Latest terrorist casualties


Nov 14, 2012
Syrian Arab Army Regains Control of Aleppo's Industrial City

Army units have regained control of the Industrial city in northern Aleppo province, thwarted terrorists' attack on Jabborin town in Homs province and shelled terrorist groupings outside Lattakia, Daraa and Idleb provinces. According to the official news agency (SANA), the army units restored stability and security to the industrial city in al-Shiekh Najjar area, located to north-east of Aleppo.

The fresh victory coincided with foiling armed terrorists' attack on Jabborin town outside Homs province and targeting a terrorist group in Wadi al-Kahf in the southern countryside of al-Qusair in the same province.
Many terrorists were killed and injured there, a military source said, adding that an army unit pounded a hideout for terrorists in the northeastern countryside of Hama province.
Other hideouts and groupings for terrorists in towns of Jbib, Em al-Walad, Jasem , Da'el and Inkhel and on Othman-Tafis-Yadodeh road in southern Daraa province and in several areas in northwestern Idleb province were also targeted by the army units today.
Moreover, the army units struck terrorist groupings and destroyed four vehicles for them in the northern countryside of Latakkia .
A military source clarified that many of al-Nusra Front-linked terrorists were eliminated in Ein Samor and Abo al-Rish farm, which is affiliated to Salma town, in the northern countryside of Lattakia.

Quarrel among terrorists

On the other hand, a quarrel erupted among terrorist gangs in Khan al-Joz town in the same province [Lattakia countryside] where more than 20 terrorists died.
Some of the terrorists killed in the quarrel belong to the so-called 'The'ab al-Ghab' brigade, the official agency said.
Last night, the competent authorities seized two cars loaded with missiles and munitions in Hama city and confiscated a quantity of weapons containing two machineguns, two RPGs plus Israeli-made grenade, in Homs countryside.
A network of tunnels in Jobar quarter near Damascus was destroyed yesterday by the army units.
The tunnels were used by terrorists to plant explosive devices on roads and to shoot civilians, the official agency's reporter said, adding that large numbers of terrorists, who were inside the tunnels, perished. - Syrian Arab Army Regains Control of Aleppo's Industrial City
Sometimes I post such reports of the SAA actions.

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