Latest Released E-Mails / Texts Show FBI 'Broken', 'Partisan', 'Un-Trustworthy'

do you bring your political views in to your work place? I have never ever done that...

All that matters is whether this guy's views from a year earlier that he expressed to his lover, prevented him from doing his job of finding out the TRUTH in this investigation of the Russian Interference and possible Trump campaign collusion with the Russians....

Mueller removed him from his staff and the inspector general is doing an investigation.
Did he or did he not, do his job?

Hard to really use your outside political views expressed against you....when we all have a right to express them....

Trump called an awful lot of people during his campaign some Gosh awful things, like against lindsey grahm and Rubio etc, but once the campaign was over, they kissed and made up....

AND need you be reminded, even Trump's Cabinet Members still holding office have called him a MORON....that's not stopping them from doing the job they are paid to do....
i'm all for finding the truth.

the problem is far too many are letting their emotions cloud standards of right and wrong and if you *hate someone enough* you can justify just about anything to "save the world" from the things you hate.

somehow many progressives are now acting on this. you simply can't say things like you have an insurance policy in case trump wins and turn around and claim unbiased.

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

trumps camp met with russiand and it MUST BE nefarious. period. no room to move.

we live in a world where the extremes are setting the guildelines for future actions and when you justify your own extremes as normal behavior, what do you think the other side is going to do? you don't have to have a harvard degree in psychology to know they will push that boundary forward cause "hey, they did it".

and that's how you get choices like trump and hillary for president.

and if you excuse said behavior as just people venting and talking or having fun with a situation, then suddenly "grab them by the..." is the same thing - mindless banter.
please explain this comment and back it up with TRUTH...

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

Me thinks you have bought in to a bunch of fake news bull crud.....
It was hidden. And he wasn’t fired. He also was a lead on the Clinton investigation into her email, changed the wording of Comey’s statement from gross negligence that could lead to charges to extremely careless. He has had his hands everywhere. The fact he was removed by Mueller does not negate the FACT he lead on Clinton’s investigation.
No, he wasn’t fired, he was reassigned.
Didn’t Mueller fire the culprits back in August? I know right wing hero Trey Gowdy, got taken to school on that claim during the House Hesring with Rod Rosenstein today.
They were fired from Mueller's special counsel.

Kicked off Mueller's Team for gross bias? Or kicked off because the gross bias could be proven, i.e the Dumb-Ass Turd left a phone text trail, and so he had to go....and yet the Mueller Team hid the fact of why he had to go....right up till the time they were all about to be held in contempt for hiding it.


And, the horny little Turd was NEVER kicked off the Hillary Investigation...he was a integral part of it....possibly the key figure in it....and the Turd's comments show bias just as egregious in her favor as they do against Trump.

Obviously, the Clinton E-Mail Investigation has to be re-opened.
This was public information back in August, it wasn’t hidden. All that’s new public information are the texts from the conversations that took place which led to them being fired.
One was removed. Quit saying fired. He is still with the fbi. And he lead the Clinton investigation at the fbi, before the special counsel on Russia.

Aren’t those the two who were fired from Mueller’s special counsel months ago?
They were fired from Mueller’s special counsel. It’s time you dealt with that.
How much evidence did they plant?
Changed the language of the Hillary Server report ensuring Hillary was not indicted.

Actually, the reason she wasn't indicted is because no DC Jury was going to look at these horseshit charges of 'using the wrong email" and treat that as a crime, and they knew it.

Comey's problem was he was trying to make everyone happy, and made no one happy.
Sorry, we already destroyed every snowflake myth about how Hillary 'did not break any laws'. It was definitively proven she did. Comey himself, as we discussed' stated she broke the law. The very words Strzok changed were an indictment themselves of the crime Hillary violated.

Comey's problem was that he was part of the illegal purchase and use of a false report containing Russian propaganda from a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians, leaking classified, caving to his boss who obstructed justice - according to him, his lack of a backbone to do his own job, his connection to Mueller......
It’s time you dealt with the fact he was involved in the Clinton investigation. This is not just about his time under Mueller.
One was removed. Quit saying fired. He is still with the fbi. And he lead the Clinton investigation at the fbi, before the special counsel on Russia.

Aren’t those the two who were fired from Mueller’s special counsel months ago?
They were fired from Mueller’s special counsel. It’s time you dealt with that.

Even if true - so what? Trump has done nothing but trash the FBI, CIA, and all our intelligence agencies. They have a right to their opinions. These people risk their lives for us. They deserve our respect.

It goes to their lack of judgement and integrity. Like Hillary attacking Nixon, they are more about destruction then justice.
Sorry, we already destroyed every snowflake myth about how Hillary 'did not break any laws'. It was definitively proven she did. Comey himself, as we discussed' stated she broke the law. The very words Strzok changed were an indictment themselves of the crime Hillary violated.

He changed two words in a very long report, to ones that were probably more legally accurate...

Sorry, man, Hillary didn't do anything that a normal person would consider "wrong".

Comey's problem was that he was part of the illegal purchase and use of a false report containing Russian propaganda from a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians, leaking classified, caving to his boss who obstructed justice - according to him, his lack of a backbone to do his own job, his connection to Mueller......

Look, man, I know you are still upset that Comey Claus didn't bring you that Hillary indictment you wanted, but you really do need to grow up.
do you bring your political views in to your work place? I have never ever done that...

All that matters is whether this guy's views from a year earlier that he expressed to his lover, prevented him from doing his job of finding out the TRUTH in this investigation of the Russian Interference and possible Trump campaign collusion with the Russians....

Mueller removed him from his staff and the inspector general is doing an investigation.
Did he or did he not, do his job?

Hard to really use your outside political views expressed against you....when we all have a right to express them....

Trump called an awful lot of people during his campaign some Gosh awful things, like against lindsey grahm and Rubio etc, but once the campaign was over, they kissed and made up....

AND need you be reminded, even Trump's Cabinet Members still holding office have called him a MORON....that's not stopping them from doing the job they are paid to do....
i'm all for finding the truth.

the problem is far too many are letting their emotions cloud standards of right and wrong and if you *hate someone enough* you can justify just about anything to "save the world" from the things you hate.

somehow many progressives are now acting on this. you simply can't say things like you have an insurance policy in case trump wins and turn around and claim unbiased.

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

trumps camp met with russiand and it MUST BE nefarious. period. no room to move.

we live in a world where the extremes are setting the guildelines for future actions and when you justify your own extremes as normal behavior, what do you think the other side is going to do? you don't have to have a harvard degree in psychology to know they will push that boundary forward cause "hey, they did it".

and that's how you get choices like trump and hillary for president.

and if you excuse said behavior as just people venting and talking or having fun with a situation, then suddenly "grab them by the..." is the same thing - mindless banter.
please explain this comment and back it up with TRUTH...

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

Me thinks you have bought in to a bunch of fake news bull crud.....
ok. we're gonna go into denial of facts while we push speculation.

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
Clinton: There Is A Difference Between Paying For Trump Dossier And "Collusion" With Russia
Clinton defends campaign funding for research in Steele dossier
wow - she now defends digging up dirt but attacks anyone who may be doing the same.

This is a one way train to no where. Everyone has private political opinions, but cases are not built on predispositions, they are built on EVIDENCE.

Just to make clear, Lisa Page was not on Trump's case and Storzok was reassigned 6 months ago, so NIETHER has any bearing currently on investigation being conducted by a lifelong Republican.
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No, he wasn’t fired, he was reassigned.
Didn’t Mueller fire the culprits back in August? I know right wing hero Trey Gowdy, got taken to school on that claim during the House Hesring with Rod Rosenstein today.
They were fired from Mueller's special counsel.

Kicked off Mueller's Team for gross bias? Or kicked off because the gross bias could be proven, i.e the Dumb-Ass Turd left a phone text trail, and so he had to go....and yet the Mueller Team hid the fact of why he had to go....right up till the time they were all about to be held in contempt for hiding it.


And, the horny little Turd was NEVER kicked off the Hillary Investigation...he was a integral part of it....possibly the key figure in it....and the Turd's comments show bias just as egregious in her favor as they do against Trump.

Obviously, the Clinton E-Mail Investigation has to be re-opened.
So what? When his anti-trump bias became known and he was thrown off the team. That a plus for Mueller as it demonstrates bias against Trump is not tolerated.
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He was also a Clinton/Bush crony which both hate Trump.
Seriously? You think Mueller could get away with FABRICATING EVIDENCE in this insane political climate?

Hahaha! You're too funny.
Yeah, the police or government has never planted evidence.


You do realize that the government is controlled by republicans, do you not? They could get rid of Trump pretty much whenever they wanted.

"Planted evidence" ... lol.
Mueller and his team are Republicans?
Mueller is a Republican who was appointed years ago by Bush, a Republican. In this case, he was installed as Special Counsel by Rosenstein, the Republican Deputy Attorney General, filling for the Republican Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who was appointed by Republican Donald Trump, who was elected president by Republican voters.

You rightwingers are simply nuts. :cuckoo:

It’s s vast right wing conspiracy, is it?
You do realize that the government is controlled by republicans, do you not? They could get rid of Trump pretty much whenever they wanted.

"Planted evidence" ... lol.
Mueller and his team are Republicans?
Mueller is a Republican who was appointed years ago by Bush, a Republican. In this case, he was installed as Special Counsel by Rosenstein, the Republican Deputy Attorney General, filling for the Republican Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who was appointed by Republican Donald Trump, who was elected president by Republican voters.

You rightwingers are simply nuts. :cuckoo:
McCain is a registered Republican too.
So no Republican is to be trusted??

What are we up to now, 8 people on his team tainted? No jury in the world would convict even the most obvious criminal with that kind of biased investigation.
So it’s only a valid investigation if Mueller and his team are in Trump’s back pocket, is that right?
One was removed. Quit saying fired. He is still with the fbi. And he lead the Clinton investigation at the fbi, before the special counsel on Russia.

Aren’t those the two who were fired from Mueller’s special counsel months ago?
They were fired from Mueller’s special counsel. It’s time you dealt with that.
How much evidence did they plant?

I hear Strzok was the one who found the glove behind the pool house.
It may be time for real Americans to riot. This comey-mueler crap has gone on long enough. 1.75 years or so? Nothing here. Demand they stop or we stop it for them. This is 2017.....with computers-internet. Not 1975 with mimeograph machines. 1mo project, yet still going.

This may trigger Civil War. 3/5 of the Country voted for Trump, time to destroy this enemy. Just look at these America hating posters on this site. They want the country to collapse again so they can rebuild it in some socialist style w/o them working. Comes down to them or us. They must be defeated for the next generation.

We had antifa, occupy, blm, dem, dnc, soros, laraza, pussy, inaguration, Wisc, STL, Balt, Trayvon riots (to name a few).....time to go to war with the establishment crooks & anyone else dumb enough to get in the way.


Of all the things wrong with this post, we can start with the easiest one - 63 million is about 1/5 of this country, not 3/5.

Do your math correctly. 30/50 state Elections = 60%?
That was the contest.
It’s time you dealt with the fact he was involved in the Clinton investigation. This is not just about his time under Mueller.
One was removed. Quit saying fired. He is still with the fbi. And he lead the Clinton investigation at the fbi, before the special counsel on Russia.

Aren’t those the two who were fired from Mueller’s special counsel months ago?
They were fired from Mueller’s special counsel. It’s time you dealt with that.
So what?

Again, Ken Starr was a Republican who contributed to a brief filed for the prosecution on the Paula Jones case against Clinton.

Where was this rightard protest then? You can’t have it both ways.
He changed two words in a very long report, to ones that were probably more legally accurate.

Thank you for admitting Strzok did it.

Yes, he changed '2 words' - they just happened to be the MOST IMPORTANT 2 words, the two words that pointed out / specified one of the EXACT CRIMES she committed:

'Gross Negligence'.

The report stated Hillary Clinton had been 'grossly negligent' in the handling of classified. AS YOU ALREADY KNOW, there is a specific law that covers and makes 'gross negligence' a crime:

18 U.S. Code § 793
‘... through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted or destroyed ...’

The removal of those two words was 'tampering with evidence' / 'obstruction' ... was protecting Hillary from the declaration by the FBI that Hillary Clinton had been found to be in violation of 18 U.S. Code § 793.

Strzok changed those 2 words and prevented / protected Hillary from being indicted / charged with the crime of violating 18 U.S. Code § 793.

Thank you for helping point that out.
If you are the lead investigatior, it’s really stupid to be texting negative bias on the person being investigated with your mistress.

One would think the FBI would encourage objectivity and would want the investigation to not even have the least bit of anything that might seem improper.

It’s either stupid as shit, unethical, or straight up corrupt.

First of all co-worker slut married affair. Both on the get Trump team? Huh? both married? Whoring up on the job? Nice little setup Muller allows to fester.

Second, who has time to exchange 10000 text? What timestamp? During workdays?

Even if true - so what? Trump has done nothing but trash the FBI, CIA, and all our intelligence agencies. They have a right to their opinions. These people risk their lives for us. They deserve our respect.
well duh, you think after all the shit coming out? LOL dude you're clueless.
Didn’t Mueller fire the culprits back in August? I know right wing hero Trey Gowdy, got taken to school on that claim during the House Hesring with Rod Rosenstein today.
Even if fired, the gesture means little if the so called "contributions" they made to the so called investigation, didn't get shit canned along with them.

Man, you should of seen Gowdy face when Rosenstein destroyed your replication of Gowdy’s theory! It was priceless!
Mueller is getting closer and closer. I wonder why Trumpsters went into the panic mode, when Flynn flipped. Just a coincidence?
huh? did you forget to wake up?
A lot of good that did. He had Hillary's back during her investigation all last year!

I could give a shit about Hilary. Including Hillary and Trump, I refused to vote for pure slime-balls. My vote is looking damn wise and grown up. Unlike, the easily manipulated hyper-partisans.
Yaaa, me.

"Damn wise and grown up" didn't get your candidate elected did it? Boo you!

Or was that Boo Hoo?

Unlike you, I have high standards. I can live with that. It much, much better than voting for those who slither under rocks, when things get tough and the buck doesn’t stop with them! But it is never their fault. How can anybody, who hasn’t had a lobotomy, support that shit?
That sure isn’t leadership. What do you say “Admiral”?
‘We Can’t Take That Risk’ — FBI Officials Discussed ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump Presidency

What did the FBI mean by “insurance policy against Trump”?

Why ask me? Everyone knows The Daily Caller is a right wing rag, which loves to imply things utilizing conjecture.

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