Latest Released E-Mails / Texts Show FBI 'Broken', 'Partisan', 'Un-Trustworthy'

Obama left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowing Hillary to step in and 'buy' the when it is said the 'DNC' paid for the Dossier what is really being said is Hillary used DNC funds ro pay for the Dossier, as the 'DNC' = Hillary.


Is that your mathematics?

Donna Brazille wrote all about it in her book....where the fuck have you been?


Brazile says Obama left DNC in deep debt; Clinton camp controlled party finances before 2016 primary

“Officials from Hillary’s campaign had taken a look at the DNC’s books,” Ms. Brazile said. “Obama left the party $24 million in debt — $15 million in bank debt and more than $8 million owed to vendors after the 2012 campaign and had been paying that off very slowly.”

In exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC,Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised,” Ms. Brazile said. “Her campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff. The DNC also was required to consult with the campaign about all other staffing, budgeting, data, analytics, and mailings.”
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She retained a law firm.
Those who paid for the Dossier included Hillary, the DNC, FBI Director Comey, and President Obama.

Obama left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowing Hillary to step in and 'buy' the when it is said the 'DNC' paid for the Dossier what is really being said is Hillary used DNC funds ro pay for the Dossier, as the 'DNC' = Hillary.

Neither Comey of Obama 'hired a law firm'. :p
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
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Once again am amazed at all the lawyers, FBI personal & high ranking government officials we have here on the board.
my self I only know 2 things I feel mostly confident about. one being that Trump will be president till the next election.
as much as many may want him gone this impeachment stuff is a diversion & waste of time.
and so are all these Republican investigations into Every and any thing. even people who have little or no power. waste of our time & money.
Mueller needs to finish the Russia deal. so we can move on. either they did or did not alter or try to alter our election.
Mueller needs to finish the Russia deal. so we can move on. either they did or did not alter or try to alter our election.

Actualy whether the 2016 election was altered by russian interference is without question. The question is did they alter the election enough to change the outcome.
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
If you recall, she also paid a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...are you suggesting that since she did not put the money into the hands of the thugs herself that clears her?

She, Comey - Director of the FBI, and the President of the united States - Barak Obama, illegally paid for and used a fake report partially written by the Russians (The same Russians whose crimes, hacking, and Interference Mueller, Comey, Hillary, and Barry covered up in 2009 and again in 2014) to a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians.

It's amazing that all the evidence shows this yet the loyalty of snowflakes lies with defending and protecting these seditious traitors over loyalty / defense of this country.
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
If you recall, she also paid a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...are you suggesting that since she did not put the money into the hands of the thugs herself that clears her?

She, Comey - Director of the FBI, and the President of the united States - Barak Obama, illegally paid for and used a fake report partially written by the Russians (The same Russians whose crimes, hacking, and Interference Mueller, Comey, Hillary, and Barry covered up in 2009 and again in 2014) to a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians.

It's amazing that all the evidence shows this yet the loyalty of snowflakes lies with defending and protecting these seditious traitors over loyalty / defense of this country.
No, I don’t recall that. Sound like your typical fake news to me. And that dossier was paid for by Fusion GPS, which they were legally allowed to do.
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
If you recall, she also paid a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...are you suggesting that since she did not put the money into the hands of the thugs herself that clears her?

She, Comey - Director of the FBI, and the President of the united States - Barak Obama, illegally paid for and used a fake report partially written by the Russians (The same Russians whose crimes, hacking, and Interference Mueller, Comey, Hillary, and Barry covered up in 2009 and again in 2014) to a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians.

It's amazing that all the evidence shows this yet the loyalty of snowflakes lies with defending and protecting these seditious traitors over loyalty / defense of this country.
My Lord! YOu are going to burn in the lake of fire with your lying cult master!!!!
Actualy whether the 2016 election was altered by russian interference is without question. The question is did they alter the election enough to change the outcome.
ACTUALLY whether the 2016 election was altered by Russian interference is very much in question.

We now KNOW that Comey and Obama hid the fact that the Russians were attempting to hack senior members of this government and that they said nothing, issued no warnings, and allowed the Russians to continue.

We now KNOW the Russians were manipulating emotional snowflakes and getting them to organize and march for them

We now KNOW the Russians were paying LEFTIST / Liberal groups like BLM, Antifa, and the Black Hand to spread racial discord and racial violence within the US.

We now KNOW that the only information that was accessed and released was DNC e-ails that revealed Hillary / The DNC was rigging the primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election Fraud
, and that the DNC was filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites, as shown from their own released e-mails.

We do NOT have any proof that 1 single vote was changed due to the President Obama/FBI-ALLOWED actions Interference.


We ALSO now know that in the months leading up to the election Obama and his DHS were arguing that the chance of the Russians hacking onto the states' election processes were so high that all of the states' election processes should be turned over to him and his administration to run. (HOLY SHIT!!!) To this end, we KNOW that Obama and his DHS attempted to hack into numerous state election processes to support his claim that they could be easily hacked, HE FAILED.


We ALSO now know that despite all the outrage from the left about how the evil Russians attempted to hack into and effect out election:

1) Obama himself said it was no big deal because foreign nations and groups TRY TO DO IT AL LTHE TIME...


2) Obama attempted to do the same thing to numerous nations while President - against some of our own allies - and he actually succeeded several times, benefitting terrorists / the enemies of our nation:
Interfered by aiding Al Qaida kill Qadaffi and take over their own country. (Qadaffi was actually helping the coalition fight terrorists in northern Africa at that time)

Egypt, an ally:
Helped overthrow an allied dictator and replaced him with the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood

- Attempted to help ISIS overthrow Al-Assad and take over Syria

Israel, an ally:
- Used US Tax dollars to support a campaign that tried to oust Israel's leader

- It has been proven that his administration illegally attempted to influence the 2016 election and ensure Hillary won is, and the snowflakes', continues bitching about how Russia tried to influence the 2016 election is a bunch of hypocritical crap. IT HAS BEEN PROVEN THAT HILLARY, OBAMA, AND HIS ADMINISTRATION TRIED HARDER TO INFLUNECE THE 2016 ELECTION THAN RUSSIA DID.
The latest e-mails / tests between FBI Agent and ex-Mueller Special Counsel Team Member and his adulterous fellow agent / ex-Mueller Special Counsel Team Member paramour reveals the FBI has a LOT of 'House Cleaning' to do.

As already suspected, and reported by some, the FBI has become 'infected' with Obama / Hillary holdover loyalists who have changed the course of history, who have created a dangerously partisan powerful government agency, and who need to be purged from the ranks of the FBI if the agency is ever to be fully trusted again by the American people.

FBI Agent Investigating Trump Called Him an Idiot Who 'Cannot Be President'

'According to their conversations, Strzok and Page are supporters of Hillary Clinton. Given Strzok's leading position on the FBI's criminal investigation into Clinton's repeated mishandling of top secret, classified information on her personal server, serious questions have arisen about the decision not to refer the former Secretary of State to the Department of Justice for charges. Further, Strzok worked on the Special Counsel investigation for a number of months and interviewed former White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who just pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

DOJ's inspector general is looking into the situation and will investigate whether bias impacted how Strzok conducted his work during the Clinton investigation and during his time on the Special Counsel.'

There is NO WAY such extremism and partiality could NOT effect Strzok's judgment and actions. It has already been proven that the Hillary-supporter changed the language in the final report on the Hillary Server investigation, eliminating language that proved / declared Hillary had broken specific US law, protecting Hillary and preventing her from indictment and criminal charges.

In one of his texts Strzok declares he intended to use his position and power to 'protect the United States from the President' ... much in the same way, I am sure, as he used his position and power to ensure Hillary did not go to jail for her crimes.

The FBI is not the only US Govt Agency, as we have seen, 'infected' by Hillary / Obama loyalists. From illegal leaking of classified information from inside US Intel agencies to illegal unmasking of US citizens to using the IRS as a political weapon against those who opposed Obama's agenda / re-election to the Obama administration illegally buying a fake report filled with Russian propaganda from a foreign agent through a company that worked for Russia and using it during an election, the govt has been and remains 'compromised'.

The US govt needs to be purged of 'Strzok's (seditious partisans) at every level in every agency and department.
Everytime you start one of these threads we can see you getting more and more nervous.
You could also add the word "negligent". It was relatively under reported but Bureau agents dropped the case on the New Mexico school shooter just before he killed two kids. They dropped the case on the maniac just before he shot up a gay bar in Florida a couple of years ago. You can pretty much thank H'wood and the liberal media for the myth that seems to protect federal cops from scrutiny. Remember Ruby Ridge and Waco? When the ATF decided to ship 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and a U.S. Border Patrol officer was killed with one of them nobody was even fired much less prosecuted for manslaughter. .
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She retained a law firm.
Those who paid for the Dossier included Hillary, the DNC, FBI Director Comey, and President Obama.

Obama left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowing Hillary to step in and 'buy' the when it is said the 'DNC' paid for the Dossier what is really being said is Hillary used DNC funds ro pay for the Dossier, as the 'DNC' = Hillary.

Neither Comey of Obama 'hired a law firm'. :p
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.

Honest, judge, I didn't kill him. I hired a hit man to do it for me.

Just another 'peaceful' liberal 'march'.....


As most intelligent people know - bias and opinion are two completely different things.
Hey Chief,

I just realized this hose bags name is.......

PETER STROKES. .....or.....Dick Strokes for short.

How did this human garbage survive HS? No wonder he is a demented circus monkey.
The Democrats' Women's March was led by a woman, introduced to the crowd as a 'Hero', who went to jail for kidnapping, sodomizing, murdering, and THEN attempting to ransom an 80+ year old white man....

...and snowflakes REALLY try to pass themselves off as the ones having the 'moral high ground'? SERIOUSLY?
So how does such a self-admitted, publicly-exposed Anti-Trump, Pro-Hillary extremist within the FBI manage to KEEP his job in the FBI and be 're-assigned' rather than out on his ass where he belongs?
That has got to be one of the funniest statements I’ve seen in a long time. Might need to check the definition again.
Sorry, we already destroyed every snowflake myth about how Hillary 'did not break any laws'. It was definitively proven she did. Comey himself, as we discussed' stated she broke the law. The very words Strzok changed were an indictment themselves of the crime Hillary violated.

He changed two words in a very long report, to ones that were probably more legally accurate...

Sorry, man, Hillary didn't do anything that a normal person would consider "wrong".

Comey's problem was that he was part of the illegal purchase and use of a false report containing Russian propaganda from a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians, leaking classified, caving to his boss who obstructed justice - according to him, his lack of a backbone to do his own job, his connection to Mueller......

Look, man, I know you are still upset that Comey Claus didn't bring you that Hillary indictment you wanted, but you really do need to grow up.
Personally, I think this great nation is in great danger. I am grateful Clinton was not elected. And everyone needs to become very much aware of what is happening at state and local levels, as well. This has been a mission to get voted in state AG’s in the 43 states that do such, as well as judges.
There is nothing about a rogue, partisan criminal agent who believes it is his job to 'protect the United States' from the President he does not like by protecting a criminal who committed thousands of crimes and endangered national security from indictment and charges, by protecting that person's aides from criminal charges, and then is placed on a team where he gets to help decide the political (and possibly criminal) fate of the President he hates.

There is nothing funny about a lawyer known for his prosecutorial misconduct and proven to have hidden Russian crimes and intent to corner the US uranium market - helping them do so - being placed in charge of an Investigation into 'Aiding and Abetting Russia'.
The IRS "didn't target" conservative groups, right?

And the FBI calls Trump a scumbag. Just in case you all want to know what a police state would look like. How they want "Net Neutrality" so the government can dictate everything.

The same left wing bags of shit who yell how "evil" CORPORATIONS are, are the same ones that TRUST BIG GOVERNMENT.

This is why the left is promoting MOB RULE. In other words the POPULAR VOTE so that they can take power away from WE THE PEOPLE.

I am not sure we know what danger we are in from these marxists. I do think if we really knew, we would not stand for it. If we really knew.

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