Latest Released E-Mails / Texts Show FBI 'Broken', 'Partisan', 'Un-Trustworthy'

do you bring your political views in to your work place? I have never ever done that...

All that matters is whether this guy's views from a year earlier that he expressed to his lover, prevented him from doing his job of finding out the TRUTH in this investigation of the Russian Interference and possible Trump campaign collusion with the Russians....

Mueller removed him from his staff and the inspector general is doing an investigation.
Did he or did he not, do his job?

Hard to really use your outside political views expressed against you....when we all have a right to express them....

Trump called an awful lot of people during his campaign some Gosh awful things, like against lindsey grahm and Rubio etc, but once the campaign was over, they kissed and made up....

AND need you be reminded, even Trump's Cabinet Members still holding office have called him a MORON....that's not stopping them from doing the job they are paid to do....
i'm all for finding the truth.

the problem is far too many are letting their emotions cloud standards of right and wrong and if you *hate someone enough* you can justify just about anything to "save the world" from the things you hate.

somehow many progressives are now acting on this. you simply can't say things like you have an insurance policy in case trump wins and turn around and claim unbiased.

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

trumps camp met with russiand and it MUST BE nefarious. period. no room to move.

we live in a world where the extremes are setting the guildelines for future actions and when you justify your own extremes as normal behavior, what do you think the other side is going to do? you don't have to have a harvard degree in psychology to know they will push that boundary forward cause "hey, they did it".

and that's how you get choices like trump and hillary for president.

and if you excuse said behavior as just people venting and talking or having fun with a situation, then suddenly "grab them by the..." is the same thing - mindless banter.
please explain this comment and back it up with TRUTH...

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

Me thinks you have bought in to a bunch of fake news bull crud.....
ok. we're gonna go into denial of facts while we push speculation.

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
Clinton: There Is A Difference Between Paying For Trump Dossier And "Collusion" With Russia
Clinton defends campaign funding for research in Steele dossier
wow - she now defends digging up dirt but attacks anyone who may be doing the same.
this is what you said

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

Hillary had the Russians make shit up

NOTHING in your response shows any such thing.
so the dossier -

is correct and not fictional
hillary had nothing to do with it

is this your stance? would like to clarify before going on.
yes, most all of the so called dossier field notes has been corroborated and no Hillary did not make or direct the Dossier or make it up....Christopher Steele did create his field notes through his investigations...

Steele is NOT making the stuff he collected is stuff he found out through gumshoe efforts, like all investigators.

HAVE YOU READ the dossier?
Since the left argue that a criminal investigation does not require objectivity and honesty, we have a whole new era in front of us one day when they take over again.

Why LIE? We said the investigator should not be biased against the accused. Which is the same standard used in picking a jury.
Since the left argue that a criminal investigation does not require objectivity and honesty, we have a whole new era in front of us one day when they take over again.

Why LIE? We said the investigator should not be biased against the accused. Which is the same standard used in picking a jury.
Another lie. You lefties are defending an investigation with 8 tainted investigators so far. More to come no doubt.
Another lie. You lefties are defending an investigation with 8 tainted investigators so far. More to come no doubt.

Ken Starr ring a bell?
Another lie. You lefties are defending an investigation with 8 tainted investigators so far. More to come no doubt.

Ken Starr ring a bell?
Starr was appointed by 3 judges of the leftist DC circuit, Dufus.
The field notes from Steele have been corroborated, 70% - 90% is true so far....

all but the salacious claims about the Russian prostitutes....

but even with that, Trump's bodyguard confirmed when testifying before investigators last month that the Russians did make the offer to supply Trump with prostitutes, and the bodyguard said he turned them down....
so - we do agree there is made up crap in there that has been used against trump in *at least* a social media way.

now - did hillary help fund this or make it happen?
yes, the DNC and Clinton campaign funded GPS for the opposition research after the republicans stopped.... Steele was hired by GPS because he had the utmost respect from both the MI5 or 6? and the FBI and the CIA for all of his Russian research and connections to them in the past....he is an EXPERT on Russia, the Russian gvt, and how they work.

He is not someone to ever ''make shit up'' as you are falsely claiming.

AND what he was finding was so concerning to our national security that he turned his dossier over to the FBI without GPS even knowing early on, in Italy to our FBI field office there....

GPS/ clinton and dnc, months after Steele had given the FBI what he had collected, gave the dossier notes to John McCain to turn over to the FBI....they did not know Steele had already turned it over earlier....
Ken Starr ring a bell?
Starr was appointed by 3 judges of the leftist DC circuit, Dufus.

A federal judge in the Reagan administration and the solicitor general under President George Bush, Mr. Starr was named independent counsel in 1994, taking over the investigation of the Whitewater real estate venture and the suicide of Vincent W. Foster Jr., a deputy White House counsel. He expanded the investigation to include the Paula Jones lawsuit and the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Kenneth Starr, Who Tried to Bury Bill Clinton, Now Only Praises Him
Ken Starr ring a bell?
Starr was appointed by 3 judges of the leftist DC circuit, Dufus.

A federal judge in the Reagan administration and the solicitor general under President George Bush, Mr. Starr was named independent counsel in 1994, taking over the investigation of the Whitewater real estate venture and the suicide of Vincent W. Foster Jr., a deputy White House counsel. He expanded the investigation to include the Paula Jones lawsuit and the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Kenneth Starr, Who Tried to Bury Bill Clinton, Now Only Praises Him
You left out he was appointed by a 3 judge panel of the leftist DC circuit, Dufus.
now - did hillary help fund this or make it happen?

Hillary funded it as directly as Trump has gotten money from Putin.
tell that to hillary.
Hillary Clinton defends funding anti-Trump dossier in late-night interview

In a late-night interview on “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah,” Clinton said there was a difference between her campaign paying for legal opposition research and Trump's team possibly working with Russia to influence the election.

she says her team did it. now if you want to get granular then how come we're going after trump for russia stuff when all the "evidence" we've found so far points to NOT trump but his staff?

oh - it's trump.
i'm all for finding the truth.

the problem is far too many are letting their emotions cloud standards of right and wrong and if you *hate someone enough* you can justify just about anything to "save the world" from the things you hate.

somehow many progressives are now acting on this. you simply can't say things like you have an insurance policy in case trump wins and turn around and claim unbiased.

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

trumps camp met with russiand and it MUST BE nefarious. period. no room to move.

we live in a world where the extremes are setting the guildelines for future actions and when you justify your own extremes as normal behavior, what do you think the other side is going to do? you don't have to have a harvard degree in psychology to know they will push that boundary forward cause "hey, they did it".

and that's how you get choices like trump and hillary for president.

and if you excuse said behavior as just people venting and talking or having fun with a situation, then suddenly "grab them by the..." is the same thing - mindless banter.
please explain this comment and back it up with TRUTH...

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

Me thinks you have bought in to a bunch of fake news bull crud.....
ok. we're gonna go into denial of facts while we push speculation.

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
Clinton: There Is A Difference Between Paying For Trump Dossier And "Collusion" With Russia
Clinton defends campaign funding for research in Steele dossier
wow - she now defends digging up dirt but attacks anyone who may be doing the same.
this is what you said

then again, hillary had the russians make shit up and the progressives called it researching the opposition.

Hillary had the Russians make shit up

NOTHING in your response shows any such thing.
so the dossier -

is correct and not fictional
hillary had nothing to do with it

is this your stance? would like to clarify before going on.
yes, most all of the so called dossier field notes has been corroborated and no Hillary did not make or direct the Dossier or make it up....Christopher Steele did create his field notes through his investigations...

Steele is NOT making the stuff he collected is stuff he found out through gumshoe efforts, like all investigators.

HAVE YOU READ the dossier?
then how did golden showers get in there? wear the wrong shoes?

all i am saying overall is the lies that have come from it should put anything else under question.

also saying that if hillary can pay to get dirt on others, why can't trump?
The field notes from Steele have been corroborated, 70% - 90% is true so far....

all but the salacious claims about the Russian prostitutes....

but even with that, Trump's bodyguard confirmed when testifying before investigators last month that the Russians did make the offer to supply Trump with prostitutes, and the bodyguard said he turned them down....
so - we do agree there is made up crap in there that has been used against trump in *at least* a social media way.

now - did hillary help fund this or make it happen?
yes, the DNC and Clinton campaign funded GPS for the opposition research after the republicans stopped.... Steele was hired by GPS because he had the utmost respect from both the MI5 or 6? and the FBI and the CIA for all of his Russian research and connections to them in the past....he is an EXPERT on Russia, the Russian gvt, and how they work.

He is not someone to ever ''make shit up'' as you are falsely claiming.

AND what he was finding was so concerning to our national security that he turned his dossier over to the FBI without GPS even knowing early on, in Italy to our FBI field office there....

GPS/ clinton and dnc, months after Steele had given the FBI what he had collected, gave the dossier notes to John McCain to turn over to the FBI....they did not know Steele had already turned it over earlier....
yet with all this talent and experts in the field, our accuracy is 70-90% - or up to 30% wrong so we launch an investigation on someone where up to 30% of our "facts" are simply fabricated. great place to put lies, in with the truth.
No, he didn’t.
Gowdy starts at 2:11:00
Deputy Attorney General Good Fire Special Counsel, Dec 13 2017 |

You watched a different hearing than I did.
Didn’t Mueller fire the culprits back in August? I know right wing hero Trey Gowdy, got taken to school on that claim during the House Hesring with Rod Rosenstein today.
Even if fired, the gesture means little if the so called "contributions" they made to the so called investigation, didn't get shit canned along with them.

Man, you should of seen Gowdy face when Rosenstein destroyed your replication of Gowdy’s theory! It was priceless!
Mueller is getting closer and closer. I wonder why Trumpsters went into the panic mode, when Flynn flipped. Just a coincidence?

Oh, it was the same hearing goose-stepper. Gowdy cowered away, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. As noted before it was priceless! :happy-1:

It seems you missed the look on his face, when Rosenstein answered his question. It was like a deer looking into the headlights of an oncoming semi.

I’d also like to offer you something to chew on.
I have zero problems, with a special prosecutor looking into the Uranium deal. There’s a lot of unanswered questions. Just like the Russian interference in the 2016 election, it’s highly important to give Americans piece of mind, that we have confidence in the legality of our country’s leader’s action.
If you are only concerned about protecting your people and going hard at the opposition, go play football. The integrity of our country leaders isn’t a football game. It’s about the future of our country.
I have zero respect for those who put their party/ideology over country. If one has such little respect for their country and the future of their country, they can and should find another place to live.
all i am saying overall is the lies that have come from it should put anything else under question.

Based on that, I take it you don't believe in the bible. After things in it proven to be untrue, so throw out the book.
now - did hillary help fund this or make it happen?

Hillary funded it as directly as Trump has gotten money from Putin.
tell that to hillary.
Hillary Clinton defends funding anti-Trump dossier in late-night interview

In a late-night interview on “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah,” Clinton said there was a difference between her campaign paying for legal opposition research and Trump's team possibly working with Russia to influence the election.

she says her team did it. now if you want to get granular then how come we're going after trump for russia stuff when all the "evidence" we've found so far points to NOT trump but his staff?

oh - it's trump.
She retained a law firm.
She retained a law firm.
Those who paid for the Dossier included Hillary, the DNC, FBI Director Comey, and President Obama.

Obama left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowing Hillary to step in and 'buy' the when it is said the 'DNC' paid for the Dossier what is really being said is Hillary used DNC funds ro pay for the Dossier, as the 'DNC' = Hillary.

Neither Comey of Obama 'hired a law firm'. :p
Obama left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowing Hillary to step in and 'buy' the when it is said the 'DNC' paid for the Dossier what is really being said is Hillary used DNC funds ro pay for the Dossier, as the 'DNC' = Hillary.


Is that your mathematics?

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