Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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You can keep it from even being attempted if you keep the population armed. The big problem comes when the extremists are trying to take control....they beat up and murder anyone who gets in their way....which is made easier when their opposition is unarmed and is harder to silence the political opposition with goons when the can be shot by normal people.
. So how do we keep Mandalay from happening again ???

We can't.

No law will ever stop some asshole hell bent on murder.

Ban semiautomatic rifles and he'll wear a bomb vest, or use a truck or one of many other ways to cause mass casualties.
Stupid argument. Of course laws reduce the occurrence of the prohibited activity. You know you have gone down the rabbit hole, when you're making this idiotic argument.

The prohibited activity

You mean like the laws against murder?

FYI banning semiautomatic rifles won;t to shit to lower the murder rate
Correct, just like laws against murder. Yes, having murder laws decreases the occurrence of murder. Duh.

No they don't.
The prohibited activity

You mean like the laws against murder?

FYI banning semiautomatic rifles won;t to shit to lower the murder rate
Banning the bumpstock would give the poor souls at least a sporting chance against a sniper with a bumpstock that allowed him to lay down fire upon them at a rate that was unexceptable, and ended up killing them like shooting fish in a barrel. Just saying.


Please explain how banning bumpsticks will keep mass murdering criminals from getting one or making one!
Because fewer people will get them. Period. He used bump stocks, because full auto weapons are harder to get....because of laws. Come on people, this isn't rocket surgery.
. If he could have easily, and legally gotten his hands upon the Al Capone Tommy guns that had the round clip full of 45 Cal. Bullets, can you imagine the carnage that would have caused ?
Well, yeah. It's kind of hard to heave any honest discussion about this, when you can't even get these guys to admit simple facts. A rational adult would admit that there may be some benefit to banning bump stocks. A rational person arguing against their banning would have to then argue that the associated costs (in freedom, whatever) are too high to justify the benefits.

These fuys know this, and they know thats not an easy argument to make. So they retreat to these goofy positions of insisting water is not wet. So , insteadof arguing the real issue, we're arguing whether or not water is wet.

"Bump stocks save lives!"

^^ See? They take these untenable positions, and being too lazy or incapable to make good arguments, they are forced to say stupid shit. And we're forced to sift through it.

There are thousands of butt stock devices in private was used to commit a crime. A rational person would punish the law breaker, not the people who didn't commit the crime.

The bump stock did save send bullets over the crowd as he fired keeping those bullets from hitting people...had he simply fired semi auto, he would have had more hits on people, twit. And the semi auto fire wouldn't have drawn the attention of the crowd as quickly.
. It won't, but just like our vehicles are equipped with the capability to go 100 mph in a 35, but do we do it ?? Yes some do, but when caught there is a law to reference that says you will not drive your vehicle over 35 in a 35, and if you do here is the fine or punishment for it. Paddock went the equivalent of 100 in a 35 with his actions, and the question is did the bumpstock enable him to do that ?? Now we haven't banned cars from going 100 in a 35, and this by placing devices on them that removes that ability from the driver, but if someone were to do such a thing, and they were to kill up a bunch of people, would that be what the citizens would be calling for next ?? Probably so, and the tech industry is poised to give it to them. Look I don't want us to lose our freedoms no more than the rest of you, but if this nation doesn't get tough on the criminals, then we all end up suffering. The bumpstock was sought to be placed on the sacrifice table in order to preserve the semi-automatic rifle in the situation I figured, and I agree that we just need to get this nation working to preserve our freedoms again, but the only way to do it is to stop the bleeding.

Very poor analogy.

The law doesn't stop the guy from doing 100 in a 35. But when a guy does 100 in a 35 you don't say you want to make all cars incapable of doing 100 mph.

And you are fixated on the bump stock so much that you do not realize that banning them will not stop anyone from bump firing a semiautomatic rifle so then the next step will be to call for a ban of all semiautomatic rifles.
. Wait what (the law doesn't stop the guy from doing 100 in a 35) ??? Well if it got moved to banning semi-automatic rifles that would be unexceptable. Any mod that turns a weapon into an automatic weapon is unexceptable imho. It should fall under the automatic weapons ban that is in place now.

A bump stock does not turn a semiautomatic rifle into an automatic rifle If you know anything about rifles you would know that
Right, they just make it imitate one. Glad we got that all cleared up.

No it doesn't even imitate one but to know that you would actually have to learn about rifles and firing mechanisms and we all know you won't do that because you'd rather listen to what other people tell you than find out for yourself

Of course, it does make it imitate one, via a more rapid fire rate. The things you are forcing yourself to say are embarrassing.

In fact, when the day of reckoning comes for the bump stock ban, I want to put you and Westwall on live TV on the floor of congress.

He can say, "Bump stocks save lives!", and you can say, "They dont even make rifles imitate auto rifles!!!"

What reaction do you think you will get? Do you think people will marvel at your insight, and think, "Wow, how misguided we were to pursue this ban, thank goodness for these two smart fellas for waking us up!"

No, you will both be ridiculed, and rightfully so.
You can bump fire a semiautomatic without a bump stock but of course you didn't know that.
The only thing that needs to be banned is quick reloading magazines. Just limit the guns to 15 rounds and reloading one cartridge at a time. That would eliminate the ability of one person to fire thousands of rounds into crowds.

There's already a way around that.

This is why gun banners suck.......they know that every law they create there will be a work like a snake strangling the mouse, the make each new law tighter and tighter until they finally get the power to just ban guns......
. If guns are banned, you have no one to blame but yourselves. Look what you've allowed in this country already ?? Good grief.. I agree that the Demon-crats are as a snake squeezing the life out of everything, but you can't even stop the serpents because your foxhole has been to comfortable for you, and this while your buddies were getting over run in the other foxholes.

What the fuck do you mean what I've allowed?

It is not my fault that some psycho shot up a concert.
. Do you vote ? If yes, then has your record of voting been satisfactory or a huge disappointment ?? If no, then get off the bench and get busy. The blacks know what working from the bottom up means, and it appears that the gun lovers better take lessons on that one these days.
The only thing that needs to be banned is quick reloading magazines. Just limit the guns to 15 rounds and reloading one cartridge at a time. That would eliminate the ability of one person to fire thousands of rounds into crowds.

There's already a way around that.

This is why gun banners suck.......they know that every law they create there will be a work like a snake strangling the mouse, the make each new law tighter and tighter until they finally get the power to just ban guns......
. If guns are banned, you have no one to blame but yourselves. Look what you've allowed in this country already ?? Good grief.. I agree that the Demon-crats are as a snake squeezing the life out of everything, but you can't even stop the serpents because your foxhole has been to comfortable for you, and this while your buddies were getting over run in the other foxholes.

What the fuck do you mean what I've allowed?

It is not my fault that some psycho shot up a concert.
. Do you vote ? If yes, then has your record of voting been satisfactory or a huge disappointment ?? If no, then get off the bench and get busy. The blacks know what working from the bottom up means, and it appears that the gun lovers better take lessons on that one these days.

The democrat gun grabbers have lost over 1,000 political seats at the local, state and federal level.....that is why they aren't working for gun control legislation........they are pushing law suits and rulings in courts.....that is where the fight is now.....and luckily we got Trump appointed...he is putting conservatives on the bench.......
Very poor analogy.

The law doesn't stop the guy from doing 100 in a 35. But when a guy does 100 in a 35 you don't say you want to make all cars incapable of doing 100 mph.

And you are fixated on the bump stock so much that you do not realize that banning them will not stop anyone from bump firing a semiautomatic rifle so then the next step will be to call for a ban of all semiautomatic rifles.
. Wait what (the law doesn't stop the guy from doing 100 in a 35) ??? Well if it got moved to banning semi-automatic rifles that would be unexceptable. Any mod that turns a weapon into an automatic weapon is unexceptable imho. It should fall under the automatic weapons ban that is in place now.

A bump stock does not turn a semiautomatic rifle into an automatic rifle If you know anything about rifles you would know that
Right, they just make it imitate one. Glad we got that all cleared up.

No it doesn't even imitate one but to know that you would actually have to learn about rifles and firing mechanisms and we all know you won't do that because you'd rather listen to what other people tell you than find out for yourself

Of course, it does make it imitate one, via a more rapid fire rate. The things you are forcing yourself to say are embarrassing.

In fact, when the day of reckoning comes for the bump stock ban, I want to put you and Westwall on live TV on the floor of congress.

He can say, "Bump stocks save lives!", and you can say, "They dont even make rifles imitate auto rifles!!!"

What reaction do you think you will get? Do you think people will marvel at your insight, and think, "Wow, how misguided we were to pursue this ban, thank goodness for these two smart fellas for waking us up!"

No, you will both be ridiculed, and rightfully so.

No it doesn't but like I said you would actually have to know how the firing mechanisms work to understand.
Banning the bumpstock would give the poor souls at least a sporting chance against a sniper with a bumpstock that allowed him to lay down fire upon them at a rate that was unexceptable, and ended up killing them like shooting fish in a barrel. Just saying.

You can bump fire a semiautomatic without a bump stock but of course you didn't know that.
The only thing that needs to be banned is quick reloading magazines. Just limit the guns to 15 rounds and reloading one cartridge at a time. That would eliminate the ability of one person to fire thousands of rounds into crowds.

I'm not convinced it was one man. :eusa_naughty:
. It's more than one shooter, it's more than one shooter.. Now whose hair is on fire ?? LOL

I said I'm not convinced. I'm sure they're still running ballistics on the bullets and fingerprints on shell casings. Too early for the full picture as of yet. To me, it looks like a coordinated effort. For all you know, he could have been using a .30 cal.

I do know one thing: One or more of those firing bursts was not an AR, I've heard that often enough to know the sound.

The news has already reported that Pollack had multiple rifles with multiple calibers.
Banning the bumpstock would give the poor souls at least a sporting chance against a sniper with a bumpstock that allowed him to lay down fire upon them at a rate that was unexceptable, and ended up killing them like shooting fish in a barrel. Just saying.


Please explain how banning bumpsticks will keep mass murdering criminals from getting one or making one!
Because fewer people will get them. Period. He used bump stocks, because full auto weapons are harder to get....because of laws. Come on people, this isn't rocket surgery.
. If he could have easily, and legally gotten his hands upon the Al Capone Tommy guns that had the round clip full of 45 Cal. Bullets, can you imagine the carnage that would have caused ?
Well, yeah. It's kind of hard to heave any honest discussion about this, when you can't even get these guys to admit simple facts. A rational adult would admit that there may be some benefit to banning bump stocks. A rational person arguing against their banning would have to then argue that the associated costs (in freedom, whatever) are too high to justify the benefits.

These fuys know this, and they know thats not an easy argument to make. So they retreat to these goofy positions of insisting water is not wet. So , insteadof arguing the real issue, we're arguing whether or not water is wet.

"Bump stocks save lives!"

^^ See? They take these untenable positions, and being too lazy or incapable to make good arguments, they are forced to say stupid shit. And we're forced to sift through it.

There are thousands of butt stock devices in private was used to commit a crime. A rational person would punish the law breaker, not the people who didn't commit the crime.

The bump stock did save send bullets over the crowd as he fired keeping those bullets from hitting people...had he simply fired semi auto, he would have had more hits on people, twit. And the semi auto fire wouldn't have drawn the attention of the crowd as quickly.
. Do agree that the semi-automatic would have allowed the shooter a much longer shoot if had not been disrupted by the security gaurd. It would have been harder to figure out where the shots were coming from, and whether or not it would have been a gun until the crowd indicated that fact. Still not sure whether or not the semi-automatic would have done the same amount of damage (in the time span) that the modified semi-automatic gone auto had done.
You can bump fire a semiautomatic without a bump stock but of course you didn't know that.
The only thing that needs to be banned is quick reloading magazines. Just limit the guns to 15 rounds and reloading one cartridge at a time. That would eliminate the ability of one person to fire thousands of rounds into crowds.

I'm not convinced it was one man. :eusa_naughty:
. It's more than one shooter, it's more than one shooter.. Now whose hair is on fire ?? LOL

I said I'm not convinced. I'm sure they're still running ballistics on the bullets and fingerprints on shell casings. Too early for the full picture as of yet. To me, it looks like a coordinated effort. For all you know, he could have been using a .30 cal.

I do know one thing: One or more of those firing bursts was not an AR, I've heard that often enough to know the sound.

The news has already reported that Pollack had multiple rifles with multiple calibers.
But which did he choose ?
We can't.

No law will ever stop some asshole hell bent on murder.

Ban semiautomatic rifles and he'll wear a bomb vest, or use a truck or one of many other ways to cause mass casualties.
Stupid argument. Of course laws reduce the occurrence of the prohibited activity. You know you have gone down the rabbit hole, when you're making this idiotic argument.

The prohibited activity

You mean like the laws against murder?

FYI banning semiautomatic rifles won;t to shit to lower the murder rate
Banning the bumpstock would give the poor souls at least a sporting chance against a sniper with a bumpstock that allowed him to lay down fire upon them at a rate that was unexceptable, and ended up killing them like shooting fish in a barrel. Just saying.


Please explain how banning bumpsticks will keep mass murdering criminals from getting one or making one!
Because fewer people will get them. Period. He used bump stocks, because full auto weapons are harder to get....because of laws. Come on people, this isn't rocket surgery.

You gonna ban fucking rubber bands too? Fucktard?
The only thing that needs to be banned is quick reloading magazines. Just limit the guns to 15 rounds and reloading one cartridge at a time. That would eliminate the ability of one person to fire thousands of rounds into crowds.

I'm not convinced it was one man. :eusa_naughty:
. It's more than one shooter, it's more than one shooter.. Now whose hair is on fire ?? LOL

I said I'm not convinced. I'm sure they're still running ballistics on the bullets and fingerprints on shell casings. Too early for the full picture as of yet. To me, it looks like a coordinated effort. For all you know, he could have been using a .30 cal.

I do know one thing: One or more of those firing bursts was not an AR, I've heard that often enough to know the sound.

The news has already reported that Pollack had multiple rifles with multiple calibers.
But which did he choose ?


What the fuck are you smoking? What makes you think he only fired one gun or one caliber?

Please explain how banning bumpsticks will keep mass murdering criminals from getting one or making one!
Because fewer people will get them. Period. He used bump stocks, because full auto weapons are harder to get....because of laws. Come on people, this isn't rocket surgery.
. If he could have easily, and legally gotten his hands upon the Al Capone Tommy guns that had the round clip full of 45 Cal. Bullets, can you imagine the carnage that would have caused ?
Well, yeah. It's kind of hard to heave any honest discussion about this, when you can't even get these guys to admit simple facts. A rational adult would admit that there may be some benefit to banning bump stocks. A rational person arguing against their banning would have to then argue that the associated costs (in freedom, whatever) are too high to justify the benefits.

These fuys know this, and they know thats not an easy argument to make. So they retreat to these goofy positions of insisting water is not wet. So , insteadof arguing the real issue, we're arguing whether or not water is wet.

"Bump stocks save lives!"

^^ See? They take these untenable positions, and being too lazy or incapable to make good arguments, they are forced to say stupid shit. And we're forced to sift through it.

There are thousands of butt stock devices in private was used to commit a crime. A rational person would punish the law breaker, not the people who didn't commit the crime.

The bump stock did save send bullets over the crowd as he fired keeping those bullets from hitting people...had he simply fired semi auto, he would have had more hits on people, twit. And the semi auto fire wouldn't have drawn the attention of the crowd as quickly.
. Do agree that the semi-automatic would have allowed the shooter a much longer shoot if had not been disrupted by the security gaurd. It would have been harder to figure out where the shots were coming from, and whether or not it would have been a gun until the crowd indicated that fact. Still not sure whether or not the semi-automatic would have done the same amount of damage (in the time span) that the modified semi-automatic gone auto had done.

He murdered 58 people...with 2 rifles.

The Security Guard did not disrupt him.....he could have killed just as many people...killed.....with a bolt action rifle firing into a crowd of 22,000 people. He could have used a lever action rifle....and simply used 10 of them...since he obviously had no problem brining 23 rifles into his room.....if he simply changed out rifles...13 rounds in the tube on this one....x10 is 130 rounds down range with precision fire....he had 23 rifles with him.......... now increase that to 23 rifles, lined up, ready to shoot, and the police not breaching for 72 minutes...and you see the problem. 23 X 13 = 299 rounds directly into the crowd.... .44-40......a bigger round...punching through the first victim hit....

The .223 is smaller.....

So I am telling you, the rifle didn't matter.....the bump fire sent rounds over the crowd, not into the crowd so it could have been much worse. The bump fire would have been deadlier at ground level......and the next guy will probably do that next....

Keep in mind, the guy in Nice, France with a rental truck murdered 89 people.

Henry Original Silver Deluxe Engraved Edition | Henry Repeating Arms
Because fewer people will get them. Period. He used bump stocks, because full auto weapons are harder to get....because of laws. Come on people, this isn't rocket surgery.
. If he could have easily, and legally gotten his hands upon the Al Capone Tommy guns that had the round clip full of 45 Cal. Bullets, can you imagine the carnage that would have caused ?
Well, yeah. It's kind of hard to heave any honest discussion about this, when you can't even get these guys to admit simple facts. A rational adult would admit that there may be some benefit to banning bump stocks. A rational person arguing against their banning would have to then argue that the associated costs (in freedom, whatever) are too high to justify the benefits.

These fuys know this, and they know thats not an easy argument to make. So they retreat to these goofy positions of insisting water is not wet. So , insteadof arguing the real issue, we're arguing whether or not water is wet.

"Bump stocks save lives!"

^^ See? They take these untenable positions, and being too lazy or incapable to make good arguments, they are forced to say stupid shit. And we're forced to sift through it.

There are thousands of butt stock devices in private was used to commit a crime. A rational person would punish the law breaker, not the people who didn't commit the crime.

The bump stock did save send bullets over the crowd as he fired keeping those bullets from hitting people...had he simply fired semi auto, he would have had more hits on people, twit. And the semi auto fire wouldn't have drawn the attention of the crowd as quickly.
. Do agree that the semi-automatic would have allowed the shooter a much longer shoot if had not been disrupted by the security gaurd. It would have been harder to figure out where the shots were coming from, and whether or not it would have been a gun until the crowd indicated that fact. Still not sure whether or not the semi-automatic would have done the same amount of damage (in the time span) that the modified semi-automatic gone auto had done.

He murdered 58 people...with 2 rifles.

The Security Guard did not disrupt him.....he could have killed just as many people...killed.....with a bolt action rifle firing into a crowd of 22,000 people. He could have used a lever action rifle....and simply used 10 of them...since he obviously had no problem brining 23 rifles into his room.....if he simply changed out rifles...13 rounds in the tube on this one....x10 is 130 rounds down range with precision fire....he had 23 rifles with him.......... now increase that to 23 rifles, lined up, ready to shoot, and the police not breaching for 72 minutes...and you see the problem. 23 X 13 = 299 rounds directly into the crowd.... .44-40......a bigger round...punching through the first victim hit....

The .223 is smaller.....

So I am telling you, the rifle didn't matter.....the bump fire sent rounds over the crowd, not into the crowd so it could have been much worse. The bump fire would have been deadlier at ground level......and the next guy will probably do that next....

Keep in mind, the guy in Nice, France with a rental truck murdered 89 people.

Henry Original Silver Deluxe Engraved Edition | Henry Repeating Arms

Where is the official source that says only two rifles were used?
. Wait what (the law doesn't stop the guy from doing 100 in a 35) ??? Well if it got moved to banning semi-automatic rifles that would be unexceptable. Any mod that turns a weapon into an automatic weapon is unexceptable imho. It should fall under the automatic weapons ban that is in place now.

A bump stock does not turn a semiautomatic rifle into an automatic rifle If you know anything about rifles you would know that
Right, they just make it imitate one. Glad we got that all cleared up.

No it doesn't even imitate one but to know that you would actually have to learn about rifles and firing mechanisms and we all know you won't do that because you'd rather listen to what other people tell you than find out for yourself

Of course, it does make it imitate one, via a more rapid fire rate. The things you are forcing yourself to say are embarrassing.

In fact, when the day of reckoning comes for the bump stock ban, I want to put you and Westwall on live TV on the floor of congress.

He can say, "Bump stocks save lives!", and you can say, "They dont even make rifles imitate auto rifles!!!"

What reaction do you think you will get? Do you think people will marvel at your insight, and think, "Wow, how misguided we were to pursue this ban, thank goodness for these two smart fellas for waking us up!"

No, you will both be ridiculed, and rightfully so.

No it doesn't but like I said you would actually have to know how the firing mechanisms work to understand.
Of course it does, in that it achieves a higher rate of fire. Which is why the shooter used it. Listen to yourself....embarrassing....
Because fewer people will get them. Period. He used bump stocks, because full auto weapons are harder to get....because of laws. Come on people, this isn't rocket surgery.
. If he could have easily, and legally gotten his hands upon the Al Capone Tommy guns that had the round clip full of 45 Cal. Bullets, can you imagine the carnage that would have caused ?
Well, yeah. It's kind of hard to heave any honest discussion about this, when you can't even get these guys to admit simple facts. A rational adult would admit that there may be some benefit to banning bump stocks. A rational person arguing against their banning would have to then argue that the associated costs (in freedom, whatever) are too high to justify the benefits.

These fuys know this, and they know thats not an easy argument to make. So they retreat to these goofy positions of insisting water is not wet. So , insteadof arguing the real issue, we're arguing whether or not water is wet.

"Bump stocks save lives!"

^^ See? They take these untenable positions, and being too lazy or incapable to make good arguments, they are forced to say stupid shit. And we're forced to sift through it.

There are thousands of butt stock devices in private was used to commit a crime. A rational person would punish the law breaker, not the people who didn't commit the crime.

The bump stock did save send bullets over the crowd as he fired keeping those bullets from hitting people...had he simply fired semi auto, he would have had more hits on people, twit. And the semi auto fire wouldn't have drawn the attention of the crowd as quickly.
. Do agree that the semi-automatic would have allowed the shooter a much longer shoot if had not been disrupted by the security gaurd. It would have been harder to figure out where the shots were coming from, and whether or not it would have been a gun until the crowd indicated that fact. Still not sure whether or not the semi-automatic would have done the same amount of damage (in the time span) that the modified semi-automatic gone auto had done.

He murdered 58 people...with 2 rifles.

The Security Guard did not disrupt him.....he could have killed just as many people...killed.....with a bolt action rifle firing into a crowd of 22,000 people. He could have used a lever action rifle....and simply used 10 of them...since he obviously had no problem brining 23 rifles into his room.....if he simply changed out rifles...13 rounds in the tube on this one....x10 is 130 rounds down range with precision fire....he had 23 rifles with him.......... now increase that to 23 rifles, lined up, ready to shoot, and the police not breaching for 72 minutes...and you see the problem. 23 X 13 = 299 rounds directly into the crowd.... .44-40......a bigger round...punching through the first victim hit....

The .223 is smaller.....

So I am telling you, the rifle didn't matter.....the bump fire sent rounds over the crowd, not into the crowd so it could have been much worse. The bump fire would have been deadlier at ground level......and the next guy will probably do that next....

Keep in mind, the guy in Nice, France with a rental truck murdered 89 people.

Henry Original Silver Deluxe Engraved Edition | Henry Repeating Arms
Because fewer people will get them. Period. He used bump stocks, because full auto weapons are harder to get....because of laws. Come on people, this isn't rocket surgery.
. If he could have easily, and legally gotten his hands upon the Al Capone Tommy guns that had the round clip full of 45 Cal. Bullets, can you imagine the carnage that would have caused ?
Well, yeah. It's kind of hard to heave any honest discussion about this, when you can't even get these guys to admit simple facts. A rational adult would admit that there may be some benefit to banning bump stocks. A rational person arguing against their banning would have to then argue that the associated costs (in freedom, whatever) are too high to justify the benefits.

These fuys know this, and they know thats not an easy argument to make. So they retreat to these goofy positions of insisting water is not wet. So , insteadof arguing the real issue, we're arguing whether or not water is wet.

"Bump stocks save lives!"

^^ See? They take these untenable positions, and being too lazy or incapable to make good arguments, they are forced to say stupid shit. And we're forced to sift through it.

There are thousands of butt stock devices in private was used to commit a crime. A rational person would punish the law breaker, not the people who didn't commit the crime.

The bump stock did save send bullets over the crowd as he fired keeping those bullets from hitting people...had he simply fired semi auto, he would have had more hits on people, twit. And the semi auto fire wouldn't have drawn the attention of the crowd as quickly.
. Do agree that the semi-automatic would have allowed the shooter a much longer shoot if had not been disrupted by the security gaurd. It would have been harder to figure out where the shots were coming from, and whether or not it would have been a gun until the crowd indicated that fact. Still not sure whether or not the semi-automatic would have done the same amount of damage (in the time span) that the modified semi-automatic gone auto had done.

He murdered 58 people...with 2 rifles.

The Security Guard did not disrupt him.....he could have killed just as many people...killed.....with a bolt action rifle firing into a crowd of 22,000 people. He could have used a lever action rifle....and simply used 10 of them...since he obviously had no problem brining 23 rifles into his room.....if he simply changed out rifles...13 rounds in the tube on this one....x10 is 130 rounds down range with precision fire....he had 23 rifles with him.......... now increase that to 23 rifles, lined up, ready to shoot, and the police not breaching for 72 minutes...and you see the problem. 23 X 13 = 299 rounds directly into the crowd.... .44-40......a bigger round...punching through the first victim hit....

The .223 is smaller.....

So I am telling you, the rifle didn't matter.....the bump fire sent rounds over the crowd, not into the crowd so it could have been much worse. The bump fire would have been deadlier at ground level......and the next guy will probably do that next....

Keep in mind, the guy in Nice, France with a rental truck murdered 89 people.

Henry Original Silver Deluxe Engraved Edition | Henry Repeating Arms

Hey gun freak! Why do you suppose Paddock used bump stocks instead of full automatic assault rifles?
Because he was infatuated by the noise. He wasn't a trained shooter. Thank the heavens he was merely a beginner asshole. Had he been a real shooter the carnage would have been far greater. But, real shooters don't do this sort of thing. This is the realm of sociopaths and progressive loons. You know, you people.
. If he could have easily, and legally gotten his hands upon the Al Capone Tommy guns that had the round clip full of 45 Cal. Bullets, can you imagine the carnage that would have caused ?
Well, yeah. It's kind of hard to heave any honest discussion about this, when you can't even get these guys to admit simple facts. A rational adult would admit that there may be some benefit to banning bump stocks. A rational person arguing against their banning would have to then argue that the associated costs (in freedom, whatever) are too high to justify the benefits.

These fuys know this, and they know thats not an easy argument to make. So they retreat to these goofy positions of insisting water is not wet. So , insteadof arguing the real issue, we're arguing whether or not water is wet.

"Bump stocks save lives!"

^^ See? They take these untenable positions, and being too lazy or incapable to make good arguments, they are forced to say stupid shit. And we're forced to sift through it.

There are thousands of butt stock devices in private was used to commit a crime. A rational person would punish the law breaker, not the people who didn't commit the crime.

The bump stock did save send bullets over the crowd as he fired keeping those bullets from hitting people...had he simply fired semi auto, he would have had more hits on people, twit. And the semi auto fire wouldn't have drawn the attention of the crowd as quickly.
. Do agree that the semi-automatic would have allowed the shooter a much longer shoot if had not been disrupted by the security gaurd. It would have been harder to figure out where the shots were coming from, and whether or not it would have been a gun until the crowd indicated that fact. Still not sure whether or not the semi-automatic would have done the same amount of damage (in the time span) that the modified semi-automatic gone auto had done.

He murdered 58 people...with 2 rifles.

The Security Guard did not disrupt him.....he could have killed just as many people...killed.....with a bolt action rifle firing into a crowd of 22,000 people. He could have used a lever action rifle....and simply used 10 of them...since he obviously had no problem brining 23 rifles into his room.....if he simply changed out rifles...13 rounds in the tube on this one....x10 is 130 rounds down range with precision fire....he had 23 rifles with him.......... now increase that to 23 rifles, lined up, ready to shoot, and the police not breaching for 72 minutes...and you see the problem. 23 X 13 = 299 rounds directly into the crowd.... .44-40......a bigger round...punching through the first victim hit....

The .223 is smaller.....

So I am telling you, the rifle didn't matter.....the bump fire sent rounds over the crowd, not into the crowd so it could have been much worse. The bump fire would have been deadlier at ground level......and the next guy will probably do that next....

Keep in mind, the guy in Nice, France with a rental truck murdered 89 people.

Henry Original Silver Deluxe Engraved Edition | Henry Repeating Arms
. If he could have easily, and legally gotten his hands upon the Al Capone Tommy guns that had the round clip full of 45 Cal. Bullets, can you imagine the carnage that would have caused ?
Well, yeah. It's kind of hard to heave any honest discussion about this, when you can't even get these guys to admit simple facts. A rational adult would admit that there may be some benefit to banning bump stocks. A rational person arguing against their banning would have to then argue that the associated costs (in freedom, whatever) are too high to justify the benefits.

These fuys know this, and they know thats not an easy argument to make. So they retreat to these goofy positions of insisting water is not wet. So , insteadof arguing the real issue, we're arguing whether or not water is wet.

"Bump stocks save lives!"

^^ See? They take these untenable positions, and being too lazy or incapable to make good arguments, they are forced to say stupid shit. And we're forced to sift through it.

There are thousands of butt stock devices in private was used to commit a crime. A rational person would punish the law breaker, not the people who didn't commit the crime.

The bump stock did save send bullets over the crowd as he fired keeping those bullets from hitting people...had he simply fired semi auto, he would have had more hits on people, twit. And the semi auto fire wouldn't have drawn the attention of the crowd as quickly.
. Do agree that the semi-automatic would have allowed the shooter a much longer shoot if had not been disrupted by the security gaurd. It would have been harder to figure out where the shots were coming from, and whether or not it would have been a gun until the crowd indicated that fact. Still not sure whether or not the semi-automatic would have done the same amount of damage (in the time span) that the modified semi-automatic gone auto had done.

He murdered 58 people...with 2 rifles.

The Security Guard did not disrupt him.....he could have killed just as many people...killed.....with a bolt action rifle firing into a crowd of 22,000 people. He could have used a lever action rifle....and simply used 10 of them...since he obviously had no problem brining 23 rifles into his room.....if he simply changed out rifles...13 rounds in the tube on this one....x10 is 130 rounds down range with precision fire....he had 23 rifles with him.......... now increase that to 23 rifles, lined up, ready to shoot, and the police not breaching for 72 minutes...and you see the problem. 23 X 13 = 299 rounds directly into the crowd.... .44-40......a bigger round...punching through the first victim hit....

The .223 is smaller.....

So I am telling you, the rifle didn't matter.....the bump fire sent rounds over the crowd, not into the crowd so it could have been much worse. The bump fire would have been deadlier at ground level......and the next guy will probably do that next....

Keep in mind, the guy in Nice, France with a rental truck murdered 89 people.

Henry Original Silver Deluxe Engraved Edition | Henry Repeating Arms

Hey gun freak! Why do you suppose Paddock used bump stocks instead of full automatic assault rifles?

Ask him. He apparently had the money to get them. Why didn't he just use his plane filled with gasoline?
I'm not convinced it was one man. :eusa_naughty:
. It's more than one shooter, it's more than one shooter.. Now whose hair is on fire ?? LOL

I said I'm not convinced. I'm sure they're still running ballistics on the bullets and fingerprints on shell casings. Too early for the full picture as of yet. To me, it looks like a coordinated effort. For all you know, he could have been using a .30 cal.

I do know one thing: One or more of those firing bursts was not an AR, I've heard that often enough to know the sound.

The news has already reported that Pollack had multiple rifles with multiple calibers.
But which did he choose ?


What the fuck are you smoking? What makes you think he only fired one gun or one caliber?
. The same stuff you're smoking when attempting to tell us exactly what you figure he did.. lol
. If he could have easily, and legally gotten his hands upon the Al Capone Tommy guns that had the round clip full of 45 Cal. Bullets, can you imagine the carnage that would have caused ?
Well, yeah. It's kind of hard to heave any honest discussion about this, when you can't even get these guys to admit simple facts. A rational adult would admit that there may be some benefit to banning bump stocks. A rational person arguing against their banning would have to then argue that the associated costs (in freedom, whatever) are too high to justify the benefits.

These fuys know this, and they know thats not an easy argument to make. So they retreat to these goofy positions of insisting water is not wet. So , insteadof arguing the real issue, we're arguing whether or not water is wet.

"Bump stocks save lives!"

^^ See? They take these untenable positions, and being too lazy or incapable to make good arguments, they are forced to say stupid shit. And we're forced to sift through it.

There are thousands of butt stock devices in private was used to commit a crime. A rational person would punish the law breaker, not the people who didn't commit the crime.

The bump stock did save send bullets over the crowd as he fired keeping those bullets from hitting people...had he simply fired semi auto, he would have had more hits on people, twit. And the semi auto fire wouldn't have drawn the attention of the crowd as quickly.
. Do agree that the semi-automatic would have allowed the shooter a much longer shoot if had not been disrupted by the security gaurd. It would have been harder to figure out where the shots were coming from, and whether or not it would have been a gun until the crowd indicated that fact. Still not sure whether or not the semi-automatic would have done the same amount of damage (in the time span) that the modified semi-automatic gone auto had done.

He murdered 58 people...with 2 rifles.

The Security Guard did not disrupt him.....he could have killed just as many people...killed.....with a bolt action rifle firing into a crowd of 22,000 people. He could have used a lever action rifle....and simply used 10 of them...since he obviously had no problem brining 23 rifles into his room.....if he simply changed out rifles...13 rounds in the tube on this one....x10 is 130 rounds down range with precision fire....he had 23 rifles with him.......... now increase that to 23 rifles, lined up, ready to shoot, and the police not breaching for 72 minutes...and you see the problem. 23 X 13 = 299 rounds directly into the crowd.... .44-40......a bigger round...punching through the first victim hit....

The .223 is smaller.....

So I am telling you, the rifle didn't matter.....the bump fire sent rounds over the crowd, not into the crowd so it could have been much worse. The bump fire would have been deadlier at ground level......and the next guy will probably do that next....

Keep in mind, the guy in Nice, France with a rental truck murdered 89 people.

Henry Original Silver Deluxe Engraved Edition | Henry Repeating Arms
. If he could have easily, and legally gotten his hands upon the Al Capone Tommy guns that had the round clip full of 45 Cal. Bullets, can you imagine the carnage that would have caused ?
Well, yeah. It's kind of hard to heave any honest discussion about this, when you can't even get these guys to admit simple facts. A rational adult would admit that there may be some benefit to banning bump stocks. A rational person arguing against their banning would have to then argue that the associated costs (in freedom, whatever) are too high to justify the benefits.

These fuys know this, and they know thats not an easy argument to make. So they retreat to these goofy positions of insisting water is not wet. So , insteadof arguing the real issue, we're arguing whether or not water is wet.

"Bump stocks save lives!"

^^ See? They take these untenable positions, and being too lazy or incapable to make good arguments, they are forced to say stupid shit. And we're forced to sift through it.

There are thousands of butt stock devices in private was used to commit a crime. A rational person would punish the law breaker, not the people who didn't commit the crime.

The bump stock did save send bullets over the crowd as he fired keeping those bullets from hitting people...had he simply fired semi auto, he would have had more hits on people, twit. And the semi auto fire wouldn't have drawn the attention of the crowd as quickly.
. Do agree that the semi-automatic would have allowed the shooter a much longer shoot if had not been disrupted by the security gaurd. It would have been harder to figure out where the shots were coming from, and whether or not it would have been a gun until the crowd indicated that fact. Still not sure whether or not the semi-automatic would have done the same amount of damage (in the time span) that the modified semi-automatic gone auto had done.

He murdered 58 people...with 2 rifles.

The Security Guard did not disrupt him.....he could have killed just as many people...killed.....with a bolt action rifle firing into a crowd of 22,000 people. He could have used a lever action rifle....and simply used 10 of them...since he obviously had no problem brining 23 rifles into his room.....if he simply changed out rifles...13 rounds in the tube on this one....x10 is 130 rounds down range with precision fire....he had 23 rifles with him.......... now increase that to 23 rifles, lined up, ready to shoot, and the police not breaching for 72 minutes...and you see the problem. 23 X 13 = 299 rounds directly into the crowd.... .44-40......a bigger round...punching through the first victim hit....

The .223 is smaller.....

So I am telling you, the rifle didn't matter.....the bump fire sent rounds over the crowd, not into the crowd so it could have been much worse. The bump fire would have been deadlier at ground level......and the next guy will probably do that next....

Keep in mind, the guy in Nice, France with a rental truck murdered 89 people.

Henry Original Silver Deluxe Engraved Edition | Henry Repeating Arms

Hey gun freak! Why do you suppose Paddock used bump stocks instead of full automatic assault rifles?

You know this?

. If he could have easily, and legally gotten his hands upon the Al Capone Tommy guns that had the round clip full of 45 Cal. Bullets, can you imagine the carnage that would have caused ?
Well, yeah. It's kind of hard to heave any honest discussion about this, when you can't even get these guys to admit simple facts. A rational adult would admit that there may be some benefit to banning bump stocks. A rational person arguing against their banning would have to then argue that the associated costs (in freedom, whatever) are too high to justify the benefits.

These fuys know this, and they know thats not an easy argument to make. So they retreat to these goofy positions of insisting water is not wet. So , insteadof arguing the real issue, we're arguing whether or not water is wet.

"Bump stocks save lives!"

^^ See? They take these untenable positions, and being too lazy or incapable to make good arguments, they are forced to say stupid shit. And we're forced to sift through it.

There are thousands of butt stock devices in private was used to commit a crime. A rational person would punish the law breaker, not the people who didn't commit the crime.

The bump stock did save send bullets over the crowd as he fired keeping those bullets from hitting people...had he simply fired semi auto, he would have had more hits on people, twit. And the semi auto fire wouldn't have drawn the attention of the crowd as quickly.
. Do agree that the semi-automatic would have allowed the shooter a much longer shoot if had not been disrupted by the security gaurd. It would have been harder to figure out where the shots were coming from, and whether or not it would have been a gun until the crowd indicated that fact. Still not sure whether or not the semi-automatic would have done the same amount of damage (in the time span) that the modified semi-automatic gone auto had done.

He murdered 58 people...with 2 rifles.

The Security Guard did not disrupt him.....he could have killed just as many people...killed.....with a bolt action rifle firing into a crowd of 22,000 people. He could have used a lever action rifle....and simply used 10 of them...since he obviously had no problem brining 23 rifles into his room.....if he simply changed out rifles...13 rounds in the tube on this one....x10 is 130 rounds down range with precision fire....he had 23 rifles with him.......... now increase that to 23 rifles, lined up, ready to shoot, and the police not breaching for 72 minutes...and you see the problem. 23 X 13 = 299 rounds directly into the crowd.... .44-40......a bigger round...punching through the first victim hit....

The .223 is smaller.....

So I am telling you, the rifle didn't matter.....the bump fire sent rounds over the crowd, not into the crowd so it could have been much worse. The bump fire would have been deadlier at ground level......and the next guy will probably do that next....

Keep in mind, the guy in Nice, France with a rental truck murdered 89 people.

Henry Original Silver Deluxe Engraved Edition | Henry Repeating Arms

Where is the official source that says only two rifles were used?

I thought it was two....
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