Las Vegas elementary school teacher arrested for lewdness with child

I was a child of the 50s and 60s and I never had a teacher in my twelve years of school in four different states that were committed to anything more than preparing their students for their future. I never heard a word about sex until we were pulled out of seventh grade class, by gender, to be educated about the "biology" of our gender and that class was led by members of our gender.
Well you were lucky but I would advise you to look up Joliet, Illinois and realize not everywhere is like where you grew up.

I swear people want to make this about how it is only happening today but I bet you would be shocked how many times sex crimes in schools have happened that you just ignored until now…

It is like Transgender and Gay society in America and so many people just ignored it until they were told by a political party they need to pay attention…

Now would you like me to link many articles across the nation about sex crimes in schools from Houston to Chicago to L.A. and so on and look at the dates and ask yourself why you got upset at me for admitting reality?
Not if the intention is to protect children from predators.. grant you that it's tricky and treacherous, but children need enough information to protect themselves.
It is the parents job to provide this education. Schools are meant to teach the 3 Rs PERIOD.
It is the parents job to provide this education. Schools are meant to teach the 3 Rs PERIOD.
Ideally yes parents should, but it's very difficult for some of them. My parents did a fair job without scaring me to death, but since I'm grown I've learned that most of my peers had no information. I remember how carefully my parents chose their words. It was easier for me with my own children, but I too chose my words carefully.
I swear it's like every other day I'm seeing these stories in the news. What is going on? Is this a recent phenomenon or are we just hearing about it more now?

What the heck is going on with the hiring practices at private, magnet, and charter schools?
I was a child of the 50s and 60s and I never had a teacher in my twelve years of school in four different states that were committed to anything more than preparing their students for their future. I never heard a word about sex until we were pulled out of seventh grade class, by gender, to be educated about the "biology" of our gender and that class was led by members of our gender.

In 4th and 5th grade I was a very cute little boy and had teachers wrapped around my little finger. My 5th grade teacher would wear makeup and kiss me all the time after all the students had left for recess.

It is what it is.
Ideally yes parents should, but it's very difficult for some of them. My parents did a fair job without scaring me to death, but since I'm grown I've learned that most of my peers had no information. I remember how carefully my parents chose their words. It was easier for me with my own children, but I too chose my words carefully.
This is the typical left justification: parent suck, so we have to teach the children our way.

If public schools would more openly state that, parents would be outraged. But that is the belief behind the woke sexual and racial agenda. That is the belief that inspired the FBI to go after parent who speak up at school board meetings.
This is the typical left justification: parent suck, so we have to teach the children our way.

If public schools would more openly state that, parents would be outraged. But that is the belief behind the woke sexual and racial agenda. That is the belief that inspired the FBI to go after parent who speak up at school board meetings.
You went to public school didn't you?
The disneys are everywhere. What will happen to this teacher? Not much I'd bet.
This is the typical left justification: parent suck, so we have to teach the children our way.

If public schools would more openly state that, parents would be outraged. But that is the belief behind the woke sexual and racial agenda. That is the belief that inspired the FBI to go after parent who speak up at school board meetings.
I've always been a proponent of public education. That being said, in today's climate, I wouldn't send my kid to a public school in any blue state.

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