Latest Released E-Mails / Texts Show FBI 'Broken', 'Partisan', 'Un-Trustworthy'

If you are the lead investigatior, it’s really stupid to be texting negative bias on the person being investigated with your mistress.

One would think the FBI would encourage objectivity and would want the investigation to not even have the least bit of anything that might seem improper.

It’s either stupid as shit, unethical, or straight up corrupt.

First of all co-worker slut married affair. Both on the get Trump team? Huh? both married? Whoring up on the job? Nice little setup Muller allows to fester.

Second, who has time to exchange 10000 text? What timestamp? During workdays?
Oh? For how long did Mueller allow that to “faster?“
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Thank you for admitting Strzok did it.

Yes, he changed '2 words' - they just happened to be the MOST IMPORTANT 2 words, the two words that pointed out / specified one of the EXACT CRIMES she committed:

'Gross Negligence'.

The report stated Hillary Clinton had been 'grossly negligent' in the handling of classified. AS YOU ALREADY KNOW, there is a specific law that covers and makes 'gross negligence' a crime:

Yup. And what she did wasn't a crime.

Because you can't produce one other case of someone doing the same thing and going to jail for it.

It wasn't gross negligence to get an email somoene else composed and not recognize that the information contained therein was "classified".
Some of those texts are simply vicious. Hard to believe anyone writing that could act impartially. Even harder to believe that they are employed by the FBI.

so basically none of these agents of MUeller must have been vetted. I thought Mueller was this spectacular investigator. I now have questions about his abilities. It seems perhaps he does actually have an agenda, and it isn't special counselor, but instead trump eliminator. I'm just saying these finds are almost daily now.
maybe they were vetted.
poorly? or Accurately?
It’s only valid if they keep their biases separate from their work, which they haven’t.
Mueller and his team are Republicans?
Mueller is a Republican who was appointed years ago by Bush, a Republican. In this case, he was installed as Special Counsel by Rosenstein, the Republican Deputy Attorney General, filling for the Republican Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who was appointed by Republican Donald Trump, who was elected president by Republican voters.

You rightwingers are simply nuts. :cuckoo:
McCain is a registered Republican too.
So no Republican is to be trusted??

What are we up to now, 8 people on his team tainted? No jury in the world would convict even the most obvious criminal with that kind of biased investigation.
So it’s only a valid investigation if Mueller and his team are in Trump’s back pocket, is that right?
There was a three judge panel adminstering that investigation, not just Ken Starr.
It’s time you dealt with the fact he was involved in the Clinton investigation. This is not just about his time under Mueller.
One was removed. Quit saying fired. He is still with the fbi. And he lead the Clinton investigation at the fbi, before the special counsel on Russia.

Aren’t those the two who were fired from Mueller’s special counsel months ago?
They were fired from Mueller’s special counsel. It’s time you dealt with that.
So what?

Again, Ken Starr was a Republican who contributed to a brief filed for the prosecution on the Paula Jones case against Clinton.

Where was this rightard protest then? You can’t have it both ways.
You do realize that the government is controlled by republicans, do you not? They could get rid of Trump pretty much whenever they wanted.

"Planted evidence" ... lol.
Mueller and his team are Republicans?
Mueller is a Republican who was appointed years ago by Bush, a Republican. In this case, he was installed as Special Counsel by Rosenstein, the Republican Deputy Attorney General, filling for the Republican Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who was appointed by Republican Donald Trump, who was elected president by Republican voters.

You rightwingers are simply nuts. :cuckoo:
McCain is a registered Republican too.
So no Republican is to be trusted??

What are we up to now, 8 people on his team tainted? No jury in the world would convict even the most obvious criminal with that kind of biased investigation.
Mullier hide the fact he demoted the asshole Trump hater from congress for months!
How's that going to look to a jury??????
Mullier, THE GOD of all things has turned out to be a fucking IDIOT!
He couldn't get a fucking night-court judge to hear the cases.
He wasn’t thrown off the Clinton investigation when he had an obvious bias.
No, he wasn’t fired, he was reassigned.
Didn’t Mueller fire the culprits back in August? I know right wing hero Trey Gowdy, got taken to school on that claim during the House Hesring with Rod Rosenstein today.
They were fired from Mueller's special counsel.

Kicked off Mueller's Team for gross bias? Or kicked off because the gross bias could be proven, i.e the Dumb-Ass Turd left a phone text trail, and so he had to go....and yet the Mueller Team hid the fact of why he had to go....right up till the time they were all about to be held in contempt for hiding it.


And, the horny little Turd was NEVER kicked off the Hillary Investigation...he was a integral part of it....possibly the key figure in it....and the Turd's comments show bias just as egregious in her favor as they do against Trump.

Obviously, the Clinton E-Mail Investigation has to be re-opened.
So what? When his anti-trump bias became known and he was thrown off the team. That a plus for Mueller as it demonstrates bias against Trump is not tolerated.
It’s only valid if they keep their biases separate from their work, which they haven’t

You have just undermined the criminal justice system in the United States. Any state where the Judges or District Attorneys are elected means they are politically biased. And the other half where they are appointed by politicians means they are politically biased.

You have also undermined any congressional investigation, which we KNOW absolutely are politically biased, just ask Trey Gowdy, when he confessed the benghazi investigation was purely to go after the Clinton campaign.
Mueller's focus on Trump being a suspected money launderer must have touched a nerve. Trump is now employing the tactics of someone who has something to hide. He's looking for an excuse to fire the man who can put him in jail.

In short, Trump is shitting bricks.

Even Trumps lawyer Ty Cobb can't spread "the investigation will end by january" rumors fast enough to keep Trump under control.
Mueller's focus on Trump being a suspected money launderer must have touched a nerve. Trump is now employing the tactics of someone who has something to hide. He's looking for an excuse to fire the man who can put him in jail.

In short, Trump is shitting bricks.
I've been hearing impeachment any day for 11 months now. And not a shred of evidence of any crime yet.
How many years for the witch hunt?
Mueller and his team are Republicans?
Mueller is a Republican who was appointed years ago by Bush, a Republican. In this case, he was installed as Special Counsel by Rosenstein, the Republican Deputy Attorney General, filling for the Republican Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who was appointed by Republican Donald Trump, who was elected president by Republican voters.

You rightwingers are simply nuts. :cuckoo:
McCain is a registered Republican too.
So no Republican is to be trusted??

What are we up to now, 8 people on his team tainted? No jury in the world would convict even the most obvious criminal with that kind of biased investigation.
Mullier hide the fact he demoted the asshole Trump hater from congress for months!
How's that going to look to a jury??????
Mullier, THE GOD of all things has turned out to be a fucking IDIOT!
He couldn't get a fucking night-court judge to hear the cases.
And what's this "insurance" thing? There is no distinction between the Clinton campaign and the FBI.
Mueller's focus on Trump being a suspected money launderer must have touched a nerve. Trump is now employing the tactics of someone who has something to hide. He's looking for an excuse to fire the man who can put him in jail.

In short, Trump is shitting bricks.
I've been hearing impeachment any day for 11 months now. And not a shred of evidence of any crime yet.
How many years for the witch hunt?
Mueller only recently began focusing on the money laundering.

Time takes time. Thorough investigations take time. Mueller will not move until he has an ironclad case.

In the meantime, Trump is sweating and trying to discredit the investigation. That's what Trump does whenever anyone exposes the truth about him.

Mueller must be onto something significant to provoke this reaction.
Mueller's focus on Trump being a suspected money launderer must have touched a nerve. Trump is now employing the tactics of someone who has something to hide. He's looking for an excuse to fire the man who can put him in jail.

In short, Trump is shitting bricks.
I've been hearing impeachment any day for 11 months now. And not a shred of evidence of any crime yet.
How many years for the witch hunt?
Mueller only recently began focusing on the money laundering.

Time takes time. Thorough investigations take time. Mueller will not move until he has an ironclad case.

In the meantime, Trump is sweating and trying to discredit the investigation. That's what Trump does whenever anyone exposes the truth about him.

Mueller must be onto something significant to provoke this reaction.
So you agree, it is a witch hunt. There was no Russia collusion to throw the election and now we are onto the next lie.
No One with a brain buys in to the crap Rep Jordan and others put on in the hearing.... it was obvious that they believe something is going to come down on Trump and his ill doings, and these Repubs are just trying to obfuscate the truth with a song and a dance...

Elected Trump cult members well know that the Mueller's findings will be devastating to this [so-called] administration.....So, the best thing to do is to smear the source of these findings BEFORE the exposition.
He wasn’t thrown off the Clinton investigation when he had an obvious bias

You seem confused. Which side of the argument are you jumping on. If the prosecutor was a juror he was properly seated on the Clinton case, and properly excluded from the Trump case,, So clearly Mueller acted with the wisdom and fairness of a judge when it came to his legal team.
Mueller's focus on Trump being a suspected money launderer must have touched a nerve. Trump is now employing the tactics of someone who has something to hide. He's looking for an excuse to fire the man who can put him in jail.

In short, Trump is shitting bricks.
I've been hearing impeachment any day for 11 months now. And not a shred of evidence of any crime yet.
How many years for the witch hunt?
Mueller only recently began focusing on the money laundering.

Time takes time. Thorough investigations take time. Mueller will not move until he has an ironclad case.

In the meantime, Trump is sweating and trying to discredit the investigation. That's what Trump does whenever anyone exposes the truth about him.

Mueller must be onto something significant to provoke this reaction.
So you agree, it is a witch hunt. There was no Russia collusion to throw the election and now we are onto the next lie.
The last investigation which led to an impeachment started as an investigation into a law firm called Whitewater. And yet the President ended up being impeached over a blowjob in the Oval Office, completed unrelated to the original purpose of the investigation.

Mueller will go where the crimes lead him. He must have started moving in a direction that has Trump in full panic mode.
Mueller's focus on Trump being a suspected money launderer must have touched a nerve. Trump is now employing the tactics of someone who has something to hide. He's looking for an excuse to fire the man who can put him in jail.

In short, Trump is shitting bricks.
I've been hearing impeachment any day for 11 months now. And not a shred of evidence of any crime yet.
How many years for the witch hunt?
Mueller only recently began focusing on the money laundering.

Time takes time. Thorough investigations take time. Mueller will not move until he has an ironclad case.

In the meantime, Trump is sweating and trying to discredit the investigation. That's what Trump does whenever anyone exposes the truth about him.

Mueller must be onto something significant to provoke this reaction.
And the gop as a whole is beginning to sweat. Money laundering was not part of the "did Russia interfere thing," but when Trump fired Comey it set in motion the obstruction of justice thing ... which leads to why did Trump fire Comey if he wasn't hiding something.

It's now Team Trump met with the Rujssians to offer help, and Team Trump will not publically say where they got the data they used for targeted facebook ads, although Russia had that data. What was Russia's motivation in at least offering and why'd Trump fire Comey to end the Russia investigation?

Unless there's just some god awful smoking gun that's more than just Trump Inc being dependent upon Oligarchs for funding its debt, the gop is better off letting this play out imo. If not every bit of evidence Muller has, or has reason to suspect, will be trickling out in leaks over three years.

I'm one who really doesn't see grand conspiracies in anything. But we do know that Trump's business practices verge on fraud if not overstepping. And we know he's dependent on Russian money. It seems plausible that the money he took as investment for his debt did not have any providence. Even if his tax filings have been completely above board in accouting for what debt was applied to Russian money, he could still have a problem.
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