Latest Poll: USA Today - Biden -21/ +37.8 to -59


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
No folks, not Rasmussen, but the lefty rag USA Today:

He really needs to step down, or stumble as the case may be
I just saw this. Biden at 38% approval?? I can't think if any recent prez has gone down this low. Anyone?

Caramel Harris at 28% approval!! That has to be an historic low.

You see the problem with the Dems getting rid of Joe! Wouldn't help them.

They just had a real bad ticket.
No folks, not Rasmussen, but the lefty rag USA Today:

He really needs to step down, or stumble as the case may be

The man is a walking, talking gaffe machine. He knows not what he says; then again neither does anyone else in the free, English speaking world. Lately he seems extremely quick to anger. That does not bode well, considering his proximity to nuclear launch capabilities.
Xiden wishing he had Trump’s numbers. Wouldn’t look for that number to go up anytime soon.
Biden unpopular? How could that be? After all he has done to 'help' this country - in the areas of:

Gas prices, kept low
Inflation, kept low
No product shortages
Stopping the tidal wave of illegal immigrants
Playing Santa Claus with our tax dollars
Kissing BLM's stinky fat ass
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37.8% has a Dominion coefficient in it. No way that stuttering fuck is over 20%.

How low has CONGRESS been rated overall in the last 3 decades I've been paying attention? Like 13% according to "news" or "historians".

The last time we had a government this "popular" we strung up people, tarred and feathered them, ran them out of towns and fought a war to purge them into canada where they belong.

No folks, not Rasmussen, but the lefty rag USA Today:

He really needs to step down, or stumble as the case may be
Biden won the election and is president. I don't want him to step down because that would mean an even worse person would become president. As I attacked the left for four years wanting to take Trump down, I leave it up to the next presidential election to take both Biden and Harris down, or whomever is on the ticket at the time. It is up to the voters to take presidents down at the time of election.
Worst President EVUH....


(Way to prove the election was stolen, Joe)

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