Largest dead zone ever hits the Gulf of Mexico


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Largest dead zone ever hits the Gulf of Mexico
And climate change will only make dead zones worse.
Natasha Geiling
Aug 3, 2017, 11:20 am


Scientists have measured a dead zone the size of New Jersey in the Gulf of Mexico, making it the largest-ever dead zone recorded in the area, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association.

A dead zone occurs when nutrient pollution — largely from agricultural runoff like fertilizer and manure — makes its way into bodies of water, fueling algal growth. When the algae dies, it decomposes, creating oxygen-free zones that can no longer sustain marine life.
This year’s dead zone measures 8,776 square miles, beating out the previous record of 8,497 square miles set in 2002. For the last 32 years of monitoring, the dead zone in the Gulf has averaged 5,309 square miles.

Our corporations kill everything.
hey forgot to blame this on your buddy trump and the the wind blowing in a different direction this week?....
How do I know the article is bullshit? The article completely ignores the EPA's own assessment on the fish kill and blames it on some environmentalist group's claim that it was caused by people eating too much meat.

Here's the EPA report:

Northern Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone | US EPA
We're fucked. It is that simple!
Not me, as I have, at best, only 30 more years. But when I look at my little 16 month old grandchild, I mourn the world that he will never see than I have seen. We are not leaving him a better world than the one I was born into.

Of course, none of that affects a 'Conservative'. The only green they understand is the color of money. The only loyalty they have is to greed. They will kiss the ass of a lying sack of puss, as we see demonstrated daily, if that sack of pus has a lot of money.
How do I know the article is bullshit? The article completely ignores the EPA's own assessment on the fish kill and blames it on some environmentalist group's claim that it was caused by people eating too much meat.

Here's the EPA report:

Northern Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone | US EPA
This year’s dead zone measures 8,776 square miles, beating out the previous record of 8,497 square miles set in 2002. For the last 32 years of monitoring, the dead zone in the Gulf has averaged 5,309 square miles.

“The results from this year reflect the nitrate flux into the Gulf, which was high,” says Nancy Rabalais, a research professor at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON), who helped measure the dead zone, told National Geographic. “It’s a matter of addressing the sources of the nitrate—where they first start—which is in a field of agricultural crops.”

Carbon pollution is suffocating ocean life and speeding up the next mass extinction
Oxygen levels ‘falling 2 to 3 times faster than predicted’ in our warming oceans, study finds

Rabalais said that this year’s especially large dead zone is likely a result of heavier stream flows in the spring, which helped carry more nutrient pollution from the agricultural fields of the Midwest down to the Gulf.

But a report by the environmental group Mighty suggests that this year’s extra-large dead zone is a direct result of industrial meat production, which feeds nutrient runoff both through manure produced by the animals and fertilizer used to grow animal feed. The report looks at companies responsible for large amounts of nutrient runoff, and implicates Tyson Foods, the largest meat company in the United States, as a key culprit behind the dead zone. According to the report, Tyson has major processing facilities in every state listed by the United States Geological Survey as states from which nutrient runoff flows to the Gulf.

Another report, released last year by Environment America, found that Tyson dumps more waste into American waterways each year than companies like Exxon or Dow Chemical.

Largest dead zone ever hits the Gulf of Mexico

When meat producers dump the manure directly into the river, it kills most of the life in the river, and kills life in the ocean that river dumps into. Yes, agriculture, and meat production, done carelessly is to blame for the dead zone. And that manure could be used to create energy and high quality fertilizer.
Fake news. Anything Republicans don't want to believe is fake news. It's like the new "get out of jail" card.

There is no flooding in Florida. Fake news.

There is no heatwave on the west coast. Fake news.

There aren't 6 million jobs available. Fake news.

Trump never stiffed his workers and put companies he didn't pay out of business. Fake news.

"Fake news" are the new GOP "magic words".
We're fucked. It is that simple!
Not me, as I have, at best, only 30 more years. But when I look at my little 16 month old grandchild, I mourn the world that he will never see than I have seen. We are not leaving him a better world than the one I was born into.

Of course, none of that affects a 'Conservative'. The only green they understand is the color of money. The only loyalty they have is to greed. They will kiss the ass of a lying sack of puss, as we see demonstrated daily, if that sack of pus has a lot of money.
The only loyalty you have is to wealthy elites who have deceived you and to stupidity.
Spring Break on the Gulf.

We're fucked. It is that simple!
Not me, as I have, at best, only 30 more years. But when I look at my little 16 month old grandchild, I mourn the world that he will never see than I have seen. We are not leaving him a better world than the one I was born into.

Of course, none of that affects a 'Conservative'. The only green they understand is the color of money. The only loyalty they have is to greed. They will kiss the ass of a lying sack of puss, as we see demonstrated daily, if that sack of pus has a lot of money.

You know? It has been proven that believing in fairy tales, can be a form of insanity. You might want to get checked out.
But when I look at my little 16 month old grandchild, I mourn the world that he will never see than I have seen. sack of puss, as we see demonstrated daily, if that sack of pus has a lot of money.

That is because you are a hysterical old liberal whore who engages in that sort of mental masutrbation because it makes you feel superior...what a hypocrite you are....what hypocrites you all are.
But when I look at my little 16 month old grandchild, I mourn the world that he will never see than I have seen. sack of puss, as we see demonstrated daily, if that sack of pus has a lot of money.

That is because you are a hysterical old liberal whore who engages in that sort of mental masutrbation because it makes you feel superior...what a hypocrite you are....what hypocrites you all are.
Nailed it!!!


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