Latest Released E-Mails / Texts Show FBI 'Broken', 'Partisan', 'Un-Trustworthy'

Mueller's focus on Trump being a suspected money launderer must have touched a nerve. Trump is now employing the tactics of someone who has something to hide. He's looking for an excuse to fire the man who can put him in jail.

In short, Trump is shitting bricks.
I've been hearing impeachment any day for 11 months now. And not a shred of evidence of any crime yet.
How many years for the witch hunt?
Mueller only recently began focusing on the money laundering.

Time takes time. Thorough investigations take time. Mueller will not move until he has an ironclad case.

In the meantime, Trump is sweating and trying to discredit the investigation. That's what Trump does whenever anyone exposes the truth about him.

Mueller must be onto something significant to provoke this reaction.
And the gop as a whole is beginning to sweat. Money laundering was not part of the "did Russia interfere thing," but when Trump fired Comey it set in motion the obstruction of justice thing ... which leads to why did Trump fire Comey if he wasn't hiding something.

It's now Team Trump met with the Rujssians to offer help, and Team Trump will not publically say where they got the data they used for targeted facebook ads, although Russia had that data. What was Russia's motivation in at least offering and why'd Trump fire Comey to end the Russia investigation?

Unless there's just some god awful smoking gun that's more than just Trump Inc being dependent upon Oligarchs for funding its debt, the gop is better off letting this play out imo. If not every bit of evidence Muller has, or has reason to suspect, will be trickling out in leaks over three years.
Mueller's focus on Trump being a suspected money launderer must have touched a nerve. Trump is now employing the tactics of someone who has something to hide. He's looking for an excuse to fire the man who can put him in jail.

In short, Trump is shitting bricks.
I've been hearing impeachment any day for 11 months now. And not a shred of evidence of any crime yet.
How many years for the witch hunt?
Mueller only recently began focusing on the money laundering.

Time takes time. Thorough investigations take time. Mueller will not move until he has an ironclad case.

In the meantime, Trump is sweating and trying to discredit the investigation. That's what Trump does whenever anyone exposes the truth about him.

Mueller must be onto something significant to provoke this reaction.
And the gop as a whole is beginning to sweat. Money laundering was not part of the "did Russia interfere thing," but when Trump fired Comey it set in motion the obstruction of justice thing ... which leads to why did Trump fire Comey if he wasn't hiding something.

It's now Team Trump met with the Rujssians to offer help, and Team Trump will not publically say where they got the data they used for targeted facebook ads, although Russia had that data. What was Russia's motivation in at least offering and why'd Trump fire Comey to end the Russia investigation?

Unless there's just some god awful smoking gun that's more than just Trump Inc being dependent upon Oligarchs for funding its debt, the gop is better off letting this play out imo. If not every bit of evidence Muller has, or has reason to suspect, will be trickling out in leaks over three years.
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Yes, go back to sleep. That's just how Trump likes you.
What are you rambling about? He was involved in the Hillary email investigation. He had obvious biases toward her. He reworded Comeys statement, taking out the words that would allow for charges to be brought. He was in on her interview, which was not recorded, nor was she put under oath. It goes on and on. Those texts of his regarding their having an insurance policy to protect the country, if he was elected, were before the Mueller investigation.
Don’t know why the whole thing didn’t show up, here it is-
He wasn’t thrown off the Clinton investigation when he had an obvious bias

You seem confused. Which side of the argument are you jumping on. If the prosecutor was a juror he was properly seated on the Clinton case, and properly excluded from the Trump case,, So clearly Mueller acted with the wisdom and fairness of a judge when it came to his legal team.
Mueller's focus on Trump being a suspected money launderer must have touched a nerve. Trump is now employing the tactics of someone who has something to hide. He's looking for an excuse to fire the man who can put him in jail.

In short, Trump is shitting bricks.
I've been hearing impeachment any day for 11 months now. And not a shred of evidence of any crime yet.
How many years for the witch hunt?
Mueller only recently began focusing on the money laundering.

Time takes time. Thorough investigations take time. Mueller will not move until he has an ironclad case.

In the meantime, Trump is sweating and trying to discredit the investigation. That's what Trump does whenever anyone exposes the truth about him.

Mueller must be onto something significant to provoke this reaction.
So you agree, it is a witch hunt. There was no Russia collusion to throw the election and now we are onto the next lie.
The last investigation which led to an impeachment started as an investigation into a law firm called Whitewater. And yet the President ended up being impeached over a blowjob in the Oval Office, completed unrelated to the original purpose of the investigation.

Mueller will go where the crimes lead him. He must have started moving in a direction that has Trump in full panic mode.
He was in on her interview, which was not recorded, nor was she put under oath. It goes on and on.

Martha Stewarts interview wasn't recorded and she wasn't put under oath. What does that prove? He followed normal protocol?
As much as I believe that the majority of accusations against the Special Investigation is bulloney, they need to ask Strzok what in hell he was talking about and ask him FAST before the conspiracy fairies completely take off for Wonderland.

Strzok (or however jis name is spelled) was wrong and biased ....of that there is no doubt and Mueller correctly got rid of him..........

HOWEVER, the attempts to mix this guy's wrong doings with the CRIMINAL acts of Flynn, Manafort and Gates is a LAME attempt to smear the upcoming storm that's about to hit the Trump administration......

Trump cultists can bitch and moan all they want.........the storm cannot be avoided.
This entire investigation team should be dissolved immediately.



It’s only valid if they keep their biases separate from their work, which they haven’t.
Mueller is a Republican who was appointed years ago by Bush, a Republican. In this case, he was installed as Special Counsel by Rosenstein, the Republican Deputy Attorney General, filling for the Republican Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who was appointed by Republican Donald Trump, who was elected president by Republican voters.

You rightwingers are simply nuts. :cuckoo:
McCain is a registered Republican too.
So no Republican is to be trusted??

What are we up to now, 8 people on his team tainted? No jury in the world would convict even the most obvious criminal with that kind of biased investigation.
So it’s only a valid investigation if Mueller and his team are in Trump’s back pocket, is that right?
You have no evidence they haven’t. In this case where bias was found, it was removed from the investigation.
Only in the Mueller investigation. Gaaa, you guys are dense, or want to keep projecting away from his other investigations...
It’s only valid if they keep their biases separate from their work, which they haven’t.
McCain is a registered Republican too.
So no Republican is to be trusted??

What are we up to now, 8 people on his team tainted? No jury in the world would convict even the most obvious criminal with that kind of biased investigation.
So it’s only a valid investigation if Mueller and his team are in Trump’s back pocket, is that right?
You have no evidence they haven’t. In this case where bias was found, it was removed from the investigation.
You have no evidence they haven’t. In this case where bias was found, it was removed from the investigation.

Even prosecutors must behave based on the legal theory of "innocent until proven guilty" Only if somebody believes somebody is guilty, before it is proved is their participation fatally biased. And as you pointed out, when Mueller found that, the person was removed.
Only in the Mueller investigation. Gaaa, you guys are dense, or want to keep projecting away from his other investigations...
Even prosecutors must behave based on the legal theory of "innocent until proven guilty" Only if somebody believes somebody is guilty, before it is proved is their participation fatally biased.
There is also inherent bias when one believes their candidate can do no wrong, even when evidence presents itself.
Only in the Mueller investigation. Gaaa, you guys are dense, or want to keep projecting away from his other investigations...
Even prosecutors must behave based on the legal theory of "innocent until proven guilty" Only if somebody believes somebody is guilty, before it is proved is their participation fatally biased.
Mueller's focus on Trump being a suspected money launderer must have touched a nerve. Trump is now employing the tactics of someone who has something to hide. He's looking for an excuse to fire the man who can put him in jail.

In short, Trump is shitting bricks.
I've been hearing impeachment any day for 11 months now. And not a shred of evidence of any crime yet.
How many years for the witch hunt?
Mueller only recently began focusing on the money laundering.

Time takes time. Thorough investigations take time. Mueller will not move until he has an ironclad case.

In the meantime, Trump is sweating and trying to discredit the investigation. That's what Trump does whenever anyone exposes the truth about him.

Mueller must be onto something significant to provoke this reaction.
And the gop as a whole is beginning to sweat. Money laundering was not part of the "did Russia interfere thing," but when Trump fired Comey it set in motion the obstruction of justice thing ... which leads to why did Trump fire Comey if he wasn't hiding something.

It's now Team Trump met with the Rujssians to offer help, and Team Trump will not publically say where they got the data they used for targeted facebook ads, although Russia had that data. What was Russia's motivation in at least offering and why'd Trump fire Comey to end the Russia investigation?

Unless there's just some god awful smoking gun that's more than just Trump Inc being dependent upon Oligarchs for funding its debt, the gop is better off letting this play out imo. If not every bit of evidence Muller has, or has reason to suspect, will be trickling out in leaks over three years.

I'm one who really doesn't see grand conspiracies in anything. But we do know that Trump's business practices verge on fraud if not overstepping. And we know he's dependent on Russian money. It seems plausible that the money he took as investment for his debt did not have any providence. Even if his tax filings have been completely above board in accouting for what debt was applied to Russian money, he could still have a problem.
Trump fired Comey it set in motion the obstruction of justice thing

he's allowed to fire him. BTW, you do know that Comey testified under oath that he wasn't investigating Trump, right?

You need to get out of your dream world.
There was a three judge panel adminstering that investigation, not just Ken Starr.
It’s time you dealt with the fact he was involved in the Clinton investigation. This is not just about his time under Mueller.
One was removed. Quit saying fired. He is still with the fbi. And he lead the Clinton investigation at the fbi, before the special counsel on Russia.

Aren’t those the two who were fired from Mueller’s special counsel months ago?
They were fired from Mueller’s special counsel. It’s time you dealt with that.
So what?

Again, Ken Starr was a Republican who contributed to a brief filed for the prosecution on the Paula Jones case against Clinton.

Where was this rightard protest then? You can’t have it both ways.
Starr was heading the investigation. The 3 judge panel was for oversight. And by oversight, I mean when Starr wanted to expand his investigation beyond his jurisdiction, he needed their approval, which, headed by a staunch Republican, they eagerly gave every time; which was how Starr was allowed to go from Whitewater to TravelGate to FileGate to CattleGate to VinceFosterGate to LewinskiGate.

Look at how twisted the rights’ collective panties are over this .... imagine if instead of Mueller, a Democrat was the Special Counsrl. And imagine the rights’ outrage if that Democrat Special Counsel has contributed to a brief filed for the plaintiffs in the case against Trump for his Trump University fraud case.

Now go back to whining because the Republican SC threw an anti-trump individual off his team.


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