Las Vegas shooting - a point not yet made

We still don't know the motive and they did discover a arsenal of weapon .
They did - at least $30,000 in rifles, just in the hotel room.
This supports the idea he had access to, and could have easily obtained, better weapons, but chose to use AR15s.
I still want to know how he brought all of the rifles into the hotel with no one noticing. Yes he probably made numerous trips with large duffel bags but still that is a lot of rifles and rounds.
Hotels do not routinely question the contents of their guest's luggage.

I understand that. I have done my share of traveling but the amount of trips he had to make with big bags should have peaked someone’s curiosity. It wasn’t in one bag. There were multiple large bags.

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STFU you gun-banning faggot. Evil men are going to do bad things.

^Wingnut closet mating call. I'm not advocating for banning guns, I'm saying the argument presented in the OP is stupid.

If anything, gun regulations should be lessened in America.

We can't be cranking out quasi-state-babies though.

A lot of questions are unanswered about that shooting, people seeing shots coming from different angles n whatnot.

Very strange things. Also, many Filipinos are Muslims.

Here's my conspiracy theory: 2-3 perpetrators had him tied up in a corner while they did the shooting, then shot him and cut him loose and bailed.

There isn't even a whiff of evidence that more than one person is responsible. Jesus, the conspiracies, at what point will you ever say to yourself "How come this stuff never turns out to be true?". Eh, maybe it's the mind controlling fluoride in the water.

Hella lotta shots fired for an out-of-shape 64 year old to be running back and forth between 2 windows and keeping up with.

One volley sounded like a full-auto AK, NOT an AR.

Because he had a bump stock and plenty of time, dipshit.

And unrealistic energy for a 64 year old, amirite? :rolleyes:

Not really and there is no DNA or camera surveillance of anyone else. There is literally zero evidence of anyone else involved. There is video of trip after trip after trip of him hauling up something like 23 suite cases, because that's totally fucking normal.

Like I said. No one found that suspicious. All those trips with that many suitcases.

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single fire is more accurate--but takes much more TIME

Not much. Had he actually aimed he would have killed and wounded far more. The fact that he used the bump stock absolutely saved lives.
jesus f christ --NO
that is some dumbshit
unless he trained -MORE than a few times---for night shooting from a hotel balcony
1. you said ''wounded'' --wrong..NO WAY
2. if he used rocket propelled grenades/etc he would've killed more--blah blah
YOU people don't know FOR sure at all
..sorry --even if he used high tech scopes/etc, you still have to have the DISCIPLINE/training/know how to hit the target = per the above point--he wasn't trained just don't go out and hit targets that far away at night!!
it takes a long time to learn how to shoot --I KNOW for a fact

You are incredibly ignorant when it comes to firearms. And pretty much everything else you opine about.
Those people weren't killed with .223 rounds and bump stocks...The range from shooter(s) to victims, along with the fact that the rates of fire necessary to produce such a death toll, rules out such a close-quarters weapon.
Nice try, FBI.
An AR-15/M-16 is a weapon not suitable for ranges beyond about 150 yards...And the rate of fire necessary to produce that level of carnage would have jammed the receivers and melted the barrels.

I hate it when people who should be smarter (M-14 shooter?) buy a fairy tale narrative like the one being peddled in this shooting.

I disagree with you Oddball, the AR platform is effective in its base form out to 460 meters. I have one rifle I built up for competition that is 1/4MOA accurate all the way out to 1000 meters with 80gr VLD projectiles.
Yeah, built up for competition....He had off-the-rack commercial pieces of junk.

And I've heard numerous recordings of the shooting...Those were NOT .223/5.56 rounds.....The "official"story is pure fantasy.

I have heard the recordings as well, and i disagree with you. The sound characteristics change in urban areas. He actually had some very nice equipment. It wasn't junk, and like i said, even a basic AR is good to 460 meters. He was shooting at 325 meters.

I don't judge distance in meters. :eek:
single fire is more accurate--but takes much more TIME

Not much. Had he actually aimed he would have killed and wounded far more. The fact that he used the bump stock absolutely saved lives.
jesus f christ --NO
that is some dumbshit
unless he trained -MORE than a few times---for night shooting from a hotel balcony
1. you said ''wounded'' --wrong..NO WAY
2. if he used rocket propelled grenades/etc he would've killed more--blah blah
YOU people don't know FOR sure at all
..sorry --even if he used high tech scopes/etc, you still have to have the DISCIPLINE/training/know how to hit the target = per the above point--he wasn't trained just don't go out and hit targets that far away at night!!
it takes a long time to learn how to shoot --I KNOW for a fact

Moron, he was firing into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people from an elevated, concealed and fortified position.....the bump stock firing raised the muzzle of the weapon sending rounds over the concert, saving lives....had he simply fired into the tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people without the bumpstock more people would have moron.
We still don't know the motive and they did discover a arsenal of weapon .
They did - at least $30,000 in rifles, just in the hotel room.
This supports the idea he had access to, and could have easily obtained, better weapons, but chose to use AR15s.
He would have fired from two windows .... maybe considering his age 64, could the AR15s have been easier to use?
He could have used a tripod-mounted gun.
He "could" have done a lot of things but he DID was kill and injure 550 people in ten minutes.

What...that's not enough for you?

If he had used a rental truck he could have killed more...

Vegas shooter, firing from an elevated, concealed, fortified position into tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people,

Killed 58

Muslim terrorist in Nice, France with a rental truck... killed 86 in 5 minutes of driving....
The LV shooter fired 1100 rounds, with 480 hits (58 Killed, 422 wounded) for a 43.6% hit rate,
This is impressively low, given the target and distance.

Indeed, the casualties caused by LV shooter were -limited- by the fact he used a number of AR15s with bump stocks - he could have easily killed and wounded significantly more people with a different choice of weapon.

Now, no one knows for sure why this guy did what he did, and what he did made no sense at all - but it is clear, he deliberately chose to buy and use AR15s in lieu of other more effective weapons - weapons he certainly knew about and had access to.

The question: Why?
We'll never know, of course.
But, given what could have happened, we should be thankful he chose his weapons poorly.

Yup. I was talking to the lead FBI investigator and brought that up. He also told me that there was 12 minute gap because the shooter got tired.

That saved a lot of lives as well.

Had the scumbag wanted to really do damage though, driving a semi into the venue would have been far worse.

They say he had a private pilots license and access to a plane, he could have killed a lot more with that flying it into the crowd....
^Wingnut closet mating call. I'm not advocating for banning guns, I'm saying the argument presented in the OP is stupid.
And yet, you still cannot, with specificity, demonstrate how the fact an AR was used to create the most casualties in any mass shooting address, let along negate, the fact the number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon.
You know this, of course.
We still don't know the motive and they did discover a arsenal of weapon .
They did - at least $30,000 in rifles, just in the hotel room.
This supports the idea he had access to, and could have easily obtained, better weapons, but chose to use AR15s.
He would have fired from two windows .... maybe considering his age 64, could the AR15s have been easier to use?
He could have used a tripod-mounted gun.
and then what??!!!
Gotten a lot more hits and killed a lot more people. Duh.
The fact he chose an AR limited the damage he could cause.
The LV shooter fired 1100 rounds, with 480 hits (58 Killed, 422 wounded) for a 43.6% hit rate,
This is impressively low, given the target and distance.

Indeed, the casualties caused by LV shooter were -limited- by the fact he used a number of AR15s with bump stocks - he could have easily killed and wounded significantly more people with a different choice of weapon.

Now, no one knows for sure why this guy did what he did, and what he did made no sense at all - but it is clear, he deliberately chose to buy and use AR15s in lieu of other more effective weapons - weapons he certainly knew about and had access to.

The question: Why?
We'll never know, of course.
But, given what could have happened, we should be thankful he chose his weapons poorly.
Where is your source for the 422 wounded? I am betting MOST of those injured did NOT occur from bullets but injuries sustained in the panicked stampede
He killed 58 people and wounded 422, with the ensuing panic bringing the injury total to 851.
2017 Las Vegas shooting - Wikipedia
It is not hard to shoot fish in a barrel, which is exactly what he was doing.
And achieved a meager 43.6% hit rate, and 5.2% kill rate.
police shooting is WORSE
Thank you, captain irrelevance.
An AR-15/M-16 is a weapon not suitable for ranges beyond about 150 yards...And the rate of fire necessary to produce that level of carnage would have jammed the receivers and melted the barrels.

I hate it when people who should be smarter (M-14 shooter?) buy a fairy tale narrative like the one being peddled in this shooting.

I disagree with you Oddball, the AR platform is effective in its base form out to 460 meters. I have one rifle I built up for competition that is 1/4MOA accurate all the way out to 1000 meters with 80gr VLD projectiles.
Yeah, built up for competition....He had off-the-rack commercial pieces of junk.

And I've heard numerous recordings of the shooting...Those were NOT .223/5.56 rounds.....The "official"story is pure fantasy.

I have heard the recordings as well, and i disagree with you. The sound characteristics change in urban areas. He actually had some very nice equipment. It wasn't junk, and like i said, even a basic AR is good to 460 meters. He was shooting at 325 meters.
I don't judge distance in meters. :eek:
or sight adjustments in mils :)
An AR-15/M-16 is a weapon not suitable for ranges beyond about 150 yards...And the rate of fire necessary to produce that level of carnage would have jammed the receivers and melted the barrels.

I hate it when people who should be smarter (M-14 shooter?) buy a fairy tale narrative like the one being peddled in this shooting.

I disagree with you Oddball, the AR platform is effective in its base form out to 460 meters. I have one rifle I built up for competition that is 1/4MOA accurate all the way out to 1000 meters with 80gr VLD projectiles.
Yeah, built up for competition....He had off-the-rack commercial pieces of junk.

And I've heard numerous recordings of the shooting...Those were NOT .223/5.56 rounds.....The "official"story is pure fantasy.

I have heard the recordings as well, and i disagree with you. The sound characteristics change in urban areas. He actually had some very nice equipment. It wasn't junk, and like i said, even a basic AR is good to 460 meters. He was shooting at 325 meters.
I don't judge distance in meters. :eek:
or sight adjustments in mils :)
you people are just like the ''what ifs''' in history forums
''if hitler had an Abom. if this . if that
I disagree with you Oddball, the AR platform is effective in its base form out to 460 meters. I have one rifle I built up for competition that is 1/4MOA accurate all the way out to 1000 meters with 80gr VLD projectiles.
Yeah, built up for competition....He had off-the-rack commercial pieces of junk.

And I've heard numerous recordings of the shooting...Those were NOT .223/5.56 rounds.....The "official"story is pure fantasy.

I have heard the recordings as well, and i disagree with you. The sound characteristics change in urban areas. He actually had some very nice equipment. It wasn't junk, and like i said, even a basic AR is good to 460 meters. He was shooting at 325 meters.
I don't judge distance in meters. :eek:
or sight adjustments in mils :)
you people are just like the ''what ifs''' in history forums
''if hitler had an Abom. if this . if that

I actually do judge distance in yards, and sight adjustments in mils, just like 90% of all Americans.
The LV shooter fired 1100 rounds, with 480 hits (58 Killed, 422 wounded) for a 43.6% hit rate,
This is impressively low, given the target and distance.

Indeed, the casualties caused by LV shooter were -limited- by the fact he used a number of AR15s with bump stocks - he could have easily killed and wounded significantly more people with a different choice of weapon.

Now, no one knows for sure why this guy did what he did, and what he did made no sense at all - but it is clear, he deliberately chose to buy and use AR15s in lieu of other more effective weapons - weapons he certainly knew about and had access to.

The question: Why?
We'll never know, of course.
But, given what could have happened, we should be thankful he chose his weapons poorly.

Yup. I was talking to the lead FBI investigator and brought that up. He also told me that there was 12 minute gap because the shooter got tired.

That saved a lot of lives as well.

Had the scumbag wanted to really do damage though, driving a semi into the venue would have been far worse.

They say he had a private pilots license and access to a plane, he could have killed a lot more with that flying it into the crowd....

Nah, but driving a semi rig most certainly would have killed far more. Thank the Gods he didn't do that.
The LV shooter fired 1100 rounds, with 480 hits (58 Killed, 422 wounded) for a 43.6% hit rate,
This is impressively low, given the target and distance.

Indeed, the casualties caused by LV shooter were -limited- by the fact he used a number of AR15s with bump stocks - he could have easily killed and wounded significantly more people with a different choice of weapon.

Now, no one knows for sure why this guy did what he did, and what he did made no sense at all - but it is clear, he deliberately chose to buy and use AR15s in lieu of other more effective weapons - weapons he certainly knew about and had access to.

The question: Why?
We'll never know, of course.
But, given what could have happened, we should be thankful he chose his weapons poorly.
Where is your source for the 422 wounded? I am betting MOST of those injured did NOT occur from bullets but injuries sustained in the panicked stampede
He killed 58 people and wounded 422, with the ensuing panic bringing the injury total to 851.
2017 Las Vegas shooting - Wikipedia
It is not hard to shoot fish in a barrel, which is exactly what he was doing.
And achieved a meager 43.6% hit rate, and 5.2% kill rate.
police shooting is WORSE
Thank you, captain irrelevance.
you don't understand it do you????
the police are TRAINED to shoot and they MISS
it's the SAME with a rifle
it's EASY to shoot a target!!!--yes???? NO NO think this guy is Carlos Hathcock!!!!!!!--NO NO
....we spent 2 WEEKS in marksmanship training ..1 whole week dry firing/positions/--sight picture drilled into our minds's SO EASY--just sight picture --align front sight with rear sight
SO EASY--NO NO--not easy
it takes discipline
we had some, not many, that did NOT qualify...not everyone attained the highest medal = Expert......
it takes training and discipline
The LV shooter fired 1100 rounds, with 480 hits (58 Killed, 422 wounded) for a 43.6% hit rate,
This is impressively low, given the target and distance.

Indeed, the casualties caused by LV shooter were -limited- by the fact he used a number of AR15s with bump stocks - he could have easily killed and wounded significantly more people with a different choice of weapon.

Now, no one knows for sure why this guy did what he did, and what he did made no sense at all - but it is clear, he deliberately chose to buy and use AR15s in lieu of other more effective weapons - weapons he certainly knew about and had access to.

The question: Why?
We'll never know, of course.
But, given what could have happened, we should be thankful he chose his weapons poorly.
Where is your source for the 422 wounded? I am betting MOST of those injured did NOT occur from bullets but injuries sustained in the panicked stampede
He killed 58 people and wounded 422, with the ensuing panic bringing the injury total to 851.
2017 Las Vegas shooting - Wikipedia
It is not hard to shoot fish in a barrel, which is exactly what he was doing.
And achieved a meager 43.6% hit rate, and 5.2% kill rate.
police shooting is WORSE
Thank you, captain irrelevance.
you don't understand it do you????
the police are TRAINED to shoot and they MISS
it's the SAME with a rifle
it's EASY to shoot a target!!!--yes???? NO NO think this guy is Carlos Hathcock!!!!!!!--NO NO
....we spent 2 WEEKS in marksmanship training ..1 whole week dry firing/positions/--sight picture drilled into our minds's SO EASY--just sight picture --align front sight with rear sight
SO EASY--NO NO--not easy
it takes discipline
we had some, not many, that did NOT qualify...not everyone attained the highest medal = Expert......
it takes training and discipline

Does shooting rabbits at a full run in the head qualify?
An AR-15/M-16 is a weapon not suitable for ranges beyond about 150 yards...And the rate of fire necessary to produce that level of carnage would have jammed the receivers and melted the barrels.

I hate it when people who should be smarter (M-14 shooter?) buy a fairy tale narrative like the one being peddled in this shooting.

I disagree with you Oddball, the AR platform is effective in its base form out to 460 meters. I have one rifle I built up for competition that is 1/4MOA accurate all the way out to 1000 meters with 80gr VLD projectiles.
Yeah, built up for competition....He had off-the-rack commercial pieces of junk.

And I've heard numerous recordings of the shooting...Those were NOT .223/5.56 rounds.....The "official"story is pure fantasy.

I have heard the recordings as well, and i disagree with you. The sound characteristics change in urban areas. He actually had some very nice equipment. It wasn't junk, and like i said, even a basic AR is good to 460 meters. He was shooting at 325 meters.
I don't judge distance in meters. :eek:
or sight adjustments in mils :)
like a lot of other things take discipline
it's NOT easy to shoot
just like expenses-- o --so easy to not go in debt---just don't spend more than you make--so easy --yes???--NO, takes discipline
...keeping weight off--so easy --yes????? NO --it takes discipline
etc etc
.....I was one of the best shooters in my company because I had a lot of discipline--it's why I was promoted fairly quickly

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