop who is a "gun guy" is a pro gun, and thus is not to be trusted. I still have a few friends with the LAPD and as soon as they can, they are taking retirement and bailing on the State.
LAPD releases video of fatal police shooting of female hostage held at knifepoint

Authorities in Los Angeles released dramatic body cam video on Tuesday of a shooting in June that killed a knife-wielding man and a woman he was holding hostage – the first of two incidents this summer where a bystander was killed as police tried to stop an attacker.

The shooting on June 16 took place outside a homeless outreach center in Van Nuys, when the attacker, later identified as Guillermo Perez, tried to saw off a hostage's head, police said. Officers fired nearly 20 times, striking both of them.

"It's been 13 years since an officer's gunfire has killed an innocent bystander or hostage in this department," Police Chief Michel Moore said at a news conference. "In the last six weeks, it's happened twice."

This is freaking horrible. Mr. Perez ICame Here For A Better Life was trying to saw the woman’s head off! While shooting the I Came Here For A Better Life guy they hit the hostage too. I guess it’s better being shot than having your head sawn off!

Truly a tragic end for that poor woman. Sadly, cops just aren't trained that well. Thus you are going to see far more of this sort of tragic end before the idiots in charge figure out they need to up the training for their people.
What should they have done? Stand and watch the dude saw her head off?

No, they should have shot more accurately. Had it been me, or my friends that I shoot with, she would not have been hit.

Quick question, do you think that all three officers needed to fire their weapons, and do you think that 18 shots were required to stop the dude? If it had been me with the people I trained with on Security Force, we would have designated one of us as primary shooter, with the other two as back up. I mean, if he had a gun it might have been different, but he only had a knife.
The time to take the shot ideally would have been when he advanced toward the hostage. He was wide open; and she was in the clear of competent shooters.
LAPD releases video of fatal police shooting of female hostage held at knifepoint

Authorities in Los Angeles released dramatic body cam video on Tuesday of a shooting in June that killed a knife-wielding man and a woman he was holding hostage – the first of two incidents this summer where a bystander was killed as police tried to stop an attacker.

The shooting on June 16 took place outside a homeless outreach center in Van Nuys, when the attacker, later identified as Guillermo Perez, tried to saw off a hostage's head, police said. Officers fired nearly 20 times, striking both of them.

"It's been 13 years since an officer's gunfire has killed an innocent bystander or hostage in this department," Police Chief Michel Moore said at a news conference. "In the last six weeks, it's happened twice."

This is freaking horrible. Mr. Perez ICame Here For A Better Life was trying to saw the woman’s head off! While shooting the I Came Here For A Better Life guy they hit the hostage too. I guess it’s better being shot than having your head sawn off!

Truly a tragic end for that poor woman. Sadly, cops just aren't trained that well. Thus you are going to see far more of this sort of tragic end before the idiots in charge figure out they need to up the training for their people.
What should they have done? Stand and watch the dude saw her head off?

No, they should have shot more accurately. Had it been me, or my friends that I shoot with, she would not have been hit.

Quick question, do you think that all three officers needed to fire their weapons, and do you think that 18 shots were required to stop the dude? If it had been me with the people I trained with on Security Force, we would have designated one of us as primary shooter, with the other two as back up. I mean, if he had a gun it might have been different, but he only had a knife.

Nope. You place the officers, and whoever has the best angle takes the shot. As you say, the other two are merely back up if the first shooter fails.

The officer that was facing him full on and closest would have been designated as the primary shooter.

And, like I said, the closest officer was only 10 ft away, and could have gotten a clean head shot at the dude with the knife. Even if he would have cut her as he dropped dead, there would have been a better chance of saving her from a possibly severe knife wound than saving her from being shot twice.
Truly a tragic end for that poor woman. Sadly, cops just aren't trained that well. Thus you are going to see far more of this sort of tragic end before the idiots in charge figure out they need to up the training for their people.
What should they have done? Stand and watch the dude saw her head off?

No, they should have shot more accurately. Had it been me, or my friends that I shoot with, she would not have been hit.

Quick question, do you think that all three officers needed to fire their weapons, and do you think that 18 shots were required to stop the dude? If it had been me with the people I trained with on Security Force, we would have designated one of us as primary shooter, with the other two as back up. I mean, if he had a gun it might have been different, but he only had a knife.

Nope. You place the officers, and whoever has the best angle takes the shot. As you say, the other two are merely back up if the first shooter fails.

The officer that was facing him full on and closest would have been designated as the primary shooter.

And, like I said, the closest officer was only 10 ft away, and could have gotten a clean head shot at the dude with the knife. Even if he would have cut her as he dropped dead, there would have been a better chance of saving her from a possibly severe knife wound than saving her from being shot twice.

Actually, he would have been a good backup. The cops on the side were better placed to shoot the bad guy without hitting the woman, and with adequate training that's an easy shot out to 30 yards.
Funny how in a CCW course you are taught in no uncertain terms, that you are 100% accountable for every round you discharge. Yet police are given special Lee way in consideration of so called “exceptional circumstances”. What a crock. As if a civilian using his gun in this same scenario would be given the same Lee way...

Yep. When I was stationed at Newport RI, I also became a member of the base Security Force. We were taught by the Gunny to have ammo control. That meant you didn't fire off your entire clip and then reload, it meant you took one to three shots, assessed the situation, and if more shots were required, another one to three shots, then reassess the situation. In range training, we were taught to fire from several different positions, and had a certain amount of shots you were to fire at each target. If you fired too many rounds at one target, you ran out of ammo before you finished the course.

Firing 18 shots at just one dude who has a hostage? That is a disaster just begging to happen. When they fired at him with the bean bag gun and he didn't go down, THAT is when they should have fired one or two shots to keep him from going after the woman in the walker. And, since the dude had a knife, did all three cops really need to fire at once? Shouldn't one have been designated as prime shooter, while the rest stood by as backup? Would have made more sense than firing 18 shots at the dude. With that many rounds being fired, she was sure to catch a bullet or two.

No, the cops need better training. I know that I got good training in the Navy, why is it so hard for the police to get good training?

Because there has been a complete shift in philosophy. If a cop is known to the brass as a "gun guy" he is shunted off to crap details. There is active suppression of firearms skills in 90% of the law enforcement agency's throughout the country.

Suppression from whom? This is the LAPD.

Yes, the upper level brass (the leadership of the LAPD) is actively anti gun. They feel that any cop who is a "gun guy" is a pro gun, and thus is not to be trusted. I still have a few friends with the LAPD and as soon as they can, they are taking retirement and bailing on the State.

Bingo see the last statement in article?

The LAPD plans to implement a new training program, and is exploring how to equip officers with other non-lethal weapons, he added. Tollison's family is going to file a wrongful death lawsuit on Wednesday, a representative from the family told Fox News.
They said at the beginning to load a beanbag! A woman is getting her head sawed off and some fool says load a bean bag?
Funny how in a CCW course you are taught in no uncertain terms, that you are 100% accountable for every round you discharge. Yet police are given special Lee way in consideration of so called “exceptional circumstances”. What a crock. As if a civilian using his gun in this same scenario would be given the same Lee way...

Yep. When I was stationed at Newport RI, I also became a member of the base Security Force. We were taught by the Gunny to have ammo control. That meant you didn't fire off your entire clip and then reload, it meant you took one to three shots, assessed the situation, and if more shots were required, another one to three shots, then reassess the situation. In range training, we were taught to fire from several different positions, and had a certain amount of shots you were to fire at each target. If you fired too many rounds at one target, you ran out of ammo before you finished the course.

Firing 18 shots at just one dude who has a hostage? That is a disaster just begging to happen. When they fired at him with the bean bag gun and he didn't go down, THAT is when they should have fired one or two shots to keep him from going after the woman in the walker. And, since the dude had a knife, did all three cops really need to fire at once? Shouldn't one have been designated as prime shooter, while the rest stood by as backup? Would have made more sense than firing 18 shots at the dude. With that many rounds being fired, she was sure to catch a bullet or two.

No, the cops need better training. I know that I got good training in the Navy, why is it so hard for the police to get good training?

Actually, that is how the cops are trained. The current technique is shoot and shoot more, as fast as you can. This was in response to the fact that cops tend to miss with about half their shots. It’s also why the cops went back to 9MM from .40. More ammo.

The technique you were trained on was called shoot, shoot, assess. It is the technique I still train with. Under that technique you ceased fire when the baddie was down. Now, you keep shooting as long as the corpse is twitching.

This is stage one and two of the FBI qualification course. Watch them all. It is not about accuracy. Especially not at three yards. It takes longer to draw your weapon than walk over and knee the baddie in the groin. It is about speed. How fast can you get the pistol out and shooting?


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