Later Today: Rasmussen Poll on Covid Vaccines

Scroll down to 11 Jan "Soccer Mom retweeted."
The report is from Copenhagen University Hospital: 'SARS-CoV-2 vaccine sequence detected in patient plasma 15 days after dose 1.'

If SARS2 sequences can be detected, adenovirus-vectored sequences could also likely be detected, differentiating one from another.
I can't be the only one who finds it strange that the lefties here are such passionate cheerleaders for the vaccine. What ever happened to the left that was against big corporations and the establishment? Apparently now they're the biggest fans of Big Pharma. :laugh2:

Remember when the right represented the establishment and the left were the rebels?

My, oh my, how times have changed!
I relate way too much with that last sentiment! It I acted on half of my plotting and planning in my head, I might find another purpose in/to life. Reading over that last sentence appears self-centered and not a good way to steer the ship… I’ll put more thought to helping others outside of family/friends. Sounds like working with animals is at least one of yours, and mine are based around my family routine but need revising.
Claire….we may differ politically but you are my type of person😊
I can't be the only one who finds it strange that the lefties here are such passionate cheerleaders for the vaccine. What ever happened to the left that was against big corporations and the establishment? Apparently now they're the biggest fans of Big Pharma. :laugh2:
I was born not long after the polio vaccine became available. As a baby, in order to travel to India, I had to be vaccinated for smallpox and and other diseases. My mother told me of how everytime tbere was an outbreak, health officers would go from house to house and we would have to show our small pox vaccination scars. I didn’t grow up in an era being ridiculously afraid of vaccinations. My mother, who had polio and experienced the quarantine from outbreaks of polio and other diseases, has also never regretted getting immunized.

I have had the routine childhood diseases of chicken pox, mumps, and other illnesses. But I haven’t had polio or small pox or diphtheria or for that matter Covid.

I have never been on a ventilator or hospitalized or seriously ill.

I’m vaccinated. Why do you view it as something to be ashamed of?
I was born not long after the polio vaccine became available. As a baby, in order to travel to India, I had to be vaccinated for smallpox and and other diseases. My mother told me of how everytime tbere was an outbreak, health officers would go from house to house and we would have to show our small pox vaccination scars. I didn’t grow up in an era being ridiculously afraid of vaccinations. My mother, who had polio and experienced the quarantine from outbreaks of polio and other diseases, has also never regretted getting immunized.

I have had the routine childhood diseases of chicken pox, mumps, and other illnesses. But I haven’t had polio or small pox or diphtheria or for that matter Covid.

I have never been on a ventilator or hospitalized or seriously ill.

I’m vaccinated. Why do you view it as something to be ashamed of?
Is feeling stupid better than being ashamed?
I’m alive and doing fine. I’m not hiding below some earthen berm shivering in fear.
Who is shivering? I am telling you what is going on. You are being lied to about everything and you keep listening. Why?
It is true. I have yet to see any significant peer reviewed evidence that is vaccine is a killer or that it is not effective. The constant claim is peop,e still get Covid. Well, vaccinated people are less likely to get and if they do, less likely to end up in the hospital.

How’s that peer review coming on the long term testing?

Get back to us in 6 to 8 years. 🤦‍♂️
I was born not long after the polio vaccine became available. As a baby, in order to travel to India, I had to be vaccinated for smallpox and and other diseases. My mother told me of how everytime tbere was an outbreak, health officers would go from house to house and we would have to show our small pox vaccination scars. I didn’t grow up in an era being ridiculously afraid of vaccinations. My mother, who had polio and experienced the quarantine from outbreaks of polio and other diseases, has also never regretted getting immunized.

I have had the routine childhood diseases of chicken pox, mumps, and other illnesses. But I haven’t had polio or small pox or diphtheria or for that matter Covid.

I have never been on a ventilator or hospitalized or seriously ill.

I’m vaccinated. Why do you view it as something to be ashamed of?

If you are comparing the small pox and polio vaccines, known as “perfect” to the covid vaccine, which is known to be “leaky”, then you prove you don’t have even the slightest knowledge of vaccines.
If you are comparing the small pox and polio vaccines, known as “perfect” to the covid vaccine, which is known to be “leaky”, then you prove you don’t have even the slightest knowledge of vaccines.

I agree

Two very different kind of things
I was born not long after the polio vaccine became available. As a baby, in order to travel to India, I had to be vaccinated for smallpox and and other diseases. My mother told me of how everytime tbere was an outbreak, health officers would go from house to house and we would have to show our small pox vaccination scars. I didn’t grow up in an era being ridiculously afraid of vaccinations. My mother, who had polio and experienced the quarantine from outbreaks of polio and other diseases, has also never regretted getting immunized.

I have had the routine childhood diseases of chicken pox, mumps, and other illnesses. But I haven’t had polio or small pox or diphtheria or for that matter Covid.

I have never been on a ventilator or hospitalized or seriously ill.

I’m vaccinated. Why do you view it as something to be ashamed of?

I didn't say being vaccinated is something to be ashamed of, don't put words in my mouth. I was talking about how the left has changed so drastically. You guys used to be against corporate greed and you protested the establishment, you protested wars... now you all are the biggest cheerleaders for big Pharma, and the establishment, and war.

And as someone else already mentioned, the vaccines from the past are not the same as the current vaccine. So you're either being disingenuous or sincerely ignorant, not sure which.
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beep beep beep

Sad. You’ll get no beep from me.

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