Las Vegas shooting - a point not yet made

^Wingnut closet mating call. I'm not advocating for banning guns, I'm saying the argument presented in the OP is stupid.
And yet, you still cannot, with specificity, demonstrate how the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting address, let along negate, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon.
You know this, of course.
He used multiple ARs, bump stocks and extended clips, what else do you want to know? Are you into this idiotic conspiracy crap too?
And yet, you STILLcannot, with specificity, demonstrate how the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting address, let along negate, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon.

Why do I need to describe with specificity? Seems irrelevant. He did it. I don't think he'd have the same success with a bolt action rifle. Or a handgun. I'm sure you think you could beat his record though nobody else has.
Because he had a bump stock and plenty of time, dipshit.
Which is why he only got 480 hits in 10 minutes.
For somebody with little skill over that distance he probably didn't have to try real hard either, just went through a lot of ammo, no skills needed.
And thus, was limited in the number of casualties he could cause by his poor choice in weapons.

Not really. Because he could sputter out dozens of rounds due to a bump stock he probably didn't have to try very hard. Just point and shoot, he still had thousands of rounds to go through so it's not like he needed to be economic about it or even bother aiming, just point in a general area and ruin hundreds of peoples' day and lives.

I'm so sorry the AR is used a lot during mass shootings and once again I hate to break it to you but in the largest mass shooting in U.S. history it was multiple ARs by one guy. You can tell me all day long his weapon of choice wasn't a good one, it apparently was enough to be a record. Can't help it if you are having a difficult time dealing with that.
Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about? More powerful weapons? What the fuck does that even mean. a .223/5.56 is not a powerful weapon, It’s a cartridge... 22 caliber.
Nothing high powered about it, in fact it’s modestly “”powered”...

Quit listening to the Clinton news network and quit watching movies made by child molesting Hollywood types.

I'm not the one who brought up 'more powerful weapons'. I'm saying the AR was used in the most deadly mass shooting in this country's history as well as many if not most of the runner ups. It's something I don't believe you're compensating for in your argument.

STFU you gun-banning faggot. Evil men are going to do bad things.

^Wingnut closet mating call. I'm not advocating for banning guns, I'm saying the argument presented in the OP is stupid.

If anything, gun regulations should be lessened in America.

We can't be cranking out quasi-state-babies though.

A lot of questions are unanswered about that shooting, people seeing shots coming from different angles n whatnot.

Very strange things. Also, many Filipinos are Muslims.

Here's my conspiracy theory: 2-3 perpetrators had him tied up in a corner while they did the shooting, then shot him and cut him loose and bailed.

There isn't even a whiff of evidence that more than one person is responsible. Jesus, the conspiracies, at what point will you ever say to yourself "How come this stuff never turns out to be true?". Eh, maybe it's the mind controlling fluoride in the water.
Agreed – a truly inane thread premise.
I notice your inability to meaningfully argue against it.
As per the norm.

C_Clayton_Jones was succinct and to the point, the arguments presented in this thread are....shocker...lame as per usual. I mean you have one special retard who is trying to find a way to blame Muslims, what a fuckin' clown.
^Wingnut closet mating call. I'm not advocating for banning guns, I'm saying the argument presented in the OP is stupid.
And yet, you still cannot, with specificity, demonstrate how the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting address, let along negate, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon.
You know this, of course.
He used multiple ARs, bump stocks and extended clips, what else do you want to know? Are you into this idiotic conspiracy crap too?
And yet, you STILLcannot, with specificity, demonstrate how the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting address, let along negate, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon.
Why do I need to describe with specificity?
Because it demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the issue.
Which you apparently do not have.
And so, regardless of the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon
I don't think he'd have the same success with a bolt action rifle. Or a handgun
And thus, you further demonstrate your lack of knowledge and understanding of the issue.
Because he had a bump stock and plenty of time, dipshit.
Which is why he only got 480 hits in 10 minutes.
For somebody with little skill over that distance he probably didn't have to try real hard either, just went through a lot of ammo, no skills needed.
And thus, was limited in the number of casualties he could cause by his poor choice in weapons.
Not really. Because he could sputter out dozens of rounds due to a bump stock he probably didn't have to try very hard.
Regardless of the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon.
I'm not the one who brought up 'more powerful weapons'. I'm saying the AR was used in the most deadly mass shooting in this country's history as well as many if not most of the runner ups. It's something I don't believe you're compensating for in your argument.

STFU you gun-banning faggot. Evil men are going to do bad things.

^Wingnut closet mating call. I'm not advocating for banning guns, I'm saying the argument presented in the OP is stupid.

If anything, gun regulations should be lessened in America.

We can't be cranking out quasi-state-babies though.

A lot of questions are unanswered about that shooting, people seeing shots coming from different angles n whatnot.

Very strange things. Also, many Filipinos are Muslims.

Here's my conspiracy theory: 2-3 perpetrators had him tied up in a corner while they did the shooting, then shot him and cut him loose and bailed.

There isn't even a whiff of evidence that more than one person is responsible. Jesus, the conspiracies, at what point will you ever say to yourself "How come this stuff never turns out to be true?". Eh, maybe it's the mind controlling fluoride in the water.
Agreed – a truly inane thread premise.
I notice your inability to meaningfully argue against it.
As per the norm.
C_Clayton_Jones was succinct and to the point....
And, like you, provided absolutely no substance in his response.
^Wingnut closet mating call. I'm not advocating for banning guns, I'm saying the argument presented in the OP is stupid.
And yet, you still cannot, with specificity, demonstrate how the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting address, let along negate, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon.
You know this, of course.
He used multiple ARs, bump stocks and extended clips, what else do you want to know? Are you into this idiotic conspiracy crap too?
And yet, you STILLcannot, with specificity, demonstrate how the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting address, let along negate, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon.
Why do I need to describe with specificity?
Because it demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the issue.
Which you apparently do not have.

How many people have you managed to murder in a mass shooting? Zero? OK, let me know when you're an expert on the subject, so far you're just a hack.

And so, regardless of the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon
I don't think he'd have the same success with a bolt action rifle. Or a handgun
And thus, you further demonstrate your lack of knowledge and understanding of the issue.

Oh, OK. I guess you think he'd do better with no skills and a bolt action rifle. I doubt that.
STFU you gun-banning faggot. Evil men are going to do bad things.

^Wingnut closet mating call. I'm not advocating for banning guns, I'm saying the argument presented in the OP is stupid.

If anything, gun regulations should be lessened in America.

We can't be cranking out quasi-state-babies though.

A lot of questions are unanswered about that shooting, people seeing shots coming from different angles n whatnot.

Very strange things. Also, many Filipinos are Muslims.

Here's my conspiracy theory: 2-3 perpetrators had him tied up in a corner while they did the shooting, then shot him and cut him loose and bailed.

There isn't even a whiff of evidence that more than one person is responsible. Jesus, the conspiracies, at what point will you ever say to yourself "How come this stuff never turns out to be true?". Eh, maybe it's the mind controlling fluoride in the water.
Agreed – a truly inane thread premise.
I notice your inability to meaningfully argue against it.
As per the norm.
C_Clayton_Jones was succinct and to the point....
And, like you, provided absolutely no substance in his response.

I have actually. I've pointed out that there was no evidence of multiple shooters and this guy has killed more people in a mass shooting than anyone else and I don't think with his limited skill he could have done it with just any weapon.

What is the premise of your argument? If you were the mass shooter what would you have done differently that would have created 500 casualties?
How many people have you managed to murder in a mass shooting? Zero? OK, let me know when you're an expert on the subject, so far you're just a hack.
Why do you refuse to understand that regardless of the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon?
And thus, you further demonstrate your lack of knowledge and understanding of the issue.
Oh, OK. I guess you think he'd do better with no skills and a bolt action rifle. I doubt that.
Its sad how you are so limited in your understanding of the subject that you think his only other options were handguns and manually-operated rifles.
You should be embarrassed of your ignorance.
^Wingnut closet mating call. I'm not advocating for banning guns, I'm saying the argument presented in the OP is stupid.

There isn't even a whiff of evidence that more than one person is responsible. Jesus, the conspiracies, at what point will you ever say to yourself "How come this stuff never turns out to be true?". Eh, maybe it's the mind controlling fluoride in the water.
Agreed – a truly inane thread premise.
I notice your inability to meaningfully argue against it.
As per the norm.
C_Clayton_Jones was succinct and to the point....
And, like you, provided absolutely no substance in his response.
I have actually. I've pointed out that there was no evidence of multiple shooters....
When did I mention multiple shooters?
What is the premise of your argument?
You really should read the OP, and pay better attention.
How many people have you managed to murder in a mass shooting? Zero? OK, let me know when you're an expert on the subject, so far you're just a hack.
Why do you refuse to understand that regardless of the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon?

For starters you haven't proven otherwise and I already told you, this guy wasn't a marksman. He was able to use a few ARs, bump stock and extended clips to his advantage and just spray everyone, I don't think he would know how to do anything else. It was very successful, more so than any other mass shooting.

And thus, you further demonstrate your lack of knowledge and understanding of the issue.
Oh, OK. I guess you think he'd do better with no skills and a bolt action rifle. I doubt that.
Its sad how you are so limited in your understanding of the subject that you think his other options were handguns and manually-operated rifles.
You should be embarrassed of your ignorance.

How so? You don't seem to be able to provide any argument except if he used something other than an AR...but you don't go further than that.
Agreed – a truly inane thread premise.
I notice your inability to meaningfully argue against it.
As per the norm.
C_Clayton_Jones was succinct and to the point....
And, like you, provided absolutely no substance in his response.
I have actually. I've pointed out that there was no evidence of multiple shooters....
When did I mention multiple shooters?
What is the premise of your argument?
You really should read the OP, and pay better attention.

The other idiot did and you didn't bother to call out his moronic argument over it.
OK, but I'm not sure of your point.
I do not think he could have shoot from one window to another because of his age and also his state of health.
I don't really think that would have been that large of a factor.
I believe so, There is the distance of the two windows and the number of shots for someone of this age and also not in perfect health.

Was there something wrong with his trigger finger?

What exactly were his health issues?
During his last months, Paddock reportedly smelled of alcohol from early morning, and appeared despondent. He was reported to have filled three prescriptions for the anti-anxiety drug Valium, in 2013 and again in 2016, and finally 50 tablets of 10-milligrams each in June 2017, four months before the shooting.The chief medical officer of the Las Vegas Recovery Center said the effects of the drug can be magnified by alcohol

Really? Exactly how does each of those drugs affect physical capabilities? The answer is none, in any way, shape or form.
The media slipped up and referred to the country music concert as a "Trump Rally"

What source said this? I never heard it spun this way. It was always the Route 91 Harvest Country Music Festival in every article I read.

The FBI with all it's vast psychological resources couldn't (didn't want to) determine that the shooter was a left winger with a psychological hangup against conservative (mostly) kids.

Oh bullshit.

That's what you get for watching MSNBC, CNN, and reading the Washington Post, and New York Times.
I just did. He committed a violent act that killed more people than anyone else has been able to. He couldn't have done it without the weapons he chose.
With specificity, how does the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting address, let along negate, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon?

How many times are you going to post this retarded statement?
I just did. He committed a violent act that killed more people than anyone else has been able to. He couldn't have done it without the weapons he chose.
With specificity, how does the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting address, let along negate, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon?

How many times are you going to post this retarded statement?

Yeah, I'm not sure what this guy's deal is. He's creating an argument for the sole purpose of defending a political point of view and nobody is asking for it. Whether one is for an assault weapons ban or not his argument is just plain retarded.
We still don't know the motive and they did discover a arsenal of weapon .
They did - at least $30,000 in rifles, just in the hotel room.
This supports the idea he had access to, and could have easily obtained, better weapons, but chose to use AR15s.

I still want to know how he brought all of the rifles into the hotel with no one noticing. Yes he probably made numerous trips with large duffel bags but still that is a lot of rifles and rounds.

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Agree, The shooting was premeditated and we have no motivation, nothing in what was found on Paddock, not a word … we are taking for fools.
I do not think he could have shoot from one window to another because of his age and also his state of health.
I don't really think that would have been that large of a factor.
I believe so, There is the distance of the two windows and the number of shots for someone of this age and also not in perfect health.

Was there something wrong with his trigger finger?

What exactly were his health issues?
During his last months, Paddock reportedly smelled of alcohol from early morning, and appeared despondent. He was reported to have filled three prescriptions for the anti-anxiety drug Valium, in 2013 and again in 2016, and finally 50 tablets of 10-milligrams each in June 2017, four months before the shooting.The chief medical officer of the Las Vegas Recovery Center said the effects of the drug can be magnified by alcohol

Really? Exactly how does each of those drugs affect physical capabilities? The answer is none, in any way, shape or form.
He was already drinking in the early morning while taking medication for anxiety so his senses were affected by alcohol and the drugs also affected him for sure in his vision when he was supposedly shooting out of the two windows

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