Latest Released E-Mails / Texts Show FBI 'Broken', 'Partisan', 'Un-Trustworthy'

Trump fired Comey it set in motion the obstruction of justice thing

he's allowed to fire him. BTW, you do know that Comey testified under oath that he wasn't investigating Trump, right?

You need to get out of your dream world.

It's not what was done, but how it was done, and why ti was done.

Parents are allowed to hit their children, like hitting them when they tried to eat rat poison or drink bleach.

But they're not allowed to hit their kids because they had a bad day at work.
It's not what was done, but how it was done, and why ti was done.

Huh? he's allowed to fire him. he doesn't need a reason, he's the boss.
Give it up, Queasy.......

Your ilk is scared shitless of Mueller's investigation.....

Mueller fired the FBI agents........everyone has biases (judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys)......but NO ONE has "manufactured" any false evidence......The Trump entourage fuck ups are ALL THEIR OWN DOING.
As much as I believe that the majority of accusations against the Special Investigation is bulloney, they need to ask Strzok what in hell he was talking about and ask him FAST before the conspiracy fairies completely take off for Wonderland.
it's pretty huge, this txt of his.

if it's related to being a russia narrative at all, everything falls apart and the screaming will really begin.
It's not what was done, but how it was done, and why ti was done.

Huh? he's allowed to fire him. he doesn't need a reason, he's the boss.

Had Trump given no reason, it would have been O.K. but Trump told Lester Holt he fired Comey because of the russian investigation.

Trump also wanted Comey to drop the investigation against Flynn and tweeted he knew Flynn lied to the FBI.
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Are you stating all the judges were Republicans?
They had oversight. Period.

And you keep wanting to change the subject to Muellers investigation instead of discussing his work, not under Mueller, but on the Clinton investigation. His hands were all over it. But go on, with your evident bias. I know you have no reasoning skills when it comes to your own inherent bias.
There was a three judge panel adminstering that investigation, not just Ken Starr.
It’s time you dealt with the fact he was involved in the Clinton investigation. This is not just about his time under Mueller.
So what?

Again, Ken Starr was a Republican who contributed to a brief filed for the prosecution on the Paula Jones case against Clinton.

Where was this rightard protest then? You can’t have it both ways.
Starr was heading the investigation. The 3 judge panel was for oversight. And by oversight, I mean when Starr wanted to expand his investigation beyond his jurisdiction, he needed their approval, which, headed by a staunch Republican, they eagerly gave every time; which was how Starr was allowed to go from Whitewater to TravelGate to FileGate to CattleGate to VinceFosterGate to LewinskiGate.

Look at how twisted the rights’ collective panties are over this .... imagine if instead of Mueller, a Democrat was the Special Counsrl. And imagine the rights’ outrage if that Democrat Special Counsel has contributed to a brief filed for the plaintiffs in the case against Trump for his Trump University fraud case.

Now go back to whining because the Republican SC threw an anti-trump individual off his team.

A Republican-led panel which gave a Republican Independent Counsel everything he wanted in investigating a Democrat is a RWNJ’s definition of oversight.

Are you stating all the judges were Republicans?
They had oversight. Period.

And you keep wanting to change the subject to Muellers investigation instead of discussing his work, not under Mueller, but on the Clinton investigation. His hands were all over it. But go on, with your evident bias. I know you have no reasoning skills when it comes to your own inherent bias.
There was a three judge panel adminstering that investigation, not just Ken Starr.
So what?

Again, Ken Starr was a Republican who contributed to a brief filed for the prosecution on the Paula Jones case against Clinton.

Where was this rightard protest then? You can’t have it both ways.
Starr was heading the investigation. The 3 judge panel was for oversight. And by oversight, I mean when Starr wanted to expand his investigation beyond his jurisdiction, he needed their approval, which, headed by a staunch Republican, they eagerly gave every time; which was how Starr was allowed to go from Whitewater to TravelGate to FileGate to CattleGate to VinceFosterGate to LewinskiGate.

Look at how twisted the rights’ collective panties are over this .... imagine if instead of Mueller, a Democrat was the Special Counsrl. And imagine the rights’ outrage if that Democrat Special Counsel has contributed to a brief filed for the plaintiffs in the case against Trump for his Trump University fraud case.

Now go back to whining because the Republican SC threw an anti-trump individual off his team.

A Republican-led panel which gave a Republican Independent Counsel everything he wanted in investigating a Democrat is a RWNJ’s definition of oversight.

If I meant that, I would have said that. But that’s not what I said, now is it?

But g’head, evade the salient point that Republicans would be going berserk if Mueller was a Democrat who contributed to a lawsuit filed against Trump.
Give it up, Queasy.......

Your ilk is scared shitless of Mueller's investigation.....

Mueller fired the FBI agents........everyone has biases (judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys)......but NO ONE has "manufactured" any false evidence......The Trump entourage fuck ups are ALL THEIR OWN DOING.
As much as I believe that the majority of accusations against the Special Investigation is bulloney, they need to ask Strzok what in hell he was talking about and ask him FAST before the conspiracy fairies completely take off for Wonderland.
From my understanding, the comments and texts took place A YEAR EARLIER, when Trump was a candidate....the time when both Republicans and Democrats were all saying the same thing about candidate Trump.
well since he's saying they have an insurance policy IN CASE HE WINS of course this is pre-election.

but what is an insurance policy, EXACTLY?
if we had full context of the message, we could probably have a better idea....

And also, comparing the messages of what was said and the day said, with what was in the news at the same time the messages were sent, could give more content....

Mueller did the right thing by removing him from the investigation, and letting the Inspector General do his thing to find out if he did anything wrong during that period to undercut the integrity of the investigation....

IF he did not take his personal bias and use it for harm, then he should keep his job with the FBI, if he did not leave his partisanship at the doorstep, then he should be fired.

No one on this site could ever work for the govt or FBI if mouthing off against a candidate's opponent were the criteria to not hire.

the question is simply, did the guy do anything illegal or wrong in the investigation itself? I want to know that as much as you.

The dude hasn't been a part of the investigation for 4 months now, it's not like he has had any influence on it since he departed.
Is it more partisan than all those Benghazi investigations?
Karma's a bitch.
it also keeps the cycle of stupid going.

next generations don't see what the ones above us did to get us here, only that we are here. they see the past one and what they did and if they deem it "unfair" then it's payback time.

that's stupid. not karma.
Give it up, Queasy.......

Your ilk is scared shitless of Mueller's investigation.....

Mueller fired the FBI agents........everyone has biases (judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys)......but NO ONE has "manufactured" any false evidence......The Trump entourage fuck ups are ALL THEIR OWN DOING.
As much as I believe that the majority of accusations against the Special Investigation is bulloney, they need to ask Strzok what in hell he was talking about and ask him FAST before the conspiracy fairies completely take off for Wonderland.
From my understanding, the comments and texts took place A YEAR EARLIER, when Trump was a candidate....the time when both Republicans and Democrats were all saying the same thing about candidate Trump.
well since he's saying they have an insurance policy IN CASE HE WINS of course this is pre-election.

but what is an insurance policy, EXACTLY?
if we had full context of the message, we could probably have a better idea....

And also, comparing the messages of what was said and the day said, with what was in the news at the same time the messages were sent, could give more content....

Mueller did the right thing by removing him from the investigation, and letting the Inspector General do his thing to find out if he did anything wrong during that period to undercut the integrity of the investigation....

IF he did not take his personal bias and use it for harm, then he should keep his job with the FBI, if he did not leave his partisanship at the doorstep, then he should be fired.

No one on this site could ever work for the govt or FBI if mouthing off against a candidate's opponent were the criteria to not hire.

the question is simply, did the guy do anything illegal or wrong in the investigation itself? I want to know that as much as you.

The dude hasn't been a part of the investigation for 4 months now, it's not like he has had any influence on it since he departed.
but since the whole RUSSIA thing started a year ago - his input at the time is very relevant.

and if his entire attitude flows out of txt messages that he can't stand the guy, i find it difficult to believe he will be unbiased. i see in here by the minute people who can't stand someone do all they can to take them out.

human nature.

now that we have proof of his hostility and know what position he was in and has proof he's already doctored past investigations of hillary - we have to believe there's a fire under this smoke.

if the situations were reversed there's no way in hell you'd let trump and the conservative side "get away with it" - so we need to hold ourselves to the same standards we ask of others or we get where we are today.
Government Lawyers and FBI Agents have a right to express their opinion about elected officials. If the neo fascist right wing ultra conservatives who post here need a tissue, please visit the nearest public bathroom and use some used toilet paper - you will smell better in doing so.

Trump is everything they said and more. And what they wrote is tame compared to all of the hate fostered on President Obama and Michelle Obama.

The current iteration of the Republican Party is dishonest to its core, and the aforementioned deplorable neo fascists have no standing to claim otherwise.

A sea change is a coming and by Jan 2009 chaos will be eliminated by the Democratic Speaker of the House, and the Democratic Leader of the Senate.
do you bring your political views in to your work place? I have never ever done that...

All that matters is whether this guy's views from a year earlier that he expressed to his lover, prevented him from doing his job of finding out the TRUTH in this investigation of the Russian Interference and possible Trump campaign collusion with the Russians....

Mueller removed him from his staff and the inspector general is doing an investigation.
Did he or did he not, do his job?

Hard to really use your outside political views expressed against you....when we all have a right to express them....

Trump called an awful lot of people during his campaign some Gosh awful things, like against lindsey grahm and Rubio etc, but once the campaign was over, they kissed and made up....

AND need you be reminded, even Trump's Cabinet Members still holding office have called him a MORON....that's not stopping them from doing the job they are paid to do....
i'm all for finding the truth.

the problem is far too many are letting their emotions cloud standards of right and wrong and if you *hate someone enough* you can justify just about anything to "save the world" from the things you hate.

somehow many progressives are now acting on this. you simply can't say things like you have an insurance policy in case trump wins and turn around and claim unbiased.

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

trumps camp met with russiand and it MUST BE nefarious. period. no room to move.

we live in a world where the extremes are setting the guildelines for future actions and when you justify your own extremes as normal behavior, what do you think the other side is going to do? you don't have to have a harvard degree in psychology to know they will push that boundary forward cause "hey, they did it".

and that's how you get choices like trump and hillary for president.

and if you excuse said behavior as just people venting and talking or having fun with a situation, then suddenly "grab them by the..." is the same thing - mindless banter.
please explain this comment and back it up with TRUTH...

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

Me thinks you have bought in to a bunch of fake news bull crud.....
ok. we're gonna go into denial of facts while we push speculation.

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
Clinton: There Is A Difference Between Paying For Trump Dossier And "Collusion" With Russia
Clinton defends campaign funding for research in Steele dossier
wow - she now defends digging up dirt but attacks anyone who may be doing the same.
this is what you said

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

Hillary had the Russians make shit up

NOTHING in your response shows any such thing.
do you bring your political views in to your work place? I have never ever done that...

All that matters is whether this guy's views from a year earlier that he expressed to his lover, prevented him from doing his job of finding out the TRUTH in this investigation of the Russian Interference and possible Trump campaign collusion with the Russians....

Mueller removed him from his staff and the inspector general is doing an investigation.
Did he or did he not, do his job?

Hard to really use your outside political views expressed against you....when we all have a right to express them....

Trump called an awful lot of people during his campaign some Gosh awful things, like against lindsey grahm and Rubio etc, but once the campaign was over, they kissed and made up....

AND need you be reminded, even Trump's Cabinet Members still holding office have called him a MORON....that's not stopping them from doing the job they are paid to do....
i'm all for finding the truth.

the problem is far too many are letting their emotions cloud standards of right and wrong and if you *hate someone enough* you can justify just about anything to "save the world" from the things you hate.

somehow many progressives are now acting on this. you simply can't say things like you have an insurance policy in case trump wins and turn around and claim unbiased.

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

trumps camp met with russiand and it MUST BE nefarious. period. no room to move.

we live in a world where the extremes are setting the guildelines for future actions and when you justify your own extremes as normal behavior, what do you think the other side is going to do? you don't have to have a harvard degree in psychology to know they will push that boundary forward cause "hey, they did it".

and that's how you get choices like trump and hillary for president.

and if you excuse said behavior as just people venting and talking or having fun with a situation, then suddenly "grab them by the..." is the same thing - mindless banter.
please explain this comment and back it up with TRUTH...

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

Me thinks you have bought in to a bunch of fake news bull crud.....
ok. we're gonna go into denial of facts while we push speculation.

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
Clinton: There Is A Difference Between Paying For Trump Dossier And "Collusion" With Russia
Clinton defends campaign funding for research in Steele dossier
wow - she now defends digging up dirt but attacks anyone who may be doing the same.
this is what you said

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

Hillary had the Russians make shit up

NOTHING in your response shows any such thing.
so the dossier -

is correct and not fictional
hillary had nothing to do with it

is this your stance? would like to clarify before going on.
Some of those texts are simply vicious. Hard to believe anyone writing that could act impartially. Even harder to believe that they are employed by the FBI.

Yes, they could work in good conscience for Trey Gowdy.
The field notes from Steele have been corroborated, 70% - 90% is true so far....

all but the salacious claims about the Russian prostitutes....

but even with that, Trump's bodyguard confirmed when testifying before investigators last month that the Russians did make the offer to supply Trump with prostitutes, and the bodyguard said he turned them down....
The field notes from Steele have been corroborated, 70% - 90% is true so far....

all but the salacious claims about the Russian prostitutes....

but even with that, Trump's bodyguard confirmed when testifying before investigators last month that the Russians did make the offer to supply Trump with prostitutes, and the bodyguard said he turned them down....
so - we do agree there is made up crap in there that has been used against trump in *at least* a social media way.

now - did hillary help fund this or make it happen?
It doesn't matter whether or not Mueller is biased. He either has evidence or he does not.

It matters whether or not the JUDGE is biased. The prosecutor is expected to be biased.
You are pretty much guilty until proven innocent in cops eyes these days wether you are a republican or democrat.
Since the left argue that a criminal investigation does not require objectivity and honesty, we have a whole new era in front of us one day when they take over again.

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