Large study shows Ivermectin does not decease COVID hospitalization

At least you don't need to check for worms in your stool anymore.... :abgg2q.jpg:

Check this one out

WSJ Misleads Public on Ivermectin, Ignores Latest Revelations About ‘Hidden Author’ Who Undermined Its Efficacy​

The Wall Street Journal this month published an article citing a flawed, unpublished study concluding ivermectin didn’t reduce COVID-19 hospitalizations. Meanwhile, the paper ignored news earlier this month that a documentary producer discovered the individual likely responsible for tanking a key, systematic review showing how ivermectin could have saved millions of lives.

Sooner or later the MSM is going to get in HOT water for with holding information from the public. Some will be held accountable. They have caused millions of lives. This web the gov. Spun is huge the ppl are clueless but as more comes out the ppl are waking up to the gov. Lies fed to them for decades.
IVM is meant to be an early treatment for Covid, like zinc for a cold. It says on every OTC zinc treatment that you're to start zinc within 48 hours of cold symptoms, the earlier the better. Yet they ran this trial with people who had Covid for "up to seven days" and then gave them a mere three days' worth of IVM.

Shocker--that didn't work very well. I don't know if IVM is all they make it out to be, but we will surely never know from THIS trial.

Right, it's always something. if you're not taking it early enough, you're not taking it long enough, or you're not taking it with zinc, or you're not taking it with this or that. There's always something you're doing wrong if you're not being cured by ivermectin lol.

This wasn't the only large study out of brazil. There was an even bigger one with the same results. Clinical trial after clinical trial are showing the same thing. Every country that experimented with ivermectin has also quickly dropped them from their treatment protocols. This was never a legitimate covid drug.
Right, it's always something. if you're not taking it early enough, you're not taking it long enough, or you're not taking it with zinc, or you're not taking it with this or that. There's always something you're doing wrong if you're not being cured by ivermectin lol.

This wasn't the only large study out of brazil. There was an even bigger one with the same results. Clinical trial after clinical trial are showing the same thing. Every country that experimented with ivermectin has also quickly dropped them from their treatment protocols. This was never a legitimate covid drug.

Unlike Leftists I am not married to IVM as an effective treatment for Covid. Because I have respect for science--and not CULT science--I can look at the facts as they come in. At best they seem mixed for IVM. However I don't need to vilify IVM as a "horse dewormer" either because people did not take the vaccines. The vaccines, as it turned out, that did not stop infection, barely lessened severe infections, wane over time, and cause only God knows what other issues.

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