Latest Released E-Mails / Texts Show FBI 'Broken', 'Partisan', 'Un-Trustworthy'

Did Obama poison the FBI or was it already a Liberal cesspool? He did have a habit of using intelligence agencies and the IRS and the DOJ like his secret police force against Conservatives.
THE SWAMP MUST BE DRAINED. I would rather have mentally ill, ghetto scum as FBI agents than these crazy douchebags. Thanks to Crooked (formally known as Crooked Hillary) and Obama (whatever the fuck his real name is)
We gotta assume she has huge tits, a super tight vag, and a massive bubble butt. What kind of douchebag could bang that otherwise.
Any indictment by this team will be jokingly easy to defend.

Show the jury those text messages and the donations of the FBI investigators to Hillary Clinton, and they would very likely see the bias.

Just imagine if it was Hillary being investigated and if investigators texted the exact same texts, but just change Trump to Hillary....Progs would claim it’s a fair investigation, right? :badgrin:
all that matters is the TRUTH and whether they broke the laws of the land or not...

What was and is found in the investigation is what matters,

The Republicans in that committee are as disgusting as Trump and have turned in to him....with the total unprofessionalism they put out yesterday....what a dog and pony show..... just laughable....
As most intelligent people know - bias and opinion are two completely different things.

It shows their lack of judgement and integrity that they expressed their opinions thusly.

Let's put it this way. Would you accept a jury's sentence if you knew two of the jurors had these opinions about the accused? Of course not. You would demand a mistrial.
As most intelligent people know - bias and opinion are two completely different things.

It shows their lack of judgement and integrity that they expressed their opinions thusly.

Let's put it this way. Would you accept a jury's sentence if you knew two of the jurors had these opinions about the accused? Of course not. You would demand a mistrial.
Every injustice perpetrated against the republicans is perfectly justifiable in the eyes of the left.

"Good! I hope they got them!"

That is what you are hearing all across Jewish dinner tables during this Chanukah season.
Yea, this has been an unbiased and completely fair investigation from the jump.:badgrin:

"Trump Should Go F Himself" - Texts Leak From FBI Agents On Russia Probe, Hillary Emails Investigation
Over 10,000 text messages sent between two top FBI investigators - one of whom led both the Clinton email investigation and the early Trump-Russia probe, have been turned over to Congress Tuesday evening and promptly leaked to the press. The profanity-laced messages reveal a deep hatred for Trump between veteran agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page, who were having an extramarital affair while working together on the Clinton email investigation when the texts were exchanged. Strzok and Page were fired from Robert Mueller's special counsel in mid-August over the messages, yet the reason was not revealed until last month. Strzok notably changed the wording of then-FBI Director James Comey's statement on Clinton's mishandling of classified information from "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless."


Peter Strzok and Lisa Page

The leaked texts leave no doubt that Muller's probe has been tainted from the beginning. In one exchange obtained by Fox News sent on March 4th, 2016 - right around the time Trump emerged as a serious threat in the GOP primary race, Page texted Strzok "God, Trump is a loathsome human," to which Strzok responded "Yet he many[win]" Strzok responded, adding "Good for Hillary."

Later that day, Strzok texted Page, "OMG [Trump's] an idiot" to which Page replied "He's awful." Strzok then texted Page "America will get what the voting public deserves," to which Page responded "That's what I'm afraid of."

In messages obtained by CBS, Page wrote to Strzok "I just saw my first Bernie Sander [sic] bumper sticker. Made me want to key the car," to which Strzok replied "He's an idiot like Trump. Figure they cancel each other out."

On election night, Strzok called the glowing red map showing Mr. Trump winning "F***ing terrifying." A week later when Jeff Sessions was the top contender for Attorney General, Strzok texted Page "Sesions for AG," to which Page replied "Good god." Page and Strzok also disparaged House Speaker Paul Ryan, with Page telling Strzok she hopes Ryan "fails and crashes in a blaze of glory."

Fox reporter Shannon Brem tweeted that Fox News producer Jake Gibson has obtained 10k texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, one of which says "Trump should go f himself," and "F TRUMP."

Our @FoxNews producer @JakeBGibson has obtained 10K texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page

— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) December 13, 2017

Strzok/Page texts obtained by Fox's @JakeBGibson

"LP – Jesus. You should read this. And Trump should go f himself. Moment in Convention Glare Shakes Up Khans American Life Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

PS – God that’s a great article. Thanks for sharing. And F TRUMP."

— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) December 13, 2017

In another tweet posted by Bream, Peter Strzok says "I am riled up. Trump is a f*cking idiot, is unable to provide a coherrent answer," and "I CAN'T PULL AWAY, WHAY THE F*CK HAPPENED TO OUR COUNTRY (redacted)??!?!"

Page responds "I don't know, But we'll get it back. ..."

Strzok/Page texts 10/20/16

PS - I am riled up. Trump is a f*cking idiot, is unable to provide a coherent answer.


LP - I don't know. But we'll get it back. ...

— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) December 13, 2017

Page then messages Strzok, saying "And maybe you're meant to stay where you are because you're meant to protect the country from that menace. (links to NYT article), to which Strzok replied "I can protect our country at many levels."

Strzok/Page texts

LP – And maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace. (links to NYT article)

PS – ... I can protect our country at many levels, not sure if that helps

— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) December 13, 2017

If you're still confused as to who they wanted to win the election, look no further than Peter Strzok's text to Page: "God Hillary should win. 100,000,000-0"

Strzok/Page texts obtained by @JakeBGibson - "PS: God Hillary should win. 100,000,000-0. LP: I know"

— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) December 13, 2017

The messages between Strzok and Page make it abundantly clear that the agents investigating both candidates for President were extremely biased against then-candidate Trump, while going extremely easy on Hillary Clinton over her mishandling of classified information.

MORE: Timeline of texts from former Special Counsel investigator Peter Strzok may raise concerns about his impartiality and will likely raise more questions about the Clinton server investigation, @PaulaReidCBSsays

— CBS News (@CBSNews) December 13, 2017

The messages sent between Strzok and Page, as well as Strzok's conduct in the Clinton investigation and several prior cases are now under review for political bias by the Justice Department. Furthermore, the fact that the reason behind Strzok's firing was kept a secret for months is of keen interest to House investigators. According to Fox News two weeks ago:

"While Strzok’s removal from the Mueller team had been publicly reported in August, the Justice Department never disclosed the anti-Trump texts to the House investigators."

"Responding to the revelations about Strzok’s texts on Saturday, Nunes said he has now directed his staff to draft contempt-of-Congress citations against Rosenstein and the new FBI director, Christopher Wray." -Fox News

Strzok also relied on the Trump-Russia dossier created by opposition research firm Fusion GPS. In August, 2016 - nine months before Robert Mueller's Special Counsel was launched, the New York Times reported that Strzok was hand picked by FBI brass to supervise an investigation into allegations of Trump-Russia collusion. The FBI investigation grew legs after they received the infamous anti-Trump "dossier" and decided to act on its salacious and largely unproven claims, According to Fox News:

House investigators told Fox News they have long regarded Strzok as a key figure in the chain of events when the bureau, in 2016, received the infamous anti-Trump "dossier" and launched a counterintelligence investigation into Russian meddling in the election that ultimately came to encompass FISA surveillance of a Trump campaign associate.

The "dossier" was a compendium of salacious and largely unverified allegations about then-candidate Trump and others around him that was compiled by the opposition research firm Fusion GPS. The firm's bank records, obtained by House investigators, revealed that the project was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. -Fox News

Weeks before the 2016 election, Peter Strzok's FBI team agreed to pay former MI6 agent and Fusion GPS operative Christopher Steele $50,000 if he could verify the claims contained within the dossier - which relied on the cooperation of two senior Kremlin officials.


As I said, the Deep State theory is gaining credibility ever day.

The government can't be trusted.
Yea, this has been an unbiased and completely fair investigation from the jump.:badgrin:

"Trump Should Go F Himself" - Texts Leak From FBI Agents On Russia Probe, Hillary Emails Investigation
Over 10,000 text messages sent between two top FBI investigators - one of whom led both the Clinton email investigation and the early Trump-Russia probe, have been turned over to Congress Tuesday evening and promptly leaked to the press. The profanity-laced messages reveal a deep hatred for Trump between veteran agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page, who were having an extramarital affair while working together on the Clinton email investigation when the texts were exchanged. Strzok and Page were fired from Robert Mueller's special counsel in mid-August over the messages, yet the reason was not revealed until last month. Strzok notably changed the wording of then-FBI Director James Comey's statement on Clinton's mishandling of classified information from "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless."


Peter Strzok and Lisa Page

The leaked texts leave no doubt that Muller's probe has been tainted from the beginning. In one exchange obtained by Fox News sent on March 4th, 2016 - right around the time Trump emerged as a serious threat in the GOP primary race, Page texted Strzok "God, Trump is a loathsome human," to which Strzok responded "Yet he many[win]" Strzok responded, adding "Good for Hillary."

Later that day, Strzok texted Page, "OMG [Trump's] an idiot" to which Page replied "He's awful." Strzok then texted Page "America will get what the voting public deserves," to which Page responded "That's what I'm afraid of."

In messages obtained by CBS, Page wrote to Strzok "I just saw my first Bernie Sander [sic] bumper sticker. Made me want to key the car," to which Strzok replied "He's an idiot like Trump. Figure they cancel each other out."

On election night, Strzok called the glowing red map showing Mr. Trump winning "F***ing terrifying." A week later when Jeff Sessions was the top contender for Attorney General, Strzok texted Page "Sesions for AG," to which Page replied "Good god." Page and Strzok also disparaged House Speaker Paul Ryan, with Page telling Strzok she hopes Ryan "fails and crashes in a blaze of glory."

Fox reporter Shannon Brem tweeted that Fox News producer Jake Gibson has obtained 10k texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, one of which says "Trump should go f himself," and "F TRUMP."

Our @FoxNews producer @JakeBGibson has obtained 10K texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page

— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) December 13, 2017

Strzok/Page texts obtained by Fox's @JakeBGibson

"LP – Jesus. You should read this. And Trump should go f himself. Moment in Convention Glare Shakes Up Khans American Life Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

PS – God that’s a great article. Thanks for sharing. And F TRUMP."

— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) December 13, 2017

In another tweet posted by Bream, Peter Strzok says "I am riled up. Trump is a f*cking idiot, is unable to provide a coherrent answer," and "I CAN'T PULL AWAY, WHAY THE F*CK HAPPENED TO OUR COUNTRY (redacted)??!?!"

Page responds "I don't know, But we'll get it back. ..."

Strzok/Page texts 10/20/16

PS - I am riled up. Trump is a f*cking idiot, is unable to provide a coherent answer.


LP - I don't know. But we'll get it back. ...

— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) December 13, 2017

Page then messages Strzok, saying "And maybe you're meant to stay where you are because you're meant to protect the country from that menace. (links to NYT article), to which Strzok replied "I can protect our country at many levels."

Strzok/Page texts

LP – And maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace. (links to NYT article)

PS – ... I can protect our country at many levels, not sure if that helps

— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) December 13, 2017

If you're still confused as to who they wanted to win the election, look no further than Peter Strzok's text to Page: "God Hillary should win. 100,000,000-0"

Strzok/Page texts obtained by @JakeBGibson - "PS: God Hillary should win. 100,000,000-0. LP: I know"

— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) December 13, 2017

The messages between Strzok and Page make it abundantly clear that the agents investigating both candidates for President were extremely biased against then-candidate Trump, while going extremely easy on Hillary Clinton over her mishandling of classified information.

MORE: Timeline of texts from former Special Counsel investigator Peter Strzok may raise concerns about his impartiality and will likely raise more questions about the Clinton server investigation, @PaulaReidCBSsays

— CBS News (@CBSNews) December 13, 2017

The messages sent between Strzok and Page, as well as Strzok's conduct in the Clinton investigation and several prior cases are now under review for political bias by the Justice Department. Furthermore, the fact that the reason behind Strzok's firing was kept a secret for months is of keen interest to House investigators. According to Fox News two weeks ago:

"While Strzok’s removal from the Mueller team had been publicly reported in August, the Justice Department never disclosed the anti-Trump texts to the House investigators."

"Responding to the revelations about Strzok’s texts on Saturday, Nunes said he has now directed his staff to draft contempt-of-Congress citations against Rosenstein and the new FBI director, Christopher Wray." -Fox News

Strzok also relied on the Trump-Russia dossier created by opposition research firm Fusion GPS. In August, 2016 - nine months before Robert Mueller's Special Counsel was launched, the New York Times reported that Strzok was hand picked by FBI brass to supervise an investigation into allegations of Trump-Russia collusion. The FBI investigation grew legs after they received the infamous anti-Trump "dossier" and decided to act on its salacious and largely unproven claims, According to Fox News:

House investigators told Fox News they have long regarded Strzok as a key figure in the chain of events when the bureau, in 2016, received the infamous anti-Trump "dossier" and launched a counterintelligence investigation into Russian meddling in the election that ultimately came to encompass FISA surveillance of a Trump campaign associate.

The "dossier" was a compendium of salacious and largely unverified allegations about then-candidate Trump and others around him that was compiled by the opposition research firm Fusion GPS. The firm's bank records, obtained by House investigators, revealed that the project was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. -Fox News

Weeks before the 2016 election, Peter Strzok's FBI team agreed to pay former MI6 agent and Fusion GPS operative Christopher Steele $50,000 if he could verify the claims contained within the dossier - which relied on the cooperation of two senior Kremlin officials.


As I said, the Deep State theory is gaining credibility ever day.

The government can't be trusted.

Hence the genius of the constitution.

The left hates the constitution, cause it was written by.......SLAVE OWNERS. That is all they know. That is it.

Actually, let me be more specific. Cause they could not give a shit less about slaves or slave owners as evidenced by the fact they don't say shit about slaves owned by black slave owners today.

They hate the constitution cause it was written by WHITE SLAVE OWNERS. That is all they know. That is it.
Does your work place involve government?

And what they were saying was even worse than a simple bias
do you bring your political views in to your work place? I have never ever done that...

All that matters is whether this guy's views from a year earlier that he expressed to his lover, prevented him from doing his job of finding out the TRUTH in this investigation of the Russian Interference and possible Trump campaign collusion with the Russians....

Mueller removed him from his staff and the inspector general is doing an investigation.
Did he or did he not, do his job?

Hard to really use your outside political views expressed against you....when we all have a right to express them....

Trump called an awful lot of people during his campaign some Gosh awful things, like against lindsey grahm and Rubio etc, but once the campaign was over, they kissed and made up....

AND need you be reminded, even Trump's Cabinet Members still holding office have called him a MORON....that's not stopping them from doing the job they are paid to do....
How comical is it to hear the GOP partisan hacks in Congress, who went after Hillary Clinton for YEARS over Benghazi,

ranting sanctimoniously about the evils of partisan bias?
Good thing Mueller fires the guy immediately.
In a shocking turn of events, people who investigate criminals have a low opinion of those criminals. And public

Yeah, go on repeating that and maybe YOU will even begin to believe it.

You've got:

- Hid evidence during a trial that would have prevented innocent people from going to jail

- CREATED a non-existent crime to send innocent people to jail (they were released a year later, and Rosenstein was hammered by the judge for prosecutorial misconduct), his connection to / with Mueller ('best buds')...

- Ex-FBI Director proven to have hidden evidence of Russia's bribery, extortion, intimidation, etc... in 2009

--- Protected Hillary Clinton who, during the time it was proven the Russians were 'buying' politicians and Agency officials, took $100+ million from the KGB Bank

- Known for using 'terrorist' tactics as a prosecutor and for screwing up some major cases
- His connection to his protégé Comey

- The FBI he helped create and pass on to Comey has been proven to be criminally bias / partisan...

- Ex FBI Director whose own criminal bias / partisanship was exposed through his protection of Hillary Clinton from indictment / criminal charges and through leaking of classified information

- He, along with Obama, Hillary, and the DNC illegally purchased ands used in a US election a false report filled with Russian propaganda from a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians

- Spineless toad who did not stand up to Loretta Lynch when she - as he described it - made it clear she was not going to allow Hillary to be indicted and again showed no backbone by leaking info in hopes of a Special Counsel being created rather than come out publicly himself and state one was needed

- Continued to foster the criminal / criminally bias FBI Mueller passed on to him

- His connections to Mueller & his wife took money from Hillary

- Deputy Director of the FBI - at one point took over supervising the Clinton Server investigation

- His wife also took money from Hillary

Obstructed justice / tampered with evidence - changed the language in the FBI's Hillary Server Final Report, preventing Hillary from being indicted / charged with crimes

- Interviewed then protected Hillary Aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills from indictment / charges of 'Lying to the FBI' - the same charge he helped pin on Flynn later after interviewing him

- Kicked off Mueller's Counsel for extreme political Anti-Trump / Pro-Hillary bias in the midst of an adulterous affair with another Trump-Hater that was also on Mueller's team.

For all Strzok's politically-bias-motivated criminal and improper acts the FBI has 're-assigned' him rather than fire his ass. Rather than 'drain' their own 'swamp', the FBI is protecting a criminally politically biased agent thereby protecting the corrupt culture Mueller and Comey created / fostered.

Mueller's Counsel:
- A hand-picked Liberal 'Hit Squad', walking/talking 'Conflicts of Interest' - 9 Hillary / DNC Donors, Clinton Foundation Lawyers, etc...There isn't / wasn't even an ATTEMPT to hide the partisan make-up of their team or their intent

The Inspector General:
The IG not long ago reported that the FBI is rife with such politically biased agents, which is no surprise to anyone taking into account all of the crimes, illegal interference in the 2016 Presidential election, etc...

The FBI is STILL a criminal partisan arm of the Democratic Party / DNC right now. There are some good agents, but it is still filled with Obama / Hillary / DNC loyalists, as their keeping Strzok on as an agent after everything brought to light he has done.

The FBI, as is Mueller's whole investigation right now, is a JOKE, one big sham.
There is nothing about a rogue, partisan criminal agent who believes it is his job to 'protect the United States' from the President he does not like by protecting a criminal who committed thousands of crimes and endangered national security from indictment and charges, by protecting that person's aides from criminal charges, and then is placed on a team where he gets to help decide the political (and possibly criminal) fate of the President he hates.

There is nothing funny about a lawyer known for his prosecutorial misconduct and proven to have hidden Russian crimes and intent to corner the US uranium market - helping them do so - being placed in charge of an Investigation into 'Aiding and Abetting Russia'.
There is nothing about a rogue, partisan criminal agent who believes it is his job to 'protect the United States' from the President he does not like by protecting a criminal who committed thousands of crimes and endangered national security from indictment and charges, by protecting that person's aides from criminal charges, and then is placed on a team where he gets to help decide the political (and possibly criminal) fate of the President he hates.

There is nothing funny about a lawyer known for his prosecutorial misconduct and proven to have hidden Russian crimes and intent to corner the US uranium market - helping them do so - being placed in charge of an Investigation into 'Aiding and Abetting Russia'.
The IRS "didn't target" conservative groups, right?

And the FBI calls Trump a scumbag. Just in case you all want to know what a police state would look like. How they want "Net Neutrality" so the government can dictate everything.

The same left wing bags of shit who yell how "evil" CORPORATIONS are, are the same ones that TRUST BIG GOVERNMENT.

This is why the left is promoting MOB RULE. In other words the POPULAR VOTE so that they can take power away from WE THE PEOPLE.

I am not sure we know what danger we are in from these marxists. I do think if we really knew, we would not stand for it. If we really knew.
Give it up, Queasy.......

Your ilk is scared shitless of Mueller's investigation.....

Mueller fired the FBI agents........everyone has biases (judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys)......but NO ONE has "manufactured" any false evidence......The Trump entourage fuck ups are ALL THEIR OWN DOING.
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