latest whistleblower is bankster's worst nightmare

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
The 9 Billion Witness Meet JPMorgan Chase s Worst Nightmare Rolling Stone
She was blocked at every turn: by asleep-on-the-job regulators like the Securities and Exchange Commission, by a court system that allowed Chase to use its billions to bury her evidence, and, finally, by officials like outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder, the chief architect of the crazily elaborate government policy of surrender, secrecy and cover-up. "Every time I had a chance to talk, something always got in the way," Fleischmann says.

Read more: The 9 Billion Witness Meet JPMorgan Chase s Worst Nightmare Rolling Stone
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These are the people you support, both parties and their corrupt apparatus, if you vote for either of the two major parties. You're not only a dupe but an accomplice.

The politicians, from the two major parties, have bosses and you aint it.

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