Latest Released E-Mails / Texts Show FBI 'Broken', 'Partisan', 'Un-Trustworthy'

Hiring a law firm to do all your dirty work doesn't absolve you of guilt.
The law firm she retained didn’t even hire Steele. WTF is wrong with you people?
It hired Fusion GPS.
Perkins Coie was legally allowed to hire an American company like Fusion GPS.

Seriously, you libs really aren't that bright.
Great, let’s see ya prove it. show me the law which prevented Perkins Coie from hiring an American firm to do research for them....

Connect the dots...dumbass.
The fallout from the original FBI Report on the Hillary server case continues...

Just listened to the LONG LIST of changes made in order to protect Hillary from indictment...
- 'Gross Negligence'
- Emphasis on the LARGE SCALE of classified on her server
- Emphasis on TOP SECRET/TSI data on an unclassified system, not secured / guarded 24/7 as required by law...
It is being made ovvious and UNDENIABLE that the FBI unethically and illegally acted to protect Hillary from criminal charges...

The fact that Strzok STILL works for the FBI is getting a LOT more attention now. I will be surprised if the FBI does not fire him due to pressure by clise of business Monday...
You right wing nuts are as fucking ignorant as humanly possible. :cuckoo: Steele’s dossier was written by Steele, not Russians. Steel is British. What Steele knows about the Russians he knows because he spied on them, not because he worked with them.
The information inside Steele's Dossier is not a compilation of 1st-Hand accounts. It has been proven that he got some of his information from Russians - 'Russian-Generated Propaganda'. Hellooooo.

Steele IS British, thus 'a FOREIGN agent'. Again, it is ILLEGAL to obtain information from a Foreign Agent and use it in a US election, which Comey / Hillary / Obama / the DNC did. THEY BROKE THE LAW.

Hillary / Comey / Obama / the DNC obtained that information from the FOREIGN agent through a company WORKING FOR THE RUSSIANS.

And you say 'right wing nuts' are ignorant... :p Perhaps you need someone to draw you a picture..?

I like how you think you can make shit up to cover your ass when your idiocies get exposed; as though there is ample evidence available to make an even bigger ass out of you.

Moron... the entire dossier is on line. It’s all first hand commentary by Steele, a former British spy who collected the Data by infiltrating Russians. He was not working with them.... he was spying on them. He went into hiding after his identity was exposed because he feared retribution by them.

These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia

As far as Hillary ... she did not Hire Steele, nor did the law firm she retained. To prosecute her, you’re gonna have to prove she participated in Fusion GPS’s hiring of Steele.

Which is an impossible task for you since you can’t even prove you’re not an unmitigated imbecile. :lol:

Here is what the NYT says:

Mr. Steele, who had long experience in Russia and a network of connections there, compiled dozens of reports detailing what he heard from his contacts. The memos he wrote, mostly one to three pages long, are dated from June to December.

It doesn't say anything about infiltrating anyone.

We also don't know what the exact reason he went into hiding is. Certainly, there are a lot of people who might want to do him harm, not just the Russians.

You're obviously just making stuff up.

Whether Hillary directly made the hiring decision is irrelevant. Her law firm knows the law on this subject, and so does Fusion GPS. Furthermore, the idea that Hillary didn't know where the information came from isn't credible.
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The fallout from the original FBI Report on the Hillary server case continues...

Just listened to the LONG LIST of changes made in order to protect Hillary from indictment...
- 'Gross Negligence'
- Emphasis on the LARGE SCALE of classified on her server
- Emphasis on TOP SECRET/TSI data on an unclassified system, not secured / guarded 24/7 as required by law...
It is being made ovvious and UNDENIABLE that the FBI unethically and illegally acted to protect Hillary from criminal charges...

The fact that Strzok STILL works for the FBI is getting a LOT more attention now. I will be surprised if the FBI does not fire him due to pressure by clise of business Monday...
When will Congress issue this piece of shit a subpoena?
A) Russians are trump’s friends, not mine
B) He didn’t work with them; he was a spy who infiltrated their ranks
C) How is working with a Brit, “working with Russians?” :cuckoo:

How can one person be SO wrong / ignorant?

A) Nice partisan hate-driven OPINION

B) Steele's Dossier contains propaganda written / provided BY the Russians.

C) Steele is a foreign agent who sold a Dossier filled with Russian Propaganda through a company who was working for the Russians...


Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC all illegally purchased and used that false document in a US election. That's a CRIME.


The purchase and use of the Dossier is not the 1st time the Obama administration worked with / aided / abetted / protected the Russians and Russian crimes:
- Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid the evidence of Russian crimes in 2009
- Comey and Obama hid the evidence of Russian hacking / interference in 2015 - 2016
You right wing nuts are as fucking ignorant as humanly possible. :cuckoo: Steele’s dossier was written by Steele, not Russians. Steel is British. What Steele knows about the Russians he knows because he spied on them, not because he worked with them.

Steele says he got a lot of his information from Russian sources. Steele is a foreign agent. It's illegal for any political campaign to pay him for his "services."
Because he was spying on them, ya flamin’ moronconservative.


And her campaign hired Perkins Coie, an American based law firm.

Wrong, dumbass. He describes them as "contacts." That means they delivered the "information" to him.

Perkins Cole hired Fusion GPS who hired a foriegn agent to gather dirt for an American political campaign. That's illegal.
The latest e-mails / tests between FBI Agent and ex-Mueller Special Counsel Team Member and his adulterous fellow agent / ex-Mueller Special Counsel Team Member paramour reveals the FBI has a LOT of 'House Cleaning' to do.

As already suspected, and reported by some, the FBI has become 'infected' with Obama / Hillary holdover loyalists who have changed the course of history, who have created a dangerously partisan powerful government agency, and who need to be purged from the ranks of the FBI if the agency is ever to be fully trusted again by the American people.

FBI Agent Investigating Trump Called Him an Idiot Who 'Cannot Be President'

'According to their conversations, Strzok and Page are supporters of Hillary Clinton. Given Strzok's leading position on the FBI's criminal investigation into Clinton's repeated mishandling of top secret, classified information on her personal server, serious questions have arisen about the decision not to refer the former Secretary of State to the Department of Justice for charges. Further, Strzok worked on the Special Counsel investigation for a number of months and interviewed former White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who just pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

DOJ's inspector general is looking into the situation and will investigate whether bias impacted how Strzok conducted his work during the Clinton investigation and during his time on the Special Counsel.'

There is NO WAY such extremism and partiality could NOT effect Strzok's judgment and actions. It has already been proven that the Hillary-supporter changed the language in the final report on the Hillary Server investigation, eliminating language that proved / declared Hillary had broken specific US law, protecting Hillary and preventing her from indictment and criminal charges.

In one of his texts Strzok declares he intended to use his position and power to 'protect the United States from the President' ... much in the same way, I am sure, as he used his position and power to ensure Hillary did not go to jail for her crimes.

The FBI is not the only US Govt Agency, as we have seen, 'infected' by Hillary / Obama loyalists. From illegal leaking of classified information from inside US Intel agencies to illegal unmasking of US citizens to using the IRS as a political weapon against those who opposed Obama's agenda / re-election to the Obama administration illegally buying a fake report filled with Russian propaganda from a foreign agent through a company that worked for Russia and using it during an election, the govt has been and remains 'compromised'.

The US govt needs to be purged of 'Strzok's (seditious partisans) at every level in every agency and department.

I see the Trump goose-steppers are going nuts, thanks to the Trumpster media and their portraying the FBI as anti-Trump. It’s just the Trumpsters doing their part in assisting Trump’s extreme effort to obstruct Mueller’s investigation. Flynn flips and within hours the right wing conspiracies flood America.
I strongly remember Trumpsters creaming in their jeans over news that the FBI office in New York was anti-Hillary. Then, having partisans in the FBI was absolutely great! Now, Trumpsters think it’s an outrage! Fucking hypocrites.
How can we forget the Benghazi investigation and the fact that Kevin McCarthy admitted it was all a political witch hunt.
Finally, I have no problem with an investigation of the Russia/Uranium/Clinton’s by a special investigator.
I think no stones should be left un-turned over in either investigation.
America over hyper-ideological hysteria.
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The law firm she retained didn’t even hire Steele. WTF is wrong with you people?
It hired Fusion GPS.
Perkins Coie was legally allowed to hire an American company like Fusion GPS.

Seriously, you libs really aren't that bright.
Great, let’s see ya prove it. show me the law which prevented Perkins Coie from hiring an American firm to do research for them....

Connect the dots...dumbass.
Here, why don’t you try...

The latest e-mails / tests between FBI Agent and ex-Mueller Special Counsel Team Member and his adulterous fellow agent / ex-Mueller Special Counsel Team Member paramour reveals the FBI has a LOT of 'House Cleaning' to do.

As already suspected, and reported by some, the FBI has become 'infected' with Obama / Hillary holdover loyalists who have changed the course of history, who have created a dangerously partisan powerful government agency, and who need to be purged from the ranks of the FBI if the agency is ever to be fully trusted again by the American people.

FBI Agent Investigating Trump Called Him an Idiot Who 'Cannot Be President'

'According to their conversations, Strzok and Page are supporters of Hillary Clinton. Given Strzok's leading position on the FBI's criminal investigation into Clinton's repeated mishandling of top secret, classified information on her personal server, serious questions have arisen about the decision not to refer the former Secretary of State to the Department of Justice for charges. Further, Strzok worked on the Special Counsel investigation for a number of months and interviewed former White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who just pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

DOJ's inspector general is looking into the situation and will investigate whether bias impacted how Strzok conducted his work during the Clinton investigation and during his time on the Special Counsel.'

There is NO WAY such extremism and partiality could NOT effect Strzok's judgment and actions. It has already been proven that the Hillary-supporter changed the language in the final report on the Hillary Server investigation, eliminating language that proved / declared Hillary had broken specific US law, protecting Hillary and preventing her from indictment and criminal charges.

In one of his texts Strzok declares he intended to use his position and power to 'protect the United States from the President' ... much in the same way, I am sure, as he used his position and power to ensure Hillary did not go to jail for her crimes.

The FBI is not the only US Govt Agency, as we have seen, 'infected' by Hillary / Obama loyalists. From illegal leaking of classified information from inside US Intel agencies to illegal unmasking of US citizens to using the IRS as a political weapon against those who opposed Obama's agenda / re-election to the Obama administration illegally buying a fake report filled with Russian propaganda from a foreign agent through a company that worked for Russia and using it during an election, the govt has been and remains 'compromised'.

The US govt needs to be purged of 'Strzok's (seditious partisans) at every level in every agency and department.

I see the Trump goose-steppers are going nuts, thanks to the Trumpster media and their portraying the FBI as anti-Trump. It’s just the Trumpsters doing their part in assisting Trump’s extreme effort to obstruct Mueller’s investigation. Flynn flips and within hours the right wing conspiracies flood America.
I strongly remember Trumpsters creaming in their jeans over news that the FBI office in New York was anti-Hillary. Then, having partisans in the FBI was absolutely great! Now, Trumpsters think it’s an outrage! Fucking hypocrites.
How can we forget the Benghazi investigation and the fact that Kevin McCarthy admitted it was all a political witch hunt.
Finally, I have no problem with an investigation of the Russia/Uranium/Clinton’s by a special investigator.
I think no stones should be left un-turned over in either investigation.
America over hyper-ideological hysteria.
Are you intelligent enough to know that having TOP SECRET/SCI material on an UNCLASS, UN-secured server is a CRIME?

Are you intelligent enough to understand that 15,000 official documents never turned over to the government as required by both the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act are federal CRIMES?

I am going to do you a favor and give you the benefit of the doubt and give you credit for knowing these proven acts by Hillary Clinton are crimes.

That only leaves several questions:

WHY do Americans like you simply not care that a selfish, arrogant politician jeopardized this country's national security through undeniably committing the crimes she committed?

WHY do you idiotically pretend on a chat board, where everyone is intelligent enough you understand these facts, that she did not break laws?

WHY do those such as you so strenuously argue against the undeniable fact that she broke the law, rabidly defending her, when she has done absolutely nothing to earn / merit such misguided loyalty?

I know, for example, that if Trump had done the things Hillary did he would not only NOT be in the WH today Democrats would have ensured he would be indicted, charged, and in the way to prison.

If Hillary was a Republican, as well, Democrats would just as rabidly going after her today as they are going after Trump now.

It is just astonishing how the letter 'D' can transform a seditious, espionage-committing, national-security-endangering felon into a hero to so many partisans...
Damn...and 'damnING'...

‘We Can’t Take That Risk’ — FBI Officials Discussed ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump Presidency
‘We Can’t Take That Risk’ — FBI Officials Discussed ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump Presidency

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok wrote in a cryptic text message to Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer and his mistress.

“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok wrote in the text, dated Aug. 15, 2016.

Andy is likely Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

The text message is one of 375 released Tuesday night ahead of a House Judiciary Committee hearing with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

“Maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace,” Page wrote.

“I can protect our country at many levels, not sure if that helps,” Strzok replied.'
COLLUTION!!!! When is the FBI going to be investigated for first Comney's collusion with Hillary and his obstruction of justice by playing the part of attorney general? Now see the FBI trying to use their power in collusion with Hillary. COLLUSION!!!! LET THE HEADS ROLL!!!!!!
It hired Fusion GPS.
Perkins Coie was legally allowed to hire an American company like Fusion GPS.

Seriously, you libs really aren't that bright.
Great, let’s see ya prove it. show me the law which prevented Perkins Coie from hiring an American firm to do research for them....

Connect the dots...dumbass.
Here, why don’t you try...

My conclusion is, you left the Russian-Trump left wing conspiracy off your chart.
Didn’t Mueller fire the culprits back in August? I know right wing hero Trey Gowdy, got taken to school on that claim during the House Hesring with Rod Rosenstein today.
Sure he fired them, after they were caught and exposed. Do you think Mueller or Comey didn't know about these guys and their bias before being put on the case? They are all dirty birdies and need to go to jail for obstruction of justice.
The latest e-mails / tests between FBI Agent and ex-Mueller Special Counsel Team Member and his adulterous fellow agent / ex-Mueller Special Counsel Team Member paramour reveals the FBI has a LOT of 'House Cleaning' to do.

As already suspected, and reported by some, the FBI has become 'infected' with Obama / Hillary holdover loyalists who have changed the course of history, who have created a dangerously partisan powerful government agency, and who need to be purged from the ranks of the FBI if the agency is ever to be fully trusted again by the American people.

FBI Agent Investigating Trump Called Him an Idiot Who 'Cannot Be President'

'According to their conversations, Strzok and Page are supporters of Hillary Clinton. Given Strzok's leading position on the FBI's criminal investigation into Clinton's repeated mishandling of top secret, classified information on her personal server, serious questions have arisen about the decision not to refer the former Secretary of State to the Department of Justice for charges. Further, Strzok worked on the Special Counsel investigation for a number of months and interviewed former White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who just pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

DOJ's inspector general is looking into the situation and will investigate whether bias impacted how Strzok conducted his work during the Clinton investigation and during his time on the Special Counsel.'

There is NO WAY such extremism and partiality could NOT effect Strzok's judgment and actions. It has already been proven that the Hillary-supporter changed the language in the final report on the Hillary Server investigation, eliminating language that proved / declared Hillary had broken specific US law, protecting Hillary and preventing her from indictment and criminal charges.

In one of his texts Strzok declares he intended to use his position and power to 'protect the United States from the President' ... much in the same way, I am sure, as he used his position and power to ensure Hillary did not go to jail for her crimes.

The FBI is not the only US Govt Agency, as we have seen, 'infected' by Hillary / Obama loyalists. From illegal leaking of classified information from inside US Intel agencies to illegal unmasking of US citizens to using the IRS as a political weapon against those who opposed Obama's agenda / re-election to the Obama administration illegally buying a fake report filled with Russian propaganda from a foreign agent through a company that worked for Russia and using it during an election, the govt has been and remains 'compromised'.

The US govt needs to be purged of 'Strzok's (seditious partisans) at every level in every agency and department.

I see the Trump goose-steppers are going nuts, thanks to the Trumpster media and their portraying the FBI as anti-Trump. It’s just the Trumpsters doing their part in assisting Trump’s extreme effort to obstruct Mueller’s investigation. Flynn flips and within hours the right wing conspiracies flood America.
I strongly remember Trumpsters creaming in their jeans over news that the FBI office in New York was anti-Hillary. Then, having partisans in the FBI was absolutely great! Now, Trumpsters think it’s an outrage! Fucking hypocrites.
How can we forget the Benghazi investigation and the fact that Kevin McCarthy admitted it was all a political witch hunt.
Finally, I have no problem with an investigation of the Russia/Uranium/Clinton’s by a special investigator.
I think no stones should be left un-turned over in either investigation.
America over hyper-ideological hysteria.
Are you intelligent enough to know that having TOP SECRET/SCI material on an UNCLASS, UN-secured server is a CRIME?

Are you intelligent enough to understand that 15,000 official documents never turned over to the government as required by both the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act are federal CRIMES?

I am going to do you a favor and give you the benefit of the doubt and give you credit for knowing these proven acts by Hillary Clinton are crimes.

That only leaves several questions:

WHY do Americans like you simply not care that a selfish, arrogant politician jeopardized this country's national security through undeniably committing the crimes she committed?

WHY do you idiotically pretend on a chat board, where everyone is intelligent enough you understand these facts, that she did not break laws?

WHY do those such as you so strenuously argue against the undeniable fact that she broke the law, rabidly defending her, when she has done absolutely nothing to earn / merit such misguided loyalty?

I know, for example, that if Trump had done the things Hillary did he would not only NOT be in the WH today Democrats would have ensured he would be indicted, charged, and in the way to prison.

If Hillary was a Republican, as well, Democrats would just as rabidly going after her today as they are going after Trump now.

It is just astonishing how the letter 'D' can transform a seditious, espionage-committing, national-security-endangering felon into a hero to so many partisans...
You don't actually expect them to admit the truth, do you? How can they? Their universe would come tumbling down if they did. The minute they admit that Hillary broke the law, then they have to admit she should be locked up.
The latest e-mails / tests between FBI Agent and ex-Mueller Special Counsel Team Member and his adulterous fellow agent / ex-Mueller Special Counsel Team Member paramour reveals the FBI has a LOT of 'House Cleaning' to do.

As already suspected, and reported by some, the FBI has become 'infected' with Obama / Hillary holdover loyalists who have changed the course of history, who have created a dangerously partisan powerful government agency, and who need to be purged from the ranks of the FBI if the agency is ever to be fully trusted again by the American people.

FBI Agent Investigating Trump Called Him an Idiot Who 'Cannot Be President'

'According to their conversations, Strzok and Page are supporters of Hillary Clinton. Given Strzok's leading position on the FBI's criminal investigation into Clinton's repeated mishandling of top secret, classified information on her personal server, serious questions have arisen about the decision not to refer the former Secretary of State to the Department of Justice for charges. Further, Strzok worked on the Special Counsel investigation for a number of months and interviewed former White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who just pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

DOJ's inspector general is looking into the situation and will investigate whether bias impacted how Strzok conducted his work during the Clinton investigation and during his time on the Special Counsel.'

There is NO WAY such extremism and partiality could NOT effect Strzok's judgment and actions. It has already been proven that the Hillary-supporter changed the language in the final report on the Hillary Server investigation, eliminating language that proved / declared Hillary had broken specific US law, protecting Hillary and preventing her from indictment and criminal charges.

In one of his texts Strzok declares he intended to use his position and power to 'protect the United States from the President' ... much in the same way, I am sure, as he used his position and power to ensure Hillary did not go to jail for her crimes.

The FBI is not the only US Govt Agency, as we have seen, 'infected' by Hillary / Obama loyalists. From illegal leaking of classified information from inside US Intel agencies to illegal unmasking of US citizens to using the IRS as a political weapon against those who opposed Obama's agenda / re-election to the Obama administration illegally buying a fake report filled with Russian propaganda from a foreign agent through a company that worked for Russia and using it during an election, the govt has been and remains 'compromised'.

The US govt needs to be purged of 'Strzok's (seditious partisans) at every level in every agency and department.

I see the Trump goose-steppers are going nuts, thanks to the Trumpster media and their portraying the FBI as anti-Trump. It’s just the Trumpsters doing their part in assisting Trump’s extreme effort to obstruct Mueller’s investigation. Flynn flips and within hours the right wing conspiracies flood America.
I strongly remember Trumpsters creaming in their jeans over news that the FBI office in New York was anti-Hillary. Then, having partisans in the FBI was absolutely great! Now, Trumpsters think it’s an outrage! Fucking hypocrites.
How can we forget the Benghazi investigation and the fact that Kevin McCarthy admitted it was all a political witch hunt.
Finally, I have no problem with an investigation of the Russia/Uranium/Clinton’s by a special investigator.
I think no stones should be left un-turned over in either investigation.
America over hyper-ideological hysteria.
Are you intelligent enough to know that having TOP SECRET/SCI material on an UNCLASS, UN-secured server is a CRIME?

Are you intelligent enough to understand that 15,000 official documents never turned over to the government as required by both the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act are federal CRIMES?

I am going to do you a favor and give you the benefit of the doubt and give you credit for knowing these proven acts by Hillary Clinton are crimes.

That only leaves several questions:

WHY do Americans like you simply not care that a selfish, arrogant politician jeopardized this country's national security through undeniably committing the crimes she committed?

WHY do you idiotically pretend on a chat board, where everyone is intelligent enough you understand these facts, that she did not break laws?

WHY do those such as you so strenuously argue against the undeniable fact that she broke the law, rabidly defending her, when she has done absolutely nothing to earn / merit such misguided loyalty?

I know, for example, that if Trump had done the things Hillary did he would not only NOT be in the WH today Democrats would have ensured he would be indicted, charged, and in the way to prison.

If Hillary was a Republican, as well, Democrats would just as rabidly going after her today as they are going after Trump now.

It is just astonishing how the letter 'D' can transform a seditious, espionage-committing, national-security-endangering felon into a hero to so many partisans...
You don't actually expect them to admit the truth, do you? How can they? Their universe would come tumbling down if they did. The minute they admit that Hillary broke the law, then they have to admit she should be locked up.
And if the FBI admits she broke the law then they are admitting to obstruction of justice, that isn't going to happen.
And if the FBI admits she broke the law then they are admitting to obstruction of justice, that isn't going to happen.
That is 100% true...but they don't have to admit it. People know its true. The existing and growing evidence is overwhelming and undeniable.
And if the FBI admits she broke the law then they are admitting to obstruction of justice, that isn't going to happen.
That is 100% true...but they don't have to admit it. People know its true. The existing and growing evidence is overwhelming and undeniable.
Unfortunately the people are not the establishment. Obama sends millions of dollars to Iran in the mid of night, and nothing happens, how is that even possible? The SCOTUS makes law in regards to ACA and gay marriage, who are those wrong decisions appealed? The establishment is pissed they somehow lost the last presidential election, they won't let it happen again. Look out, we might as well get used to eating bananas.
Well loyal Trumpsters, as I said earlier, let’s have an investigation of Hillary and Willy too, regarding Uranium/Clinton’s/Russian ties.
I have no problem with that, at all.
And stop your whining about Mueller’s investigation.
Again, you same people jumped for joy, when right wing media said the New York FBI office was basically anti-Hillary.
And you didn’t say a peep, when House Majority Leader McCarthy admitted that the Benghazi investigation was a ploy to politically hurt Clinton’s presidential chances.
That folks is wanting things both ways, it’s clearly blatant hypocrisy. But then that is nothing new for hyper-partisans on both sides of the political spectrum.
Didn’t Mueller fire the culprits back in August? I know right wing hero Trey Gowdy, got taken to school on that claim during the House Hesring with Rod Rosenstein today.
Sure he fired them, after they were caught and exposed. Do you think Mueller or Comey didn't know about these guys and their bias before being put on the case? They are all dirty birdies and need to go to jail for obstruction of justice.

How long did the Strock work on Mueller’s investigation team?
He was hired the first part of July 2016 and dismissed later in July, immediately when the emails were discovered.
Didn’t Mueller fire the culprits back in August? I know right wing hero Trey Gowdy, got taken to school on that claim during the House Hesring with Rod Rosenstein today.
Sure he fired them, after they were caught and exposed. Do you think Mueller or Comey didn't know about these guys and their bias before being put on the case? They are all dirty birdies and need to go to jail for obstruction of justice.

How long did the Strock work on Mueller’s investigation team?
He was hired the first part of July 2016 and dismissed later in July, immediately when the emails were discovered.
Exactly right, once caught they dismissed them.
Didn’t Mueller fire the culprits back in August? I know right wing hero Trey Gowdy, got taken to school on that claim during the House Hesring with Rod Rosenstein today.
Sure he fired them, after they were caught and exposed. Do you think Mueller or Comey didn't know about these guys and their bias before being put on the case? They are all dirty birdies and need to go to jail for obstruction of justice.

How long did the Strock work on Mueller’s investigation team?
He was hired the first part of July 2016 and dismissed later in July, immediately when the emails were discovered.
Exactly right, once caught they dismissed them.
Which is testament to Mueller’s objectivity.
Didn’t Mueller fire the culprits back in August? I know right wing hero Trey Gowdy, got taken to school on that claim during the House Hesring with Rod Rosenstein today.
Sure he fired them, after they were caught and exposed. Do you think Mueller or Comey didn't know about these guys and their bias before being put on the case? They are all dirty birdies and need to go to jail for obstruction of justice.

How long did the Strock work on Mueller’s investigation team?
He was hired the first part of July 2016 and dismissed later in July, immediately when the emails were discovered.
Exactly right, once caught they dismissed them.
Which is testament to Mueller’s objectivity.
No it isn't. Do you really think that the attitude of these agents wasn't known? Really? Don't you think that the people you work with you pretty much know?

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