Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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. If so they will try and keep it hush, hush.
Yes, when it comes to the story of the car plow into Charlottesville crowd the media have been talking about it for weeks remember. for the two last mass shooting almost none. the lives of leftists seem more important than those Republicans.
The idea is to stop sensationalizing these mass shooters that easily inspire copy cats.
They make execption for Charlottesville and the car plow ?
You lie! I never saw or heard of the car plow except here on USMB, however every TV & Radio channel, News Paper, Internet service & Phone App blasted Vegas Shooting for Days. It was nearly impossible for anyone on planet earth to avoid the Vegas Shooting news!
CNN talk a lot more about Charlottesvilles then the Las Vegas Shooting
So what? CNN has OCD, It's not the first time CNN flipped out about something stupid.

CNN's obsessive coverage of the vanished Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 went beyond threadbare. Daily Show, Stewart mocked the absurd lengths CNN went to in order to prolong its crash-related ratings bonanza — despite the lack of much actual news. CNN is like that guy at the beach with the metal detector, Stewart said: They keep on thinking they've hit the breaking-news jackpot, only to uncover a bit of metal trash.

And that's what CNN's coverage of MH370 had become: There's lots of trash in the sea; if all else fails, they can make the story about their own reporters covering the search; and speculating about the future is more fun that reporting on the present. Seriously, it's like CNN was bored with the actual news and "no longer wants to be pigeon-holed in the nonfiction section," Stewart said. Ouch. But thanks to CNN, we know that searching the ocean floor for an airplane can take a long, long time.

How much did Fox News obsess & still continue to obsess about Benghazi for 3 years now? Fox definitely holds the record for absurdity by a long shot, yet or some reason you decided to call out CNN. Very interesting. It's like someone is pulling your strings.
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Not even to mention the fact about how the media lied about that incident ....what happened was the guy driving the car had been attacked by the mob...threatening his life...and he was just attempting to escape. The msm reported that he had intentionally run over people....there is a video of what actually happened....and if the case ever goes to trial the driver will be acquitted...but I do not think it will ever go to trial with so much of the evidence in favor of the jury would convict him.


You brain-dead cons are a riot. :lmao:

Now, driving into a crowd is trying to escape. :rolleyes:

If the mob is beating on your car with clubs thus threatening your life you have no option but to run over the fools in order to escape...he survived, he did not get beaten up....thus he made the correct decision...any jury will be able to clearly see that. Cased Closed the thugs blocking the street got what they deserved.

Dipshit... that’s what happened after he drove into the crowd. A woman died because he drove into that crowd. I hope he likes BBC because he’s going to be servicing some for 5 to 10 years.

You mean a Antifa and how many died after the two mass shooting ?

Who knows what you're talking about? Antifa had nothing to do with any of that.

Yes, Heather Heyer was with the people who were coming up against the white supremacists rallying


Heather Heyer On Facebook: 32-Year-Old Killed In Charlottesville By James Alex Fields Jr. Wrote About Outrage
Yes, when it comes to the story of the car plow into Charlottesville crowd the media have been talking about it for weeks remember. for the two last mass shooting almost none. the lives of leftists seem more important than those Republicans.
The idea is to stop sensationalizing these mass shooters that easily inspire copy cats.
They make execption for Charlottesville and the car plow ?
You lie! I never saw or heard of the car plow except here on USMB, however every TV & Radio channel, News Paper, Internet service & Phone App blasted Vegas Shooting for Days. It was nearly impossible for anyone on planet earth to avoid the Vegas Shooting news!
CNN talk a lot more about Charlottesvilles then the Las Vegas Shooting
So what? CNN has OCD, It's not the first time CNN flipped out about something stupid.

CNN's obsessive coverage of the vanished Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 went beyond threadbare. Daily Show, Stewart mocked the absurd lengths CNN went to in order to prolong its crash-related ratings bonanza — despite the lack of much actual news. CNN is like that guy at the beach with the metal detector, Stewart said: They keep on thinking they've hit the breaking-news jackpot, only to uncover a bit of metal trash.

And that's what CNN's coverage of MH370 had become: There's lots of trash in the sea; if all else fails, they can make the story about their own reporters covering the search; and speculating about the future is more fun that reporting on the present. Seriously, it's like CNN was bored with the actual news and "no longer wants to be pigeon-holed in the nonfiction section," Stewart said. Ouch. But thanks to CNN, we know that searching the ocean floor for an airplane can take a long, long time.

How much did Fox News obsess & still continue to obsess about Benghazi for 3 years now? Fox definitely holds the record for absurdity by a long shot, yet or some reason you decided to call out CNN. Very interesting. It's like someone is pulling your strings.
I only have CNN as American channel in France and they have changed since the 1990's it became a leftist anti Trump chain so I made the difference between the fact that they did not have follow-up on the Las Vegas massacre that I find disgusting and that we do not have more details on the specific motivations of the shooter.
This is not what happened for other tragedies so is it the fact that downstairs at concerts it was not leftists?
Pretty much The same thing happened with the Texas Mass Shooting in the church.
I think that if there is another tragedy unfortunately, I do not wish it but if it is leftists who are killed like Heather Heyer you will see that CNN will talk about it for much longer.
It does not seem to disturb many people what happened with the two mass shooting?
Well me it does.
Before shooting out of his room at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Stephen Paddock appeared to be having his own mental struggles, as he was prescribed an anti-anxiety drug in June, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

The paper, citing records from the Nevada Prescription Monitoring Program, reported Paddock was prescribed 50, 10-milligram diazepam tablets by a physician on June 21. The brand name of the drug is Valium. The report said the drug could trigger aggressive behavior.

“If somebody has an underlying aggression problem and you sedate them with that drug, they can become aggressive,” Dr. Mel Pohl, chief medical officer of the Las Vegas Recovery Center, told the newspaper. “It can disinhibit an underlying emotional is much like what happens when you give alcohol to some people...they become aggressive instead of going to sleep.”

Eric Paddock said his brother did show a confrontational side at times: He apparently hated cigarette smoke so much that he carried around a cigar and blew smoke in people’s faces when they lit up around him.

“The genetics load the gun, personality and psychology aim it, and experiences pull the trigger, typically,” Clemente said. He pointed out that Paddock’s father — a bank robber — was diagnosed a psychopath.

Clemente speculated that there was “some sort of major trigger in his life — a great loss, a breakup, or maybe he just found out he has a terminal disease.”

Now we know Stephen Paddock lost a significant portion of his wealth & the hotels were no longer treating him as the big whale gambler he felt he was. He likely decided to give Vegas a big FU!
OK, but why shot the country boy's and girls? no one can answer that question, the country music bothered him in his room on the 32nd floor?
Before shooting out of his room at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Stephen Paddock appeared to be having his own mental struggles, as he was prescribed an anti-anxiety drug in June, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

The paper, citing records from the Nevada Prescription Monitoring Program, reported Paddock was prescribed 50, 10-milligram diazepam tablets by a physician on June 21. The brand name of the drug is Valium. The report said the drug could trigger aggressive behavior.

“If somebody has an underlying aggression problem and you sedate them with that drug, they can become aggressive,” Dr. Mel Pohl, chief medical officer of the Las Vegas Recovery Center, told the newspaper. “It can disinhibit an underlying emotional is much like what happens when you give alcohol to some people...they become aggressive instead of going to sleep.”

Eric Paddock said his brother did show a confrontational side at times: He apparently hated cigarette smoke so much that he carried around a cigar and blew smoke in people’s faces when they lit up around him.

“The genetics load the gun, personality and psychology aim it, and experiences pull the trigger, typically,” Clemente said. He pointed out that Paddock’s father — a bank robber — was diagnosed a psychopath.

Clemente speculated that there was “some sort of major trigger in his life — a great loss, a breakup, or maybe he just found out he has a terminal disease.”

Now we know Stephen Paddock lost a significant portion of his wealth & the hotels were no longer treating him as the big whale gambler he felt he was. He likely decided to give Vegas a big FU!
OK, but why shot the country boy's and girls? no one can answer that question, the country music bothered him in his room on the 32nd floor?

That has been answered. They were an easy target rich crowd in Vegas packed tightly together so he could hit many by spraying lots of bullets from a quarter mile away. Stephen Paddock was a drugged depressed stressed narcissist who felt he was not being treated as well by Vegas as the big whales were. He did it to screw Vegas casinos, not as a political statement about country music that he loved.

Texas church shooter was a crazy criminal who was pissed at his mother in-law.
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Neither the "Hero Vegas Police" nor the "Hero Texas NRA guy" save any lives as they & their political meme claim.

The police didn't arrive on the 32nd floor in view of Paddock's cameras until 2 minutes after he was done shooting the crowd. It took a lot of effort for the old man to push against recoiling rifle with one hand & pull bump-stock with the other while firing about 1,500 rounds. After 10 minutes the concert goers had scattered making it very difficult to hit them at that distance with the inaccurate bump-stock & tired old arms. Paddock knew he was done & killed himself before the police were "at the door."

The Texas church shooter had already shot every person in the church. Even some survivors had been shot 5 times, who knows how many times he shot some that died. He was done shooting, left the church & on his way to his truck by the time "Hero Texas NRA guy" caught up to him. He shot him & chased him until he suicided himself. The military completely dropped the ball on "keeping US safe" by not reporting that nut-job.
Before shooting out of his room at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Stephen Paddock appeared to be having his own mental struggles, as he was prescribed an anti-anxiety drug in June, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

The paper, citing records from the Nevada Prescription Monitoring Program, reported Paddock was prescribed 50, 10-milligram diazepam tablets by a physician on June 21. The brand name of the drug is Valium. The report said the drug could trigger aggressive behavior.

“If somebody has an underlying aggression problem and you sedate them with that drug, they can become aggressive,” Dr. Mel Pohl, chief medical officer of the Las Vegas Recovery Center, told the newspaper. “It can disinhibit an underlying emotional is much like what happens when you give alcohol to some people...they become aggressive instead of going to sleep.”

Eric Paddock said his brother did show a confrontational side at times: He apparently hated cigarette smoke so much that he carried around a cigar and blew smoke in people’s faces when they lit up around him.

“The genetics load the gun, personality and psychology aim it, and experiences pull the trigger, typically,” Clemente said. He pointed out that Paddock’s father — a bank robber — was diagnosed a psychopath.

Clemente speculated that there was “some sort of major trigger in his life — a great loss, a breakup, or maybe he just found out he has a terminal disease.”

Now we know Stephen Paddock lost a significant portion of his wealth & the hotels were no longer treating him as the big whale gambler he felt he was. He likely decided to give Vegas a big FU!
OK, but why shot the country boy's and girls? no one can answer that question, the country music bothered him in his room on the 32nd floor?

That has been answered. They were an easy target rich crowd in Vegas packed tightly together so he could hit many by spraying lots of bullets from a quarter mile away. Stephen Paddock was a drugged depressed stressed narcissist who felt he was not being treated as well by Vegas as the big whales were. He did it to screw Vegas casinos, not as a political statement about country music that he loved.

Texas church shooter was a crazy criminal who was pissed at his mother in-law.
It's very simple as an explanation .... Paddock did not leave a suicide letter, nothing on his hard drive. it does not smell good this story, there is eel under rock..
Same thing for the Texan Church his mother in-law was not even in the Church so why shoot at all those people ?

You brain-dead cons are a riot. :lmao:

Now, driving into a crowd is trying to escape. :rolleyes:

If the mob is beating on your car with clubs thus threatening your life you have no option but to run over the fools in order to escape...he survived, he did not get beaten up....thus he made the correct decision...any jury will be able to clearly see that. Cased Closed the thugs blocking the street got what they deserved.
Dipshit... that’s what happened after he drove into the crowd. A woman died because he drove into that crowd. I hope he likes BBC because he’s going to be servicing some for 5 to 10 years.

You mean a Antifa and how many died after the two mass shooting ?
Who knows what you're talking about? Antifa had nothing to do with any of that.

Yes, Heather Heyer was with the people who were coming up against the white supremacists rallying


Heather Heyer On Facebook: 32-Year-Old Killed In Charlottesville By James Alex Fields Jr. Wrote About Outrage
Numbnuts, again... Heyer was not affiliated with Antifa.
If the mob is beating on your car with clubs thus threatening your life you have no option but to run over the fools in order to escape...he survived, he did not get beaten up....thus he made the correct decision...any jury will be able to clearly see that. Cased Closed the thugs blocking the street got what they deserved.
Dipshit... that’s what happened after he drove into the crowd. A woman died because he drove into that crowd. I hope he likes BBC because he’s going to be servicing some for 5 to 10 years.

You mean a Antifa and how many died after the two mass shooting ?
Who knows what you're talking about? Antifa had nothing to do with any of that.

Yes, Heather Heyer was with the people who were coming up against the white supremacists rallying


Heather Heyer On Facebook: 32-Year-Old Killed In Charlottesville By James Alex Fields Jr. Wrote About Outrage
Numbnuts, again... Heyer was not affiliated with Antifa.
Oui, Heyer, a paralegal at a Charlottesville law firm, was one of many counter-protesters at the rally and was not associated with an antifa group.
“This girl goes out and marches with antifa and gets killed by one of these neo-Nazi people when she got hit by a car, but she was still marching with antifa,” Gilliam said on the show.

'Hannity' Sub On Heather Heyer: 'She Was Still Marching With Antifa' | HuffPost
The paddock thing is way too well-planned, funded, and organized to have been perpetrated by one man acting alone.
Yes, and this mass shooting disturbs in the way that it happened there is like a feeling uneasy and following this silence of the medias and no clear motivation and if it is really Paddock the shooter too?
The paddock thing is way too well-planned, funded, and organized to have been perpetrated by one man acting alone.
Yeah. Trump failed to keep US safe!
How can you blame Trump? it does not have anything to do with it and we do not have the motivation, I would rather blame the hotel and the entourage someone should know what was going to happen not everyone is blind and deaf around him
If the mob is beating on your car with clubs thus threatening your life you have no option but to run over the fools in order to escape...he survived, he did not get beaten up....thus he made the correct decision...any jury will be able to clearly see that. Cased Closed the thugs blocking the street got what they deserved.
Dipshit... that’s what happened after he drove into the crowd. A woman died because he drove into that crowd. I hope he likes BBC because he’s going to be servicing some for 5 to 10 years.

You mean a Antifa and how many died after the two mass shooting ?
Who knows what you're talking about? Antifa had nothing to do with any of that.
. What is ANTIFA anyway ?
What is Antifa? - CNN
Neither the "Hero Vegas Police" nor the "Hero Texas NRA guy" save any lives as they & their political meme claim.

The police didn't arrive on the 32nd floor in view of Paddock's cameras until 2 minutes after he was done shooting the crowd. It took a lot of effort for the old man to push against recoiling rifle with one hand & pull bump-stock with the other while firing about 1,500 rounds. After 10 minutes the concert goers had scattered making it very difficult to hit them at that distance with the inaccurate bump-stock & tired old arms. Paddock knew he was done & killed himself before the police were "at the door."

The Texas church shooter had already shot every person in the church. Even some survivors had been shot 5 times, who knows how many times he shot some that died. He was done shooting, left the church & on his way to his truck by the time "Hero Texas NRA guy" caught up to him. He shot him & chased him until he suicided himself. The military completely dropped the ball on "keeping US safe" by not reporting that nut-job.

The guy in Texas most certainly did save parishoners. One of the survivors told how the asshole was systematically going up and down the pews shooting people until the HERO showed up and chased the asshole away. You are flat assed wrong.
Neither the "Hero Vegas Police" nor the "Hero Texas NRA guy" save any lives as they & their political meme claim.

The police didn't arrive on the 32nd floor in view of Paddock's cameras until 2 minutes after he was done shooting the crowd. It took a lot of effort for the old man to push against recoiling rifle with one hand & pull bump-stock with the other while firing about 1,500 rounds. After 10 minutes the concert goers had scattered making it very difficult to hit them at that distance with the inaccurate bump-stock & tired old arms. Paddock knew he was done & killed himself before the police were "at the door."

The Texas church shooter had already shot every person in the church. Even some survivors had been shot 5 times, who knows how many times he shot some that died. He was done shooting, left the church & on his way to his truck by the time "Hero Texas NRA guy" caught up to him. He shot him & chased him until he suicided himself. The military completely dropped the ball on "keeping US safe" by not reporting that nut-job.

You are wrong on Texas.......the NRA instructor with his personal AR-15 civilian rifle stopped the killing....he saved at least 26 lives and likely more if the shooter had driven off....since the police hadn't arrived and wouldn't arrive till he was long gone....

'Be quiet! It's him!' Survivors say shooter walked pew by pew looking for people to shoot - CNN

As the massacre continued, Ramirez made eye contact with Annabelle Pomeroy -- the 14-year-old daughter of the church's pastor. She was crying for help, Ramirez told KSAT.
Realizing Annabelle might get shot, Ramirez motioned with his finger for her to stay quiet. It didn't work. Annabelle was killed.

The gunman eventually made his way to the back pew, where Brown's mother was hiding, "and started shooting the lady next to her multiple times," Brown said.

Brown's mother was certain she would be next, "and her life was about to end."

"Then somebody with a gun showed up at the front of the church (and) caught the shooter's attention," Brown said. "And he left, and that was the end of the ordeal."
As I stated he was not broke-

Fate of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock's millions to be decided in court

Sheriff Lombardo told KLAS-TV, Channel 8, that Paddock’s wealth fluctuated because of gambling, real estate transactions and “everything else that he chose to do.” Paddock lost a large amount of money after September 2015, the sheriff said.

Lombardo speculated that the financial losses might have contributed to Paddock’s decision to spray a country music festival with bullets, killing 58 people and injuring more than 500 others.

“I think that might have a determining factor on what he determined to do,” Lombardo said in the interview, which aired Wednesday night.

Later, Lombardo said, “If you look at the numbers that he did gamble, he was pretty prolific, but he was going in the wrong direction, so I don’t know if that had any effect on what he decided to do.”

Lombardo could not be reached Thursday by the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

The sheriff told Channel 8 that Paddock was concerned with his status in casinos and with friends and family.

“Obviously, that was starting to decline in a short period of time, and that may have a determining effect on why he decided to do what he did,” Lombardo said.'

The guy had a huge ego and was a narcissist......thus when confronted with the fact that he had become a loser....he became suicidal....many,many gamblers have gone down that road....why did it take the Sheriff so long to release that info? It would have taken a casinoe about 5 mins. to come up with the info.

Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock lost money in 2 years preceding shooting
. So basically he (like you are saying), figured that he would do what he did in hopes to destroy the Vegas strip in which destroyed him over time ?? Could be, but the bumpstock is still in the eyeball of the ATF who has been petitioned by the NRA to review the attachment.

I claim his gambling losses were primarily responsible for him to become suicidal....which has happened so many times in Las common in Vegas that when the people that live there hear of someone comitting suicide they assume it was because of gambling losses...unless other info to the contrary is provided. Yet the authorities there doing the investigation apparantly did not even consider that for a long while...or did they know from the gitgo and just refuse to release the info....the way vegas has managed this whole investigation needs to be stinks of a cover up.
The Vegas thing stinks to high heaven. They overplayed their hand on that one.

Apparently the FEEB is neck-deep in complicity, they need razed and re-structured.

How safe did the FBI keep those people?

How did the FBI prevent 9/11/2001?

How did the FBI prevent the Boston bombing?

They didn't, they are not doing their jobs and should all be fired!

Meanwhile, they're worried about closing file-sharing sites, because Hollywood bribed them.
I wonder if a handwriting analysis has been done on the note that was found on the nightstand.

I say we need to get to the bottom of this thing and rout the people that perpetrated it.

It takes a sick mofo to do things like that to innocent people in order to try and advance a political agenda.

It is terrorism. It's terrorism, and aimed squarely at the 2nd amendment.
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