Latest Released E-Mails / Texts Show FBI 'Broken', 'Partisan', 'Un-Trustworthy'

Damn...and 'damnING'...

‘We Can’t Take That Risk’ — FBI Officials Discussed ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump Presidency
‘We Can’t Take That Risk’ — FBI Officials Discussed ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump Presidency

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok wrote in a cryptic text message to Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer and his mistress.

“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok wrote in the text, dated Aug. 15, 2016.

Andy is likely Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

The text message is one of 375 released Tuesday night ahead of a House Judiciary Committee hearing with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

“Maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace,” Page wrote.

“I can protect our country at many levels, not sure if that helps,” Strzok replied.'
ah - ok. this is in here. i posted another link this am.

will be interesting to see what an "insurance policy" means. my suspicion of course is RUSSIA but wait and see. however that is a huge HUGE (YUGE) statement in that plethora of FBI text messages.

that and "i can smell the trumpers here in wal mart"

what the hell is he doing in Wal Mart if he feels their customers are scum?
It may be time for real Americans to riot. This comey-mueler crap has gone on long enough. 1.75 years or so? Nothing here. Demand they stop or we stop it for them. This is 2017.....with computers-internet. Not 1975 with mimeograph machines. 1mo project, yet still going.

This may trigger Civil War. 3/5 of the Country voted for Trump, time to destroy this enemy. Just look at these America hating posters on this site. They want the country to collapse again so they can rebuild it in some socialist style w/o them working. Comes down to them or us. They must be defeated for the next generation.

We had antifa, occupy, blm, dem, dnc, soros, laraza, pussy, inaguration, Wisc, STL, Balt, Trayvon riots (to name a few).....time to go to war with the establishment crooks & anyone else dumb enough to get in the way.


Of all the things wrong with this post, we can start with the easiest one - 63 million is about 1/5 of this country, not 3/5.

Nit-pick away Asshole....its your specialty. Find some barely relevant technicality and isolate on it and preen like you have destroyed a poster's whole argument when in fact you have most often merely made a fool of yourself.

Just a wee bit shy of 3/5ths of the Electoral Votes went to Don Trump.....anyone with any common sense at all would know that's what the poster was talking about....not to mention that the fraction included in you childish response necessarily includes all people below the legal voting age...Stuff that technicality up your pompous ass.

that and "i can smell the trumpers here in wal mart". what the hell is he doing in Wal Mart if he feels their customers are scum?

It has nothing to do with Wal Mart or Wal Mart customers. Liberal scumbags, demonstrated by Strzok, believe anyone who does not embrace their ideology / hate is a 'scumbag' whose tights must be violated / stripped.
Yep, ‘can’t take the risk, insurance policy, I can protect the country at many levels ’. Dirty tricks, obviously. I only hope what it was is exposed for all to see.
Damn...and 'damnING'...

‘We Can’t Take That Risk’ — FBI Officials Discussed ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump Presidency
‘We Can’t Take That Risk’ — FBI Officials Discussed ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump Presidency

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok wrote in a cryptic text message to Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer and his mistress.

“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok wrote in the text, dated Aug. 15, 2016.

Andy is likely Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

The text message is one of 375 released Tuesday night ahead of a House Judiciary Committee hearing with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

“Maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace,” Page wrote.

“I can protect our country at many levels, not sure if that helps,” Strzok replied.'
ah - ok. this is in here. i posted another link this am.

will be interesting to see what an "insurance policy" means. my suspicion of course is RUSSIA but wait and see. however that is a huge HUGE (YUGE) statement in that plethora of FBI text messages.

that and "i can smell the trumpers here in wal mart"

what the hell is he doing in Wal Mart if he feels their customers are scum?
that and "i can smell the trumpers here in wal mart". what the hell is he doing in Wal Mart if he feels their customers are scum?

It has nothing to do with Wal Mart or Wal Mart customers. Liberal scumbags, demonstrated by Strzok, believe anyone who does not embrace their ideology / hate is a 'scumbag' whose tights must be violated / stripped.
the targeting is more than obvious and at this point they're attacking average every day americans. wal mart isn't my place to shop of preference but that is more because i was their microsoft tam long ago and had to deal with them directly. :) these days i shop online and pick up my groceries off to the side while they load up my car. kinda cool. krogers will do it for $4.95 so screw krogers. they can't even put in real people at registers til 8am and by then i'm done shopping. i LOATHE self-check out.
Yep, ‘can’t take the risk, insurance policy, I can protect the country at many levels ’. Dirty tricks, obviously. I only hope what it was is exposed for all to see.
Damn...and 'damnING'...

‘We Can’t Take That Risk’ — FBI Officials Discussed ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump Presidency
‘We Can’t Take That Risk’ — FBI Officials Discussed ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump Presidency

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok wrote in a cryptic text message to Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer and his mistress.

“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok wrote in the text, dated Aug. 15, 2016.

Andy is likely Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

The text message is one of 375 released Tuesday night ahead of a House Judiciary Committee hearing with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

“Maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace,” Page wrote.

“I can protect our country at many levels, not sure if that helps,” Strzok replied.'
ah - ok. this is in here. i posted another link this am.

will be interesting to see what an "insurance policy" means. my suspicion of course is RUSSIA but wait and see. however that is a huge HUGE (YUGE) statement in that plethora of FBI text messages.

that and "i can smell the trumpers here in wal mart"

what the hell is he doing in Wal Mart if he feels their customers are scum?
oh he's going to have to explain that one to be sure and this should be interesting.
But will it be the truth.
Yep, ‘can’t take the risk, insurance policy, I can protect the country at many levels ’. Dirty tricks, obviously. I only hope what it was is exposed for all to see.
Damn...and 'damnING'...

‘We Can’t Take That Risk’ — FBI Officials Discussed ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump Presidency
‘We Can’t Take That Risk’ — FBI Officials Discussed ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump Presidency

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok wrote in a cryptic text message to Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer and his mistress.

“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok wrote in the text, dated Aug. 15, 2016.

Andy is likely Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

The text message is one of 375 released Tuesday night ahead of a House Judiciary Committee hearing with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

“Maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace,” Page wrote.

“I can protect our country at many levels, not sure if that helps,” Strzok replied.'
ah - ok. this is in here. i posted another link this am.

will be interesting to see what an "insurance policy" means. my suspicion of course is RUSSIA but wait and see. however that is a huge HUGE (YUGE) statement in that plethora of FBI text messages.

that and "i can smell the trumpers here in wal mart"

what the hell is he doing in Wal Mart if he feels their customers are scum?
oh he's going to have to explain that one to be sure and this should be interesting.
Tillerson called President Trump a MORON, yet still works for him....

At least Mueller removed the guy, immediately.... Mueller is a professional, with utmost respect from both sides of the aisle....

And, the task of this investigation is to investigate the Russians and any Trump team coordination..... not Trump.... unless trump was a part of the coordination....

No One with a brain buys in to the crap Rep Jordan and others put on in the hearing.... it was obvious that they believe something is going to come down on Trump and his ill doings, and these Repubs are just trying to obfuscate the truth with a song and a dance...
Mueller is NOT going away.......a good republican assigned by another decent republican investigating a crooked republican administration...LIVE WITH IT !!!
Tillerson called President Trump a MORON, yet still works for him....

At least Mueller removed the guy, immediately.... Mueller is a professional, with utmost respect from both sides of the aisle....

And, the task of this investigation is to investigate the Russians and any Trump team coordination..... not Trump.... unless trump was a part of the coordination....

No One with a brain buys in to the crap Rep Jordan and others put on in the hearing.... it was obvious that they believe something is going to come down on Trump and his ill doings, and these Repubs are just trying to obfuscate the truth with a song and a dance...
what song and dance?

did he or did he not say the FBI has an "insurance policy" in case trump gets elected?

i don't give a damn if you like trump or not. the system is above the people. period. if we suddenly make crap up and force it to stick because we don't like someone - is that REALLY something you want to come back at you? cause IT WILL.

ie - biden saying the lame duck president couldn't pick a SCOTUS until it was obama.
ie - the nuclear option the dems put in play to get around republicans - came back to bite them.

do we as a country REALLY want to say it's ok to have "insurance" in case your side loses to discredit the other side? tell me how we as a collective country including EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US of all races, genders, preferences and so forth, can get past this petty ass crap?
Give it up, Queasy.......

Your ilk is scared shitless of Mueller's investigation.....

Mueller fired the FBI agents........everyone has biases (judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys)......but NO ONE has "manufactured" any false evidence......The Trump entourage fuck ups are ALL THEIR OWN DOING.
As much as I believe that the majority of accusations against the Special Investigation is bulloney, they need to ask Strzok what in hell he was talking about and ask him FAST before the conspiracy fairies completely take off for Wonderland.
No One with a brain buys in to the crap Rep Jordan and others put on in the hearing.... it was obvious that they believe something is going to come down on Trump and his ill doings, and these Repubs are just trying to obfuscate the truth with a song and a dance...

Evidence of crime, collusion, bribery, influence peddling, obstruction, tampering with evidence, aiding and abetting, criminal extreme partisanship, etc against Democrats have been presented in overwhelming and undeniable amounts...while snowflakes / libs still can not produce one shred of evidence against Trump.

And one of the board's DNC/Hillary/Obama-poligists spew more propaganda / BS while trying to talk about anyone with a brain.....

You knew it'd end up like this

Mueller isn't non-partisan

Rightwing freaks are too funny.

Where was this concern about partisanship when Republican Ken Starr was installed as Independent Councel to investigate the Clintons even though Starr had contributed to a friend of the court brief on behalf of the RNC for the Paula Jones case?
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'In the weeks before and after his politically-charged texts, Strzok interviewed several Clinton aides who sent and received classified emails that ended up on Clinton’s email server.

Two of those aides were Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills. Both appear to have provided misleading responses to questions about their awareness of Clinton’s use of a private server. But despite their false statements, neither Abedin nor Mills were charged with lying to the FBI.'


It is crystal clear that Strzok protected Hillary from indictment / charges by changing the language in the Hillary Server Investigation's final report.

It is also crystal clear that Strzok protected both Huma Abedin and Cheryl mills from indictment and criminal charges of Lying to the FBI / Perjury...yet after he interviewed Flynn Flynn was charged with 'Lying to the FBI'.

It is also very much Crystal Clear that Strzok, who has been 're-assigned' within the FBI, should be FIRED, Perp Walked, and charged with 'Obstruction', 'Tampering With Evidence', 'Aiding and Abetting', and / or potentially a host of other crimes.

link to mills and abedine giving false statements to the FBI, please.

Strzok is being investigated by the inspector general on whether his personal opinions affected his job duties or not....

regardless, even if they do not find that he let his personal opinions affect the investigation, Mueller removed him....

WHAT more did you expect to be done by Mueller? He handled the situation professionally.
Give it up, Queasy.......

Your ilk is scared shitless of Mueller's investigation.....

Mueller fired the FBI agents........everyone has biases (judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys)......but NO ONE has "manufactured" any false evidence......The Trump entourage fuck ups are ALL THEIR OWN DOING.
As much as I believe that the majority of accusations against the Special Investigation is bulloney, they need to ask Strzok what in hell he was talking about and ask him FAST before the conspiracy fairies completely take off for Wonderland.
From my understanding, the comments and texts took place A YEAR EARLIER, when Trump was a candidate....the time when both Republicans and Democrats were all saying the same thing about candidate Trump.
It's hard to tell where the Clinton campaign ends and the nations law enforcement agency begins.

Democrats and the media are accusing anyone who criticizes special counsel Robert Mueller as Trumpian conspirators trying to undermine his probe. But who needs critics when Mr. Mueller’s team is doing so much to undermine its own credibility?

Wednesday’s revelations—they’re coming almost daily—include the Justice Department’s release of 2016 text messages to and from Peter Strzok, the FBI counterintelligence agent whom Mr. Mueller demoted this summer. The texts, which he exchanged with senior FBI lawyer Lisa Page, contain expletive-laced tirades against Mr. Trump. Such Trump hatred is no surprise and not by itself disqualifying. More troubling are texts that suggest that some FBI officials may have gone beyond antipathy to anti-Trump plotting.

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office—that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected—but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Mr. Strzok wrote Ms. Page in an Aug. 15, 2016 text. He added: “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

What “policy” would that be? The “Andy” in question is Andrew McCabe, the deputy FBI director. FBI officials are allowed to have political opinions, but what kind of action were they discussing that would amount to anti-Trump “insurance”?

In another exchange that month, Ms. Page forwarded a Trump-related article and wrote: “Maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace.” He thanked her and assured: “Of course I’ll try and approach it that way.” Mr. Strzok, recall, is the man who changed the words “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless” in James Comey’s July 2016 public exoneration of Hillary Clinton’s emails.

The McCabe meeting came on the heels of the FBI’s launch of its counterintelligence probe into Trump-Russia ties. July is also when former British spook Christopher Steele briefed the FBI on his Clinton-financed dossier of salacious allegations against Mr. Trump. The texts explain why Mr. Mueller would remove Mr. Strzok, though a straight shooter wouldn’t typically resist turning those messages over to Congress for as long as Mr. Mueller did.

Meanwhile, we’re learning more about the political motives of Mr. Mueller’s lieutenant, Andrew Weissmann.

The FBI’s Trump ‘Insurance’
As much as I believe that the majority of accusations against the Special Investigation is bulloney, they need to ask Strzok what in hell he was talking about and ask him FAST before the conspiracy fairies completely take off for Wonderland.
Strzok has been proven to have changed the language in the Hillary Server report, preventing Hillary from going to jail, proven to have protected Abedin and Mills from indictment for 'Lying to the FBI', and has been revealed to be an Anti-Trump, Pro-Hillary extremist who should possibly be behind bars and definitely fired from the FBI rather than having been re-assigned within the FBI as he has been.

There should be no place in the FBI for such a criminal extremists. He is one of the 'creatures' that needs to be drained from the 'swamp'.

The conflicts of interest and bias existing on Mueller's whole team can not be denied: Mueller himself, 9 DNC / Hillary donors, and Hillary's own Clinton Foundation Lawyer who was there when over $100+ million in Russian (KGB Bank) donations went to the Clinton Foundation.

The LACK of results from his Investigation to date, in regards to the primary focus of 'Collusion' with Russia, can not be denied at this point, either. 2 indictments for tax evasion dating back to 2006 and an indictment for 'Lying to the FBI' that will probably be thrown out based on Strzok's exposed bias (he interviewed Flynn) and the exposed fact that he protected Hillary aides Abedin and Mills from the same exact charge.

For over a year the Democrats have been waging the same type of PUBLIC / MEDIA 'trial' / 'war' against Trump as they did against Moore. They have had no solid evidence of anything against Trump and still do not.

The evidence exposed against Democrats in their attempt to take down Trump is also undeniable. Strzok is just ANOTHER example of that.

Congress should call Rosenstein and Mueller before them and demand they show even the slightest bit of EVIDENCE they have that would warrant the investigation continue. So far, they have shown zero reason for it continuing.
Some of those texts are simply vicious. Hard to believe anyone writing that could act impartially. Even harder to believe that they are employed by the FBI.

so basically none of these agents of MUeller must have been vetted. I thought Mueller was this spectacular investigator. I now have questions about his abilities. It seems perhaps he does actually have an agenda, and it isn't special counselor, but instead trump eliminator. I'm just saying these finds are almost daily now.
Mullier has been rubbing shoulder with these Trump-haters for decades.
They holiday together!
They bang each other's wives!
Mullier KNEW EVERY fucking detail about those he hired.
Muller actually tried to hide the fact he demoted the Trump hater from congress for MONTHS!!!!
It would be hilarious to watch Mullier try to argue a case against anyone associated with Trump to the US Supreme Court. Which is where ANY case would end up.
The SC wouldn't even hear the case!

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