Latest Released E-Mails / Texts Show FBI 'Broken', 'Partisan', 'Un-Trustworthy'

Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
If you recall, she also paid a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...are you suggesting that since she did not put the money into the hands of the thugs herself that clears her?

She, Comey - Director of the FBI, and the President of the united States - Barak Obama, illegally paid for and used a fake report partially written by the Russians (The same Russians whose crimes, hacking, and Interference Mueller, Comey, Hillary, and Barry covered up in 2009 and again in 2014) to a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians.

It's amazing that all the evidence shows this yet the loyalty of snowflakes lies with defending and protecting these seditious traitors over loyalty / defense of this country.
No, I don’t recall that. Sound like your typical fake news to me. And that dossier was paid for by Fusion GPS, which they were legally allowed to do.
The Hillary campaign is not legally allowed to hire foreigners to perform campaign services, dumbass.
Great, thanks for admitting she did nothing illegal. She hired an American firm. That American firm hired an American firm. I know this pisses you off no end, but she’s clean, even by your point that it’s illegal to hire “foreigners to perform campaign services”

The second American firm hired a foreigner to obtain information from Russians. Hillary is ultimately responsible. She broke the law.

You’re a brain-dead conservative. If she had broken the law, trump would lock her up.
If you recall, she also paid a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...are you suggesting that since she did not put the money into the hands of the thugs herself that clears her?

She, Comey - Director of the FBI, and the President of the united States - Barak Obama, illegally paid for and used a fake report partially written by the Russians (The same Russians whose crimes, hacking, and Interference Mueller, Comey, Hillary, and Barry covered up in 2009 and again in 2014) to a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians.

It's amazing that all the evidence shows this yet the loyalty of snowflakes lies with defending and protecting these seditious traitors over loyalty / defense of this country.
No, I don’t recall that. Sound like your typical fake news to me. And that dossier was paid for by Fusion GPS, which they were legally allowed to do.
Of course you don't recall any of the crimes your thug hero has committed. Fusion GPS is not allowed to pruchase the services of foreigners for American political campaigns. Attempting this argument only proves that you're a douchebag.
There’s nothing illegal about Fusion GPS hiring Steele. You must be so baffled why neither Hillary, nor Perkins Coie, nor Fusion GPS are facing any charges.
When the money comes for a political campaign, of course there is. They aren't facing charges only because the Obama Dept of Justice is throughly corrupt.
You poor dumbfuck... it’s under the control of Trump now. Your sorry ass can’t pin this on Obama.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

It only just recently came to light, dumbass.

I can't explain why Trump hasn't sicked the DOJ on her. It's obvious that Sessions is afraid to go after her. Hillary must be blackmailing him.
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If you recall, she also paid a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...are you suggesting that since she did not put the money into the hands of the thugs herself that clears her?

She, Comey - Director of the FBI, and the President of the united States - Barak Obama, illegally paid for and used a fake report partially written by the Russians (The same Russians whose crimes, hacking, and Interference Mueller, Comey, Hillary, and Barry covered up in 2009 and again in 2014) to a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians.

It's amazing that all the evidence shows this yet the loyalty of snowflakes lies with defending and protecting these seditious traitors over loyalty / defense of this country.
No, I don’t recall that. Sound like your typical fake news to me. And that dossier was paid for by Fusion GPS, which they were legally allowed to do.
The Hillary campaign is not legally allowed to hire foreigners to perform campaign services, dumbass.
Great, thanks for admitting she did nothing illegal. She hired an American firm. That American firm hired an American firm. I know this pisses you off no end, but she’s clean, even by your point that it’s illegal to hire “foreigners to perform campaign services”

The second American firm hired a foreigner to obtain information from Russians. Hillary is ultimately responsible. She broke the law.

You’re a brain-dead conservative. If she had broken the law, trump would lock her up.

There are all kinds of reasons why he wouldn't.
The Crooked Hillary folks seem like they do not have a grasp of the facts and subconsciously attempt to rationalize this by hurling ad hominems at those who repeatedly state the facts!
No, I don’t recall that. Sound like your typical fake news to me. And that dossier was paid for by Fusion GPS, which they were legally allowed to do.
Of course you don't recall any of the crimes your thug hero has committed. Fusion GPS is not allowed to pruchase the services of foreigners for American political campaigns. Attempting this argument only proves that you're a douchebag.
There’s nothing illegal about Fusion GPS hiring Steele. You must be so baffled why neither Hillary, nor Perkins Coie, nor Fusion GPS are facing any charges.
When the money comes for a political campaign, of course there is. They aren't facing charges only because the Obama Dept of Justice is throughly corrupt.
You poor dumbfuck... it’s under the control of Trump now. Your sorry ass can’t pin this on Obama.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

It only just recently came to light, dumbass.

I can't explain why Trump hasn't sicked the DOJ on her. It's obvious that Sessions is afraid to go after her. Hillary must be blackmailing him.
It’s been two months. How much time do ya need?
No, I don’t recall that. Sound like your typical fake news to me. And that dossier was paid for by Fusion GPS, which they were legally allowed to do.
The Hillary campaign is not legally allowed to hire foreigners to perform campaign services, dumbass.
Great, thanks for admitting she did nothing illegal. She hired an American firm. That American firm hired an American firm. I know this pisses you off no end, but she’s clean, even by your point that it’s illegal to hire “foreigners to perform campaign services”

The second American firm hired a foreigner to obtain information from Russians. Hillary is ultimately responsible. She broke the law.

You’re a brain-dead conservative. If she had broken the law, trump would lock her up.

There are all kinds of reasons why he wouldn't.
Like .... she didn’t break the law. LOL

Only the dems actually worked with the Russians via the Steele dossier, the FBI and DOJ have a conspiratorial "fifth column" actively working against the will of the US voters in support of Kremlin projects like UraniumOne. I hope the IG nails all of them...
Only the dems actually worked with the Russians via the Steele dossier, the FBI and DOJ have a conspiratorial "fifth column" actively working against the will of the US voters in support of Kremlin projects like UraniumOne. I hope the IG nails all of them...

How is working with a Brit, “working with Russians?” :cuckoo:
She retained a law firm.
Those who paid for the Dossier included Hillary, the DNC, FBI Director Comey, and President Obama.

Obama left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowing Hillary to step in and 'buy' the when it is said the 'DNC' paid for the Dossier what is really being said is Hillary used DNC funds ro pay for the Dossier, as the 'DNC' = Hillary.

Neither Comey of Obama 'hired a law firm'. :p
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.

Honest, judge, I didn't kill him. I hired a hit man to do it for me.
She didn’t even hire the hit man in your wasted analogy.

Would the law firm have gone after the fake document if they were not paid? I say no.
Of course you don't recall any of the crimes your thug hero has committed. Fusion GPS is not allowed to pruchase the services of foreigners for American political campaigns. Attempting this argument only proves that you're a douchebag.
There’s nothing illegal about Fusion GPS hiring Steele. You must be so baffled why neither Hillary, nor Perkins Coie, nor Fusion GPS are facing any charges.
When the money comes for a political campaign, of course there is. They aren't facing charges only because the Obama Dept of Justice is throughly corrupt.
You poor dumbfuck... it’s under the control of Trump now. Your sorry ass can’t pin this on Obama.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

It only just recently came to light, dumbass.

I can't explain why Trump hasn't sicked the DOJ on her. It's obvious that Sessions is afraid to go after her. Hillary must be blackmailing him.
It’s been two months. How much time do ya need?

If anything happens to her it will be in around a years time. It will take that long to peel enough layers away, and figure out who gets the sweetheart deals to testify, before anything substantial happens. If it happens at all. The swamp is deep and protects its minions, so time will tell.
Only the dems actually worked with the Russians via the Steele dossier, the FBI and DOJ have a conspiratorial "fifth column" actively working against the will of the US voters in support of Kremlin projects like UraniumOne. I hope the IG nails all of them...

How is working with a Brit, “working with Russians?” :cuckoo:

Ummmm, because he was working with your pals, the rooskis, to invent the dossier.
There’s nothing illegal about Fusion GPS hiring Steele. You must be so baffled why neither Hillary, nor Perkins Coie, nor Fusion GPS are facing any charges.
When the money comes for a political campaign, of course there is. They aren't facing charges only because the Obama Dept of Justice is throughly corrupt.
You poor dumbfuck... it’s under the control of Trump now. Your sorry ass can’t pin this on Obama.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

It only just recently came to light, dumbass.

I can't explain why Trump hasn't sicked the DOJ on her. It's obvious that Sessions is afraid to go after her. Hillary must be blackmailing him.
It’s been two months. How much time do ya need?

If anything happens to her it will be in around a years time. It will take that long to peel enough layers away, and figure out who gets the sweetheart deals to testify, before anything substantial happens. If it happens at all. The swamp is deep and protects its minions, so time will tell.
Suuure, uh-huh. Trump will be out of office before the hammer drops on her.
Only the dems actually worked with the Russians via the Steele dossier, the FBI and DOJ have a conspiratorial "fifth column" actively working against the will of the US voters in support of Kremlin projects like UraniumOne. I hope the IG nails all of them...

How is working with a Brit, “working with Russians?” :cuckoo:

Ummmm, because he was working with your pals, the rooskis, to invent the dossier.
A) Russians are trump’s friends, not mine
B) He didn’t work with them; he was a spy who infiltrated their ranks
C) How is working with a Brit, “working with Russians?” :cuckoo:
She retained a law firm.
Those who paid for the Dossier included Hillary, the DNC, FBI Director Comey, and President Obama.

Obama left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowing Hillary to step in and 'buy' the when it is said the 'DNC' paid for the Dossier what is really being said is Hillary used DNC funds ro pay for the Dossier, as the 'DNC' = Hillary.

Neither Comey of Obama 'hired a law firm'. :p
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.

Honest, judge, I didn't kill him. I hired a hit man to do it for me.
She didn’t even hire the hit man in your wasted analogy.

Would the law firm have gone after the fake document if they were not paid? I say no.
The law firm hired an American company. There’s nothing illegal about that.
This whole thing stinks. First off Russian GDP is about the size of WalMart. That much due to Oil. When did they become World Kings?

2nd off, this crap is taking years when it should take weeks/months. Does that not bother anyone? All they got is a 2006 tax issue by Manafort after kicking his door in at 430AM? Flynn? Tried to bankrupt his family until he found a way out. This is Nazi stuff.

Where did the founders say you could have a never-ending unlimited search for any crime by an unaccountable new branch of GOVT (working with and for the losing side in Presidential election)?

Ready to riot yet?
Why does the MSM know the details of all these crimes and corruption by Clintons Obamas people but the ones who can do something about it do nothing? Years later, someone surrenders emails or agrees to testify? WtH? Are they all in on it?

EX: mills weiner abidien....immunity? PC not siezed? Wth?

IRS will take your bank account one day late. You can fight go get it back 6 mo later.
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The Hillary campaign is not legally allowed to hire foreigners to perform campaign services, dumbass.
Great, thanks for admitting she did nothing illegal. She hired an American firm. That American firm hired an American firm. I know this pisses you off no end, but she’s clean, even by your point that it’s illegal to hire “foreigners to perform campaign services”

The second American firm hired a foreigner to obtain information from Russians. Hillary is ultimately responsible. She broke the law.

You’re a brain-dead conservative. If she had broken the law, trump would lock her up.

There are all kinds of reasons why he wouldn't.
Like .... she didn’t break the law. LOL


No, that couldn't possibly be it.
Deep State, Washington Establishment, good Ol' Boy System....whatever you want to call it - it's all the same.

People take power, ignore the Govt as created / intended, and begin building / creating their own realm where they do what they want, that benefits them.

The Clintons have been about themselves, power, money, etc from the very start. They ALWAYS believed they were exceptions to the rules, that the Rules / Laws did not apply to them. Through selling access, information, favors, threats, intimidation, etc they made powerful friends, silenced enemies, and remained 'untouchable'.

Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey - all joined at the hip. Obama, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen - 1 man does not illegally spy on the American people, on reporters, on the media, on members of the US Senate, on members of the US Supreme Court by himself...1 man does not affect the use of the IRS as a political weapon by the illegally targeting of US citizens he refers to as his 'political enemies' by himself.

Hillary said those who do not accept the results of elections are threats to our Democracy. True; however, those who seize power, violate the Constitution and Rule of Law, place themselves above those 2, and do whatever they want without consequence because they ARE the 'enforcers' are just as if not greater threats to this country and our Democracy. They are people of power working against the system to remake the system / country outside of the law.

'Are they all in on it?'

The IG and others have pointed out that the current US govt is filled with 'Obama / Hillary Loyalists'...which means you have a dedicated group of partisan individuals intent on still running the country according to THEIR opinions, desires, ideology, loyal to each others and to those things rather than to the Constitution, Rule of Law, and to this country. The country has been 'hijacked'...'taken over'.

Strzok demonstrated this. The evidence revealed has demonstrated this.
- Obama 'owned' the DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, and Intel Agencies - all of them were used to violate both the Constitution and Rule of Law.

- FBI: Mueller protected the Russians and their interest in 2009...he was Comey's Mentor. Comey's wife took money from the Clintons. McCabe's wife took money from Hillary. Strzok was / is a fanatic - a loyalist to Hillary and declared he thought it was HIS DUTY to protect the US from Trump after Hillary's loss...the FBI wrote they had to have an 'Insurance Policy' in case Trump won... Good grief!

It's not just a 'conspiracy' of a group of people for a specific ideology. There are other groups who act together outside the law for their own personal benefit / gain - Look at how Congress has practiced the 'frog slow boil' practice on the American people to get them to accept their Un-Constitutional Acts.
- EXPLANATION: The way you boil frogs is to slowly increase the temperature of the water so they don't notice the increased heat...until it is too late.

Today Congress - professional elected politicians - have perks that the Constitution and US government never afforded them, ones they UN-CONSTITUTIONALLY gave themselves...and they did it slowly so as not to alarm citizens and get quick push-back. Their exempting themselves from the ACA is a perfect example. Congress does NOT have the Constitutional Authority to exempt themselves from the laws they pass...yet they did so anyway. WHY didn't Americans rebel, put an end to it immediately? 'Slow Boil' Conditioning.

John Conyers created / helped create a system where US Tax Dollars were stolen and used to pay his and other politician perv's sexual misconduct victims for their silence, a system designed to avoid being caught and held accountable for their misconduct. There is no Constitutional . Legal authority to do any of that, but it was mutually beneficial to them to do so / for each other so they did it anyway, confident that the American people would never be the wiser because the size of govt is so huge...and politicians like Hillary, Obama...and I am sure GOP...withhold information / refuse to comply with FOIA / Federal Records Act.

There is SO MUCH of it - Un-Constitutional, Illegal, corrupt, criminal...we SEE it, but we have been conditioned for so long to accept it that we not only accept it these days, we DEFEND it when it is 'OUR politicians' doing it.

Out country, our government is like a garden. It is hard work, takes, tending - you have to get your hands dirty in it not just sit back on your ass and WATCH it. When you see the weeds crop up you have to pull them out - get rid of them. America hasn't done that. We let the weeds grow wild....and people now wonder why we have the situation we have now, have had for years?!

Obama, Hillary, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Holder, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen, Bush, McConnell, Conyers, Franken, Moore, Manafort, even Trump....they are 'weeds' to some extent. Some are bigger....some are smaller...all have...or will. ..take their own unique toll on 'the garden'... and, for the good of the country, hyper-partisans need to STOP defending one 'weed' over another.

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