Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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Thinking only guns are good weapons for mass murder is a bit shallow no?

In this case they are, dope.

And you can't see why using the argument that a particular thing is good for mass murder to support regulation is simplistic?

It's not simplistic. Your argument is. These are guns. Guns designed to kill.
Measures have been taken to mitigate the possibility of attacks in every other way. Cockpit doors are fortified and TSA screens passengers. Cities around the world are working to better protect large gatherings of pedestrians from vehicles. The glaring difference is of course that America has done nothing to address these attacks. Not one thing. In fact, people like you actively fight against it. So when you use arguments like, " ya but...trucks", it is not only simplistic but dumb.

European Cities Add Barriers to Thwart Vehicle Attacks
Theresa May Sums Up A Sobering Reality About U.S. Gun Laws
“Most people would look at this and assume that people in America would be so shocked by this attack that they would want to take some action,” she said.

Theresa May Sums Up A Sobering Reality About U.S. Gun Laws | HuffPost

Parents around the country will go to their Congressman and ask.....My child was murdered in Las Vegas, what will you do about it?

Republicans in Congress will reply....Well, I can give you my thoughts and prayers
and sell you a gun
No, calling you a dick.
No one needs a freaking bump stock mod.

'need' is not the issue.

No one 'needs' a car that goes 200 mph.
(Considering speed limits, no one needs a car that goes 100mph)

no one 'needs' a house with 50 rooms.

no one 'needs' any number of things

When someone kills or injures 600 people with their house, then you'd have somewhat of a point.

You gun nuts would do well to just take what you already have and stop pushing the limits.

Why do you want to restrict the RIGHTS of a person, because some other person misused that right?
It's become a serious public safety concern. It's time to lock this shit down.
Restriction is not removal. They're my rights as well. I'm just far more reasonable than you.

Bullshit. You aren't more reasonable, and your reasonableness is irrelevant anyway.

You don't get to restrict my access to weapons. Isn't going to happen. I'll make my fucking own, and I will use them on people who try to take them.

^Exactly why America is doomed.
'need' is not the issue.

No one 'needs' a car that goes 200 mph.
(Considering speed limits, no one needs a car that goes 100mph)

no one 'needs' a house with 50 rooms.

no one 'needs' any number of things

When someone kills or injures 600 people with their house, then you'd have somewhat of a point.

You gun nuts would do well to just take what you already have and stop pushing the limits.

Why do you want to restrict the RIGHTS of a person, because some other person misused that right?
It's become a serious public safety concern. It's time to lock this shit down.
Restriction is not removal. They're my rights as well. I'm just far more reasonable than you.
They're my rights as well.

Then act like it, defend them.

Stop trying to take the rights away from the innocents.
This all ties in with the regressive belief that there are too many people in the world (particularly *unreasonable* people). They stupidly cast themselves as the *survivors* in their communist fantasies. But they aren't. No matter who comes out on top, everybody wants them gone and the first action taken by either side is to neutralize the useful idiots.

Retarded thinking like this why white morons like you do the majority of mass killings.
So is a big truck with a snow plow.


Which of course has not a fucking thing to do with Paddock.

Thinking only guns are good weapons for mass murder is a bit shallow no?

In this case they are, dope.

And you can't see why using the argument that a particular thing is good for mass murder to support regulation is simplistic?

It's not simplistic. Your argument is. These are guns. Guns designed to kill.
Measures have been taken to mitigate the possibility of attacks in every other way. Cockpit doors are fortified and TSA screens passengers. Cities around the world are working to better protect large gatherings of pedestrians from vehicles. The glaring difference is of course that America has done nothing to address these attacks. Not one thing. In fact, people like you actively fight against it. So when you use arguments like, " ya but...trucks", it is not only simplistic but dumb.

European Cities Add Barriers to Thwart Vehicle Attacks

Guns are designed to propel a projectile at a target
Anything else that happens is the shooter's responsibility.

OK so how do you stop these type of attacks without trampling on the rights of people who own guns or want to own guns who will never commit such a crime?

Which of course has not a fucking thing to do with Paddock.

Thinking only guns are good weapons for mass murder is a bit shallow no?

In this case they are, dope.

And you can't see why using the argument that a particular thing is good for mass murder to support regulation is simplistic?

It's not simplistic. Your argument is. These are guns. Guns designed to kill.
Measures have been taken to mitigate the possibility of attacks in every other way. Cockpit doors are fortified and TSA screens passengers. Cities around the world are working to better protect large gatherings of pedestrians from vehicles. The glaring difference is of course that America has done nothing to address these attacks. Not one thing. In fact, people like you actively fight against it. So when you use arguments like, " ya but...trucks", it is not only simplistic but dumb.

European Cities Add Barriers to Thwart Vehicle Attacks

Guns are designed to propel a projectile at a target
Anything else that happens is the shooter's responsibility.

OK so how do you stop these type of attacks without trampling on the rights of people who own guns or want to own guns who will never commit such a crime?
Paddock made exactly the same claim
how did it help?
Koper concluded by saying that “a new ban on large capacity magazines and assault weapons would certainly not be a panacea for gun crime, but it may help to prevent further spread of particularly dangerous weaponry and eventually bring small reductions in some of the most serious and costly gun crimes.”

That kind of guarded language may not make for great sound bites for either side in the gun debate, but it more accurately reflects Koper’s findings and conclusion.

— Robert Farley

Did the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Work? -
the effect of the 'assault weapon ban' was minimal, because 'assault weapons' were rarely used in crimes, even murders.
You have offered nothing to the discussion, just poking at our posts.

What is your solution?

_______________ no limit to fire rate?

_______________ no limit to arsenal size?

_______________ no limit to magazine/drum size?

______________ yes machine guns should be legal?

______________ the more guns the better?

_______X________ no limit to fire rate?

________X_______ no limit to arsenal size?

________X_______ no limit to magazine/drum size?

_____X_________ yes machine guns should be legal?
(they are, you should look it up)

_______X_______ the more guns the better?

Yes to all of your questions.

Nearly six hundred people. Let that sink in.

Let's be honest here.
We don't know how many people were actually shot and how many were injured in the stampede
Thinking only guns are good weapons for mass murder is a bit shallow no?

In this case they are, dope.

And you can't see why using the argument that a particular thing is good for mass murder to support regulation is simplistic?

It's not simplistic. Your argument is. These are guns. Guns designed to kill.
Measures have been taken to mitigate the possibility of attacks in every other way. Cockpit doors are fortified and TSA screens passengers. Cities around the world are working to better protect large gatherings of pedestrians from vehicles. The glaring difference is of course that America has done nothing to address these attacks. Not one thing. In fact, people like you actively fight against it. So when you use arguments like, " ya but...trucks", it is not only simplistic but dumb.

European Cities Add Barriers to Thwart Vehicle Attacks

Guns are designed to propel a projectile at a target
Anything else that happens is the shooter's responsibility.

OK so how do you stop these type of attacks without trampling on the rights of people who own guns or want to own guns who will never commit such a crime?
Paddock made exactly the same claim

And? That means what exactly?
because both sides want what's best for the country, but neither side will put it in a bill
The republican side shirley won't

Neither will the Dimocrats.

They want to ban 'assault' rifles again, like Clinton did, based on the actions of a dozen or so people that misused them, and ignore the millions of other owners that havent' .

(not to mention, they look scary)

If you misuse your toys....the whole class will suffer


that's the standard democrat answer isn't it.

One person screws up, screw everyone for it

That's life
Abuse your privileges and those privileges get taken away

Killing 59 people is an abuse of privileges

I didn't abuse any privileges so why take anything away from me or from anyone else who didn't abuse theirs?
In this case they are, dope.

And you can't see why using the argument that a particular thing is good for mass murder to support regulation is simplistic?

It's not simplistic. Your argument is. These are guns. Guns designed to kill.
Measures have been taken to mitigate the possibility of attacks in every other way. Cockpit doors are fortified and TSA screens passengers. Cities around the world are working to better protect large gatherings of pedestrians from vehicles. The glaring difference is of course that America has done nothing to address these attacks. Not one thing. In fact, people like you actively fight against it. So when you use arguments like, " ya but...trucks", it is not only simplistic but dumb.

European Cities Add Barriers to Thwart Vehicle Attacks

Guns are designed to propel a projectile at a target
Anything else that happens is the shooter's responsibility.

OK so how do you stop these type of attacks without trampling on the rights of people who own guns or want to own guns who will never commit such a crime?
Paddock made exactly the same claim

And? That means what exactly?
The gun shops say that he was a fine man when they sold weapons to him

which is why I said 'huh'

Functionally illiterate?

Three letter word. For, maybe?

no, are you?

is 'for' the only 3 letter word with an 'o' in the middle?

But at least I can change my 'huh' for a laugh now that I can read the sentence.

It's the one that makes sense. Are you really that incompetent that you can't work around a typo?

Sure, anything to avoid addressing the point.
your statement:
The don't need that capacity for themselves

it is not a 'need', it is a desire.

Just like people that want a bigger house, a faster car, etc.

And they don't NEED a legal way to own it.

Stop being a dick.
i can come up with a list a mile long of things you don't "need" but it's none of my business is it?
Unless it was all "staged" .... we only know what "they" let trickle out. Not much.
The Maiden-Marion (and I) are suspicious. Calling Dale Smith

edit: this is all too clean? shoot a bunch of TrumpAholics in the back from 400 yards with houses full of other weapons? No one knows anything? Maybe some truth will come out some day?

It reeks of an Operation Gladio type of event. There are too many conflicting accounts like there were multiple shooters and there is clear video of rifle flashes on the 10th floor from three different rooms. They turned on the lights while this was going on making the concert-goers more vulnerable THEN you have exits that were blocked and inaccessible to them to escape.

THEN we are told that this 64 year old man lugged nearly 20 rifles up to the 32nd floor of a posh Vegas Hotel and no one noticed? This is the epitome of the Hegelian Dialectic.....create a crisis, wait for the emotional outcry and then propose a solution to the very problem you caused that fits your agenda. Not even 24 hours after this event, I got an e-mail from asking me to sign a petition banning semi-automatic weapons while begging for a donation.......such bullshit.

Another hoax, eh, delusional dale? :cuckoo:

Not a hoax, fawn..........I simply doubt the official narrative including the story that the alleged shooter had Antifa literature in his hotel room. People did die and from what I have ascertained? They were left like sitting ducks when the lights were turned on. Do YOU buy the official story "lock, stock and barrel" with the attitude of "Move along folks...nothing to see here"?

There is no official story yet, dumbfuck. :cuckoo:

They are saying it was a lone gunman and we know that is the bullshit. Police scanner chatter and eye-witnesses say so, "dumbfuck".

You poor dumbfucking conspiracy nut. :cuckoo:

They’re still working on figuring what happened. Whatever they say now might be accurate or might drastically change, depending upon the evidence they discover.

Again, putz.... there is no official story yet.

Dayam, you’re fucking crazy. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
I think it is time to discuss reasonable gun control measures...
We already have plenty of reasonable gun control laws.

It's about time we started enforcing these laws with an iron fist
Like cheney shooting his best friend in the face?

Why isn't he in jail?

That wasn't a crime it was an accident
There's a difference you know.
You said iron fist. cheney was drunk
And you can't see why using the argument that a particular thing is good for mass murder to support regulation is simplistic?

It's not simplistic. Your argument is. These are guns. Guns designed to kill.
Measures have been taken to mitigate the possibility of attacks in every other way. Cockpit doors are fortified and TSA screens passengers. Cities around the world are working to better protect large gatherings of pedestrians from vehicles. The glaring difference is of course that America has done nothing to address these attacks. Not one thing. In fact, people like you actively fight against it. So when you use arguments like, " ya but...trucks", it is not only simplistic but dumb.

European Cities Add Barriers to Thwart Vehicle Attacks

Guns are designed to propel a projectile at a target
Anything else that happens is the shooter's responsibility.

OK so how do you stop these type of attacks without trampling on the rights of people who own guns or want to own guns who will never commit such a crime?
Paddock made exactly the same claim

And? That means what exactly?
The gun shops say that he was a fine man when they sold weapons to him

And? That means what exactly?

Oh let me guess it's the same old and flawed argument that everyone is a criminal until they aren't right?

Every gun owner is a mass murderer in waiting, right?

OK if that's the standard of law you want why stop there?

Every man is a rapist in waiting, let's do something about that.

Every parent is a child abuser in waiting let's do something about that.
I think it is time to discuss reasonable gun control measures...
We already have plenty of reasonable gun control laws.

It's about time we started enforcing these laws with an iron fist
Like cheney shooting his best friend in the face?

Why isn't he in jail?

That wasn't a crime it was an accident
There's a difference you know.
You said iron fist. cheney was drunk

So? It's illegal to be drunk and be the victim of an accidental shooting?
I think it is time to discuss reasonable gun control measures...
We already have plenty of reasonable gun control laws.

It's about time we started enforcing these laws with an iron fist
Like cheney shooting his best friend in the face?

Why isn't he in jail?

That wasn't a crime it was an accident
There's a difference you know.
You said iron fist. cheney was drunk

So? It's illegal to be drunk and be the victim of an accidental shooting?
cheney was not the victim, he was the drunk shooter
And you can't see why using the argument that a particular thing is good for mass murder to support regulation is simplistic?

It's not simplistic. Your argument is. These are guns. Guns designed to kill.
Measures have been taken to mitigate the possibility of attacks in every other way. Cockpit doors are fortified and TSA screens passengers. Cities around the world are working to better protect large gatherings of pedestrians from vehicles. The glaring difference is of course that America has done nothing to address these attacks. Not one thing. In fact, people like you actively fight against it. So when you use arguments like, " ya but...trucks", it is not only simplistic but dumb.

European Cities Add Barriers to Thwart Vehicle Attacks

Guns are designed to propel a projectile at a target
Anything else that happens is the shooter's responsibility.

OK so how do you stop these type of attacks without trampling on the rights of people who own guns or want to own guns who will never commit such a crime?
Paddock made exactly the same claim

And? That means what exactly?
The gun shops say that he was a fine man when they sold weapons to him

They said the same about me last time I bought a firearm.

Does that mean I'm going to turn into a mass murderer?
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