Large crowd gathering at Zimmerman trial courthouse


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Getting very vocal and chanting loud at the courthouse that they want the jury to convict.
Minus the noose and gallows.

While Trayvon's parents and the Rev's Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are talking peace, its the white racists who are begging for riots. Just like the haters here, on this board.

My bet is that if GZ is convicted, the white scum will be led by their collective noses by white supremacists will go nuts. Sadly, the cops won't protect blacks from these idiots.
Martin’s Twitter feed reads as a parody of poor grammar and an even more impoverished vocabulary. There, he’s a “No Limit N-gga,” girls he knows are “bitches” and “hoes,” and the primary extracurricular activity he immerses himself in is marijuana. The gold-teeth smile, the tattoos, the ten-day suspension from school, and all the rest appear as pathetic attempts to assert his virility. Yet, as his supporters point out, Trayvon also liked Skittles and Chuck E. Cheese’s.
May we all respect our justice system and our neighbors with their property. Be especially courteous to those you don't know and pray for peace.
It's not racist to learn to expect something based on previous events. If black fools want to get in front of tear gas and heavily armed goose steppers then that's on them, not me.

But, it is sometimes entertaining watching the dregs of society carry on stupidly about things that don't even matter.

Then of course, it's also sad to see them waste their time and get incarcerated on a fools errand.
It's not racist to learn to expect something based on previous events. If black fools want to get in front of tear gas and heavily armed goose steppers then that's on them, not me.

But, it is sometimes entertaining watching the dregs of society carry on stupidly about things that don't even matter.

Then of course, it's also sad to see them waste their time and get incarcerated on a fools errand.

What u say?!.
B careful here as someone is likely claim you have "no class".

While Trayvon's parents and the Rev's Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are talking peace, its the white racists who are begging for riots. Just like the haters here, on this board.

My bet is that if GZ is convicted, the white scum will be led by their collective noses by white supremacists will go nuts. Sadly, the cops won't protect blacks from these idiots.

Dude, the only white racists left are toothless dumb ass meth head Aryan nation types with 10th grade educations, little or no work and the assets that go along with that.
I could gather up the seniors at the assisted living facility down the road and mount a better riot with them than white racists.
You need to get out more often.

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