Later Today: Rasmussen Poll on Covid Vaccines

So in your world, it does not matter what medical professionals around the world believe…….only what uninformed citizens read on the internet

In the Before Times: Wait, this medication might be dangerous! Should I stop taking it or mitigate its effects?

Now, Vaccine Cult: How dare you speak of the Holy Water I had injected into myself! I believe! I believe!
I know a guy……

He was fine until he got vaccinated and then, two months later, he got a bad tooth infection

Must have been the vaccine. He never had an infected tooth before he was vaccinated

You think most Americans would credit a tooth infection--that KILLED someone (!?) with the vaccine?

Hyperbole is not your friend here, and you know this.
Nope. It was noted in the manufacturers required labeling and by the CDC long before idiots like you could concoct your endless conspiracies, divisive political assaults, and whatever to make yourself sound knowing and powerful. No, there's been no coordinated conspiracy to kill people with vaccines. You wish. In reality, you just blow gas. Our government always needs more bodies for cannon fodder, not less. Big Pharma and Big Insurance want more healthy workers and customers, not less.
Wow Grumblingnutbag....nobody is stopping you from getting jabbed and jabbed and jabbed...or wearing the newest facediaper made out of plastic that covers your entire brainless head.
In the Before Times: Wait, this medication might be dangerous! Should I stop taking it or mitigate its effects?

Now, Vaccine Cult: How dare you speak of the Holy Water I had injected into myself! I believe! I believe!

In Before Times: People were vaccinated for measles, smallpox, polio and it saved millions of lives

In Todays Times: People spread misinformation on the internet that scares people from vaccinating themselves and children and killing millions needlessly.
I have not met any who regret getting the shot.

280 people in the survey said they knew someone PERSONALLY who died from vaccine side effects. If you watched the video, you'd see a large percentage of these responses came from DEMOCRATS.
If it is all self reported, then it’s of questionable value in determining a vaccines safety. It is OPINION only. How do you know death was caused by vaccine? They “believe”. This not like a study.

Of course it's not a study; I never said it was. But this is what people think, like it or not.

My husband's aunt had breast cancer; she was in remission. Total liberal. Vaxxed and boosted and boosted. Her cancer came back aggressively; it spread to her brain and she died months later.

They are TRYING to suppress this stuff, but doctors are starting to speak out. They call it "turbo cancer". And the study I linked last week gives a hypothesis for why this is happening.
In Before Times: People were vaccinated for measles, smallpox, polio and it saved millions of lives

In Todays Times: People spread misinformation on the internet that scares people from vaccinating themselves and children and killing millions needlessly.

I'm sorry you're having such a hard time embracing the fact that these vaccines are NOT like the measles, small pox, and polio vaccines. They pulled the Swine Flu vaccine in the 70s for way less than they have on the mRNA now.

In fact: you are killing people by insisting they continue to take the shots you love.


Vaccine Death Rightwinger
I know plenty that have gotten the one shot (maybe me included, but I'm not disclosing my private medical information here), and yes they refuse to get another one (maybe me included), and especially not the boosters. Many were forced to get the one shot, and hopefully nothing comes of it down the road for anyone who got the so called and very much ignorantly touted "vaccine", otherwise that was suppose to eradicate the virus forever from the system. It appears that that has since become a failed truth that turned into a big lie as is proven now.

It's weird that Fauci was also involved in the AIDS project, so there is no telling whether this cat was turned into a mad scientist or what. How much studying and trials and errors was this cat involved in, and how far reaching was his testing to go in order to solve things ? Did he cross the lines in many ways trying to solve issues in a so called scientific way ??

This is a great, great point.

Booster uptake is something like 30%. Now, why did 75% of the population get the first series, but less than half of that get the boosters?

Same way we "know" deaths are caused by Covid.

A guy died in a motorcycle accident, his corpse basically "tested positive" for Covid, and he was counted as a Covid death.

These same feckless liberals who hate the corporations for "profit" cannot BEGIN to understand why hospitals coded for Covid at every opportunity to get that sweet, sweet Covid cash.
One in four people know PERSONALLY they believe died from side effects of the shots.

You are an actuary. You can extrapolate that out to the # of people vaccinated to how many millions of people believe this.

This should be child's play for you.

People believe all sorts of things.
Booster uptake is something like 30%. Now, why did 75% of the population get the first series, but less than half of that get the boosters?

A lot has changed with the virus itself. The virus has mutated to a less virulent variety and is no longer the danger it once was, thus we see no reason for additional shots.

A guy died in a motorcycle accident, his corpse basically "tested positive" for Covid, and he was counted as a Covid death

Fake news
Asking random people what their uninformed medical diagnosis of death is… fucking brilliant.
These same feckless liberals who hate the corporations for "profit" cannot BEGIN to understand why hospitals coded for Covid at every opportunity to get that sweet, sweet Covid cash.

How much cash did they get?

Do you think so little of our doctors and nurses (the ones that do the coding) that you think they would violate their oaths to get a hospital more money?
280 people in the survey said they knew someone PERSONALLY who died from vaccine side effects. If you watched the video, you'd see a large percentage of these responses came from DEMOCRATS.

From the survey...

Seventy-seven percent (77%) of adults who have not gotten COVID-19 vaccinations believe it’s at least somewhat likely that side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have caused a significant number of unexplained deaths. Among those who have gotten the vaccine, just 38% consider unexplained deaths from the vaccine at least somewhat likely.


Similarly, while 45% of those who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 think someone they know personally might have died from vaccine side effects, only 22% of vaccinated adults think so.


Voters with annual incomes below $30,000 are most likely to think there are legitimate reasons to be concerned about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, while those with incomes above $200,000 are most likely to believe people who worry about vaccine safety are spreading conspiracy theories.
280 people in the survey said they knew someone PERSONALLY who died from vaccine side effects. If you watched the video, you'd see a large percentage of these responses came from DEMOCRATS.


They said they knew someone they "THINK" "MAY" have died from side effects caused by the vaccine.

There are roughly 268 million people in America aged 16 and older. That would mean about 75 million people in America, 16 and older, know someone they think may have died from vaccine.
Of course it's not a study; I never said it was. But this is what people think, like it or not.

My husband's aunt had breast cancer; she was in remission. Total liberal. Vaxxed and boosted and boosted. Her cancer came back aggressively; it spread to her brain and she died months later.

They are TRYING to suppress this stuff, but doctors are starting to speak out. They call it "turbo cancer". And the study I linked last week gives a hypothesis for why this is happening.

Cancer coming back with a vengeance also occurred before covid.
A guy died in a motorcycle accident, his corpse basically "tested positive" for Covid, and he was counted as a Covid death.

What I read on the Interweb is much worse

Dr Fauci was going to cemeteries and digging up dead bodies and then claimed they died of COVID

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