Latest Released E-Mails / Texts Show FBI 'Broken', 'Partisan', 'Un-Trustworthy'

Strzok is being investigated by the inspector general on whether his personal opinions affected his job duties or not....

regardless, even if they do not find that he let his personal opinions affect the investigation, Mueller removed him....

WHAT more did you expect to be done by Mueller? He handled the situation professionally.

Changed the language of the Hillary Server report ensuring Hillary was not indicted. Protected Abedin and mills from Indictment for 'Lying to the FBI' - the same charge he helped pin on Flynn. Extreme bias - dangerous for an FBI agent to have as well as anyone on a team investigating someone he hates.

Strzok was fired from Mueller's team. The FBI 're-assigned' him. He should have been fired. He is part of the swamp that needs draining.
No, he wasn’t fired, he was reassigned.
Didn’t Mueller fire the culprits back in August? I know right wing hero Trey Gowdy, got taken to school on that claim during the House Hesring with Rod Rosenstein today.
They were fired from Mueller's special counsel.

Kicked off Mueller's Team for gross bias? Or kicked off because the gross bias could be proven, i.e the Dumb-Ass Turd left a phone text trail, and so he had to go....and yet the Mueller Team hid the fact of why he had to go....right up till the time they were all about to be held in contempt for hiding it.


And, the horny little Turd was NEVER kicked off the Hillary Investigation...he was a integral part of it....possibly the key figure in it....and the Turd's comments show bias just as egregious in her favor as they do against Trump.

Obviously, the Clinton E-Mail Investigation has to be re-opened.
It doesn't matter whether or not Mueller is biased. He either has evidence or he does not.

It matters whether or not the JUDGE is biased. The prosecutor is expected to be biased.
Fabricated evidence.

Show me the man and I will show you his crimes.

Seriously? You think Mueller could get away with FABRICATING EVIDENCE in this insane political climate?

Hahaha! You're too funny.
Yeah, the police or government has never planted evidence.


You do realize that the government is controlled by republicans, do you not? They could get rid of Trump pretty much whenever they wanted.

"Planted evidence" ... lol.
Mueller and his team are Republicans?
Mueller is a Republican who was appointed years ago by Bush, a Republican. In this case, he was installed as Special Counsel by Rosenstein, the Republican Deputy Attorney General, filling for the Republican Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who was appointed by Republican Donald Trump, who was elected president by Republican voters.

You rightwingers are simply nuts. :cuckoo:
Fabricated evidence.

Show me the man and I will show you his crimes.

Seriously? You think Mueller could get away with FABRICATING EVIDENCE in this insane political climate?

Hahaha! You're too funny.
Yeah, the police or government has never planted evidence.


You do realize that the government is controlled by republicans, do you not? They could get rid of Trump pretty much whenever they wanted.

"Planted evidence" ... lol.
Mueller and his team are Republicans?
Mueller is a Republican who was appointed years ago by Bush, a Republican. In this case, he was installed as Special Counsel by Rosenstein, the Republican Deputy Attorney General, filling for the Republican Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who was appointed by Republican Donald Trump, who was elected president by Republican voters.

You rightwingers are simply nuts. :cuckoo:
McCain is a registered Republican too.
what song and dance?

did he or did he not say the FBI has an "insurance policy" in case trump gets elected?

i don't give a damn if you like trump or not. the system is above the people. period. if we suddenly make crap up and force it to stick because we don't like someone - is that REALLY something you want to come back at you? cause IT WILL.

ie - biden saying the lame duck president couldn't pick a SCOTUS until it was obama.
ie - the nuclear option the dems put in play to get around republicans - came back to bite them.

do we as a country REALLY want to say it's ok to have "insurance" in case your side loses to discredit the other side? tell me how we as a collective country including EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US of all races, genders, preferences and so forth, can get past this petty ass crap?

Meh, all your whining, here's the thing.

Trump is a mentally unstable person who has no business being president. Period.

That our system failed miserably and made him president after the people voted against that by over 3 million votes, is a problem we have to deal with.

Trump is a clear and present danger, and anything to get him out of office is good. Period.

The cowards are all these Republicans who KNOW Trump is unfit for office, but say, "Well, as long as we can get tax cuts for rich people, it's good!"

Evil wins when good people do nothing.
Seriously? You think Mueller could get away with FABRICATING EVIDENCE in this insane political climate?

Hahaha! You're too funny.
Yeah, the police or government has never planted evidence.


You do realize that the government is controlled by republicans, do you not? They could get rid of Trump pretty much whenever they wanted.

"Planted evidence" ... lol.
Mueller and his team are Republicans?
Mueller is a Republican who was appointed years ago by Bush, a Republican. In this case, he was installed as Special Counsel by Rosenstein, the Republican Deputy Attorney General, filling for the Republican Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who was appointed by Republican Donald Trump, who was elected president by Republican voters.

You rightwingers are simply nuts. :cuckoo:
McCain is a registered Republican too.
So no Republican is to be trusted??

Changed the language of the Hillary Server report ensuring Hillary was not indicted.

Actually, the reason she wasn't indicted is because no DC Jury was going to look at these horseshit charges of 'using the wrong email" and treat that as a crime, and they knew it.

Comey's problem was he was trying to make everyone happy, and made no one happy.
He was also a Clinton/Bush crony which both hate Trump.
Fabricated evidence.

Show me the man and I will show you his crimes.

Seriously? You think Mueller could get away with FABRICATING EVIDENCE in this insane political climate?

Hahaha! You're too funny.
Yeah, the police or government has never planted evidence.


You do realize that the government is controlled by republicans, do you not? They could get rid of Trump pretty much whenever they wanted.

"Planted evidence" ... lol.
Mueller and his team are Republicans?
Mueller is a Republican who was appointed years ago by Bush, a Republican. In this case, he was installed as Special Counsel by Rosenstein, the Republican Deputy Attorney General, filling for the Republican Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who was appointed by Republican Donald Trump, who was elected president by Republican voters.

You rightwingers are simply nuts. :cuckoo:
do you bring your political views in to your work place? I have never ever done that...

All that matters is whether this guy's views from a year earlier that he expressed to his lover, prevented him from doing his job of finding out the TRUTH in this investigation of the Russian Interference and possible Trump campaign collusion with the Russians....

Mueller removed him from his staff and the inspector general is doing an investigation.
Did he or did he not, do his job?

Hard to really use your outside political views expressed against you....when we all have a right to express them....

Trump called an awful lot of people during his campaign some Gosh awful things, like against lindsey grahm and Rubio etc, but once the campaign was over, they kissed and made up....

AND need you be reminded, even Trump's Cabinet Members still holding office have called him a MORON....that's not stopping them from doing the job they are paid to do....
i'm all for finding the truth.

the problem is far too many are letting their emotions cloud standards of right and wrong and if you *hate someone enough* you can justify just about anything to "save the world" from the things you hate.

somehow many progressives are now acting on this. you simply can't say things like you have an insurance policy in case trump wins and turn around and claim unbiased.

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

trumps camp met with russiand and it MUST BE nefarious. period. no room to move.

we live in a world where the extremes are setting the guildelines for future actions and when you justify your own extremes as normal behavior, what do you think the other side is going to do? you don't have to have a harvard degree in psychology to know they will push that boundary forward cause "hey, they did it".

and that's how you get choices like trump and hillary for president.

and if you excuse said behavior as just people venting and talking or having fun with a situation, then suddenly "grab them by the..." is the same thing - mindless banter.
Evidence of crime, collusion, bribery, influence peddling, obstruction, tampering with evidence, aiding and abetting, criminal extreme partisanship, etc against Democrats have been presented in overwhelming and undeniable amounts...while snowflakes / libs still can not produce one shred of evidence against Trump.

Yet it's Trump's associates who are all being indicted or copping pleas.

Your boy is going down. Man up, bite the bullet and move on.
No, he wasn’t fired, he was reassigned.
Didn’t Mueller fire the culprits back in August? I know right wing hero Trey Gowdy, got taken to school on that claim during the House Hesring with Rod Rosenstein today.
They were fired from Mueller's special counsel.

Kicked off Mueller's Team for gross bias? Or kicked off because the gross bias could be proven, i.e the Dumb-Ass Turd left a phone text trail, and so he had to go....and yet the Mueller Team hid the fact of why he had to go....right up till the time they were all about to be held in contempt for hiding it.


And, the horny little Turd was NEVER kicked off the Hillary Investigation...he was a integral part of it....possibly the key figure in it....and the Turd's comments show bias just as egregious in her favor as they do against Trump.

Obviously, the Clinton E-Mail Investigation has to be re-opened.
This was public information back in August, it wasn’t hidden. All that’s new public information are the texts from the conversations that took place which led to them being fired.
Damn...and 'damnING'...

‘We Can’t Take That Risk’ — FBI Officials Discussed ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump Presidency
‘We Can’t Take That Risk’ — FBI Officials Discussed ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump Presidency

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok wrote in a cryptic text message to Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer and his mistress.

“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok wrote in the text, dated Aug. 15, 2016.

Andy is likely Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

The text message is one of 375 released Tuesday night ahead of a House Judiciary Committee hearing with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

“Maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace,” Page wrote.

“I can protect our country at many levels, not sure if that helps,” Strzok replied.'

My problem is we are not seeing the full context of the messages... and only cut outs.

Nazareth mayor cancels Christmas celebration over Trump's Jerusalem decision
Source: The Hill

The mayor of the Israeli town of Nazareth said President Trump has taken the "joy" out of Christmas with his decision earlier this month to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Mayor Ali Salam says the town has canceled the events it had planned for the holiday, such as a Christmas market, The New York Daily News reported.

“Our identity and faith cannot be bargained The decision has taken away the joy of the holiday, and we will cancel the festivities this year,” Salam reportedly said.

Nazareth is made up of mostly Muslims and Christians and located in northern Israel. Christmas events in the city, which is a center of Christian pilgrimage, normally provide a big boost to its economy.

Read more: Nazareth mayor cancels Christmas celebration over Trump's Jerusalem decision
Yeah, the police or government has never planted evidence.


You do realize that the government is controlled by republicans, do you not? They could get rid of Trump pretty much whenever they wanted.

"Planted evidence" ... lol.
Mueller and his team are Republicans?
Mueller is a Republican who was appointed years ago by Bush, a Republican. In this case, he was installed as Special Counsel by Rosenstein, the Republican Deputy Attorney General, filling for the Republican Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who was appointed by Republican Donald Trump, who was elected president by Republican voters.

You rightwingers are simply nuts. :cuckoo:
McCain is a registered Republican too.
So no Republican is to be trusted??

What are we up to now, 8 people on his team tainted? No jury in the world would convict even the most obvious criminal with that kind of biased investigation.
No, he wasn’t fired, he was reassigned.
Didn’t Mueller fire the culprits back in August? I know right wing hero Trey Gowdy, got taken to school on that claim during the House Hesring with Rod Rosenstein today.
They were fired from Mueller's special counsel.

Kicked off Mueller's Team for gross bias? Or kicked off because the gross bias could be proven, i.e the Dumb-Ass Turd left a phone text trail, and so he had to go....and yet the Mueller Team hid the fact of why he had to go....right up till the time they were all about to be held in contempt for hiding it.


And, the horny little Turd was NEVER kicked off the Hillary Investigation...he was a integral part of it....possibly the key figure in it....and the Turd's comments show bias just as egregious in her favor as they do against Trump.

Obviously, the Clinton E-Mail Investigation has to be re-opened.
This was public information back in August, it wasn’t hidden. All that’s new public information are the texts from the conversations that took place which led to them being fired.
Thanks to Judicial Watch forcing the texts to become public. If it was not for them they would still be secret.

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