Latest American Election: The Crowning Achievement For The NWO...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Looks like they got their man for another four years. Don't get me wrong though, Mitt Romney was their man too. But clearly, Barack Obama was their choice. They view him as being capable of appealing to a larger number of people. And it sure does look like most are now all-in for the NWO. Barack Obama is the perfect choice to destroy America from within. The Foreign Global Elites absolutely adore him. They view him as being the person who will help most in destroying American Sovereignty once and for all. His popularity will help wean Americans off that 'pesky' Constitution.

So unfortunately, we are facing another four years of mayhem and misery. The Constitution and those who defend it, will continue to be under vicious & relentless assault. Look for this President's 'Enemy List' to grow, and pay very close attention to arrests and prosecutions in the coming four years. American Citizens who fight for our Nation and its Constitution, are now Enemies of the State. It's exactly what the NWO Global Elites have fought to achieve for so many years. Unfortunately, their plan is right on schedule. Make no mistake about it, the reelection of Barack Obama is the Crowning Achievement for the NWO Global Elites.
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That being said, don't ever give up the fight. The NWO Globalists can be stopped. It's just a matter of more Citizens becoming informed. It's no 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' It's reality. And now it's time for Americans to come to grips with that.
I know what your saying. But only half the country is willing.

Sadly, you are correct at this moment. But things can change. I have faith most Americans will eventually catch on. I'm a 'Half-Full' kind of person.

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