latest electoral map

hmmm i am just not sure about this election.....i just dont see romney winning...but damn i dont see another 4 more years of obama either.....

i wonder if romney's vp pick will make any difference
we have just had too much scandal with the democrats of late....not just edwards but purdue and her cronies.....and then the nastiness with dole...and hagan....

you would think that would have been a red flag to politicians but no they dont learn

in nc its best to leave religion out of it....
I would not be overconfident.

No one has gotten re-elected with an unemployment rate as high as it is now since 1940. And in that case, FDR was dealing with a GOP that had just barely started to climb back from near oblivion.

that is correct but if asked are you better off today than when the Great Recession began, under the previous Republican Administration - Dec. 07 and with uninterrupted positive GDP since June of 09 the answer can only be affirmative.

the real difficulty of the Obama Administration is not Romney but dissuading the Republican "Hoax" that the economy is worse off today than how the Rs left it in 08.

actually, I can say that I'm worse off than when the GD began. Anyone whose fair has to acknowledge Obama had inherited a hell of a mess.

And that's kind of the problem. I took more serious hits in the 1992 and 2001 recessions than I took in this one. But in those previous times, I had recovered all the ground I lost within 2 years.

This one, not so much. The recovery hasn't been a recovery for most people, and that's Obama's challenge.
Using past elections as a guide Hawaii is the only state that I see going too obama. Since it became a state it's voted republican once in a presidential election and that was Reagan's re-election bid.

Do you dip your paint chips in ketchup or mayonnaise?

OH I get it now you think I meant only one state will go too obama. I some times forget their are stupid people here, the only reminder I have is reading some of their shit. My comment was not meant to say that only Hawaii would go to obama. others states will. But my point was this after reviewing historical election results Hawaii is the only sure obama state. Other states aren't.
I would not be overconfident.

No one has gotten re-elected with an unemployment rate as high as it is now since 1940. And in that case, FDR was dealing with a GOP that had just barely started to climb back from near oblivion.

that is correct but if asked are you better off today than when the Great Recession began, under the previous Republican Administration - Dec. 07 and with uninterrupted positive GDP since June of 09 the answer can only be affirmative.

the real difficulty of the Obama Administration is not Romney but dissuading the Republican "Hoax" that the economy is worse off today than how the Rs left it in 08.

And that's basically what the campaign boils down to; the GOP lying their ass off vs the Obama campaign debunking their lies.

Yeah, because the Obama administration is such a bastion of honesty. :lol:
that is correct but if asked are you better off today than when the Great Recession began, under the previous Republican Administration - Dec. 07 and with uninterrupted positive GDP since June of 09 the answer can only be affirmative.

the real difficulty of the Obama Administration is not Romney but dissuading the Republican "Hoax" that the economy is worse off today than how the Rs left it in 08.

And that's basically what the campaign boils down to; the GOP lying their ass off vs the Obama campaign debunking their lies.

Yeah, because the Obama administration is such a bastion of honesty. :lol:
To artie? obama has the larger LIE and defends it to the death.
nc can and will shift fast...dole learned that...she was a shoo in for re election till she said hagan didnt believe in god.....and suddenly dole was out...
dole lost cause she said stupid shit about hagan...simple as that....

If it had been a mid term election dole would not have lost . Plane and simple those who voted for obama voted for Hagan. If obama had not been running their would not have been such a big turn out.
dole lost cause she said stupid shit about hagan...simple as that....

If it had been a mid term election dole would not have lost . Plane and simple those who voted for obama voted for Hagan. If obama had not been running their would not have been such a big turn out.

So you are admitting Republicans only do well when turnout is low?
Latest polls in the battleground states, from RCP.

Ohio --> Romney +2
Nevada --> Obama +2
Colorado --> Obama +1
Iowa --> tie
Missouri --> Obama +1
Florida --> Obama +4
Virginia --> Obama +4
North Carolina --> Romney +2
Pennsylvania --> Obama +8

So, things have tightened up somewhat. All are within the margin of error except for PA.
dole lost cause she said stupid shit about hagan...simple as that....

If it had been a mid term election dole would not have lost . Plane and simple those who voted for obama voted for Hagan. If obama had not been running their would not have been such a big turn out.

So you are admitting Republicans only do well when turnout is low?

No I wasn't because since 1980 until 2008 North Carolina has voted for a republican in all presidential elections
Obama is barely up in places like Colorado and Wisconsin; states considered in his pocket only weeks ago. Romney will win this thing hands down.

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