Latest Released E-Mails / Texts Show FBI 'Broken', 'Partisan', 'Un-Trustworthy'

She retained a law firm.
Those who paid for the Dossier included Hillary, the DNC, FBI Director Comey, and President Obama.

Obama left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowing Hillary to step in and 'buy' the when it is said the 'DNC' paid for the Dossier what is really being said is Hillary used DNC funds ro pay for the Dossier, as the 'DNC' = Hillary.

Neither Comey of Obama 'hired a law firm'. :p
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
Hiring a law firm to do all your dirty work doesn't absolve you of guilt.
The latest e-mails / tests between FBI Agent and ex-Mueller Special Counsel Team Member and his adulterous fellow agent / ex-Mueller Special Counsel Team Member paramour reveals the FBI has a LOT of 'House Cleaning' to do.

As already suspected, and reported by some, the FBI has become 'infected' with Obama / Hillary holdover loyalists who have changed the course of history, who have created a dangerously partisan powerful government agency, and who need to be purged from the ranks of the FBI if the agency is ever to be fully trusted again by the American people.

FBI Agent Investigating Trump Called Him an Idiot Who 'Cannot Be President'

'According to their conversations, Strzok and Page are supporters of Hillary Clinton. Given Strzok's leading position on the FBI's criminal investigation into Clinton's repeated mishandling of top secret, classified information on her personal server, serious questions have arisen about the decision not to refer the former Secretary of State to the Department of Justice for charges. Further, Strzok worked on the Special Counsel investigation for a number of months and interviewed former White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who just pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

DOJ's inspector general is looking into the situation and will investigate whether bias impacted how Strzok conducted his work during the Clinton investigation and during his time on the Special Counsel.'

There is NO WAY such extremism and partiality could NOT effect Strzok's judgment and actions. It has already been proven that the Hillary-supporter changed the language in the final report on the Hillary Server investigation, eliminating language that proved / declared Hillary had broken specific US law, protecting Hillary and preventing her from indictment and criminal charges.

In one of his texts Strzok declares he intended to use his position and power to 'protect the United States from the President' ... much in the same way, I am sure, as he used his position and power to ensure Hillary did not go to jail for her crimes.

The FBI is not the only US Govt Agency, as we have seen, 'infected' by Hillary / Obama loyalists. From illegal leaking of classified information from inside US Intel agencies to illegal unmasking of US citizens to using the IRS as a political weapon against those who opposed Obama's agenda / re-election to the Obama administration illegally buying a fake report filled with Russian propaganda from a foreign agent through a company that worked for Russia and using it during an election, the govt has been and remains 'compromised'.

The US govt needs to be purged of 'Strzok's (seditious partisans) at every level in every agency and department.

yup...let's gin up the insane in those uneducated, uninformed trumptards, sergei!
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
If you recall, she also paid a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...are you suggesting that since she did not put the money into the hands of the thugs herself that clears her?

She, Comey - Director of the FBI, and the President of the united States - Barak Obama, illegally paid for and used a fake report partially written by the Russians (The same Russians whose crimes, hacking, and Interference Mueller, Comey, Hillary, and Barry covered up in 2009 and again in 2014) to a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians.

It's amazing that all the evidence shows this yet the loyalty of snowflakes lies with defending and protecting these seditious traitors over loyalty / defense of this country.
No, I don’t recall that. Sound like your typical fake news to me. And that dossier was paid for by Fusion GPS, which they were legally allowed to do.
The Hillary campaign is not legally allowed to hire foreigners to perform campaign services, dumbass.
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
If you recall, she also paid a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...are you suggesting that since she did not put the money into the hands of the thugs herself that clears her?

She, Comey - Director of the FBI, and the President of the united States - Barak Obama, illegally paid for and used a fake report partially written by the Russians (The same Russians whose crimes, hacking, and Interference Mueller, Comey, Hillary, and Barry covered up in 2009 and again in 2014) to a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians.

It's amazing that all the evidence shows this yet the loyalty of snowflakes lies with defending and protecting these seditious traitors over loyalty / defense of this country.
No, I don’t recall that. Sound like your typical fake news to me. And that dossier was paid for by Fusion GPS, which they were legally allowed to do.
Of course you don't recall any of the crimes your thug hero has committed. Fusion GPS is not allowed to pruchase the services of foreigners for American political campaigns. Attempting this argument only proves that you're a douchebag.
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
If you recall, she also paid a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...are you suggesting that since she did not put the money into the hands of the thugs herself that clears her?

She, Comey - Director of the FBI, and the President of the united States - Barak Obama, illegally paid for and used a fake report partially written by the Russians (The same Russians whose crimes, hacking, and Interference Mueller, Comey, Hillary, and Barry covered up in 2009 and again in 2014) to a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians.

It's amazing that all the evidence shows this yet the loyalty of snowflakes lies with defending and protecting these seditious traitors over loyalty / defense of this country.
No, I don’t recall that. Sound like your typical fake news to me. And that dossier was paid for by Fusion GPS, which they were legally allowed to do.

Ok then, a donor opposed to Trump becoming the party’s presidential candidate retained a research firm called Fusion GPS to unearth potentially damaging information about Mr. Trump. The donor has never been identified.

After Trump won the nomination, Fusion GPS was hired on behalf of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign and the D.N.C. by their law firm, Perkins Coie, to compile research about Mr. Trump, his businesses and associates — including possible connections with Russia. It was at that point that Fusion GPS hired Mr. Steele, who has deep sourcing in Russia, to gather information.
please explain this comment and back it up with TRUTH...

Me thinks you have bought in to a bunch of fake news bull crud.....
ok. we're gonna go into denial of facts while we push speculation.

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
Clinton: There Is A Difference Between Paying For Trump Dossier And "Collusion" With Russia
Clinton defends campaign funding for research in Steele dossier
wow - she now defends digging up dirt but attacks anyone who may be doing the same.
this is what you said

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

Hillary had the Russians make shit up

NOTHING in your response shows any such thing.
so the dossier -

is correct and not fictional
hillary had nothing to do with it

is this your stance? would like to clarify before going on.
yes, most all of the so called dossier field notes has been corroborated and no Hillary did not make or direct the Dossier or make it up....Christopher Steele did create his field notes through his investigations...

Steele is NOT making the stuff he collected is stuff he found out through gumshoe efforts, like all investigators.

HAVE YOU READ the dossier?
then how did golden showers get in there? wear the wrong shoes?

all i am saying overall is the lies that have come from it should put anything else under question.

also saying that if hillary can pay to get dirt on others, why can't trump?
people are calling Steele's work a ''dossier'' but Steele did not call it that.....what he gathered in his 19 reports were field reports, as all intelligence agents in the field do....they gather what information they can gather, bring it back to the home office and have counter intelligence agents verify and corroborate it....some facts will be verified, and some may not pan out....that's how it works, and many agents have said that is how it works in the intel agencies.

the rumor or allegation was out in the field for him to gather, he did not make it up....could be Russian FSB/KGB deliberately putting it out there to make truths seem like is what they do best.

and honestly, now that we know that his body guard said he was offered the prostitutes for President Trump by the Russians, there still is a possibility that it is true...or parts are true and parts are not....
She retained a law firm.
Those who paid for the Dossier included Hillary, the DNC, FBI Director Comey, and President Obama.

Obama left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowing Hillary to step in and 'buy' the when it is said the 'DNC' paid for the Dossier what is really being said is Hillary used DNC funds ro pay for the Dossier, as the 'DNC' = Hillary.

Neither Comey of Obama 'hired a law firm'. :p
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
Hiring a law firm to do all your dirty work doesn't absolve you of guilt.
what's there to be guilty of...?
Some of those texts are simply vicious. Hard to believe anyone writing that could act impartially. Even harder to believe that they are employed by the FBI.

so basically none of these agents of MUeller must have been vetted. I thought Mueller was this spectacular investigator. I now have questions about his abilities. It seems perhaps he does actually have an agenda, and it isn't special counselor, but instead trump eliminator. I'm just saying these finds are almost daily now.
maybe they were vetted.
poorly? or Accurately?
Accurately, maybe, anti-Trump is what the establishment wanted.
She retained a law firm.
Those who paid for the Dossier included Hillary, the DNC, FBI Director Comey, and President Obama.

Obama left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowing Hillary to step in and 'buy' the when it is said the 'DNC' paid for the Dossier what is really being said is Hillary used DNC funds ro pay for the Dossier, as the 'DNC' = Hillary.

Neither Comey of Obama 'hired a law firm'. :p
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
Hiring a law firm to do all your dirty work doesn't absolve you of guilt.
what's there to be guilty of...?
She's guilty of paying foriegners for services to her campaign. It's against the law.
No, I don’t recall that. Sound like your typical fake news to me.

Undercover Footage Shows Clinton Operatives Admit To Inciting "Anarchy" At Trump Rallies

Undercover Videos Allegedly Expose DNC, Hillary Collaborating to Incite Violence At Trump Rallies

Project Veritas?????




Project Veritas stages the very scandals they claim to expose. They just got caught recently trying their scams on the Washington Post as they tried to stage a fake Moore Accuser.

I can’t believe you’re a hundred times dumber than I already thought you are to post anything by that group of conservative frauds.

Congrats! You are the forum’s dumbest poster.

She retained a law firm.
Those who paid for the Dossier included Hillary, the DNC, FBI Director Comey, and President Obama.

Obama left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowing Hillary to step in and 'buy' the when it is said the 'DNC' paid for the Dossier what is really being said is Hillary used DNC funds ro pay for the Dossier, as the 'DNC' = Hillary.

Neither Comey of Obama 'hired a law firm'. :p
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.

Honest, judge, I didn't kill him. I hired a hit man to do it for me.
She didn’t even hire the hit man in your wasted analogy.
She retained a law firm.
Those who paid for the Dossier included Hillary, the DNC, FBI Director Comey, and President Obama.

Obama left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowing Hillary to step in and 'buy' the when it is said the 'DNC' paid for the Dossier what is really being said is Hillary used DNC funds ro pay for the Dossier, as the 'DNC' = Hillary.

Neither Comey of Obama 'hired a law firm'. :p
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
Hiring a law firm to do all your dirty work doesn't absolve you of guilt.
The law firm she retained didn’t even hire Steele. WTF is wrong with you people?
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
If you recall, she also paid a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...are you suggesting that since she did not put the money into the hands of the thugs herself that clears her?

She, Comey - Director of the FBI, and the President of the united States - Barak Obama, illegally paid for and used a fake report partially written by the Russians (The same Russians whose crimes, hacking, and Interference Mueller, Comey, Hillary, and Barry covered up in 2009 and again in 2014) to a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians.

It's amazing that all the evidence shows this yet the loyalty of snowflakes lies with defending and protecting these seditious traitors over loyalty / defense of this country.
No, I don’t recall that. Sound like your typical fake news to me. And that dossier was paid for by Fusion GPS, which they were legally allowed to do.
The Hillary campaign is not legally allowed to hire foreigners to perform campaign services, dumbass.
Great, thanks for admitting she did nothing illegal. She hired an American firm. That American firm hired an American firm. I know this pisses you off no end, but she’s clean, even by your point that it’s illegal to hire “foreigners to perform campaign services”
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
If you recall, she also paid a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...are you suggesting that since she did not put the money into the hands of the thugs herself that clears her?

She, Comey - Director of the FBI, and the President of the united States - Barak Obama, illegally paid for and used a fake report partially written by the Russians (The same Russians whose crimes, hacking, and Interference Mueller, Comey, Hillary, and Barry covered up in 2009 and again in 2014) to a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians.

It's amazing that all the evidence shows this yet the loyalty of snowflakes lies with defending and protecting these seditious traitors over loyalty / defense of this country.
No, I don’t recall that. Sound like your typical fake news to me. And that dossier was paid for by Fusion GPS, which they were legally allowed to do.
Of course you don't recall any of the crimes your thug hero has committed. Fusion GPS is not allowed to pruchase the services of foreigners for American political campaigns. Attempting this argument only proves that you're a douchebag.
There’s nothing illegal about Fusion GPS hiring Steele. You must be so baffled why neither Hillary, nor Perkins Coie, nor Fusion GPS are facing any charges.
She retained a law firm.
Those who paid for the Dossier included Hillary, the DNC, FBI Director Comey, and President Obama.

Obama left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowing Hillary to step in and 'buy' the when it is said the 'DNC' paid for the Dossier what is really being said is Hillary used DNC funds ro pay for the Dossier, as the 'DNC' = Hillary.

Neither Comey of Obama 'hired a law firm'. :p
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
Hiring a law firm to do all your dirty work doesn't absolve you of guilt.
The law firm she retained didn’t even hire Steele. WTF is wrong with you people?
It hired Fusion GPS.
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
If you recall, she also paid a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...are you suggesting that since she did not put the money into the hands of the thugs herself that clears her?

She, Comey - Director of the FBI, and the President of the united States - Barak Obama, illegally paid for and used a fake report partially written by the Russians (The same Russians whose crimes, hacking, and Interference Mueller, Comey, Hillary, and Barry covered up in 2009 and again in 2014) to a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians.

It's amazing that all the evidence shows this yet the loyalty of snowflakes lies with defending and protecting these seditious traitors over loyalty / defense of this country.
No, I don’t recall that. Sound like your typical fake news to me. And that dossier was paid for by Fusion GPS, which they were legally allowed to do.
Of course you don't recall any of the crimes your thug hero has committed. Fusion GPS is not allowed to pruchase the services of foreigners for American political campaigns. Attempting this argument only proves that you're a douchebag.
There’s nothing illegal about Fusion GPS hiring Steele. You must be so baffled why neither Hillary, nor Perkins Coie, nor Fusion GPS are facing any charges.
When the money comes from a political campaign, of course there is. They aren't facing charges only because the Obama Dept of Justice is throughly corrupt.
Last edited:
She retained a law firm.
Those who paid for the Dossier included Hillary, the DNC, FBI Director Comey, and President Obama.

Obama left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowing Hillary to step in and 'buy' the when it is said the 'DNC' paid for the Dossier what is really being said is Hillary used DNC funds ro pay for the Dossier, as the 'DNC' = Hillary.

Neither Comey of Obama 'hired a law firm'. :p
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
Hiring a law firm to do all your dirty work doesn't absolve you of guilt.
The law firm she retained didn’t even hire Steele. WTF is wrong with you people?
It hired Fusion GPS, and Fusion GPS hired Steele.

You know this, of course. You're only pretending to be this stupid.
She retained a law firm.
Those who paid for the Dossier included Hillary, the DNC, FBI Director Comey, and President Obama.

Obama left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowing Hillary to step in and 'buy' the when it is said the 'DNC' paid for the Dossier what is really being said is Hillary used DNC funds ro pay for the Dossier, as the 'DNC' = Hillary.

Neither Comey of Obama 'hired a law firm'. :p
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
Hiring a law firm to do all your dirty work doesn't absolve you of guilt.
The law firm she retained didn’t even hire Steele. WTF is wrong with you people?
It hired Fusion GPS.
Perkins Coie was legally allowed to hire an American company like Fusion GPS.
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
If you recall, she also paid a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...are you suggesting that since she did not put the money into the hands of the thugs herself that clears her?

She, Comey - Director of the FBI, and the President of the united States - Barak Obama, illegally paid for and used a fake report partially written by the Russians (The same Russians whose crimes, hacking, and Interference Mueller, Comey, Hillary, and Barry covered up in 2009 and again in 2014) to a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians.

It's amazing that all the evidence shows this yet the loyalty of snowflakes lies with defending and protecting these seditious traitors over loyalty / defense of this country.
No, I don’t recall that. Sound like your typical fake news to me. And that dossier was paid for by Fusion GPS, which they were legally allowed to do.
The Hillary campaign is not legally allowed to hire foreigners to perform campaign services, dumbass.
Great, thanks for admitting she did nothing illegal. She hired an American firm. That American firm hired an American firm. I know this pisses you off no end, but she’s clean, even by your point that it’s illegal to hire “foreigners to perform campaign services”

The second American firm hired a foreigner to obtain information from Russians. Hillary is ultimately responsible. She broke the law.
Nope, Hillary retained a law firm. That’s who she paid.
If you recall, she also paid a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...are you suggesting that since she did not put the money into the hands of the thugs herself that clears her?

She, Comey - Director of the FBI, and the President of the united States - Barak Obama, illegally paid for and used a fake report partially written by the Russians (The same Russians whose crimes, hacking, and Interference Mueller, Comey, Hillary, and Barry covered up in 2009 and again in 2014) to a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians.

It's amazing that all the evidence shows this yet the loyalty of snowflakes lies with defending and protecting these seditious traitors over loyalty / defense of this country.
No, I don’t recall that. Sound like your typical fake news to me. And that dossier was paid for by Fusion GPS, which they were legally allowed to do.
Of course you don't recall any of the crimes your thug hero has committed. Fusion GPS is not allowed to pruchase the services of foreigners for American political campaigns. Attempting this argument only proves that you're a douchebag.
There’s nothing illegal about Fusion GPS hiring Steele. You must be so baffled why neither Hillary, nor Perkins Coie, nor Fusion GPS are facing any charges.
When the money comes for a political campaign, of course there is. They aren't facing charges only because the Obama Dept of Justice is throughly corrupt.
You poor dumbfuck... it’s under the control of Trump now. Your sorry ass can’t pin this on Obama.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

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